Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 174 Night Talk (two in one)

The storm has not stopped, but the storm has settled.

It's past midnight, but Yun'an is a city that never sleeps, and the bustling streets and alleys are still brightly lit. As the curfew is lifted, singing and dancing music can be heard from time to time along the streets from the pavilions.

On Dongzheng Street, two horses walked side by side.

Ye Jingtang was wearing a bamboo hat and a raincoat, riding on his big fat horse, and holding Sanniang's horse in his hand; and the Black Lin Gun was originally thrown outside the Taiji Hall. It may have been picked up by the secret guard, but it was not there. in front of.

It's been a long time since I left Miyagi, and my mind still hasn't calmed down.

When I carried Yuhu back to Changle Palace, I saw that everyone in the palace had been dispersed. The bedroom was full of Yuhu's belongings, and it was difficult to guess his identity.

Yuhu seems to be a scheming queen, but she is not as easy to coax as Benben. There is no way to predict what she will do to her in the future.

Moreover, I provoked the Queen Mother today, even if I don’t take revenge on him, I’m afraid I won’t be able to touch the ginkgo tree that I miss so much in my life…

Ginkgo Tree……

Ye Jingtang raised his head and looked back at the palace city that had long been far away. Today, Fushou Palace is cleaning up the tunnels. There are many craftsmen inside. The imperial army and secret guards are also patrolling in order to prevent things from going wrong. It may be more difficult to sneak in and dig things out than usual. Still big.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jingtang temporarily gave up his plan to fight back three times and returned to Tianshui Bridge.

Tianshuiqiao is a department store. At night, all the shops are closed, and not a single person is seen on the empty street.

Ye Jingtang returned to the alley of Pei's house, knocked on the door and handed the horse to the servant, then walked through the hanging flower door to the back house.

The lights in the back house were turned off, but there was still movement in the courtyard of the west house.

Walking through the corridor to the West House in the Night Terror Hall, one can see Zhe Yunli dressed as Miss Jiaojiao, holding a knife in her arms, pacing back and forth in the boudoir.

"Yunli. Are you still up so late?"

Zhe Yunli heard the noise and quickly ran to the window:

"Brother Jing, you're back! Just now, Hero Qiu went crazy. He stood on top of Mingyu Tower and shouted, 'Old Xuanyuan, you didn't expect that I, Qiu Tianhe, came out again! Hahahaha...', and even half of the city could hear it. Hero Qiu Nothing happened?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Qiu Tianhe causing trouble above Mingyu Tower would cause trouble in the whole city, so he laughed and said:

"It's okay. Qiu Daxia helped the Yamen deal with Cao Qiansui today and made a great contribution. It is expected that he will be free soon."

Zhe Yunli's eyes lit up, and he leaned on the window sill and asked:

"Fighting with Cao Qiansui? Did Qiu Daxia win?"

Zhe Yunli rested his arms on the window sill with his arms folded across his chest, in a gesture of squeezing his breasts. A bulge could be seen at the breast of her pink and white underskirt, but it was obviously not this big two months ago.

However, Zhe Yunli will be sixteen soon, which is the age when he is growing up. He has grown a bit in stature, and it is not surprising that his breasts are growing quickly. At this rate, he will probably be able to equal the master's wife at the age of eighteen...

Ye Jingtang noticed this difference out of the corner of his eye, but didn't care about it and responded:

"We didn't win. Qiu Daxia was beaten so badly that he fell directly onto the main street of the palace and couldn't get up for a long time..."


Zhe Yunli's eyes froze in anticipation, but after thinking about it carefully, he nodded again:

"Cao Qiansui is an old monster that existed since the founding of the Wei Dynasty. Master said it was very powerful. It makes sense that Daxia Qiu can't defeat it... In the end? Who dealt with Cao Qiansui? The eight-armed Ksitigarbha?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes showed pride, and he pointed his thumb towards himself:

"Who else could it be? I single-handedly went to Tai Chi Hall and killed Cao Qiansui with one shot."


Zhe Yunli frowned, not believing it at all:

"How is it possible... Even if it is true, it must have been Daxia Qiu who crippled Cao Qiansui. You went up to make up for it."


Ye Jingtang smiled and turned to look left and right:

"Where is your master's wife?"

"My wife was afraid that Master Qiu would go crazy and go crazy, so she went with Niao Niao to inquire about the situation. Third aunt also followed, and she probably hasn't come back yet."

