Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 110 How long will a hug last?

The rain stopped.

Ye Jingtang carried the package and walked back to Ranfang Street. It was already past dinner time.

Twenty days after leaving the capital, the old and dilapidated streets were completely unrecognizable. Sheds were erected everywhere, and half-renovated and rebuilt shops could be seen. The ground needs to be re-paved with green bricks, and the old and incomplete bricks have been pried off, leaving pits full of water.

Jumping left and right on the street, I came to Shuanggui Lane. Before I got close to the yard, I heard from behind the wall:

"Wipe it well and eat only after wiping it."


"Huagu, I have grown round after eating all day long..."


The familiar voice of the gentle lady, and the humiliation of the birds.

Ye Jingtang smiled and walked quickly to the courtyard door. It can be seen that the courtyard is as clean as ever, the bonsai under the melon stand is lush, and the doors of the main room and the west wing are open.

Zhe Yunli is wearing a red top, a white pleated skirt with petals, and a double bun that is common for girls who have not left the pavilion. She does not look at all quaint, but more like a well-behaved and smart little girl, cleaning with a feather duster. The tables and chairs in the main room:

"Uh huh huh~"

In the kitchen on the right, Luo Ning is wearing a green summer dress and an apron, wiping the dusty corners in front of the chopping board; her long black hair is waist-length, with a green hairpin on her head, and her slim waist and hip curves , coupled with a delicate jade-like face, she looks like a beautiful little cook.

The big fluffy bird stood beside the rice vat, with its paws on the small linen cloth and listlessly turning in circles to clean the vat.

When I came home from work, I saw the mother and daughter tidying up the house diligently, with the little pets helping beside them. It felt like...

I feel like I might be beaten to death by the leader of Pingtian!

When Ye Jingtang thought of Master Pingtian, all the distracting thoughts in his heart disappeared and he walked into the courtyard.


As if he had been granted amnesty, the bird dropped the rag and wanted to fly out, but was stopped by Luo Ning's look.

Luo Ning didn't look back, but her wiping movements were a little slower.

Zhe Yunli turned around, revealing his energetic little face. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Ye Jingtang holding a bandage in his right hand. He frowned and hurriedly ran to the door:

"Cousin Jing, why are you injured?"

Luo Ning, who was originally cold and cold, turned around immediately when she heard this and saw that Ye Jingtang's right hand was wrapped as if it was broken. Dignity and worry flashed in her eyes. She put down the linen and came to him:

"What's the matter with you?"

"I took care of some small things this morning and had a fight with someone."

Ye Jingtang walked into the house, took out a jewelry box, and threw one to Xiao Yunli.

Zhe Yunli took the jewelry box and just looked at Ye Jingtang's injuries and complexion carefully.

Since Luo Ning got to know Ye Jingtang, she has never seen Ye Jingtang suffer a loss. Wingless Owl, Zhou Ying, Jian Yuhua, etc. basically all have the same set of tricks. This is the first time she has seen them come back with bandages.

Luo Ning wiped her hands on her apron, picked up Ye Jingtang's right hand, and pinched the phalanges:

"Who are you fighting with? Can you beat me like this?"

Ye Jingtang was completely fine, it was just a bit of skin damage on the back of his hand, but the Queen was very considerate and bandaged it up to make it look like a crippled hand.

Seeing the rare concern in Luo Nuxia's eyes, Ye Jingtang hesitated for a moment and pretended to be in pain:

"I had a fight with the people from Tiefuling. Hiss - it hurt a little."

Seeing this, Luo Ning suddenly became much gentler and ordered in a blink of an eye:

"Yunli, go buy some rice first, and I'll check on your cousin Jing's injuries."


Zhe Yunli's eyes were also quite concerned. After carefully looking at Ye Jingtang's right hand for a few times, he carried Niaoniao and ran out of the door.

Luo Ning took Ye Jingtang to the main room, sat down in front of the bed, put Ye Jingtang's right hand on his thigh, and took out the wound medicine.

Ye Jingtang sat down on the bed and watched Luo Nuxia removing the bandages worriedly. He felt that he was going to be beaten later. He thought about it and hugged Luo Ning with his left hand.

Luo Ning, who was looking for medicine, sat up a little straighter, and a flash of shame suddenly flashed in her eyes. Before she could speak, Ye Jingtang said seriously:

"Give me a hug. Don't get angry when you hug me. You must be willing to admit defeat."


Luo Ning gritted her teeth, feeling that this little thief was completely heartless, but in the end she followed the bet, suppressed her anger, and continued to remove the bandages:

"It's now like this, but you still haven't forgotten the frivolous woman. Really...have you met the Angry-Eye King Kong?"

"I met his brother Cheng Laoer."

Luo Ning blinked, having never heard of this person before, she frowned and said:

"Cheng Laoer is also a top expert?"

"No, just a street gangster."

"The street thugs were beaten like this? Are you drunk and can't stand still?"

"I didn't draw the knife, I hit him with my fist."


Luo Ning raised her eyes, very baffled:

"Tiefuling is a Henglian sect. You hit someone with your fist? Has the knife been removed?"

