Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 175 Teaching Benben marksmanship

The next day, a scorching sun rose in the sky, and Yun'an City, which was sunny after the rain, returned to its former tranquility.

In the Pei family's mansion, the maids performed their duties. Zhe Yunli, who got up early, stood by the lotus pond and slowly practiced body-building boxing with his wife. Sanniang took the maids to the neighborhood of Pei's house early in the morning. Busy with the purchase of a new home.

At the intersection of Tianshuiqiao Street, a black horse ran out of the bustling streets and galloped towards Mingyu Tower in the east of the city.

Ye Jingtang is riding on a horse, wearing a fine black official robe, a belt inlaid with white jade around his waist, a silver crown on his head and long boots, and he is meticulously dressed from head to toe.

The big white bird was pulled up early in the morning and was still asleep. It squatted on its shoulders and dozed off. What was different from the past was that it had a small black scarf around its neck, with patterns embroidered on it, shining brightly. To highlight the special status of 'official bird'.

The robe was sent by Benben early in the morning. It is the official robe of the deputy commander of the Hei Yamen. However, the Hei Yamen is not within the six-bu structure. This official position is considered an internal court official and belongs to the emperor's close ministers. If rounded up, it is approximately equal to the deputy commander of the Dongchang. public level.

Because of Niaoniao's great contribution, Dongfang Liren specially cut a small piece of clothing for Niaoniao. It looked like a scarf, but when it was tied on Niaoniao's body, it looked like a small black bellyband.

Although Dongfang Liren was very considerate, Niaoniao didn't appreciate it very much. He squatted on his shoulders while sleeping all day long and kept "cooing" along the way. I guess the meaning was - on such a hot day, he even wrapped Niaoniao in a cloth. Are you ready to make lotus leaf chicken?

Ye Jingtang understood what Niao Niao meant, but thought it looked pretty, so he didn't let Niao Niao take it off. He galloped all the way to the outside of Hei Yamen.

The sun was shining brightly and the blue sky was as clear as a wash. On the streets outside the Hei Yamen, craftsmen were everywhere, hammering and repairing yesterday's battle damage.

Ye Jingtang turned over and dismounted in front of the door, and many chief officers of the yamen came over to congratulate him, saying "Sir Ye". There was even a familiar chief officer who jokingly called "Sir Bird".

Ye Jingtang is only around 20 years old, and he was directly parachuted into the second-in-command position. If it were anyone else, he would have been regarded as Prince Jing's pretty boy.

Although the reality is almost the same, except for the first four of the Six Fiends, no one else in the Black Yamen can be his general. The respect of many chief catchers is not fake, and all kinds of flattery makes the birds stunned.

After Ye Jingtang finally finished socializing, he came to the Mingyu Tower behind the Black Yamen.

Dongfang Liren knew that Ye Jingtang would come this morning, so he made a special trip to wait in the hall of Mingyu Tower.

Ye Jingtang led Niaoniao into it, and saw the tall queen dressed in a slim python robe, holding his black lin gun in his hand, practicing marksmanship in the martial arts field.

Judging from the moves, Dongfang Liren has practiced marksmanship from Yazhou, because he is as tall as a man, has slender limbs and is not awkward at all when holding a spear, and even adds a different kind of heroic appearance.

Looking at the strength of the moves, Dongfang Liren's spear power is not even close to that of Pei Sanniang, the contemporary successor of the Overlord Spear, at least not to mention.

Ye Jingtang stood at the door, looking at Benben who was concentrating on playing with the big gun, his eyes were speechless, he just felt that Benben was as good-looking as yesterday when he was standing on the tower and humming a ditty.


Niaoniao was forced by the fat-headed dragon who was so good at shooting that he didn't dare to get close, so he stood on the threshold to say hello.

Dongfang Liren paused with his gun, looked back, put the gun away smoothly and stood up straight, full of master's attitude:

"I look much more pleasing to the eye in this robe. Come in and practice your marksmanship with me."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang naturally did not refuse and let Niaoniao go for a walk in the garden. Then he entered the hall of Mingyu Tower and picked up the Minglong Gun, which was like black jade, from the display shelf on the wall.

