Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,330: The Heart Sword Zen Sect Saves the Ancient Spirit!

The Hunyuan Jindou suddenly made a fairy sound:

"The heaven and earth are hidden within the three talents, and the universe is filled with the world!"

The last ancient spirit was immediately put away by Luo Li and put into the Hunyuan Golden Dou. ``

After receiving it, the ancient spirit still looked like Bifang, desperately trying to struggle and break out of the Hunyuan Golden Dou.

Luo Li shook and shouted: "Disperse!"

In the Hunyuan Golden Fight, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, all kinds of thunder rose, and the ancient spirit suddenly screamed. He could no longer maintain the appearance of Bifang and showed his original shape, turning into a ball of light and electricity, colorful!

That's it, this ancient spirit continues to change, trying to break out of the cage, but Hunyuan Jindou locks it, trying to break out, daydreaming.

Luo Li smiled and caught someone alive. He immediately contacted Li Long Zhenyi, and the two returned to Hunyuan Sect.

So when all races come, how many races come? Where are they hiding? How many strong men are there? What do they want to do? When did it invade the world of Central God?

Countless questions have been swirling in Luo Li's heart and in the minds of other Hunyuan Sect monks for a long time!

Now that he has caught a living one, he is equivalent to an ancient spirit who has returned to the realm of virtual reality. In his mind, he must have the answers to the questions he wants to ask.

After bringing this ancient spirit to the Hunyuan Sect, Luo Li immediately began to interrogate him.

But facing the ancient elf, Luo Li was a little dumbfounded. This ancient elf was not a human race. Those spells to extract information were ineffective, and any soul-searching and soul-refining methods were ineffective.

Moreover, this ancient spirit looked like he would rather die than give in. No matter what Luo Li did, he would never give in.

Luo Li smiled coldly. It's not up to you. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a real fire appeared. The real fire quietly entered and began to refine the ancient essence.

If you don't tell me, I will turn you into ashes!

Under the torture of the real fire, the ancient spirit made a squeaking sound, feeling extremely painful. The thunder and lightning all over its body began to dim, but it refused to accept it. Even if you die. He won't tell any secrets.

Luo Li frowned and ended the torture. It seemed that this method would not work.

He contacted his fellow disciples to find a solution.

Suddenly several classmates appeared. Here to help. They are all monks who are proficient in torture.

Luo Li handed over the ancient spirit to them. After waiting silently for a long time, these fellow disciples all shook their heads and returned.

Zangxiang Zhenyi said: "Luo Li. No, the other party can resist my soul refining technique of inverting yin and yang, but there is really no way!"

Luo Li frowned and said, "Is it true that nothing can be found out about this ancient spirit?"

Zang Xiangzhenyi shook his head and said: "This guy is not afraid of death at all. It's difficult, it's difficult!"

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said: "Actually, it's not impossible! There is a sect that should have a way to deal with it!"

Luo Li asked hurriedly: "That sect?"

Zangxiang Shinichi said: "Xinjian Zen!"

The Heart Sword Zen Sect is also called the Heart Zen Sword Sect. The sect's poem title is: "My sword and my Zen are like a dream!" This sect is one of the top ten Buddhist sects in the world and one of the sixteen sword sects. All the disciples in the sect are The Buddhist cultivator is proficient in the swordsmanship of Kenshin's tribulation and is a representative sect of the Kenshin lineage.

There are only a few dozen people in the entire sect, but eleven of them have returned to the void! Every time a disciple of this sect appears in the world of cultivating immortals, he is always alone, but this one person can defeat thousands of enemies and is super powerful!

Luo Li asked: "What do you mean?"

Zangxiang Shinichi seemed to be suspended in his thoughts and said: "This Heart Sword Zen Sect has a secret method called Buddha's Delivery of Destined Persons!

It is a super powerful spiritual method that can transcend all mortal spirits. As long as it is saved, those spirits will immediately have the heart to face the Buddha, never do evil, and wholeheartedly worship the Buddha.

This ancient spirit wants to die, and would rather die than surrender. As long as he can be saved through this method, he will become my Buddhist disciple and he will answer any question! "

Luo Li was surprised and said: "Is there such a secret method? This Heart Sword Zen Sect is too powerful!"

Zangxiang Shinichi said: "It is said that this method cannot be used easily.

