Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 111 Male and Female Thieves

At night.

Black clouds cover the sky and no stars can be seen, and the towering clouds and lights are as bright as day, just like a sea of ​​fire on the dark earth, spreading along the river to the end of the sky.

With the reconstruction of Dyefang Street, almost all the surrounding residents have moved away. At night, it becomes a black hole in a sea of ​​lights, leaving only a faint light in the middle.

In the small courtyard of Shuanggui Lane, Ye Jingtang put on his night clothes, leaned against the door of the room with a Chilong ring-shaped sword in his arms, looked at the afterglow of lights in the direction of the imperial city, and thought about the ginkgo tree that he missed so much.

Niaoniao, who was very energetic at night, squatted on his shoulders and said, "Cuckoo, chirp, chirp...", probably talking about buying rice in the afternoon, but Poachedan didn't buy dried meat for him.

The doors and windows of the main room were closed, the lights were on inside, and the conversation between two women could be heard:

"Master's Wife~ You want me to go too, I'm almost bored to death in the capital..."

"Just copy the books at home. The last time your master did the homework for the test, you couldn't recite a word. What did you do to train me? Have you forgotten?"

"I am a Jianghu person, what's the use of studying..."


"Oh, Master Wife, your breasts are so big, how will you breastfeed the baby if they are broken..."


The room fell silent.

Ye Jingtang heard that Luo Nuxia was pestering Xiao Xigua, and raised her eyebrows, but she didn't make a sound to scare her.


After a while, the door opened, and the lights in the room fell into the courtyard, reflecting the reflections of the two women, one large and one small.

Luo Ning was wearing a black night clothes. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Ye Jingtang leaning in front of the door. Her beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and then anger appeared. She obviously suspected that Ye Jingtang had sneaked into the door and was watching her change just now. clothes.

But Yunli was behind it, so it was hard to tell clearly, and she had no evidence, so she thought about it and let it go.

In order to facilitate movement and avoid the noise of breaking wind, the night clothes are tight-fitting. There is no hem of the robe, the trousers can be seen, and leggings are worn on the legs.

Luo Ning is already tall, and wearing this outfit shows that her legs are extremely long, her waist is tucked in, and her chest is tight, making her look a lot smaller. Her face is covered with a scarf, and her hair is tied up. , only revealing a pair of enchanting eyes.

Ye Jingtang glanced up and down and felt that this outfit could be considered... um... uniform temptation?

Realizing that Luo Nuxia was glaring at him, Ye Jingtang smiled and raised his hand to cover his face with a scarf:

"Let's go."

Zhe Yunli was still dressed like the girl next door, holding a knife in his hand, leaning listlessly against the door frame, twirling the little turtle ornament he bought for Niaoniao:

"Brother Jingtang, let me follow you as a lookout. I'm so bored at home alone~"

Luo Ning turned around, pointed to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, and said in a cold voice:

"Before you come back, if you don't finish today's homework, you will not be allowed to go out for three days!"


Zhe Yunli had no choice but to go back to the house reluctantly, lying on the bed with his arms and legs spread out:

"I know! Master, please be safe."

Luo Ning was not the image of a strict mother in the past, and she was a little helpless about this. After closing the door, she silently jumped up the wall;

"Let's go."

The bird raised its wings: "Chi!"

Ye Jingtang flew up and followed Luo Ning, like male and female thieves out at night, silently leaving Ranfang Street and sneaking towards the center of the city.

At noon, it was learned that the deceased had been affected by the Pingtian Sect's palm, so Ye Jingtang planned to conduct another autopsy and inquired about the location of the morgue.

After running in the night for a while, the two came to a government office in the north of the city.

The Yamen is the anti-theft department under the Ministry of Criminal Justice, which controls bandits in Beicheng. The morgue is at the corner of the Yamen. At night, there are sparse lights inside. There are police officers with official swords hanging on their waists patrolling the surrounding area, but there are not many of them.


Ye Jingtang and Luo Ning were on the building near the Yamen at the same time. They first asked Niaoniao to investigate the situation near the morgue. Soon Niaoniao flew back:


Signaling that there were only two guards.

Luo Ning was unparalleled in beauty when cooking, but she was very feminine when working. Her eyes were extremely focused. She checked her surroundings carefully, and after making sure there was nothing unusual, she raised her hand slightly, and crossed the yamen wall with Ye Jingtang one after another, and landed. among the buildings.

It was already evening and the yamen was sparsely populated, and only the chirping of birds and insects could be heard.

Ye Jingtang silently walked in on the roof and soon arrived at the northwest corner of the Yamen.

The morgue is not a good place. The officials on duty here will definitely not live in the same room with the corpses. They are all in the waiting room outside.

Night Terror fell silently on the brightly lit roof. Listening carefully, you could see soft words coming from below:

"...The people in Heiya are also interesting. Mr. Yuwen met those two idiots on Zhuji Street today..."

