VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2573: : Retreat temporarily

The space players of the major servers began to approach, and Ye Luo and the others had to implement their plan in advance-let Yingyue raise a glass to display [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city in the spirit snake city and protect the players in the enchantment After all the kills, they can rush to White Bull City to support at any time.

Inviting Moon to the shadows did not hesitate, and decisively used the [Space Enchantment], and it was performed in advance before the American server player approached, so Ye Luo and the others would not have to worry about being trapped by his [Space Enchantment] again. After all, they continue to work on the other players in the enchantment, and are ready to kill them all in the shortest time. After all, Tokyo Myth and Dark Night may rush back from the Australian server at any time and then play against White Bull City. It is only when you can rush over to support.

However, it is quite easy to kill all the other players in the enchantment. This is easier for Ye Luo and the others. Under the current circumstances, they can kill all of them within 1 minute.

It is worth mentioning that this time the space enchantment also trapped many dual-professional masters and players with [Group Blessing Scroll] on major servers, although at this time their state of big moves and [Group Blessing Scroll] is very It will be over soon, but killing them will make them drop 1 level, and there is a certain chance to explode their equipment, which will weaken their strength greatly.

During the period, Ye Luo and the others paid much attention to the situation in White Bull City, and they were also ready to let Inviting Moon to cast [Space Portal] to send them to White Bull City at any time, but they were a little relieved. After 1 minute passed, Tokyo Mythology, they did not show up near White Bull City. I am afraid that they have quite an idea about the Kangaroo City of the Australian server as everyone had previously speculated.

After 1 minute, Ye Luo and the others killed all the players in the space barrier, but they did not rush to White Bull City immediately, but asked Yingyue to teleport them outside the barrier, and then they began to chase them. The people who killed the major servers-after inviting the moon to cast [Space Enchantment] on the shadows, the people of the major servers began to retreat. After all, they also knew that it would be useless for them to stay here before the space enchantment disappeared. On the contrary, There will be some dangers, such as Ye Luo and the others may be teleported out of the space enchantment at any time and then chase them.

If so, Ye Luo and the others can easily catch up with the people of the major servers. After all, after they summoned the flying mounts, the speed is much faster than the major forces of the major servers. After catching up to the target, they began to use kite flying. The tactics of Ye Luo attack, causing casualties as much as possible, or forcing dual-professional masters to perform big moves and even have servers to use [Group Blessing Scroll]-even though Ye Luo and the others are still holding [Five Elements Great Array] or [Group Blessing] Scroll], but at this time there are only dozens of hundreds of people around them, and there are no defense equipment and walls to rely on, so they can only use the tactics of flying kites, not to mention that the major servers still have many big tricks or [Group Blessing Scroll] Players in the state are still quite dangerous if they are entangled and surrounded by them.

"Hey, why did the people on the major servers start to retreat?" June Feixue's voice suddenly sounded in the team channel: "Especially those players who did not use their ultimate moves and the elite flying players of the major servers. Under the cover of the players who have recruited dual professions and the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], they began to retreat."

"Could it be that they gave up attacking White Bull City?" Po Lang Riding Wind was full of curiosity.

"Perhaps this is true." Othello murmured: "Maybe all the major servers only need to take back Kangaroo City, Spirit Snake City, and Curry City, and for now, if they then fully siege Spirit Snake City and Curry City. And we can’t keep Kangaroo City at all, even if all of us rush over."

Think about it, too, if the Tokyo Mythology gave up the siege of White Bull City and instead attacked the Snake City, Kangaroo City, and Curry City with all their strength, because these three gangs had no walls, defense equipment, and even the heart of the city. , So even if all the players in the China server rush over and use all the means, it may be difficult to defend. The reason why the players in the China server are confident to defend White Bull City is because the walls of White Bull City are still intact, and there are many defenders The city equipment can be used, but this will give the Chinese server players a lot of advantages, and if they do not have the advantages of city walls, they are really difficult to resist the siege of the major servers.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Othello continued: "Yes, it must be so, and the major servers must have been negotiated. Let the people from other servers occupy Kangaroo City, Curry City, and Spirit Snake City, so that the entire server The strength will be greatly improved. After all, it is possible to obtain the national weapon by occupying the station of the other service gang. The worst is that the [Group Blessing Scroll] can also improve their strength, so tomorrow they will concentrate their strength on the besieging White Bull City. It's down."