"I just wanted to try how domineering Heng Lian Kung Fu is. He was so powerful in Jianghu, but I finally beat him to the ground."

Luo Ning opened her mouth, not knowing what to say:

"You are a master of swordsmanship, and you have the nerve to feel complacent..."

Before he finished speaking, the bandage was untied, revealing the back of his right hand, showing the injury...

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang came back in time. If it had been a few hours later, the wound would not have been found.

? !

Luo Ning was frightened for a long time. Seeing such a result, Liu Yemei suddenly raised her eyebrows. She raised her eyes to look at the Night Terror Hall, and her eyes gradually filled with anger:

"Night Terror Hall!"

Ye Jingtang quickly hugged the angry Luo Nuxia tightly:

"I promised not to be angry. I was indeed injured. It's just that the medicine is powerful and heals quickly."

Luo Ning gritted her silver teeth, threw the medicine bottle aside, and looked away:

"Have you hugged me enough?"

If Ye Jingtang let go, he would probably get beaten up. He must not have hugged him enough, so he changed the subject and said:

"By the way, when I hit Cheng Lao Er today, I punched him, and the skin on his forehead cracked like porcelain. Do you know what kind of skill this is?"

Luo Ning fluttered her eyelashes and turned around:


"On the ice, the spider web patterns created by punching down with your fist don't feel like horizontal kung fu at all. Do you think it could be the 'Golden Scale Diagram'?"

Luo Ning's beautiful face showed seriousness, and she was recalling seriously when she suddenly frowned and said coldly:


Ye Jingtang was also thinking, and subconsciously slid down a little, and touched something very plump. Seeing that Luo Nuxia was angry, she slid up again:

"I didn't pay attention, so don't get angry."

Luo Ning held the sword on her waist with her hand, her eyes threatening Ye Jingtang for a moment, and then she continued to think carefully:

"Xue Baijin said before that after mastering the Golden Scale Diagram, the skin on the whole body will be as strong as dragon scales and indestructible... The description is far from what you said, so it shouldn't be the case."

Ye Jingtang doesn’t think someone like Mr. Cheng is capable of practicing the Dragon Song:

"That's probably Qi Men's martial arts. When his brother 'Raging Eyes King Kong' comes looking for a fight, I'll give him a good beating and study it carefully."

Luo Ning glanced at the big hands on her waist. She wanted to be angry but couldn't, so she looked like an iceberg and asked again:

"You haven't hugged me enough? How long will it take?"

"Let's finish talking."

Ye Jingtang turned to look at Luo Ning and asked:

"Is there anyone else from the Pingtian Sect in the capital?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Yesterday, an official was killed by someone from the Pingtian Sect..."


Luo Ning shook her head solemnly: "I just arrived today at noon, and the few incense owners I brought with me are staying outside the city. I am still in the city, and Xue Baijin cannot hide it from me and arrange for people to come to the capital to cause trouble."

Ye Jingtang thought for a moment and said, "That's because someone deliberately framed it. The murderer used Nanshan Tie Gua Zhang Henggu's Youshen Palm, but no one from the Black Yamen or the Punishment Department saw the problem. Did Zhang Henggu have a defected disciple? ?”

"Youshen Palm..."

Luo Ning recalled for a moment: "You Shen Palm is Protector Zhang's unique skill. It has only been taught to Xue Baijin and his disciples, and I don't know it. They are all in Nanxiao Mountain. There is no way that there are other people in the world who know this skill. It must be because of watching wrong."

Ye Jingtang was dubious: "Baifa Di confirmed that he is You Shenzhang. Are you sure he is not one of your people?"

"Absolutely not. I know all about the arrangements of the Pingtian Religion. Matters involving the capital are all about hatred. There is no way that an outsider in the world would be able to take control... Where is the body? I'll go take a look. You must be wrong. ”

"It's in the Yamen morgue. You accompany me to sneak a look at it at night and find out the clues to the forged palm technique. I can explain it to the government. Otherwise, the blame will only be placed on Instructor Pingtian."

Luo Ning naturally wanted to see is to believe. Just as she was about to stand up and prepare, she found that her hands were still on her waist and she took a deep breath:

"Even if I abide by the bet, there must be a time limit. We can only hold each other for a quarter of an hour every day. Once Qiu Tianhe is free, we will be clear and we will not owe each other anything."

Ye Jingtang nodded: "Okay, as long as Luo Nuxia is happy." After saying that, he took out a hairpin box and handed it to her.

Luo Ning glanced at the exquisite hairpin box and originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it for a moment, she looked at the small package next to her:

"Who did you buy the other jewelry for?"

"I bought it for a female friend I know well, but I can't wear it myself."


A flash of suspicion flashed in Luo Ning's eyes, and she turned her head to look at the package - there were four more items... There were four women outside...

Ye Jingtang was a little amused: "Don't think blindly, it's just a meeting gift you brought back. Didn't I also buy something for Yunli? If Luo Nuxia doesn't like it, just give it to Yunli. I think she likes it very much."

"What am I thinking about? You...it's not like I don't know about your little thief's temperament, and it has nothing to do with me..."

After Luo Ning muttered something, she put the hairpin box aside and stopped talking...



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