Luo Ning landed in front of Ye Jingtang. When she heard the conversation, she blinked her eyes and felt that it sounded familiar. When she first met Ye Jingtang, she was pressed on the bed. Ye Jingtang teased her with all kinds of obscene words. One sentence...

That’s what it means!

This perverted little thief...

Ye Jingtang was listening carefully to what was going on in the room, and suddenly felt a murderous aura!

Observing from the corner of his eye, he found that Luo Nuxia beside him was looking at him with a pair of cold eyes, as if looking at a pervert who did all kinds of evil. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, she might have drawn her sword to castrate him!

Ye Jingtang blinked:



Luo Ning didn't say anything. After all, it had been so long. She looked back and made sure there was nothing unusual around her. Then she landed outside the morgue and gently hooked her hand.

The Night Terror Hall let the birds stand on the trees as sentries and landed silently on the walls, surveying the environment of the morgue.

The nature of the morgue is special. In order to preserve corpses for a long time, it is often built in a cool place. This morgue looks like it is often used. It is made of stones and has no windows and only a small door.

Luo Ning reached the door and skillfully used an iron needle to penetrate the lock; Ye Jingtang stood behind her, paying attention to the surrounding movements.

After the lock was opened, Luo Ning held it in her hand, supported the wooden door with her palm, and slowly opened it. A sudden coolness came from the dark room where she couldn't see her fingers.

The permanent population of the capital exceeds one million, and dragons and snakes are mixed together. People and ghosts all know how to work hard. No matter how strict the laws are, murders cannot be avoided.

For this reason, the Anti-Theft Department's morgue is quite large, with thirty beds in it and more than a dozen corpses covered with white cloths.

Luo Ning entered the morgue first, followed closely by Night Terror Hall, closing the door silently, and then raised her hand to let Luo Ning stand at the door while she went to lift the white cloth.

Luo Ning knew what it would be like to store a corpse for a few days in Xia Tian, ​​and she did not refuse Ye Jingtang's kindness.


Ye Jingtang took out the fire stick and blew it, and there was a little more light in the dark room. He blocked the weak light with his hand, came to the wooden bed where the body was stored, and looked carefully for the body under the white cloth.

The Wei Dynasty couldn't help but use weapons, and the corpses that could enter the Yamen morgue must have died violently. With mutilated limbs and the hot summer, one can imagine the scene under the white cloth.

It can be said that under every piece of white cloth, there is a different big surprise. Just when Ye Jingtang opened the first one, he frowned in disgust.

Fortunately, this kind of "unpacking" didn't last long. When the third body was found, Zhao De, a junior official from the Ministry of Industry, was discovered.

Ye Jingtang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and tilted his head slightly. Luo Ning walked up to him silently and used the firelight to examine the black palm prints on the corpse's chest.

Seeing Luo Ning staring at her for a long time, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but lean into his ear:



Luo Ning took the fire certificate from Ye Jingtang, walked up to the body and carefully looked at the skin texture, with deep doubts in her eyes:

"It is indeed the 'Bagua Youshen Palm'. It is not very powerful, but the heat is very sophisticated. I believe that Protector Zhang can do it himself. But judging from the size of the palm, he is definitely not one of my disciples."

Ye Jingtang thought for a moment: "Could it be Zhang Henggu's former disciple?"

"Impossible. Several of Protector Zhang's disciples are all the Xiang Masters of the Pingtian Sect. I know them all. I have never heard of any other disciples."

"Is it possible that someone accidentally collided with the moves?"

Luo Ning thought for a while, shook her head and said:

"The veins of luck are like the layout of a chessboard. There is an old saying that 'no game is the same through the ages.' There can be no two identical chess games in the world. No matter how similar they are, there will always be slight differences. This palm print is exactly the same as Protector Zhang's 'Wandering Palm'. It must have the same origin.”

Ye Jingtang nodded slowly and thought for a moment:

"Write a letter to Pingtian Sect and ask? Since it was created by Zhang Henggu and comes from the same origin, it is impossible for Zhang Henggu not to know the origin."

Luo Ning wanted to nod, but after thinking about it, she turned her head again:

"I am the rebel leader of the Pingtian Sect, and I help the court solve cases and find the real culprit, right..."

Ye Jingtang really didn't expect Luo Nuxia to think of this. He slightly spread his hands:

"If you don't help me solve the case, how can I establish prestige in front of Prince Jing? Without prestige, how can I save Qiu Tianhe?"

Establish prestige?

Why do I feel like I'm helping you pursue the Queen...

Luo Ning felt strange in her heart, but she couldn't say this clearly, so she didn't say much and silently studied the details of the palm prints.

The two of them hadn't studied for long when a sound suddenly sounded outside:


The hoot of an owl.

The fire stick in Luo Ning's hand was instantly covered, and there was no more light in the morgue.

She was listening attentively when she found the man hugging her and slowly pressing down.

Luo Ning knew there was movement outside, but did not resist. She leaned silently in the little thief's arms, and was rolled under the wooden bed by the wall. She concentrated on listening to the movement outside the morgue...

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