Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1356 My way is only fire!

Thousands of twists and turns, thousands of lives!

Countless eras, creation and destruction!

In the age of blood, Luo Li walked on the earth, absorbing endless energy and blood to strengthen his body!

In the age of Qi, Luo Li practiced countless techniques, and his Qi soared to heaven and earth, and his Qi penetrated the rainbow!

In the era of demons, Luo Li transformed into a demon, invading the world and transforming all things!

In the era of Buddha, Luo Li banged the wooden fish, recited Buddhist scriptures, and understood Buddhist principles!

Luo Li passed through each era quietly. In these eras, Luo Li experienced everything, lived through the vicissitudes of life, and observed the various aspects of life, life and death, life and death!

Gradually, Luo Li discovered that everything in the world comes from the five elements!

The Age of Blood was actually the era when the power of wood and water exploded. As long as he controls the secrets of Zhenmu Zhenshui, he can master all the vampire secrets!

In that Age of Qi, as long as you take the power of true fire as your foundation, you can control all the supreme secrets of the Age of Qi!

The power of all times is actually just the change, alienation and strengthening of the power of the five elements...

Moreover, not only that, Luo Li gradually discovered a secret, that is, the Demon Lord, the Taoist Lord, and even the Buddha Lord are all super beings who control the true meaning of the Five Elements!

It's just that they have long understood the true meaning of the Five Elements here, realized their own power, and traveled endlessly. However, the True Meaning of the Five Elements is the beginning of their control of power, the foundation and source of endless powerful power!

When the five elements coexist, you can finally gain the power of Tao!

The five elements are in conflict with each other, and the final evolution is the power of demons!

The five elements are juxtaposed, motionless and calm, and finally turn into the power of the true Buddha...

It turns out that in this chaotic Taoist chess, all times and all powers remain unchanged. It’s all one of the changes in the power of the Five Elements!

Luo Li was endlessly delighted to discover this secret.

Suddenly the true meaning of the Five Elements was flying around Luo Li. Luo Li feels them and combines them!

In this chaotic world of chess. Without any interference, Luo Li can make them interact with each other at will!

Five powerful true meanings, random combinations, changes, mutual generation, mutual restraint, reverse generation, and reverse restraint. Juxtapose, devour, transform, change...

With the change of this true meaning, Luo Li fully grasped the power that had appeared in countless eras!

Take all the power! Control all laws!

Omnipotent, omnipotent!

Luo Li was immediately overjoyed. This might be his own way, his own power!

but. But, but...

Luo Li just felt something was wrong!

This kind of power is too powerful. Omnipotent, but this kind of power always feels like there is a trace of illusion in it!

This kind of power seems to be slightly different from the power I want!

Such power. It is to control endless power and be omnipotent. Know everything!

However, Luo Li just felt something was wrong!

Confuse. Hesitation, but in the face of such a powerful force, it is tempting!

Luo Li remained motionless for a long time, and then let out a long breath. No matter how strong he was, Luo Li had no choice but to take a step back!

Since something is not right, then continue, the chaotic chess continues to rotate, and eras continue to begin, be born, be glorious, and be destroyed!

During these times, Luo Li has controlled this powerful, omnipotent and omnipotent countless times!

Countless times like this passed, and Luo Li gradually smiled. He understood the problem and what he wanted!

This kind of power is just false power!

The true meaning of the Five Elements is omnipotent, but countless powerful people have once possessed this True Meaning of the Five Elements.

Taoist Lords, Demon Lords, and Buddha Lords have had this kind of power, and with the help of this kind of power, they have gained their own power!

The power of the Taoist Lord is Tao, the power of the Demon Lord is the devil, and the power of the Buddha Lord is the Buddha. They all have their own power. They use this power as the source to find their own power, and they have gone very far!

Even if I have this kind of power, I am not as good as the Taoist Lord, nor the Demon Lord, nor the Buddha Lord!

They are already one step ahead of themselves. With this kind of power, they have mastered all the secrets of the true meaning of the five elements no matter how they are combined. No matter how they catch up, they cannot catch up with their pace, and they will never be as good as them!

This is not the power I want. The power I want is the eternal power that can make me transcend everything!

But, what exactly is my own power?

In the chaotic Dao chess, transformation began. This time it was not transforming into other worlds, but into a sea of ​​fire, a scene that Luo Li was extremely familiar with. It was the Abyss of Heaven. Here, he was promoted to foundation building and controlled the earth. The power of fire!

Then it changed again, and it was the Chongxuan Sect, where he was promoted to Jindan and got a trace of true fire!

Continue to change and transform into the place where you have worked hard to realize the truth and be promoted to the Nascent Soul!

The place of transformation into gods, the place of return to emptiness...

Luo Li smiled, he knew what he really needed!

What is your own way!

My own way is fire!

Endless flames, powerful flames, flames that burn all things...

What is true water, what is true soil, what is true gold, what is true wood, although they are extremely powerful, they are not suitable for me. I am blinded by the power, and I have taken the wrong path to get them!

Why do we need the Five Elements, why do we need all the powers, and why do we need all the Dharma!

As long as you have your own flame, that's enough!

I am Luo Li, I am the unique Luo Li in the world, I have my fire, the unique fire in the world and the universe, this is enough!

I don’t need to be omnipotent, omniscient, or control all the powers. I just want one kind of power, and that’s enough. I have the same specialization, and that’s enough!

This is my way, this is everything about me, Luo Li!

Following Luo Li's belief, the true meaning of the Five Elements slowly emerged!

Real fire, real water, real gold, real wood, real earth!

Gradually, the real wood merged into the real fire, and the real wood turned into flames!

Real finance enters the real fire, and the real gold turns into flames!

When the real earth merges into the real fire, it also turns into flames!

In the end, the real water was integrated into the real fire and turned into flames!

This flame is burning fiercely, this flame is unique!

The true water, true gold, true wood, and true soil were not realized in vain. Although they turned into true fire, their essence was still there. They all turned into a part of Luo Li, and everything else was all fire!

This fire is the fire of Luo Li, unique because of the integration of real water, real gold, real wood, and real earth, and because of the reincarnation of thousands of lives, this flame contains two strange energies!

One is creation, all things live, the power to create the world, the other is destruction, all things are death, the power to destroy the world!

Create the world, destroy the world! The most powerful real fire in the world!

My way is only fire!

This is the real flame of Luo Li, a powerful flame that is beyond Taoism, Demon Lord, Buddha, all Dharma, and all power!

In the chaotic world, Luo Li was promoted to the Guiyuan realm!

Because he has found his own way!

For a long time, for a long time, Luo Li slowly rose up in the chaotic Dao chess!

After thousands of baptisms, he realized the vicissitudes of heaven's way. In the Tao chess game, Luo Li slowly walked out, and the great way was achieved!

As long as his heart moves, Luo Li can be promoted to the realm of Guiyuan!

However, Luo Li didn't, there was still one step left! (To be continued)


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