Seeing the introduction of [Resident Light], Othello and others were stunned. The scope of this skill is within 1000 meters of the extension of the city wall. As long as there is this buff effect within this range, the recovery speed of blood and magic is increased by 15%, and the attack power , Defense, movement speed, and attack speed are increased by 10%. The superposition of so many features will make the player's overall attributes a qualitative leap. Defending the city will undoubtedly be much easier in the future.

"Tsk tusk, this gang resident is so powerful, our overall strength can be increased by at least 30% under this skill." Black and white chess, she was very excited: "If we have this skill before then, monsters will attack us again. Where can a wall be breached."

"Well, it's a very good skill." Sanmai Shi Zhenshou lightly tapped, and a smile appeared on her pretty face: "With the rewards before, Wushuang City's overall defense power will be greatly improved, whether it is a monster attacking the city in the future. It's still a hostile force attacking the city, we will all relax a lot."

"At the end of the game, the effect of this skill is stronger than hundreds of magic crystal cannons, catapults and arrow towers." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "This time the rewards are too rich, and the overall strength of our Misty Pavilion has also improved. Dajie, if nothing happens, it should be regarded as the first gang in China."

Hearing that, everyone cheered up and built the Miaomiaoge into China's first gang, but it was their dream. Now that the dream comes true, they can't help but become excited.

"Of course, if you want to truly become China's first gang, you still need to experience the baptism of a national war in the future." Samadhi poetry added.

"Hey, it won't take a long time to trigger the national war after the extreme challenge without accident. Then it will be our chance to show off." Othello is quite expectant.

While everyone was talking about this, Polangchengfeng used the power of the city lord to learn the gang resident skill book, and immediately added a building above the city hall, which is obviously the magic tower for the skill introduction, but it is necessary to investigate It takes 12 hours to complete the construction successfully.

"The toughness and defensive power of the magic tower is similar to that of the magic crystal cannon, but its importance is far more than that of the magic crystal cannon, so we must protect it. If it is destroyed during war, there will be no BUFF effect." Samadhi reminded.

"Hide some arrow towers near the city hall. This time there are many level 2 arrow towers. You can even install two magic crystal cannons and set up autonomous attacks. As long as the enemy sneaks on the city hall and magic tower, you can automatically attack. "Sit on Qin Xin's proposal.

"The magic crystal cannon is so powerful, is it a waste to place it in the center of the city?" Othello asked back: "I think no one should dare to attack us. Even if someone does a sneak attack, only a few arrow towers around are enough."

"The importance of the city hall and the magic tower is self-evident, and it is not an exaggeration to install some magic crystal cannons." Samadhi said, and then his tone changed: "Maybe it is difficult for the monster to attack the city to break our defense and then sneak into the city hall. But it’s different if it’s a player’s sneak attack. For example, a player who can fly can come directly by riding a dragon and other flying mounts. The magic crystal cannon’s attack range is very far, so it’s just in case that some are placed."

"Sister Shi's worry is not unreasonable. Let's set up four. This time there are a lot of magic crystal cannons." The firework is easy to get cold. Seeing that everyone has no opinion, she began to use the power of the deputy city lord to place the magic crystal cannon. Come.

The rewarded arrow towers, catapults and other things are in the gang resident warehouse, and only the city owner and deputy city owner have the right to call and place them.

"Sister Feng, I remember that there is a combo skill book in the reward." Suddenly June Feixue said, her pretty face was full of expectation: "Let us see, who can learn this combo skill book."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they all looked expectantly at the waves and the wind.

Everyone has seen the power of combined skills. This is a force that can reverse the situation, and they want to learn.

After being reminded, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also remembered that there is such a reward. She checked it out, and then her beautiful eyes puckered slightly: "The combo skill book is not fake, but this combo skill book is for two players. And there is no fixed type of skill, which is a bit strange."

"Limited to 2 people to study?" June Feixue was stunned, she muttered: "Based on the existing combination skills, the more the number, the greater the power. There are only two people, even if the combination skills are much less powerful. "

"This is not necessarily true." Samadhi said, she glanced at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo and Fireworks are also two combo skills, who dare to say that their combo skills are weak, this is the most powerful combo skills in the current game industry. , At least in our Chinese server."

Hearing that, June Feixue’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she looked at Po Lang Riding the Wind: “Sister Feng, that skill book does not have a fixed skill, which means that any two skills of any two people can be combined? Hey, if Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng are combined together, [Wan Jian Gui Zong] and [Long Yin Nine Heavens] are combined, wouldn't it be much stronger than [Ice Fire* Wan Jian Energy Sea (group)]? "

Hearing this, the others were also excited, and then all looked towards the waves and wind.

