Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,331 Yuxu catastrophes the armies of all races!

Slowly released, a water mirror appeared in front of everyone!

This water mirror is about three meters square, like a dream and a wave, and there are countless scenes on it. These scenes are the memories in the ancient spirit's brain.

This scene is not like the texture of a picture, but appears three-dimensionally on the mirror surface, just like a substance, right in front of everyone, as if everyone is in this world.

All along, Luo Li knew that all races were gathering and waiting for an opportunity to invade the Zhongtian main world. Seeing this scene today, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and was shocked!

This is a big world that is no less than the Zhongtian main world, vast and boundless.

Above this big world, there are countless lives.

First, it fell from a high altitude. This is the impact of the ancient spirit just arriving in this world.

In the Qingming universe outside the nine days of this world, countless strange lives are suspended, some of which are like mountains, hundreds of miles long, flying in the universe.

This is called the Stone Cloud Clan. This race is a variant of the descendants of the God of Earth. Their bodies are as hard as stone and as ethereal as clouds. Each member of the Stone Cloud Clan is not big, only a few feet in size, but they like countless clansmen to gather together and use their bodies to form a giant Qingming like a mountain.

The countless mountains formed by the Stone Cloud Clan are the base of the Ten Thousand Clans in Qingming. On these huge rocks of the Stone Cloud Clan, there are countless strange lives.

The Guangling Clan, descendants of the God of Light, are like rows of water grass. They are attached to the huge rocks of the Stone Cloud Clan, constantly absorbing sunlight and strengthening themselves. At the same time, they also provide nutrients for the Stone Cloud Clan. They are a parasitic and mutually beneficial relationship.

The Flying Shuttle Clan, a strange life form like a squid, descendants of the Sea God, they dance in the void, like fish swimming in the sea.

However, they are desperately hiding, because the more powerful blood bat clan and the stone dragon ghost clan, when it is time to forage, they fly in the universe and swallow the Flying Shuttle Clan in one gulp.

This is just the universe outside the Nine Heavens, and the ancient spirit saw nearly a hundred kinds of strange races.

Among them, the strange creatures of the Feiming Clan, which were like human heads, stared at these ancient spirits, wishing they could rush over and take a bite.

But they didn't dare, because there were more than ten thousand ancient spirits here this time, and at least a thousand of them had the power equivalent to the Return to Void Realm!

The ancient spirits entered the atmosphere and began to descend!

In the Nine Heavens, this space is the world of flying birds!

The endless sea of ​​flying dragons, the great grandmother birds that are a thousand feet long, the sword-stinging bees that are as small as rice grains...

Countless strange flying birds and strange beasts appeared from time to time. Although all races gathered here, they were not without fighting. They also hunted each other and fought each other. It was not easy, but there was no extinction war between races.

Continuing to fall, I saw that on the earth, there were endless lives gathered here.

A hundred-foot-tall cyclops, a terrifying four-headed Tianxi clan, a Titan that controls thunder, and an ice demon that turns everything into frost wherever it goes...

Suddenly, a huge mouth appeared under the land of a hundred miles, and with one bite, everything on the land of a hundred miles was swallowed by a terrifying ground snake...

The old Zen Master Jianxin, who suddenly looked at the water mirror, said slowly: "This is the Yuxu World!"

Yuxu World? Luo Li was stunned. This world is a world close to the Zhongtian World. Many monks from the Zhongtian World have been to this world. The old beggar practiced here and was promoted to the True Lord of the God of Transformation. His third senior brother Qinghen also received the ancient inheritance in this world.

But, looking at it this way, there is no human race there. It is simply a hell with demons dancing wildly!

As if sensing what Luo Li was thinking, Master Jianxin said again:

"It seems that the Yuxu World, like us, has also encountered a catastrophe. The Yuxu Palace that rules the Yuxu World should have been completely destroyed! I'm afraid there are only a few human beings left!"

Luo Li immediately returned to Taichu Market and asked, "Taichu No. 9, get me information about the guests of the Yuxu World!"

Taichu No. 9 immediately began to search, and then said, "Report to the master, five years ago, the catastrophe of the Zhongtian Main World occurred, and suddenly all the guests of the Yuxu World disappeared, and no guest from the Yuxu World appeared again!"

Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief and got it!

When the Zhongtian Main World was in catastrophe, the coalition of all races entered the Yuxu World, and the human race of the Yuxu World was destroyed. The next target of the coalition of all races was the Zhongtian Main World!

As they were talking, the ancient spirits continued to descend, and a divine thought commanded them to land on a mountain range in the distance.

