Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,326 It’s really powerful when there are more people!

Everyone else was promoted and returned to the void, and in the end there were only two people left, one was Senior Brother Ajiu and the other was Su Yuxiao!

Su Yuxiao, Luo Li annoyed her the most. When he was young, he had been his enemy many times, but she also paid a huge price, and was once completely knocked out of the world.

However, this girl's life should not be cut off. Many strange encounters occurred at the last moment. Not only did she survive, she also awakened her immortal body and received the inheritance of Youya's lineage.

Immortal body Immortal body is indeed strong enough. Among the seventeen people this time, Daoyu Zhenzun, Chiling Zhenzun, and Beichuan senior brother all relied on the immortal body to surpass everyone, and only after cultivating to the perfection of god transformation could they have a chance. Promotion and return to virtual reality.

Different from Luo Li's disgust towards Su Yuxiao, he truly cares about Senior Brother Ajiu.

Senior Brother Ajiu is one of Luo Li's best friends. He just likes to hold a pot of old wine in his hand. He is slightly drunk and is in a daze, but there are rules for walking under his feet. It looks chaotic, but God knows comfortable.

Because Senior Brother Ajiu is so undisciplined, many monks in the sect are not optimistic about his future.

But Luo Li has always believed that among the many geniuses of the Hunyuan Sect, among the senior brothers Wang Wu, Ajiu, Dafeng, Beichuan, Daoyu, Zhengwo, Sankuang, and Wuren, only Ajiu can truly be promoted to return to the void. !

Regardless of Senior Brother Ahjiu, he likes to drink when he has nothing to do. He is carefree and often drunk, but there is a kind of spirituality and intuition in him that points directly to the great road!

As for Senior Brother Wang Wu, Senior Brother Dafeng, and Senior Brother Beichuan, although they have worked very hard in cultivation, each has a strange destiny, and some of them have twelve immortal bodies, they just lack this kind of spirituality, and becoming gods is their pinnacle. It is difficult to pass the one-step return to virtual reality, unless there is a great opportunity!

Now the opportunity has come. Senior Brother Wang Wu and Senior Brother Dafeng lost the opportunity because they did not reach the Great Perfection of the Divine Transformation Realm. However, Senior Brother Beichuan was promoted and returned to the void because of the advantage of his immortal body. This is fate!

Just when Luo Li was thinking about it, he suddenly appeared in the void. Just one side. All of a sudden, it seems that all distances have lost their effect. Far is no longer far, and near is no longer close!

This is the thousand-mile thoroughfare to the visions of heaven and earth!

Tiger Zen Shinichi suddenly said: "This is a vision of heaven and earth caused by Youya's lineage!"

Luo Li immediately knew that Su Yuxiao was promoted to return to the void!

The world is changing again. Four visions of heaven and earth appeared in one go!

Thousands of miles of road. So close to the end of the world. It’s a vast expanse of miles, but it’s hard to move even a single step!

This Su Yuxiao had four major strange phenomena. Far above everyone else.

At this time, Su Yuxiao woke up and said:

"A smooth wave is close, but a single step is far away!"

Then she suddenly looked at Luo Li and said:

"Senior Brother Luo Li, I finally have another chance to follow in your footsteps!"

To others, it sounded like Jiuhuang Zhen's love for Hu Chan, but to Luo Li's ears, he could hear the coldness hidden in it.

Although the words were plain, one idea was clearly revealed!

Su Yuxiao's hatred for Luo Li did not let go. On the contrary, it completely exploded because of her promotion and return to the void.

Luo Li smiled and did not answer her. He didn't care about Su Yuxiao at all.

He had already pulled her down from a distance, she was already like a weed on the roadside, so there was no need to worry about it.

Luo Li was more concerned about Senior Brother Ajiu's promotion.

However, it was extremely difficult for Senior Brother Ajiu. Three days and three nights had passed, and he still had not been promoted.