"There is no stipulation on which skill, but there are other requirements on this. The two players who learn the skills are required to have the same occupation and the selected skills are the same." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she shook her head, her voice full of regret: "Although Ye Luo and I also have the same skills, such as "Sword Qi" and "Human Dao*Sword God's Fury", but our professions are different, so we can't use this skill book together."

Because of certain sentiments, coupled with the fact that Firework Yi Leng has already understood the combo skills with Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng is quite eager to have combo skills with him, but this skill book has such restrictions, which naturally makes her quite Lost.

"You need the same profession and the same skills. This restriction is very troublesome. Ye Luo cannot be combined with other people. After all, Samsara is the only profession, and most of the dual professions of our Misty Pavilion are also unique." Chess, her brows frowned: "The player class that learns the combination of skills, the stronger the strength, the more powerful it is. If you just find two ordinary professions to combine, then the power is only slightly stronger than the ordinary skills, and it is too wasteful. This combo skill book is out."

"Our Misty Pavilion also has some of the same hidden professions, such as Taoist priests, such as Fiery Fighting. No, that's right, Brother Hongchen is already Fire Fighting Dragon Knight." Midnight Shu shook his head.

"Did you forget that you also became a Lava Mage on Wednesday?" Suddenly sitting on Qin Xin said, she looked at everyone, with a gentle smile on her pretty face: "Although Lava Mage is not a dual class, it is not as good as it is. The few double professions must be strong, and even in terms of output, there are few double professions that can compete with one of them. If two lava magicians learn combo skills, the power should be very powerful."

Hearing that, June Feixue’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she was a little cheered: "Yes, I forgot that Wednesday is also a lava mage. Our profession is the same, and most of the skills we have are the same. Choose a stronger skill and combine it together. Although the power will not surpass that of Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Fireworks’ [Ice Fire* Ten Thousand Arrow Energy Sea (group)], it’s also much stronger than the usual combo skills."

The occupations for learning combined skills, the stronger the combined skills, the more powerful naturally. If you restrict the two same occupations and the same skills, then there is no doubt that it is best for June Feixue to study with Wednesday.

"Well, let Feixue and Wednesday learn. Their combined skills must be very strong." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she frowned: "But the lava mage has many skills, and there are many powerful skills. Which skill to choose?"

"It's also worth mentioning, it's naturally [Meteor Fall], because this skill is a large-scale group attack magic, and the damage bonus is also high. If you form a combination skill, the power is naturally very powerful." June Feixue blurted out .

June Feixue is a lava mage. She is most familiar with the skills of this profession, and her choice is undoubtedly the most reasonable at present.

"Maybe in the future, you will understand more powerful skills when you are at level 240 and Rank 6, and it will be good to use this combination skill at that time." Suddenly black and white chess said.

"The skills learned after Rank 6 are not necessarily strong. Even if they are strong, they are not necessarily group skills. [Meteor Fall] is already very powerful, and it is still a large-scale group attack magic. I feel that there is no better choice." In June Feixue said, she faintly couldn't wait: "I have chosen this, and I must be content."

"Meteorite falling from the sky is very good, it has high damage, and it can also make the target dizzy, and then there will be continuous damage." The firework is easy to cold, she looked at everyone: "Choose this, Sister Feng, you will be the skill book Give them to Feixue."

The next thing is very simple. On Wednesday and June Feixue used the skill book to comprehend a combination skill:

[Meteorite Fall (group)] (combination skills * active non-upgradeable skills)

Skill introduction: June Feixue and Wednesday at the same time period respectively cast the skills learned by [Meteor Fall], click on this skill, you can summon all hostile targets within 50 meters of the opponent’s lava meteorite to strike, and the damage is added to a two-person attack The total force is multiplied by 250%, and there is a 30% chance that a 5x critical strike will occur. The hostile target will be stunned for 3 seconds and burned. For the next 10 seconds, it will lose 5000 points of vitality per second. Use skills Requires 50,000 mana points, and the skill is displayed every 24 hours.

Skill restriction: Must comprehend this skill and team up with members who comprehend this skill at the same time, and can only be used within the same time period. It needs 2 seconds to accumulate power.

"Wow, I feel that this skill is very powerful, even stronger than the combined skills that Brother Ye and Sister Fireworks comprehend." Zhiyue couldn't help exclaiming after seeing the effect of the skill.

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