"Oh. You go to bed early, I'll go over and take a look."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't stay long. He told Yunli to go to bed early to avoid being beaten by his mother, and then came to the middle house.

The eldest aunt also lives in the middle house and has gone to bed by this time.

Ye Jingtang quietly came to Sanniang's courtyard, looked around, and found that Xiuhe had fallen asleep in the penthouse, so he did not disturb her.

After waiting in the courtyard for a while, Luo Ning and Sanniang didn't come back, so all kinds of troublesome things came to mind.

Ye Jingtang's mind was spinning, and he remembered something. He turned around and entered Sanniang's boudoir, and felt under the bed. The bed separated from the middle, revealing the hidden tunnel underneath.

Night Terror Hall jumped in, lit the lampstand in the tunnel, then walked to the door deep in the tunnel and opened the door.

Behind the door is the incense hall of Qinglong Hall. You can also leave from here. Every time there is a meeting, in order to hide from others, the incense owners come in from the exit at the other end. However, the door at the exit is usually covered with iron bolts. From the outside There is no way to enter.

Naturally, there was no one in the Qinglong Hall at this time. After lighting the lampstand, only nine empty chairs could be seen left and right in the lobby.

Behind the headmaster's chair is a memorial table with several memorial tablets, including that of his adoptive father, Pei Yuanfeng.

Ye Jingtang came closer, took three sticks of incense from the incense table, bowed three times to his adoptive father's memorial tablet, inserted the incense into the incense burner, looked at the memorial tablet and thought secretly.

When he left Liangzhou and entered Beijing, his adoptive father stated three things in his will.

The matter of handing over the family property has been completed, and I am also helping my foster father fulfill my filial piety and protecting the Pei family.

When I entered the palace to find the Minglong Picture, although it was a bit difficult to dig up the ginkgo tree, I still managed to get a jade bone picture by accident.

As for the main matter of taking revenge on the Xuanyuan Dynasty, they haven't started planning yet, but Junshantai has taken advantage of it. This is a top priority, and we must find a way to resolve Junshan Terrace next.

Although things are not done well, it has only been a few months since I entered Beijing. It is not easy to achieve this step. I have also completed additional tasks and found a virtuous wife.

If the adoptive father had a spirit in heaven, he probably wouldn't say that his son was useless...


"Chi chi chi..."

In the Pei family mansion, the bird, which had been tired all day, flew back from the night rain, hurriedly got into Yunli's room, fell on the ground and slid far away, and stopped moving.

"Ji? Did you fall to death?"


Two figures followed closely behind and landed under the eaves of the main house of the main courtyard.

Pei Xiangjun was wearing a black outfit and a black hat on his head. He was tired from running around for a long time and opened the door:

"Jingtang is probably still busy with government errands in the city. The government really treats people like cattle. Fortunately, he came back to rest last night..."

Luo Ning wore a long green dress with a hood on her head. After running around in the rain for half the night, even her underwear was soaked. When she entered the door, she put down the hood and untied her belt:

"I just went to look outside the Hei Yamen. Doctor Wang went in to treat people's injuries. Qiu Tianhe was still chatting with Bai Fadi on the roof. It seems that things are finished. What else can he be busy with?"

"The west part of the city seems to be still sealed, I guess that's over there..."

During the chat, the lights came on in the boudoir.

Pei Xiangjun closed the doors and windows, raised his hand to untie his belt, and dropped his black clothes to the ground. Like Luo Ning, there was no place to dry.

Pei Xiangjun came to the standing cabinet next to Xiu's bed, opened the cabinet door, took out two sets of clean nightgowns, and sat beside the bed.

Luo Ning sat down on the bedside and reached behind her back to untie her clothes. Looking at Sanniang's sizable skirt from the corner of her eye, she subconsciously straightened her back a little.

Pei Xiangjun was keenly aware of this and stood up slightly:

"Are you useful? He's obviously older than you."

Luo Ning felt that this mother-in-law was just trying to bully others, so she said coldly:

"What's the use of it? You can't use it. It's still a burden when fighting."

Pei Xiangjun's eyes were full of pride: "Sour? There is a difference between not using it and not having it."

Luo Ning's eyes darkened slightly, but after thinking about it for a moment, she remembered another troubling thing.

Today she went to the Hei Yamen to look around, and she could confirm that Qiu Tianhe was there to beat Eunuch Cao for his crime. Judging from the relationship between Qiu Tianhe and the Six Evils of the Hei Yamen, it might not take long for him to regain his freedom.