It seems that the Heart Sword Zen Return to Void can only be used three times in a lifetime, or once. There seems to be a failure rate.

However, as long as we succeed, we will all get the information about the invasion of all races. This is a supreme merit. I think those monks will be willing! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Give it a try, it should work!"

At that time, Luo Li saved the Xinjian Zen Sect. The old Zen Master Jianxin had already sworn an oath, and Luo Li knew that it was absolutely feasible.

Luo Li immediately went to the Heart Sword Zen Sect.

The Heart Sword Zen Sect is different from other sects. They do not have any vassal sects, nor any outer or inner sects. They do not like to be competitive, but they just like to understand their own Buddhist principles and practice their own Heart Sword.

What they pay more attention to is a kind of fate, an opportunity for enlightenment, and a kind of Zen!

However, the Heart Sword Zen Sect still occupies a continent. In this continent, there is no other sect except the Heart Sword Zen Sect.

Mortals living here are all believers of Buddhism. If a genius appears among the believers, by chance, and meets the karma of the Xinjian Zen Sect, the Xinjian Zen Sect will introduce him to the sect.

When Luo Li arrived, he saw that the gate of the Xinjian Zen Sect was the Xinyuan Temple. This temple was hidden in the heaven and earth, between the green mountains and green waters, and was difficult to find. Even if he returned to the void, it would be difficult to find a trace.

During this catastrophe, if the Xinjian Zen Sect had not taken pity on the surrounding believers and rescued millions of people, but there were too many people and the Shinyuan Temple was in a state of collapse, otherwise they could have survived the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

When Luo Li got here, there was no need to look for it, the Wishful Temple suddenly appeared!

Several old monks came out to greet him, and they received Luo Li with smiles!

"I've met Master Qingfeng!"

"I've met Master Qingfeng!"

"I've met Master Yuanci!"

"Senior Brother Changhe, long time no see!"

"Zen Master Sunset Sun, we parted ways at the Jindan Meeting back then, and we haven't seen each other for a thousand years!"

Luo Li chatted with everyone one by one, and everyone welcomed Luo Li here!

They welcomed Luo Li into the Xinyuan Temple. The leader of the Xinjian Zen Sect, the old Zen Master Jianxin, appeared with a smile and asked:

"Fellow Taoist Luo Li, what do you want to do when you come to my wishing temple?"

Luo Li told the story, and the old Zen Master Jianxin frowned and said:

"For such a big thing, I, the Heart Sword Zen Sect, must do my best!

Qingyuan, I remember that your destined person has not yet been saved. Please do it this time! "

Master Qingyuan stood up and said, "Okay, I'll do it!"

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "Release that ancient spirit!"

Luo Li immediately released the ancient spirit. The ancient spirit was out of trouble and was about to escape.

Master Qingyuan shouted: "You evil beast, you want to leave, you are dreaming! Kneel down!"

There was a thunderbolt, but a golden sword appeared and penetrated the ancient spirit instantly!

Then the endless Sanskrit sounds came to mind, and the Buddhist scriptures rose endlessly between heaven and earth!

"Because the Dharma of the Brahma life cannot be obtained. Because the Dharmas of the three worlds are empty and silent. Because the mind has no attachment. Because the heart has no obstacles. Because there is no duality in what we do. Because of ease of convenience. Because we receive the Dharma without form. Because we observe the Dharma without form. We know that the Dharma is equal. Therefore, it is called pure Brahma."

This Buddha's sound is so familiar to the ears, it has a terrible impact, like the sound of the collapse of thousands of universes. When I think of it in my ears, it is unbearable, but it is attracted to me, and I feel that there is great wisdom in it. I hate it so much that I can kneel down and listen. Foyin, find your own opportunity.

Luo Li frowned and persisted. About three days and three nights later, he heard Master Qingyuan shout:

"All conditioned phenomena are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed as such."

"If you don't wake up yet, when will you wait?"

Like a thunderbolt, all the Buddha's sounds disappeared. Master Qingyuan returned after a long time, but his brows furrowed.

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "How is it?"

Master Qingyuan sighed and said: "Look, catastrophe, catastrophe!"

He released the memory of the ancient spirit, and everyone was shocked when they saw it! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

ps: ISBN: 3391312

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