After weighing it for a while, I found that the quality of the Minglong Gun was indeed surprisingly good. The length of the gun was about the same as Sanniang's Overlord Gun, but the weight was only eight kilograms. A slight shake of the gun showed that the barrel was extremely tough, and the tip of the gun trembled slightly and let out a sweet moan:


Dongfang Liren walked up to him with the Black Lin Gun in hand, his eyes quite proud:

"This gun was made by my king at the expense of several famous experts. It took four years to make the gun barrel alone. It was glued with silver silk from Beiliang. It was dried and wrapped layer by layer. There were more than a hundred layers from the inside to the outside. , was finally made into a gun barrel. Just for making this gun, I was chased and scolded by the officials for several years, saying that I was extravagant and wasted the people and money..."

Ye Jingtang could see how outrageous the craftsmanship of this gun was. The only drawback was that it was expensive. The cost was absolutely astronomical. He smiled and said:

"This gun, it feels like the materials used are too solid. It feels like it will be a loss if it hits anyone. It is more suitable as a ceremonial weapon..."

Dongfang Liren stood with a gun and said proudly: "A weapon is a weapon. Since I am lending it to you, you can just use it without worry. If you really leave a few holes in it, I can put it here in the future so that I can introduce it to others. Saying that it was left behind by fighting Xuanyuan Chao and Duan Shengji is better than just saying nothing."

Ye Jingtang stopped being polite at that moment and came to the center of the hall carrying the priceless dragon-screaming gun. He spread his legs and put on a posture like a tripod with a broken gun butt:

"How do you want to practice your spear, Your Highness?"

Dongfang Liren held the gun at his sides with both hands, his stance as solid as a rock:

"This king uses the Yazhou Dragon Spear. This spear was created by Beiya Spear King Chu Hao. After the old spear master passed away and before Duan Shengji took over, Chu Hao fought once with the descendant of the Overlord Spear. It is said that his marksmanship is not good. Lose the Overlord Spear. Well... let’s avoid the duel. You can show the Overlord Spear first and let me see it.”

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, holding the gun in both hands and shaking violently:


The gun body vibrated violently and made a loud bang.

The night terror hall's robes bulged, and a sudden wind blew up in the hall, instantly moving Dongfang Liren's robes.


Ye Jingtang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he held the gun behind him with one hand until he held the tail of the gun with his right hand. The tip of the gun touched the ground and made a soft 'ding~' sound.

The next moment, Ye Jingtang let out a loud shout:


The sound was like thunder, and his whole body suddenly tensed up.

The Huanglong Lying Dao, which was capable of shaking mountains and destroying cities, was about to rush out from in front of him and strike Dongfang Liren three feet away.

Dongfang Liren was holding a gun and looking attentively when he saw the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai coming towards him, as if he was going to demolish the Mingyu Tower with one shot. He dared not stand directly in front of him. He jumped back and landed directly on the edge of the hall. on the stairs.


Ye Jingtang paused as he prepared to go, then looked at the man who jumped out so far away:

"Your Highness?"

After Dongfang Liren held his hands with one hand, he still maintained his master's attitude and said displeasedly:

"Let me demonstrate, why are you shouting so loudly? Forget it, just teach me the moves and I will figure it out on my own."

Ye Jingtang didn't have any jokes to scare him away, so he started to practice slowly with the gun, teaching him the moves of the Overlord Gun.

Dongfang Liren's martial arts talent is actually not bad, but there is a gap between him and the top talents in the world. He stood by and watched, and he memorized the moves just once.

After the lesson at Night Terror Hall, I stood by and watched like a teacher.

Dongfang Liren didn't think anything of it at first, but after practicing for half a quarter of an hour before he could figure out the path to luck, he noticed from the corner of his eye that the stern young master beside him had one hand behind his back, his eyes were complicated, and he was shaking his head imperceptibly.

Seeing her looking over, Ye Jingtang quickly put on a smiling and approving look.


? !

Dongfang Liren felt insulted. If she couldn't beat him, she would have to raise her gun and shoot Ye Jingtang a few times. Her face darkened:

"If you're fine, just go to the dungeon to interrogate the prisoners. I can just practice by myself."

Night Terror Hall doesn't mean to discriminate against Benben, but it just feels a bit eye-catching.