She and Yun Li came to the capital with the purpose of rescuing Qiu Tianhe. Now that their target was gone, she, the leader's wife, could not continue to rely on the capital to save people.

Let alone Xue Baijin, Yunli alone can't explain it.

The little thief is prospering in the officialdom. It is impossible for him to return to Nanxiao Mountain to become a rebel with her, and Sanniang will not let the little thief go.

In fact, she didn't want the little thief to give up on his promising future. Her deepest intention was that if she couldn't find an excuse, she would go back to Nanxiao Mountain and live there for a few months to pretend, and then find an excuse to come here again.

If she was going to be away for a while, she would definitely have to be wary of something happening to the little thief. Although she was not happy about it in her heart, from a rational point of view, someone still had to help the little thief recuperate.

Luo Ning didn't know how far the Queen and the thief had gone. Based on her feeling, there shouldn't be any special relationship.

If she had to choose between the Queen and Sanniang, she would definitely prefer Sanniang, who is also a woman in the world. To win over the Queen from the court, wouldn't she be looking for trouble for herself...

Luo Ning thought secretly for a moment, then looked at Sanniang next to her:

"Night Terror Hall is not here, let's talk openly in private. Do you also like Night Terror Hall?"

Pei Xiangjun paused for a moment and looked at Luo Ning, who was doing a great job as a doctor:

"What do you mean?"

"I don't mean to be jealous with you, I'm just discussing the matter."

While Luo Ning was talking, she glanced at Sanniang and suddenly realized that Sanniang was of the same type as her - she looked very fair and beautiful, the type that little thieves couldn't stop talking about...

Luo Ning felt quite strange. She pulled the thin quilt over her legs and continued:

"You should know that Ye Jingtang's body needs to be recuperated from time to time. I may have to go out, and someone must take care of the little thief's body every day. If you like Jingtang, I...I won't embarrass you, but if you If you keep pretending to me and not telling me what's on your mind, I'll ask others for help."

Pei Xiangjun didn't expect Luo Ning to talk about this again, and blinked her eyes, showing a little strange expression - she had never been able to figure out whether her kindness to Jingtang was out of Honghua Tower or personally.

But since Hu Meizi robbed her of the jackpot at the gate, she was almost depressed, and she was shocked by Guangji...

Isn’t it a lie to say that I am not interested in being shocked?

Pei Xiangjun's eyes flickered and he thought about it for a moment:

"Let's talk about this... I'll discuss it with Jingtang, you don't have to worry about it."

"What are you discussing?"

Luo Ning was unhappy when she heard that she wanted to discuss seniority:

"You are only brave enough to fight with others. You may not even be as good as Xiu He when it comes to this kind of thing. I took Jingtang away at the door of your house, and you didn't dare to say anything. I asked you to wipe Jingtang's face with your breasts. You honestly took off your clothes and even pretended to be fine when your cousin kissed you on the chest. You have to discuss it on your own. When there are a lot of girls in the house, you may still be here playing in the mud."

? !

Pei Xiangjun felt that these words were really unpleasant, and he was slightly annoyed:

"What are you talking about? Last time I was preparing to treat Jingtang, but you insisted on snatching it away. If you hadn't stepped in, I really don't know who would be making the move now. I...I don't want to quarrel with you, a coquettish person like you. It’s only because I’ve caused so much trouble that I’ll give you a few points.”

"That means you like it?"


Pei Xiangjun took a breath and thought for a while:

"I met Jingtang first. His aunt has long planned to betroth me to Jingtang. You...even if you make rice with Jingtang first, in order, you should listen to me..."

Luo Ning raised her hand: "Let's not talk about the first-come, first-served issue. Although Ye Jingtang is lustful, he is only lustful towards me. If you don't take the initiative to express your feelings, he will definitely not pay attention to you. As soon as I leave, you will be coquettish again. , He has no one to take care of him and is holding it in, in case something happens..."

Pei Xiangjun frowned slightly: "You mean, let me take the initiative to go to Jingtang to express my feelings, and then...then what?"

Luo Ning nodded slightly: "There are two pills left of the medicine I bought last time. If you are embarrassed to ask, just take one and everything will be solved tomorrow."

Pei Xiangjun's eyes were strange: "I...I'm not forced to drug myself for anything, but this is..."

