Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,375 Close relatives meet each other but don’t know each other!

Xuemei, Luo Li's father, found a female companion for Luo Li, and planned to let her accompany Luo Li to cultivate immortality, and have someone to take care of and complement each other.

Who would have known that during the catastrophe that year, Xuemei was discovered by the monks of the Seven Killings Sect to have amazing potential, a Nine-Xuan Immortal body, and the ability to communicate with others in Buddhism, so she was taken away and resold.

At that time, Luo Li made a vow to find Xuemei!

When Luo Li left the Yinzhou area, he searched everywhere, but never found her. It wasn't until he met Grandma Jinhua that he learned about Xuemei.

Later, Luo Li and Xuemei met in the Chongxuan Sect. Xuemei came to help Luo Li at the critical moment, and finally recognized Luo Li. After many years, the two finally met, and they were endlessly happy.

However, Xuemei forgets both things and me because of practicing the inner magic of the Extreme Demon Sect. However, she just can't forget Luo Li, which leads to her becoming possessed. In the end, her personality splits and she becomes Su Qing from the Big Dream Cangtian Cave!

Xuemei's situation was special at that time, and Luo Li was not strong enough at that time, so he could only watch Xuemei leave, because only Jimo Sect's Return to the Void Zhenyi could treat her. This was a complicated and cumbersome process, involving the transformation and reshaping of the soul. etc.

Later, when Luo Li became stronger and became more powerful, he went everywhere to find Xuemei.

However, the Ji Mo Sect is hidden in the world and is very difficult to find. Even though Luo Li tried his best, he could not find Xuemei in the end.

Unexpectedly, they would meet today. Although they had not seen each other for hundreds of years, Luo Li immediately knew at this glance that she was Xuemei!

This is a kind of telepathy, that is, knowing that she is Xuemei!

Snow eyebrows are in danger!

In an instant, Luo Li exploded, furious, flames rose, nuclear explosions appeared, and endless flames erupted!

The fire was soaring, and thousands of meteorites seemed to be falling in the void. The meteorites roared, broke the wind locks, and broke the shadow ropes. They fell on the earth and turned into huge fire gods, rushing towards many ancient demons.

And Luo Li moved instantly, and suddenly came to Xuemei, a golden light appeared, lit the Hunyuan Golden Lamp, and blocked the terrifying blow of the Golden Demon.

Then Luo Li grabbed Xuemei's hand and said, "Follow me!"

Xuemei looked at Luo Li, but she looked like she didn't recognize him. She wanted to struggle, but her hands did not obey the order and did not struggle. Instead, she followed Luo Li and ran away.

Luo Li did not escape far away, but instantly flew to the side of the dog demon. He raised his hand, and the Hunyuan Golden Whip appeared and struck down!

Immediately a fairy sound sounded!

"One beats the gods, the other beats the immortals, the third beats the universe, the fourth beats the sky, beat! Beat! Beat!"

With a bang, the body of the dog demon exploded immediately and turned into thousands of fragments, flying everywhere!

But before these fragments could fly even one foot, they automatically disappeared into nothingness, as if they had never appeared in this world!

If you whip this whip down, the path to immortality will be cut off and the gods will be destroyed!

But Luo Li frowned. This dog demon was very powerful. When Luo Li took action, it had already escaped. He only hit its lower body, not the whole body. This blow did not kill the dog demon.

In fact, Luo Li acted very hastily this time. The reason for this is that the dog demon is here. No matter how Luo Li escapes, it will find its traces. Therefore, if he wants to escape, he must kill the dog demon.

With one blow, the dog demon was shattered, and Luo Li escaped in an instant, disappearing without a trace with his snow eyebrows.

After they disappeared, the five demons gathered together, and the blood demon among them said:

"Who is this guy? He is so powerful. How dare he fly on this continent? He is not afraid of the turbulence of time and space at all!"