Fan Wujie suddenly smiled, looked at Luo Li, and said, "Senior brother, it seems you have lost. Senior brother Ajiu has failed!"

Luo Li said firmly: "It's impossible, Senior Brother Ahjiu, you won't fail!"

Fan Wujie shook his head and said: "It's been such a long time, and Senior Brother Ajiu hasn't been promoted yet, so the situation is much worse!"

Luo Li still said: "There is absolutely no problem!"

But Ah Jiu just didn't wake up, didn't get promoted and returned to the void.

This time was too long, and Luo Li was a little nervous.

He thought for a moment, then suddenly reached out and took out a bottle of fine wine, which was Landa Buddha Wine, one of the top ten immortal wines in the world, and drank:

"Senior brother, don't you want to drink?"

Then he opened the lid and spilled the wine on the ground, and the aroma immediately overflowed!

As the aroma of the wine appeared, Najiu suddenly opened his eyes and said:

“Good wine, good wine, it’s time to show off!”

He stood up in an instant and came to grab the wine in Luo Li's hand, but the wine had already fallen to the ground. He sighed sadly, and then stretched out his hand to scratch the ground!

The wine that fell to the ground automatically flew up from the ground and was put back into the jug. Ah Jiu took it and laughed, just one sip!

With such a stroke, Luo Li was stunned. This was simply the natural way of heaven. It was neither a method of reversing time nor a change in the Hunyuan Sect's one-dimensional dream. Even Luo Li couldn't tell what kind of spell it was. It was just like the nature of heaven and earth. As it should be, the wine should return automatically, which is a living reversal of reality, returning the wine to the jug.

Ajiu means drinking with open mouth and then smelling like alcohol!

“Ah, it’s so nice to drink such a good wine for tens of thousands of years!”

Then he bowed to Luo Li and others and said:

"Thank you, Patriarch, for leading the way!"

Jin Shengzhen suddenly smiled and said, "Congratulations Ajiu, there is another person in our Hunyuan Sect!"

"Give me a seat, take your seat!"

Next to everyone, there was another seat, and Senior Brother Ah Jiu was sitting in it!

So far, the Hunyuan Sect has seventeen more Returns to the Void, plus the original ten, the Three Elders of the Hunyuan, Huchan, Luo Li, Xin Yuan, Dafang, Fanwujie, Fengshuang Zhenyi, the Hunyuan Sect has reached twenty Seven returns to the void!

Senior Brother Ajiu was promoted and returned to the void, but there was no vision of heaven and earth. However, the natural way of heaven surprised Luo Li more than any vision of heaven and earth.

Everyone was promoted and returned to the void. Fan Wujie sighed and said: "Brother, please give me the Purple Gold Wheel of the Three Lights and Hao Demon. What kind of tenth-level magic weapon do you want to refine?"

Luo Li returned all the twenty-five Three Light Hao Demon Purple Gold Wheels to Fan Wujie, and then took out another treasure, which was Luo Li's last remaining pseudo-innate spiritual treasure.

This treasure is of the nature of water, and is called the Sky Liquid Liquid!

Luo Li handed it to Fan Wujie and said:

"After you practice the Thousand Light Gods and Demons Heaven and Earth Wheel, use this object. Turn the light attribute of the Thousand Light Gods and Demons Heaven and Earth Wheel into the water attribute, and that's it!"

Immediately everyone knew what Luo Li meant. Using this pseudo-innate spiritual treasure, the light attribute of the Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel could be turned into the water attribute, and then Luo Li handed it over to the sect.

After it is handed over to the sect, it cannot be placed in the treasure house. Someone must use it, and that user is Tiger Zen Shinichi.

Because the true oneness of Tiger Zen is the way to master the true water. This tenth level magic weapon. It just suited him. It turned out that Luo Li had been refining magic weapons for his master from beginning to end.

Fan Wujie put away these treasures. Said: "Okay. No problem. Give me a month!"