Luo Ning said displeasedly: "Sanniang, I tell you the truth. If you keep doing this, I will really ignore you in the future."

"Okay, I get it, why are you so fierce... If you weren't here, I would help Jingtang recuperate. You take great care of Jingtang, and I'm no worse than you. When will you leave?"


Luo Ning felt that Sanniang had no conscience and hoped that she would leave as soon as possible.

"I don't want to leave, but there's something going on at home, I can't tell... Don't wait until you're about to die before you think of sharpening your guns in battle. If you don't tell me in advance, I'll take you with me when I go out, and you can take your time in the capital. I want to go slowly.”


Pei Xiangjun sat next to him, his mature and beautiful cheeks were complicated, and he seemed to be thinking secretly.

Luo Ning didn't bother, she just changed her clothes slowly, but when she was halfway through changing, she suddenly heard a voice coming from under the bed:




Two exclamations!


In Qinglong Hall, there are only a few cigarettes.

Ye Jingtang stood with his hands clasped in front of the memorial tablet, recalling every detail of his life with his adoptive father.

In the past, my adoptive father was always drunk. He looked like an ordinary old man and didn't think he was special.

Now that I have traveled around the world and learned about my adoptive father's life in the world, I understand how many things were hidden behind those days of drinking to relieve sorrow.

While he was thinking secretly, there was some movement in the tunnel at the entrance.

The Night Terror Hall came to its senses and knew that Sanniang was back, so he put out the lampstand, turned around and walked into the tunnel. Before opening the door, he heard Luo Nuxia and Sanniang seeming to be talking.


Ye Jingtang blinked, lowered his steps, silently touched the bottom of the entrance, and listened quietly:

"That means you like it?"

"I first met Jingtang..."


It sounded like two women secretly talking privately.

Ye Jingtang could feel that Mrs. Ning'er was full of energy, while Sanniang was a little cowardly and a little funny.

After listening for a while, he saw that the two people suddenly stopped talking. Ye Jingtang wanted to scare him, but he remembered the first time he came here and how he was frightened by Sanniang.

Seeing Luo Nuxia also sitting on it, Ye Jingtang's heart moved slightly and he quietly moved the entrance mechanism.


The bed board parted from the middle, revealing the light above. As expected, two exclamations rang out:


Ye Jingtang was about to catch the two women with a smile on his face, but he looked up...

(⊙_⊙)! ! !

The two women were skilled in martial arts and had excellent balance. Although they were caught off guard and fell, they both turned around in mid-air and tried to regain their feet on the ground. Halfway through, I found someone standing below, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, and then he became confused.

Pei Xiangjun knew that there was a tunnel below, so he reacted calmly. He returned to standing upright with his feet down in mid-air, hoping to stun the person below him with one kick.

Finding that the person standing below was Ye Jingtang, Pei Xiangjun hurriedly moved the foot that was about to kick him in the face. He lost his balance and fell flat on the sand.

When Ye Jingtang saw Ning'er falling sideways in a hurry, he raised his hand to pick up Ning'er who lost her balance in panic. As a result, her pupils immediately shrank and she saw the white moon rapidly enlarging in front of her eyes.

Then everything went dark.


There was a muffled sound in the tunnel, and the separated bed boards closed again, leaving only the light on the wall lamp stand.

Luo Ning was caught off guard and fell into the pit, landing on the man. Half of her soul was frightened. Fortunately, she saw clearly that there was a thief below, so she didn't slap him out with a palm.

After she stabilized her body, Luo Ning's expression was still a little frightened. She sat on Ye Jingtang's left arm and subconsciously hugged Ye Jingtang. After thinking about it, she raised her hand and patted it:

"You little thief! Why are you hiding under the bed?!"

Pei Xiangjun made a move midway and then retracted it, and hurriedly hit Ye Jingtang. When he stopped, he found that he was sitting on Jingtang's right arm. Looking down, he could see Jingtang's stern face pretending to have his eyes closed... …

! !

When Pei Xiangjun remembered that he had fallen just now, he seemed to be shocked. His beautiful cheeks were as red as blood, and he was speechless...

Ye Jingtang held one hand in each hand, maintaining a calm expression, and explained with his eyes closed:

"When I saw you didn't come back, I went to offer incense to my adoptive father. When I heard the noise, I wanted to make a joke..."

Luo Ning looked down and her eyebrows stood up:

"We are changing clothes... I think you little thief did it on purpose! Send us out quickly!"