Hearing that, everyone is silent, they naturally know what kind of improvement they will get if the major servers are rewarded for occupying gangs such as the Snake City. They are afraid that only those scrolls will bring them a lot of pressure-for defense The gang resident server in Bai Niucheng and other gangs uses a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and there is not much left at this time. If the major servers obtain 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls] by occupying gang sites such as Curry City, plus They already have a numerical advantage, so it is really difficult for Chinese players to defend White Bull City.

With this in mind, Othello and the people will be a little worried.

"They shouldn't give up taking White Bull City." Samadhi said, although they are guessing, but their tone is quite sure: "Because sending people to besiege White Bull City will contain many of us, so they want to attack again. It will be much easier for gangs to go to the Snake City and other locations.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "The most important thing is that in the hearts of the major servers, this is the best opportunity to exhaust us and then enter the Central Service to capture the gang's resident. Once this opportunity is missed, I am afraid that they will never have another chance. , Even if they have received good rewards for capturing 3 gang sites including Spirit Snake City."

"Yes, even if they have obtained some national weapons and some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and then besiege White Bull City, they are afraid that they will only have the strength to **** the White Bull City back and no longer be able to enter the Chinese server. After all, our big move tomorrow And other assassin skills can cause great casualties and consumption to them after the CD is over, especially our people use skills like [Vulcan Domain], even just 3 group skills can cause great casualties to them "Long Teng Tianxia took over: "So they can only use today's opportunity to enter the middle server, not to mention that if they don't fight White Bull City and want to take back the gang resident such as Spirit Snake City, it will not be so easy, especially in We still retain a lot of assassins, so they will definitely continue to attack White Bull City."

"Since they won't give up attacking White Bull City, why do they retreat now?" Daughter Hong asked in confusion.

"They are waiting for our ultimate move or [Group Blessing Scroll] to end, and of course they are also waiting for [Space Enchantment] to disappear." Samadhi explained: "Of course the most important thing is that they are waiting for the Tokyo Mythology to break the kangaroo. Afterwards, the city rushed back with a group of masters to support them, and they would have a better chance of taking down White Bull City by focusing their strength."

"Of course, the most important thing is that they need masters such as Tokyo Mythology to entangle the super masters such as Feng Jie and Ye Luo, and only in this way can they have the opportunity to enter White Bull City and then take White Bull City." Samadhi Shi added.

Everyone agrees with this, but then Zhiyue raised another question-don't the Tokyo Mythology worry about the large forces that chase them and cause them great casualties?

"Because the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] or [Five Elements Array] that we are wearing is coming to an end, especially Ye Luo and others, so even if our people chase them out, the threat to them is not too great. What's more, there are also some players in their team with big moves and [Group Blessing Scroll] status. If our people don't use big moves or something, it is difficult to pose a threat to them." Sitting on Qin Xin explained: "And if We use the ultimate move or use the [Group Blessing Scroll], just like the Tokyo Mythology and their intentions, after all, they have long wanted to consume us, and it is quite worthwhile for them to use some elite players or ordinary players to consume our killer skills. ."

"Oh, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "Although we can kill some people when we chase them out, but if the state of the [Five Elements Great Array] we are holding on disappears, then the threat to them will be It’s a lot smaller, and they don’t care about the casualties. What’s more, it won’t take too long for the Tokyo Mythology to solve the problems in Kangaroo City and rush back.

"Yes, so it is the most wise choice for them to retreat now. Otherwise, their casualties will be great if they continue to attack the city. After all, our people will use the city wall and a large number of people to cause great casualties and losses. Samadhi nodded.

Think about it, if the people of the major servers continue to attack the city, they will face attacks from millions of players in White Bull City and various defensive equipment. In this case, even if it lasts for a few minutes, it will be a huge casualty. They retreat, even if they face Ye Luo and others' chasing and killing casualties, it will not be much. After all, Ye Luo and the others chased and killed very few players, and it would be nice to have dozens or hundreds of people.

The fact is also true. At this time, Ye Luo and the others only chased and killed dozens of people, while the fireworks were easy to be cold. There were almost no players chasing them. After all, they could not chase and kill them without the city wall and defense equipment. Get a bargain, especially when Ye Luo and the others are away.

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