Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1325: Strange phenomena appear in heaven and earth!

Hearing what Luo Li said, Fan Wujie hesitated and did not answer immediately. In his life, Luo Li said this countless times, and in the end he went bankrupt. His profound education made him hesitate when things came to a close.

But he immediately smiled and said: "Senior Brother Luo Li, do you still think I am the weak and inexperienced young man I was back then?

Although the essence of gods and demons is powerful, there are also residual demonic thoughts of gods and demons in it. And these fellow disciples, to put it bluntly, Ming Yan, Nie Jing, Bo Cang, and Chi Ling have already broken through when they were promoted to the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation. Their innate structure is to encourage growth and have a weak foundation.

This is promotion and return to the void. It is the most difficult level in the world of cultivating immortals. It cannot be that easy. It is because of this that the master did not let Xie Yuan and Zhan Hai, his two nephews, participate.

With the refining and improvement of the essence of gods and demons, some of them must have problems!

It is said to be 90%, but in fact I think 70% to 80% can be promoted to return to the void, which is rare!

I'll make this bet with you! "

Luo Li laughed and said, "Okay, junior brother, what should we bet on?"

Fan Wujie frowned and was about to answer when Luo Li said:

"Let's do this. When you and I fought, I broke your tenth-level magic weapon Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel..."

Fan Wujie smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm not good at studying, if it breaks, it will break!

In fact, my Thousand Light Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel does not really require thousands of ninth-level magic weapons, the Three Light Hao Demon Purple Gold Wheel, to refine it.

Even if it was broken by you, there is still something wrong with the magic weapon. I have already started designing and refining it again! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "Although the Thousand Light Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel was broken, the countless remains were collected by my Hunyuan Golden Dou. After time condensed, twenty-five Three Light Great Demon Purple Gold Wheels have now been generated.

There is no use for me to keep these ninth-level treasures!

Let's make a bet. If I win, you will not only complete the Purple Gold Wheel of Three Lights and Demons, but also refine a tenth-level magic weapon Thousand Lights Gods and Demons Heaven and Earth Wheel according to my idea. I treasure this. Dedicated to the sect.

If I lose, I will return the twenty-five Three Light Hao Demon Purple Gold Wheels to you! "

Although Fanwujie can refine the Guanghao Demon Purple Gold Wheel, it is not that easy. Twenty-five three-light haomo purple gold wheels. Quite a few!

Fan Wujie thought for a moment. Said: "Okay, let's make a bet. If I win, I will also refine a Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel again and give it to the sect!"

However, senior brother, you will definitely lose! "

The two of them made a bet here, just like many other people who stared at each other. The two of them had unknowingly surpassed everyone.

The three great returners looked at each other. It was extremely difficult for them to get an ordinary ninth-level magic weapon. As a result, their two juniors treated the ninth-level magic weapon as cabbage. They all had the feeling that time was not waiting for me and that time was passing by. .

After the bet was over, Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li, silently waiting for the refining results.

But Luo Li stood up slowly, came to the refining people, let out a sudden breath, and suddenly Xiaobai appeared in front of him!

Xiaobai appeared and roared suddenly. Endless divine power surged out of him!

The pressure of divine power soared into the sky, and the entire Hunyuan Sect felt it. Many spiritual beasts suddenly became paralyzed and did not dare to move!

As Xiao Bai's divine power was unleashed, the seventeen God-Transforming Masters who were refining the essence of gods and demons all frowned. The refining process suddenly went wrong and became extremely difficult.

But Luo Li smiled, it was a good thing to be difficult.

Soon Xiaobai's whole body of divine power was exhausted, and Xiaoshi suddenly appeared, also releasing his divine power and continuing to stimulate the gods who were refining the essence of gods and demons.

After Xiaoshi is finished, it will be Xiaohong, and then Xiaohui, swapping one by one!

But Fan Wujie on the stage let out a long sigh and said, "I lost!

Senior brother, if you are willing to admit defeat, even if you don’t bet, you will do the same, right? "

Luo Li smiled and said: "This is the method I came up with after ten days of thinking, to refine the essence of gods and demons. Although the success rate is 90%, there will always be people who fail and die!

We are all from the same sect, how can we watch them die like this? Therefore, 90% is not possible, it must be 100%!

How could I, Luo Li, look at my fellow disciples and die in front of me like this! "

The essence of gods and demons was transformed by the greed of the ancient demon. No matter how clean it is, there will always be some residual thoughts of the ancient demon left in it. If the monks fight against the residual thoughts of the ancient demon, if they fail, they will die. This is a 90% success rate. origin.

But when Luo Li did this, the ancient god's aura came with pressure.

Since ancient times, the demons and gods have been at odds with each other, and the ancient demons and ancient gods have been fighting for countless thousands of years.

Now that the aura of the ancient god appears, the remnant of the ancient demon is immediately stimulated to fight against the aura of the ancient god. It was originally a confrontation between the remnant of the ancient demon and the monks, but now it has become the remnant of the ancient demon uniting with the monks to fight against the pressure of the ancient god. Suddenly, it absorbs and promotes , three points become easy!

So the success rate that was originally only 90% suddenly became 100%!

While others think this is the supreme principle of heaven, Luo Li does not think so. Even the supreme principle of heaven can be changed!

Man can conquer heaven!

Many sentient beings released their divine power one by one, and finally they were all released. Luo Li let out a long breath, returned to his seat, and waited slowly. He had done everything he could do, and the rest was their own chance!

