Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1355: Control the Taoist Temple and enter the Great Way!

Luo Li sat on Daoqi, looking at Chaos Daoqi with his eyes.

Following his gaze, strands of true energy were injected into the Dao chess. With the injection of true qi, the Chaos Dao chess moved accordingly!

In the chaotic Dao chess, everything changes, the heaven and the earth move, everything changes according to Luo Li's belief.

Make the sky, make the earth, make the ocean...

The heaven and the earth are formed, creatures are born, races are formed, prosperous and powerful, world wars occur, fighting each other, heroes emerge one after another, everything in the world is like a dream...

In the end, everything dispersed, leaving only broken walls and everything turned into ruins.

As the ashes appear, dozens of rays of light will fly out. Each ray of light is the essence of this world, the treasures, heroes, and heroes of the past, left as a souvenir.

Luo Li would choose two or three of them to keep. These treasures no longer meant much to Luo Li. As soon as he stretched out his hand, these treasures flew up and were injected into the Hunyuan Sect trading system, selling them at extremely low prices. Give it to the disciples of Hunyuan Sect and enrich the strength of the disciples of Hunyuan Sect!

This is Luo Li's world, Luo Li's Chaos Dao Chess.

At the beginning, Luo Li followed the rules of Chaos Dao Chess and divided himself into two, forming two levels to fight against each other.

Left hand versus right hand, hand after hand falling...

"First hand, hide the earthly creatures!"

"Second hand, life, earth and mountains and rivers!"

"Third hand, swing, Feng Shengling!"

The world is born, creatures appear, races rise, fight each other, tit for tat, endless battles, life and death.

Gradually. With each round of fighting, countless treasures were born. During this battle, the Hunyuan Sect disciples were all ecstatic, and they stared at the sect's trading channel.

“I don’t know what good things will appear this time!”

"Yes, yes. Last time, Senior Brother Liu bought Ten Thousand Swords Waterfall at once and used it to create the Glazed Sea. It was so satisfying!"

"That's nothing. Senior Brother Tianling has obtained the Nine-Tune Exquisite Heart. He suddenly comprehends the Great Dao and is promoted to Nascent Soul!"

"Uncle Yan Zixi bought Ming Guangzi yesterday, and it is said that he used it to gain enlightenment. He understood the latest Hunyuan spell!"

"I don't know. Who is the lucky guy today?"

"I have tasted it. Everyone has a chance. I heard that this is a reward from Patriarch Luo Li, and everyone in the younger generation will have a share!"

"Great. I hope it's my turn this time. Ah, I won. It's really my turn!"

These days were a feast for the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect, and countless disciples obtained legendary treasures.

However, for Luo Li, it was meaningless.

These so-called treasures are actually traceable, and they are all related to what Luo Li has learned and experienced.

Because these worlds were created by Luo Li, everything has traces of Luo Li, and moves with his thoughts, everything is related to him!

That does not work!

Gradually, the chess game began to change. It was no longer a matter of hand-to-hand moves, no longer restricted by rules, no longer tit-for-tat...

Luo Li just injected his own spiritual energy into it, letting nature take its own course, and the way of heaven emerged on its own.

It is no longer a war between two countries, Dao chess is suspended in chaos, several, dozens, hundreds of races are born, no longer evenly matched, seven kingdoms are in chaos, a hundred kingdoms are fighting, bullying, intrigues, completely It's a chaotic world.

At this time, Chaos Tao Chess is no longer a chess game, but a chaotic world.

The chaotic treasure gradually stopped appearing, and the disciples of Hunyuan Sect suddenly began to cry, the good times were over!

Although the treasure no longer appeared, Luo Li was very pleasantly surprised, because the Chaos Daoqi gradually got rid of his control and began to develop its own world.

With the chaos of this world, sometimes treasures will be born. Although the number is rare, these treasures are extremely cherished because they have gradually broken away from the scope of Luo Li and were born through chaos.

The appearance of these treasures immediately caused the Hunyuan Sect disciples to cheer again. These treasures are extremely precious compared to the previous treasures.

Luo Li looked at this chaotic world and was silent for a long time. Suddenly he stretched out his hand and there was a bang!

The world is destroyed!

Chaos Daoqi completely turned into nothingness and returned to its most original state. Everything was nothingness, no light, no darkness, endless chaos!

Luo Li took a long breath and looked at this empty world. Luo Li just kept injecting Qi and no longer changed the world.

Just provide vitality, never reach out to change the world, everything will happen!

Without Luo Li's control, this chaotic world has been in chaos for a long time. Sometimes creatures are born and the world appears, but they always disappear after a flash of inspiration.

But Luo Li didn't care at all, he just provided vitality and didn't interfere in any way.

Under the true essence of the five elements, life will eventually be born in the universe. Gradually, the world begins to change. It is no longer wild and void. Life begins to appear, plants are born, and wisdom is born!

A new world begins!

Creatures are born, live, prosper, and die...

Time passed little by little, and countless accumulations finally broke out!

Suddenly, a meteorite appeared strangely outside the sky. It was the condensation of countless Luo Li's true energy, and it suddenly destroyed the world. Then as time passed, countless lives suddenly exploded!

Countless wild beasts live and multiply on the earth. Although they have low intelligence, they are alive and have their own lives!

This time it was no longer under Luo Li's control, it was completely born naturally!

As time goes by, the wild world ends and a new era begins!

Era after era appeared, on the earth, beasts roamed freely, and the beast clans fought. This is the era of beasts!

All beasts are extinct, and the vampire race is born. They live on blood, and the blood is so red that it reaches the sky. This is the age of blood!

The fire is raging, everything is burning in the sky, the fire spirit is shining in the world, and all living things are flying into ashes. This is the age of fire!

The sea is vast, dragons are rampant, fish-men and giant whales are devouring you and me. This is the age of the sea!

Refining Qi reaches the sky, the breath is long and eternal, and the Qi reaches the mountains and rivers. This is the age of Qi!

Saints and sages all appeared, unrivaled articles were written on the wheel, hundreds of schools of thought competed for glory, this was the age of the sages!

The age of demons, the age of spirits, the age of gods, the age of Buddha, the age of immortals, the golden age, the silver age, the black iron age,...

Countless eras appeared one by one, gradually chaotic Daoqi, showing each unique era.

Luo Li just silently provided vitality, watching the emergence, demise, change, glory, and destruction of the times...

In this long river of time, realize life!

From controlling the chess game at the beginning, to watching the chess game.

The road is like a chess piece, the world is like a painting, the heroes are like dreams, and everything is like nothing!

For a long time, Luo Li stood up, shook his head and said:

"Looking at the world, heaven and earth are turning around, asking about life, it's like a dream, watching chess is worse than entering the game!"

Control the Taoist temple and enter the avenue!

Having said this, Luo Li stood up and stepped into the chaos chess. He was no longer controlling or watching, he entered the chess game himself and understood the chess with his own body! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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