Since he was teaching marksmanship, he had to teach it well. After some consideration, Ye Jingtang came to the back of Dongfang Liren, who was wearing a silver python skirt, held her hands, hooked his feet around Dongfang Liren's ankles, and slowly slid to the side. open:

"Open and close the Overlord's gun widely, put on a bigger airs and stand taller."


Dongfang Liren almost leaned in Ye Jingtang's arms. The man's breath came from his ears, and his cheeks suddenly turned red. However, he still followed the master's instructions, straightened up the fat-headed dragon, and stood firm with his spear.

Ye Jingtang's right hand moved all the way along the shoulder, feeling the strength of the muscles. He touched from under the ribs to the side of the waist until it touched the flat abdomen:

"Take your waist and tighten it."

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, tightened his waist and abdomen, maintained the majestic posture of a queen, and said seriously:

"Night Terror Hall, you... pay attention."

Ye Jingtang looked serious, and pinched Clumsy's arm with his hand to correct the wrong part of his strength:

"Practicing martial arts is not a child's play. Although His Highness has no use for it, you can't do it carelessly. When I was practicing martial arts, I stood in a wrong posture. My adoptive father held a stick and hit me directly. If I stood correctly, I still hit him. When will I be able to stabilize myself? Only when your legs and feet don't sway when the stick comes down can you be considered qualified.

"I have such a great talent, and I have been practicing for fifteen years from the age of three to eighteen before I have accumulated enough experience now. Your Highness can't develop real kung fu by practicing like this..."

The man's soft voice blew against his ears, and his two hands massaged his body. Dongfang Liren knew that this was correcting his posture, but Ye Jingtang came to correct it...

There seems to be nothing to resist...

After Dongfang Liren adapted for a moment, he slowly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and looked forward with sharp eyes:

"I understand the truth. Since you are teaching kung fu, you can be more relaxed and correct it when it needs to be corrected. There is no need to be rigid because of my status."

Ye Jingtang looked at Dongfang Liren's profile:

"Your Highness, are you sure?"

"As long as you behave reasonably, when will I feel sorry for you?"

Dongfang Liren tried his best to put on a good posture:

"If you want to teach, teach well."

Ye Jingtang was indeed a little hesitant and reminded:

"The force should start from the ground, first to the legs, then to the waist and hips, then to the chest and abdomen, and then to the arms. It should form a line. Your Highness is not applying the force in the right place. If I want to find out the situation, I will probably have to squeeze all the way..."


Dongfang Liren understood the meaning of Ye Jingtang, thought about it a little, and showed a calm look as if he was eager to learn:

"You...as long as you don't have evil intentions and teach me marksmanship seriously, I won't blame you. Just pinch me if you need to."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang passed his right hand under his ribs, placed his hand under the fat-headed dragon on the right, and carefully felt the strength of the chest muscles.


Dongfang Liren felt that she was being held. She almost touched her when she said she wanted to, but didn't touch it. She said she didn't touch it but actually touched it. She could sense Ye Jingtang's restraint and tried not to embarrass her. She pursed her lips and looked serious:

"You didn't put your hands where you exerted your strength. How can you touch something?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes. Seeing Benben say this, he no longer restrained himself. He rubbed the fat-headed dragon upwards and carefully felt the strength of the muscles.

Dongfang Liren's eyelashes trembled, and he quickly stood up again, his face turned red and he said nothing.

"Stretch your chest and raise your head, don't shrink back, your highness is not standing as well as you were just now." Ye Jingtang reminded calmly.

Dongfang Liren gritted his teeth secretly, put on the gun stance, and tried hard to adjust the method of exerting force. The tip of the black lin gun in his hand trembled slightly in the air, and then he held it firmly.

After holding on for a long time, he found that Ye Jingtang was holding on, Dongfang Liren frowned and asked:

"Why do you keep pressing here? I just pinched other places."

Ye Jingtang didn't mean to take advantage of her, and explained softly: "The fat layer is a bit thick, and the muscle exertion is not obvious."

Dongfang Liren knew that his fat-headed dragon was a bit thick. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Just press hard."

Ye Jingtang should have hurt if he exerted more force. He did not follow the instructions, but frowned and carefully felt the details under the fat layer.

The two of them practiced their marksmanship seriously. Before Ye Jingtang could figure out how much force they were exerting, a breeze blew in from the door.


