VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 996: : Come to an end

On June Feixue and Wednesday, I chose the combination skill of [Meteorite Fall] from the Lava Mage. Everyone was shocked when they saw the introduction of the combined skill. Zhiyue even exclaimed that this skill is colder than fireworks, and Ye Luo two people. The comprehension of [Ice Fire* Ten Thousand Arrows Energy Sea (Group)] is even stronger.

Not to mention the high damage bonus of this skill, and there is a high chance of a 5 times critical strike. The most important thing is that there is a stun time of 3 seconds and a red blood damage of 10 seconds, so far without accidents, the entire game No player in the world can resist this blow without dying, of course, this is when they don't take [Invincible Pill] and do not activate the invincible skill.

"The lava mage’s intellectual growth qualifications are very high, the equipment level of the two is very good, and the full intelligence is added, the magic attack power is originally high, and the damage bonus of this combination skill is so high, and the crit rate is also very good. , It’s hard to resist this attack if it’s not an invincible effect at the moment, plus other effects, this skill is really stronger than the combined skill of the two fireworks." Samadhi said, her pretty face was full of smiles: "We are ethereal. Ge finally has a fourth combination skill, and it will be a lot easier to defend the city or team battles in the future."

"Hey, this time we have gained too much from defending the city. Not to mention the rewards for the gang resident. Other benefits such as level upgrades, bursting equipment, combination skills, and new positions are two powerful professions, so we are illusory. The overall strength has improved a lot, and now there is a great chance of winning even if we fight the Eastern family head-on, even if our number is less than half of them." Othello is confident and authentic.

"Yes, although we are not China's No. 1 gang in name, we are already in strength." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her pretty face was full of expectation: "I now look forward to the start of the national war even more, so that our misty pavilion is famous. The days of the world are coming."

When talking about this, everyone saw that the city wall that was previously broken by the monster was slowly repairing, and the scale of Wushuang City was a bit larger than before, and they even saw that there were more shops in Wushuang City.

More shops means that there will be more business in the future, taxation will be more, and the income of the Misty Pavilion will be greater.

After the defense of the city was over, Dongfang Qitian, Ouyang Feitian and other people who had a bad relationship with the Miao Miao Pavilion directly chose to leave. Of course, there were some people who wanted to ease the relationship, such as Ye Yu Fei Fei, Tian Di, etc., after congratulating the Miao Miao Pavilion. go away.

As for the players who have made good friends with the Misty Pavilion, such as Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing, they have no intention of leaving.

Congratulations to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and they successfully defended the monster siege, Bacchus Dukang said: "Fireworks girl, Riding the wind girl, we now have our own heart of the city, and we will build our own gang resident soon. Do you support me? What do we have?"

"Uncle Bacchus, don't worry, I will lead the elite to support you in the future when you face a monster attack, and I will definitely help you hold it." Po Lang Chengfeng vowed to say.

If others say this, they may be ridiculed, but they have proved their strength with actual actions today. Although part of the reason is because of the strength of Wushuang City, this does not affect the strength of the Misty Pavilion.

After this battle, the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion was once again strengthened, but it also had enough strength to help people defend the monster siege.

"Who doesn't know that helping people defend the city will also get a lot of benefits, not to mention equipment, money and other remunerations. It is very good to just say that the level is improved. Today our level has increased a lot." Bacchus Du Kang said, he looked around The Yanlong actually waited for the soldiers: "Bring some practical things, such as recruitment orders, such as [Dragon Scale Saddle], such as institutions*, etc."

"Uncle Bacchus, it's no surprise that you will invite a lot of people to defend the city in the future. In addition, you have a large number of people originally. It is good to help you defend the city by half a level, and you will be successful in defending the city. Special reward." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she pretended to be reluctant.

"Stop talking nonsense, sell us some of the things I just said, and we will be easier to defend the city in the future, and even only invite you to the elites of the ethereal pavilion, so your level promotion will be greater, anyway. You won't have any monsters to attack the city, and you don't need to strengthen the city's defense for now." Bacchus Dukang said.

"Okay, okay, we just need to prepare some for you, and we can accumulate a lot when the monsters attack the city." Breaking the waves and riding the wind compromised.

"Hey, Chengfeng girl, also prepare some chants for us by the way." Feng Xing smirked.

"Sister Feng, and us." Long Jieyu also said: "We also have the heart of the city, and it won't take long to build a gang resident."

"Uncle Fengxing, Uncle Bacchus and Xiaoyu buy these, I can understand, but you are in a hurry, you have not yet received the task of the heart of the city." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually.

