Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1374: Raising eyebrows and turning sleeves like snow flying!

Luo Li entered this continent. .

This continent is a blood-red color, and is covered with all kinds of strange plants. These plants are all kinds of strange, including towering trees and low grass. But every plant seems to be made of steel and is extremely hard. .

Some plants, even like animals, devour and fight each other, emit strange poisonous mist, spit out terrifying spores, and have vines flying like chains. There are even plants that can move quickly and change directions on the ground.

In addition to plants, in the air here, space-time turbulence flies from time to time. If you fly recklessly, you may be caught by this space-time turbulence.

If you are caught by this turbulent current, it will be like a thousand swords piercing your body. Even a man beaten by iron will be shattered to pieces.

Walking on the earth is even more dangerous. From time to time, you step on the ground and step into the earth. There is a strange absorption power in the earth. If you are sucked in by normal return, it will be difficult to break free. Inhalation Under the earth, he was gradually assimilated into this world.

No wonder the pilot whale, although it dominates the West Sea area, does not dare to enter and stays away from it when it gets here.

This is simply a place of death.

But Luo Li was just strolling around here.

Some kind of plant came over to attack Luo Li. Luo Li stretched out his hand, and a burst of flame passed by and was immediately burned to ashes.

As soon as he stepped into the earth, a flame immediately swept across, turning the whirlpool of the earth into scorched earth. After walking a hundred feet, all the plants here stayed away from Luo Li, and there was no step under his feet that was empty and safe.

It's the turbulence of time and space that sweeps over. Luo Li is also a real fire. In the flames, any turbulent flow of time and space is also ashes.

When the strength reaches a certain level, there will be no problem in this dangerous area and there will be no scruples.

Luo Li walked towards the depths of the earth and entered this wild continent.

After walking around for three days, Luo Li entered the depths of this continent. See the distance. There are pillars of light rising deep in the earth.

That is where many ancient demons absorb the time and space storm, and the time and space storm there is the most complete. The most powerful. It has turned into a huge light pillar visible to the naked eye.

Luo Li nodded. The goal is there.

Suddenly, Luo Li frowned, and billowing demonic energy came from the distance. There are strong men fighting.

The aftermath of the battle echoed endlessly in the distance, and the waves emanating from it were extremely powerful.

At this moment, the black feather that had been given to Luo Li suddenly burned on its own, as if spreading a wave of spiritual energy outwards.

As this spiritual thought fluctuated, the fight immediately moved here, and the speed was very fast.

Luo Li took a long breath, and a flame burned through his body. In an instant, Luo Li's entire body disappeared. There was only a ball of ashes, and there seemed to be a faint fire hidden in it.

This is the ability that Luo Li obtained by finding the strange fire. The fire of ashes is hidden between heaven and earth, and gods and demons do not see each other.

Now that the enemy is unknown, Luo Li decided to hide, watch carefully, find out what happened, and make plans.

Luo Li hid. At this time, the battle in the distance had arrived. Suddenly Luo Li saw only a woman, being besieged by six or seven powerful ancient demons.

The woman looked over and stepped on the breeze, with a cloud above her head, completely covering her face, just like a mane. She had ice-cold muscles and a calm expression. Her long skirt was fluttering behind her, and her pair of snow-white slender legs were almost Completely exposed. But the most striking thing is that there are six flying wings on the back!

The flying wings on the back were all the kind of feathers Li Douliang had given to Luo Li. Luo Li immediately knew that this woman was the human monk Li Douliang said was lurking among the ancient demons. She was secretly spying on the ancient demons. trend.

The woman held a light wheel in her hand. The light was about one foot in size and emitted endless light. Around her, a barrier was formed to protect her.

She flew between heaven and earth, and around her, there were several demonic shadows flickering.

A demonic shadow, in a trance, was erratic in front of and behind her, with demonic energy billowing in it. Luo Li immediately knew that it was the ancient demon Feng Mo.

Wherever this wind demon goes, between heaven and earth, all the winds take control and form thousands of wind locks around the woman, trying to lock the woman.

In addition to the wind demon, there was also a golden-armored god. He was tall, golden in color, and had endless sharpness. He seemed to be able to cut through everything. Through the memory of the flame demon, Luo Li immediately knew that this was the ancient golden demon!

This golden demon's attack was to cut gold and cut jade. The brilliance emanating from the woman was cut and shattered one after another under his extremely sharp attacks.

After the golden demon, a group of blood shadows, like the sea and the abyss, invaded. This was the ancient demon blood demon.

Although Luo Li was reduced to ashes, the blood in his body seemed to be beating involuntarily as he looked at the Blood Demon.

And on the earth, like a shadow, sweeping over, covering everything, this is the ancient shadow demon!

Wherever he goes, there is no shadow of anything, and all shadows are swallowed up by him.

In addition to the wind demon, shadow demon, golden demon, and blood demon, there is also an old man, short in stature, with a pale face without a trace of blood. His hair is also white, as thin as a piece of paper, and can be blown away with a single big breath. There was a faint layer of black energy, like a corpse that had died of poisoning. The whole body was cold and lifeless.