At this moment, Jin Shengzhenyi suddenly frowned and said:

"Kunlun. Someone is coming!"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Jin Sheng Zhenyi, who said:

"No need to say more, everyone follow me and scare them to death!"

Chunan area, natural chasm passage!

Four monks are here.

These four people are all the True One of Returning to the Void!

If Luo Li were here and saw them, he would be very familiar with three of them. One is none other than Lord Jian Tianzhen back then, and the other two are Nangong Hen and Zhenjun Wuze who were defeated by him.

Thousands of years later, all three of them were promoted to the realm of returning to the virtual world.

In addition to the three of them, there is an old man. This person is the leader of the crowd, Kunlun Mu Beihai!

When these four people arrived, they immediately unleashed their coercion, and they will unleash endless pressure to return to the void.

The Hunyuan disciples who were originally registered here immediately couldn't bear the pressure of Hunyuan and couldn't help but retreat!

Wuze Zhenyi looked at the retreating Hunyuan Sect disciples and sneered:

"This Hunyuan Sect, after the great catastrophe, wanted to occupy Chunan area, it is really greedy!"

Nangong Hen also said: "This world belongs to everyone!

Their Hunyuan Sect is too ambitious! "

Jian Tianzhenyi frowned and said: "Huanyuan Sect, that Huode Zhenyi is very strong!"

Speaking of Luo Li, whether it was Jian Tianzun, Nangong Hen or Wuze Zhenyi, they all frowned. They were all defeated by Luo Li back then.

Mu Beihai, who was taking the lead, smiled coldly and said:

"It doesn't matter, we will not conflict with the Hunyuan Sect! We are just here to explore the road this time and find out the reality of the Hunyuan Sect!

Such a catastrophe has turned this Chunan region upside down. I don’t believe that the Hunyuan Sect has not suffered any losses!

They turned out to be only the top ten incarnations, so I thought why two or three of them had to die. Maybe that Huode Zhenyi had already died in the catastrophe! "

Everyone nodded, Wuze Zhenyi took a deep breath, silently used his magical powers, and began to explore, and soon said: "This world has sufficient spiritual energy, not much worse than our Kunlun!"

Nangong Hen closed his eyes for a long time, then opened his eyes and said:

"There are countless treasures and countless opportunities. As expected, the Chunan region is really a treasure land!"

After the previous spies failed to investigate, Queen Mother of Kunlun West sent them here.

They all have their own special magical powers, and they have become even more powerful after being promoted and returned to the void. They came here to explore the situation in the Chunan area.

Jian Tianzhen said excitedly: "I saw it, I saw it! The Chunan area has really changed so much!

There are countless resources, I suggest Kunlun seize this place! "

Mu Beihai nodded and said: "I suggest the same!

If there are only six or seven Huixu left in the Hunyuan Sect, no, even if there are ten Huixu, it will be fine. I also suggest Kunlun seize this place! "

While they were talking, Da Fang Shinichi slowly appeared and said:

"Fellow Taoists, when you come to my Chunan area, in order to prevent the invasion of spies from all races, please register your identity!"

Looking at Da Fang Zhenyi, Jian Tianzhen smiled and said:

"But Fellow Daoist Hunyuan Dafang, you and I once taught in Jiuyang for a while!"

Dafang Zhenyi looked over and said: "It turns out to be fellow Taoist Jiantian, but we know each other, so I'd better ask fellow Taoist to register!"

Nangong Hen laughed loudly and said, "Da Fang, you are too arrogant. You are only one person, and there are four of us. I don't know who should register?"

Dafang also smiled and said: "It turns out that more people are more powerful. In fact, there are also many of us!"

After saying this, countless void-returning true energy pillars suddenly rose in the distance!

One way, two ways, three ways...

Counting Da Fang Zhenyi, there are twenty-six paths!

Feeling these twenty-six channels of Void-Returning Qi, Nangong Henmu, Beihai and the others suddenly changed their expressions and were dumbfounded!

Occupying Chunan, all kinds of illusions were suddenly shattered! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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