"It doesn't exist now, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. With our Fengxing strength, we will get the heart of the city sooner or later. If it doesn't work, we will also buy one." Fengxingdao said and glanced at the **** of wine Du Kang: "Prepare for us in advance. Some are always good."

"Okay, okay, we will come down and prepare for you. As Uncle Bacchus said, recently we don't need to strengthen the defense of the gang resident." Po Lang Chengfeng repeatedly agreed.

With the approval of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, and others were quite satisfied. Then, after thinking of something, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, pointed to the wall of Wushuang City and asked: "Chengfeng girl, how come the scale of the gang resident you built is larger than the system announcement Many, and there are still two walls. Could it be because you were the first to build a gang resident?"

Not only is Bacchus Dukang curious, but the same is true of Longteng Tianxia, ​​Nangong Yunlong and others. They know that the defense of the gang station with two walls will be more than twice that of only one. Naturally, they also hope that their gang station will also have two. The city wall, that’s why I asked Polang Rongfeng for tips.

"It's enough to have two city hearts, and one of them is still in a half-damaged state..." Po Lang Chengfeng didn't hide it, and told them why Wushuang City would especially tell everyone.

"Uh, this way, your luck is really good, you can actually find such a village." Feng Xing was full of envy, and then he smiled bitterly: "Don't say that we have two hearts of cities, we now have none of them. ."

"Even if you have two city hearts, there are few gangs willing to fuse them together. After all, the value of a city heart is very high." Popular Kyushu Road.

"Hey, it’s very valuable to others, but it’s nothing to us. If we have the opportunity, we have to fuse the hearts of the two cities together, but we don’t know whether it must be in a damaged state. Fusion." Dukang, the **** of wine, said to himself, and he looked at Po Lang Chengfeng and others.

"I don't know this very well. Anyway, the process of fusion was done by the original village chief. It was very cumbersome and also used special materials. I think it would be very difficult." Po Lang Chengfeng answered truthfully.

"It should be very troublesome. The original village head of your resident knows so much and naturally prepared for a long time." Bacchus Du Kang said in a deep voice, and then he shook his head: "Forget it, let it be. Anyway, we don’t have two hearts of cities. Well, we should also go back. It is still very important to find a suitable place to build the gang’s resident."

Next, after everyone chatted casually, they dispersed.

The news that the gang resident was built and successfully defended the monster’s siege quickly spread throughout the Chinese gaming industry. Everyone knew the peculiarities of Wushuang City. It was very different from what was officially revealed. They were also very concerned about why. It would be so curious.

"We held the monster siege, what are we going to do next?" The monster siege was over, and June Feixue was a little confused.

"What else can we do, continue to do gang resident missions, upgrade Wushuang City to a higher level as soon as possible, and build a teleportation array as soon as possible, so that not only will it be profitable, but in the future we can also directly send it over for tasks and tasks, which will be much more convenient. "Black and white chess road, and then she looked at everyone: "In addition, as soon as possible to upgrade the Misty Pavilion main league to level 6 so that we can accommodate more players and our overall strength will further increase."

"Well, yes, these are all important." Samadhi nodded, and she smiled: "Of course, the most important thing is to get to level 240 and rank six as soon as possible. After the first rank six, you can get a job with dual professions. "

"Sister Shi, you are now 236, and you still have a lot of arena points, and you will be able to rise to level 240 in 3 or 4 days." June Feixue said, she checked the ranking list: " Now the top ten players in the rank list are all players from My Misty Pavilion. The only one who is not is Dongfang Potian, who is ranked ninth. He is only at level 232. There is a big gap between you and Sister Shi. This time there will be no surprises. ."

"Although that is the case, it's okay to be careful." Sitting on Qin's heart, she looked at the samādhi, "Next, Xiaoshi will continue to upgrade, and if you upgrade to level 240 as soon as possible, you will be completely relieved. As for us, We have to work hard. Now there are already 239 on the world ranking list, and soon there will be 240 six rounds, and we cannot lag far behind."

Nodding their heads, everyone was ready to get busy after chatting at random.

But before that, everyone thought of another thing-when they first came to this place, they took on a series of tasks. Now that the monster siege is over, it is time to complete the task according to their analysis.

After finding the original village chief, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that they could hand in the task, which means they finally completed the task completely. Depending on the task, the rewards for everyone after the task is different, the level is increased by 1 and 2, and some people receive rewards such as treasure chests. Counting the previous single tasks, the rewards are quite generous.

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