Pei Xiangjun's cheeks were burning and he didn't dare to say anything. Hearing this, he quickly raised his hand to trigger the machine.


The bed boards parted, revealing the light above.

Ye Jingtang jumped up, landed in the room, and put the two of them down.

After Pei Xiangjun landed, he quickly pulled up the thin blanket. When it was tightly covered, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Jingtang, I...didn't I hit you just now?"

Luo Ning felt that Sanniang was a bit worthless: "You don't care whether he hit her or not, it's too late for him to be happy..." After saying this, probably because she was afraid that the thief would attack her, she ran out with a wary look in her eyes.

Ye Jingtang couldn't open his eyes even with his eyes closed, so he just said: "I'm fine. It's getting late, I'll go out first, and Sanniang should rest early."

Pei Xiangjun moved his lips, wanting to ask if Ye Jingtang had eavesdropped on the private conversation, but he was so confused that he couldn't think clearly, so he quickly put down the tent and rolled in...


Ye Jingtang walked out of the boudoir with her eyes closed, turned around and closed the door. In the blink of an eye, she saw Ning'er wearing a white nightgown, holding a three-foot green edge upside down, her earthly cheeks and her skirt being blown by the breeze. , with a fairy-like posture, looking at him coldly.

Ye Jingtang came to the front and covered the hand holding the sword:

"It was really unexpected just now. I saw you guys talking, so I made a joke to scare you. I didn't notice that you were not wearing any clothes..."

Luo Ning's face was not very gentle. She turned around and walked to the verandah and asked coldly:

"Did you hear what Sanniang said just now?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and put his arms around Ning'er's shoulders.

Luo Ning twisted her shoulders slightly: "Don't push yourself too far. Last time in Guangji, she and you healed each other's wounds, and their innocence was ruined. I saw it in my eyes and couldn't turn a blind eye, so I persuaded her... Mainly there are other reasons.”

"what reason?"

"Looking at the situation, Qiu Tianhe is fine. I estimate that he will be free in a few days. I...I have to go home."

Luo Ning's eyes were a little tangled when she talked about this. She had just fallen in love and she was absolutely unwilling to separate from the little thief. But she couldn't ignore the sisterly bond that had lasted for more than ten years.

Ye Jingtang was also worried about this. He walked out of the corridor holding hands and felt a slight movement in his heart:

"Didn't you ask me to dig something under the Cheng'an Palace last time? Is this also your mission?"


Luo Ning paused and remembered this:

"Do you have any idea?"

"Whether I have a way or not, I have to try to find out. You just replied to the leader of Hepingtian, saying that you have a way, and I guess you will have to operate in the capital for a while."

Luo Ning's eyes moved slightly and she thought secretly for a moment:

"I don't want to lie to Xue Baijin. If you are willing to help, I will say so. If you are not willing, I will not lie."

"If I have a chance, I will definitely find a way."

Luo Ning nodded slightly, took a few steps, and suddenly felt something was wrong - if she said so, she wouldn't have to leave...

Then why do you want to add fuel to the flames to Sanniang?

Oh yes, the little thief is so fierce that she can't handle it alone...

Ye Jingtang pulled Luo Ning away for a while, and was also thinking about future plans. Halfway through, he remembered something and asked:

"After working for so long, I have finally completed my mission and rescued Qiu Tianhe. Does Luo Nuxia have to express my gratitude?"

Luo Ning blinked her beautiful peach blossom eyes and said reluctantly:

"Don't pretend to take military merit. Qiu Tianhe beat Cao Qiansui himself and made meritorious service. What does it have to do with you?"

Ye Jingtang shrugged slightly: "Without my guarantee, the court would not have released the restrictions on Qiu Tianhe. I was giving Qiu Tianhe a chance to escape with my head. What Luo Nuxia said is so chilling."

Luo Ning thought about it carefully and realized that this was indeed the case, and then said:

"The reward just now wasn't enough?"

"It was an accident just now. I just wanted to make a joke. I didn't dare to open my eyes..."

Luo Ning hesitated for a moment, and for the sake of the little thief's great achievements, she turned around and said:

"After running for a long time, I'm going to take a shower first."


"Go on your way, this is the Pei family..."


The end of the volume is all about daily life. Aguan feels a little sluggish, but he can’t help but write or2!

I would like to recommend a book called "Witch, Please Respect Yourself"...

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