This mountain range stretches for thousands of miles, and a full three thousand miles of it is the habitat of the ancient spirits. This is the territory planned for them by the divine consciousness!

Even if this divine consciousness was a powerful being, it dared not disobey and obeyed his orders obediently, and even dared not think about whose divine consciousness this divine consciousness belonged to!

After landing in this mountain range, they chose the ruins of an ancient city. The ancient city seemed to be the gate cave of a cultivator, but now it was completely in ruins.

The entire cave had been destroyed, and traces of battle could be seen. These ancient spirits landed and used this as a base.

As soon as they landed, a portal opened not far away, and tens of thousands of wild beasts flew out.

Tigers, lions, elephants, cheetahs, bison, wild boars...

They were all ordinary wild animals. This was the food of their ancient spirits. Countless ancient spirits immediately went to catch and eat!

Looking at those beasts, Luo Li said: "These are beasts from the world of beasts!"

The water mirror continued, and everyone looked at it with heavy hearts.

Because this gathering of thousands of races is so powerful!

Among them, there are thousands of strong men who are equivalent to the realm of returning to the virtual world. The Ancient Jing clan alone has thousands of them, and the number of strong men of other alien races who are in the realm of returning to the virtual world is even more numerous!

The old Zen Master Jianxin said for a long time: "Ah, catastrophe, catastrophe!

Looking at the scene and the smoke, according to my calculations from De Jian Xin, there are at least 600,000 souls equivalent to the realm of returning to the void!

As for us in the world of God, all the returns to the void are fully calculated, which is about ten thousand..."

Luo Li added: "Although many of the creatures on the other side are equivalent to returning to the void and are very weak, some of them, like the earth snake, are super powerful!"

The old Zen Master Jian Xin said: "Ah, catastrophe, catastrophe, I never thought that my human race, even if we avoid the catastrophe of heaven and earth, still cannot avoid this catastrophe of swords and weapons!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "I'm going to take a look and really investigate. With such a memory of watching, I don't believe there are so many alien races!"

Old Zen Master Jianxin nodded and said, "That's right, let's go, I'll go with you!"

Then he looked at his men and said: "Qingyuan, Qingfeng, you spread this image all over the world!

The enemy is ahead, so gather all the forces you can, put aside all internal disputes, and resist external enemies. This is the right way! "

Luo Li also agreed. He said: "Senior Jianxin, Kunlun has actually known about it for a long time, and formed a major alliance to fight against foreign enemies, but for some reason, they did not unite with us!"

Old Zen Master Jian Xin looked at Luo Li and said, "Actually, Kunlun also found us and invited us to join that big alliance!

However, I didn't agree! "

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Why?"

Old Zen Master Kenshin said: "In fact, that big alliance has no internal unity and has countless opinions!

Led by the Sword God, they fight to the bitter end and fight against the foreign races, while the Queen Mother of the West evades and leaves the world of Zhongtian Lord.

They want to cut off Kunlun and leave this world.

I don’t agree with their suggestion, so we, the Heart Sword Zen Sect, did not join that big alliance! "

Luo Li nodded, that's it!

The two immediately rose into the air. Old Zen Master Jianxin had been to the Yuxu World, and he led the way.

The old Zen Master Jianxin rose into the air. He was like a sharp sword, penetrating everything and instantly cutting through time and space, even tens of thousands of miles away.

Luo Li's divine escape, however, moved leisurely, following the old Zen master, taking his time, not taking a step away.

Old Zen Master Jian Xin nodded. No wonder Luo Li, who is tenth in the world, is indeed very powerful!

But Luo Li also secretly admired him. No wonder the Sword God said back then that the so-called ranking in the world is not accurate. Many old guys hide in the world and don't care about the ranking in the world. This is the case with the old Zen Master Jian Xin. Look at his escape skills. , judging by his sharpness, he is definitely one of the top ten heroes in the world!

The two of them flew away in the void. After about a month, the old Zen Master Jianxin let out a long breath and said:

"Luo Li, a million miles ahead is the great world of Yuxu!

This great world of Yuxu is one of the seven great worlds closest to our great world of Zhongtian! "

Luo Li nodded, this place was already different from Void Fei, with powerful gravitational waves appearing.

The two continued to fly, and soon a huge continental world appeared in front of them!

That is the great world of Yuxu. It looks like an emerald jade, suspended between heaven and earth.

But before reaching the outer Qingming zone of the Yuxu world, a flying shadow appeared in the void, heading straight for Luo Li and the two of them! r1152


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