Time passed little by little, and suddenly a ray of true energy rose, and thousands of spiritual lights appeared. In the sky, looming, countless palaces emerged out of thin air.

Visions of heaven and earth, fairy palace coming to the world!

The Immortal Palace seems to be projected on the earth. On that earth, countless shadows of the Immortal Palace appear. They are also endless palaces, rolling up and down, but they are all shadows. The beautiful palaces and pavilions seem to have countless palace maids and guards in them, looming!

Visions of heaven and earth, phantoms of empty palaces!

Then the Immortal Palace and the phantom suddenly became one, as if for an instant, there really was a palace that existed in front of everyone.

However, this palace, without the bustling, is built of huge stones, simple and natural!

The vision of heaven and earth, the unity of form and shadow!

Three visions of heaven and earth appeared, and then among the crowd, Zhenzhen Jingxuan slowly stood up and Langxeng said:

"I have been refining my qi for 2,800 years, and today I am entering the hall to return to the void!"

Zhenzhen Jingxuan was originally the leader of the Hunyuan Sect, so he was the first to break through, and Zhenzhen Jingxuan was promoted to the True One of Returning to the Void!

He stood up slowly, walked to Luo Li and others, bowed and said:

"Thank you, senior brother, for leading the way!"

Jin Shengzhen suddenly smiled and said, "Congratulations Jingxuan, there is another person in our Hunyuan Sect!"

"Give me a seat, take your seat!"

Next to everyone, there was another seat, and Jingxuan Shinichi was sitting in it!

continue waiting!

In less than a moment, suddenly, countless water springs seemed to appear in the world, and those water springs were gushing water!

Visions of heaven and earth, springs springing from the continent!

The three great returners looked at each other and all let out a sigh of relief. Tiger Zen Shinichi even smiled.

There is only one person who can have such a vision, and that is Jiuhuang Zhenzun!

Luo Li was also happy. He learned the Glazed Sea from Jiuhuang Zhenzun. Jiuhuang Zhenzun only cultivated the Glazed Sea in his life. He created two super-level spells on the Five Lakes and Four Seas Pacific Ocean and the Five Lakes and Four Seas Arctic Ocean. It can be said that the first person in the Hunyuan Five Methods Glazed Sea!

So it was completely normal for her to be promoted and return to the void, and everyone was happy for her!

The water springs gush out and gradually gather into streams and rivers! The stream is clear, and the river is majestic. One is weak and the other is strong, showing the characteristics of water without a doubt!

This is the illusion of heaven and earth, the virtual river, and the phantom river!

Then the river rose with thousands of waves, and the endless sea of ​​light appeared! It turns into an endless sea and floats above everyone's heads!

This is a vision of heaven and earth, created out of thin air and sea!

Three major visions. At this point, Jiuhuang Zhenyi opened her eyes and said slowly:

“Springs and streams generate waves, and rivers merge into the sea!

Brother Huchan, I will follow your footsteps and follow you forever! "

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Tiger Zen Shinichi. Jiuhuang Shinichi was introduced to the sect by Tiger Zen back then. It turned out that she secretly had a crush on Tiger Zen, but everyone didn't know this!

At this moment, another vision appeared, which suddenly alleviated Kozen Shinichi's embarrassment.

This time, it was the Heavenly Elephant who was promoted and returned to the void. He also had three major visions!

But after the celestial phenomenon, no one had the three major visions again.

Chilong Zhenzun, Kong Ren Zhenzun, Wanxiang Zhenzun, and Zangxiang Zhenzun are all two major visions, not three.

When a monk is promoted and returns to the void, the more visions he has, the better. This is a manifestation of potential, which resonates with heaven and earth, and represents an endless future.

However, Luo Li was promoted and returned to the void, and there were no strange phenomena, because his potential had surpassed everything else. He was as skillful as craftsmanship and as wise as foolish. Therefore, on the contrary, the way of heaven was natural, and there was no strange phenomenon in heaven and earth.

Mu Shen looked at Chilong Zhenzhen and shook his head slightly. It's a pity for Zhenlong Zhenzhen. He was promoted to the realm of god transformation. He was too old, otherwise he would have had three major anomalies.

Kong Renzhenzhen is the leader of the ninety-nine heaven monks. The two major visions are nothing! Zang Xiang is the leader of the Death Emperor's lineage. The two major phenomena are normal, but the Wanxiang Zhenzun is unexpected!

But Luo Li knew that the two visions of Wanxiang Zhenzun were nothing. He once studied Tongtian Peak from Wanxiang Zhenzun, and he had an incomparable understanding of Wanxiang Zhenzun!

After them, Zhenzun Mingyan, Zhenzhen Nie Jing, Zhenmu Tianmu, Zhenzhen Daoyu, and Zhenling Chiling were promoted to return to the void.

But they didn't have any visions, just ordinary Return to the Realm.

In fact, without Luo Li's guidance, among these people, Zhenzun Mingyan, Zhenzhen Nie Jing, Zhenzun Bocang, and Zhenling Chiling might not be able to be promoted successfully.

In fact, with their qualifications, it is difficult to be promoted to the gods. They only rely on the miracles of the Hunyuan Sect over the years to be where they are today.

But after them, Zhenzhen Huang Li was promoted to the void, and the divine sword facing the wind appeared with the vision of heaven and earth. After Senior Brother Beichuan was promoted to the void, thousands of horses galloped, making everyone nod happily!

At this point, only Senior Brother Ajiu and Su Yu are left laughing!


Thanks to Taoist Tiancha for being promoted to the leader of the alliance. Three updates are required! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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