The old woman with long hair reaching the floor silently landed in front of the two of them. Just as she was about to speak, she found that Ye Jingtang was pressing the lapel of Prince Jing's clothes, and she stopped talking again.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang released his right hand, stood upright, and bowed his hands:

"Master Meng."

Dongfang Liren was secretly shocked, but he did not put away his gun, but explained seriously:

"He is teaching me marksmanship, don't get me wrong..."

As he spoke, Dongfang Liren's eyes suddenly darkened again, and he asked:

"Meng Jiao, is he teaching me marksmanship?"

The white-haired old woman's eyes were a bit strange, but that was all. When she heard Prince Jing ask, she slowly came to him:

"Young Master Ye is indeed teaching how to hold a gun. This method feels the most intuitive. It is much more accurate than what you can see with your eyes. It is mostly used between people who are close to you."

Really... Dongfang Liren secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the blush on his face dissipated a bit.

"But Mr. Ye's technique is too raw. If an ordinary woman can feel it clearly, His Highness's foundation is too strong, and it will be difficult to feel it with bare hands."

The white-haired old woman put her palms out of her sleeves and looked at the Night Terror Hall:

"Tianhe Dao is an inner sect skill that can enhance a person's six senses. Its advantage lies in its comprehensiveness. It can catch all the wind and grass in a radius of dozens of feet, but it will not be precise enough. The most sensitive place for human touch is the fingertips, Liu Qiansheng His 'Listening to the Wind Palm' is this kind of skill. When he was at his peak, he could feel footsteps miles away with his palms, which was the best in the world. I have learned similar skills, but they are thousands of miles away, but I can barely use them. "

Ye Jingtang listened carefully, but saw the white-haired old woman moving her hands, obviously practicing her moves. After the practice, she signaled:

"Young Master Ye, try it?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang imitated the movements of the white-haired old woman and practiced several moves. After figuring out the hidden luck, he placed his palm lightly against the clumsy fat-headed dragon.

? ?

Dongfang Liren's eyes showed a bit of annoyance. With Meng Jiao in front of her, how could she continue to let Ye Jingtang touch Longlong? He quickly pushed away:

"Night Terror Hall!"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang changed his direction and pressed on Dongfang Liren's shoulder, using the feeling of his fingertips to detect the subtle vibrations caused by the heartbeat and blood flow...

The white-haired old woman looked approvingly: "Young Master Ye's understanding is really impressive."

Dongfang Liren straightened out his messed up clothes and returned to his cold-hearted appearance:

"But do you have something to report?"

The white-haired old woman nodded: "Nangong Shaofeng refuses to confess, but Liu Qiansheng is willing to talk to the court."

Ye Jingtang released his hand and asked:

"He is over eighty years old. What does he want? To give him a full body and give him a good burial?"

The white-haired old woman said: "Liu Qiansheng is the master of the inner family. He was injured secretly and became like this. Otherwise, he would have no problem living for another twenty years. He wants Beiliang Xuehuhua to renew his meridians and be recruited by the imperial court to be given an official title."

Ye Jingtang heard the name of ‘Snow Lake Flower’ and asked:

"Does the imperial court have such a thing?"

Dongfang Liren thought for a while: "Snow Lake Flower grows in Tianlang Lake. It is said that it blooms once every sixty years and is hard to find. There is a little bit left in the palace from the founding of the country. It is only enough to make a pair of medicine. It needs to be kept. It is impossible to give it to the emperor for emergencies."

Ye Jingtang nodded and looked at the white-haired old woman:

"Why does Liu Qiansheng open this Haikou?"

The white-haired old woman explained: "Only these things can allow him to continue to gain a foothold in the world, otherwise it will be the same as death."

Ye Jingtang suddenly thought about it and said:

"How about I go talk?"

Dongfang Liren actually wanted Ye Jingtang to continue teaching marksmanship, but due to official business, he still nodded:

"It doesn't matter whether he confesses or not. If he can teach him all the martial arts, he can live in the capital for the last few years. There is no need to talk about anything else."

Ye Jingtang nodded, put down the Minglong Gun, turned around and left the Mingyu Tower...


This chapter was originally 6,000 words long, but it was too verbose, so I put the scraps at the back...

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