Luo Li didn't see what kind of ancient demon this old man was.

However, in front of the old man, there was a huge dog, as big as an elephant. It was breathing loudly. Luo Li could tell that it was a dog demon.

Compared to these ancient demons, the Dog Demon was the weakest, but it kept sniffing, and the woman couldn't escape because she was being tracked by him.

Seeing these ancient demons, Luo Li immediately carefully hid his figure. Although Luo Li was very powerful, these ancient demons were not simple.

If Luo Li encounters a single ancient demon, he is confident and can fight, but here are the golden demon, wind demon, blood demon, shadow demon, dog demon, and an unknown ancient demon. These are six ancient demons. So far, there are six ancient demons. Luo Li was really not sure he could defeat them.

You must know that these ancient demons are all ancient demon gods. Hundreds of millions of years ago, they roamed the world, each and every one of them was tyrannical and invincible, not an ordinary character.

As Luo Li observed, the woman flew away wildly, trying to escape, but was tightly trapped by the demons.

The Golden Demon spoke slowly, like metal rubbing against each other, and said slowly: "Inner Demon, you can't escape!"

The old man said hey: "What inner demon? If it weren't for someone's secret report, you would have kept us all in the dark. Who are you? What do you want to do if you sneak into our ancient demons?"

The woman replied: "Your Highness, I am me! Who do you think I am? We are our own people. Why don't you help me? Why don't you save me..."

It turned out that the old man was the plague demon. The so-called epidemic demon is the demon of epidemic disease.

There seemed to be a strange power in her words. After traveling through thousands of time and space, it was injected into the old man's body. The old man's eyes suddenly became confused.

He has psychic powers and is capable of enchanting the mind and demons!

The blood demon suddenly roared, and Luo Li felt his whole body's energy and blood shake, and a voice came from the sea of ​​blood:

"Everyone, be careful. Although she is a human spy, she has mastered the art of inner demons. Even stubborn rocks can be deceived. Don't be careless!"

The shadow demon suddenly laughed and said:

"The human race, the human race, exists like ants, it looks so interesting! It's so weird!

You are obviously the reincarnation of the inner demon, and you are one with us ancient demons, but you think you are a human and come to lurk among us ancient demons.

And that person is obviously a human, but he betrayed you just to get your demon heart and use it to transform into an ancient demon!

What fun, what fun! "

"Only a handful of people from the Kunlun Alliance know my identity. I didn't expect that some of them would be rebellious, colluding with the ancient demons, and committing heinous crimes!"

The woman snorted coldly, and then said:

"You don't understand, because you ancient demons have no feelings or relatives, so you don't understand!"

"For the sake of my loved ones, I won't let you destroy this world!"

At this time, their battle had reached less than ten thousand feet away from Luo Li. Luo Li took a deep breath and prepared to take action.

The woman's identity was discovered, and she was a fellow monk. He should save her. In addition, she came here. It should be the burning feather that conveyed the past message, so she acted like this.

If she doesn't take action, with the power of her inner demon, she will definitely force herself to take action.

Just as Luo Li was making plans, suddenly several ancient demons who had been whispering just now suddenly burst into flames.

In an instant, a thousand and one chains of wind appeared between the sky and the earth, sealing the world from the sky downward!

Each of these chains is composed of endless hurricanes, which are the material manifestation of the laws of heaven. One chain can lock the True One of Returning to the Void, but at this moment, thousands of chains appear in an instant, blocking the world!

The shadow demon changed. Thousands of demonic shadows rose up from the earth. Together with the wind chain, they formed a heavenly and earthly net to lock the woman.

At the same time, the Blood Demon and the Plague Demon both snorted coldly, and all the creatures with blood in their bodies within a thousand miles immediately exploded with blood!

Even if he is not dead, all the diseases he has suffered from will immediately appear in his body and break out immediately, reaching the most terrifying state.

The one who really took action was the Golden Demon. His entire body changed and turned into a golden sword, slashing towards the woman, intending to cut her open with one strike!

The opponent suddenly broke out, and the woman also tried her best to cast spells. Thousands of demonic energy appeared on her body. Luo Li suddenly recognized this demonic energy. It was the innate extremely demonic energy!

Back then, Luo Li met Grandma Jinhua. She was practicing such magical skills. This woman must be a monk from the Xiantian Extreme Demon Sect.

But her resistance was completely useless. In an instant, golden light flashed, and the Gangyun protecting her was cut open, revealing her true face!

I saw that this woman was extremely beautiful, with a little red lips and dark eyes, especially a pair of eyebrows, which were completely snow-colored. She was mysterious, elegant, powerful, and dangerous. These qualities were mixed together to form her unique temperament.

Wu Dao cuts ribbons and sews dance clothes, bright makeup and beautiful clothes capture the spring sunshine. Raising his eyebrows and turning his sleeves like snow is flying, it is rare in the world to be charming.

"Xuemei! How is that possible!"

Suddenly, when Luo Li saw her face, he was stunned and roared. Then, in an instant, endless aura erupted on Luo Li's body, and endless flames rose.

This woman is clearly the sister Xuemei who was dependent on Luo Li back then! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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