Shadow Demon chuckled and said, "Why do I feel like he doesn't know the terrible laws of heaven here? Is he seeking his own death?"

The plague demon suddenly laughed and said: "Just now, he defeated the dog demon in front of me, haha!"

Immediately, several other ancient demons knew what the laughter of the plague demon meant. The other party had been infected by the plague demon's energy. The power of the plague was extremely terrifying. It had surpassed the power of the ordinary plague, even if it did not have flesh and blood. The puppets in the puppet mechanism will also have problems if they are infected by the disease. Just like the disease, they will collapse and die if they are seriously ill.

The Golden Demon said: "No matter who he is, when the Dog Demon is resurrected, we will continue to track him. If we want to see him alive, we will see his body if he dies!"

The Blood Demon suddenly said: "Why does this guy feel familiar to me? He has the smell of old fire!"

Shadow Demon said solemnly: "But the old fire has dissipated. Did he die in his hands?"

The old fire in their mouths refers to the Balrog.

The Golden Demon said: "Regardless of that, the two tenth-level magic weapons he used must belong to me. They contain endless secrets of gold and iron and are of vital significance to my evolution."

At that moment, Luo Li grabbed Xuemei and immediately used the Four-Nine Escape Technique to escape far away in an instant.

After escaping, Xuemei almost screamed: "No, you don't want to live anymore?"

Luo Li immediately knew what he meant. As soon as he escaped, Luo Li felt that he was involved in the turbulence of time and space, as if countless sharp blades were passing through his body, trying to cut him into countless pieces.

There is such a terrifying turbulence in time and space, so there is no existence that dares to use this kind of time and space escape technique here. To move and escape here is to seek death.

Luo Li didn't know that he was suddenly in crisis.

But Luo Li was not afraid at all. As soon as he rubbed the Hunyuan golden lamp, the light suddenly became bright, emitting endless golden light, protecting Luo Li and the two of them. Although in the turbulence of time and space, the lamp oil immediately exploded, disappeared, and the light went out.

However, this moment was enough. With the protection of this moment, Luo Li escaped from the turbulence of time and space, returned to the normal world, and appeared on this continent.

It's just that the direction is completely blurred so far, and I don't know where I am.

Luo Li landed on the ground all of a sudden. As soon as he landed, he felt his body go soft, and countless diseases seemed to appear all over his body.

All kinds of diseases, colds, tuberculosis... any disease will be reborn immediately. Even if Luo Li is the True One of Returning to the Void, the Supreme Immortal Body, many diseases will appear immediately!

Xuemei said: "No, it's the evil spirit of the epidemic demon. What should we do? This..."

When Luo Li smiled, he changed and instantly turned into a flaming man, blazing with fire!

Even if it turns into a raging fire, there is still a weak and dim fire in this raging fire, which is the disease of fire. However, Luo Li's true fire, the origin of heaven and earth, transformed from the secret of the Five Elements, is really vulnerable to a small disease. Refined immediately.

Suddenly Luo Li returned to his original state, completely intact.

Xuemei let out a long breath and said: "To be able to cultivate the Great Way of Fire to such a level, you must be either a senior of the Fire God Sect Luo Baijin or a friend of the Huo Dezhen of the Hunyuan Sect, right?"

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Xuemei, don't you recognize me? I'm Luo Li!"

Xuemei frowned, those snow-colored eyebrows were extremely beautiful, and she said:

"Fellow Taoist Huode, you have recognized the wrong person. I am not Xuemei, I am Wangchen of the Xiantian Extreme Demon Sect!

Innate and unparalleled. The ultimate truth, the enlightened reality, the calamity of demons, the forgetfulness of things and myself, the spiritual transformation, the infinite light. "

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. No wonder there was no news after Xuemei left. Although she recovered from her injuries, she forgot her past and truly became Wangchen Zhenyi of the Xiantian Jimo Sect!

Although she saw Xuemei again, she no longer recognized herself! r1152


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