VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2572: : Protect the Spirit Snake City

That’s right, if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology perform their assassins such as [Yaki Tian Jiang], their strength will surpass Dongfang Jitian and others, especially since there are many other server masters teaming up, so they are still very likely to bring Dongfang Killing the sky and other players in the space enchantment killed all of them-dark night they have many advantages, such as the number of dual-professional masters, such as the advantage of using the [Group Blessing Scroll], and even the number of national weapons they have exceeds that of the East. God, it's very simple to kill them all in this way, especially in the case of space enchantment.

Although in this way, the dark night and the others were unable to rush to the Yinfu to take down the White Bull City because they used the killer skill of [八其天下] in advance, but if they can kill the East and kill them all and then grab them The national weapon in the hand is worth everything. At this time, there are still a lot of Chinese server players in Kangaroo City, such as Eastern Killing Sky, Eastern Star, Dongfang Xiaotian, Ouyang Feitian, etc., if they Kill as many as possible and then get everything, no, even just two or three pieces of national equipment can greatly enhance Darkye's strength, and most importantly, it can also greatly weaken the strength of the Chinese server.

For these, the Tokyo Mythology is totally worthy of [Yaki Tianxiang], but they didn't do it, which made them puzzled.

"This is easy to understand, that is, Hua Nongyue's [Space Enchantment] is just right, just to isolate the Tokyo Mythology and others." June Feixue said casually, and her words have been recognized by many people.

"No, Eastern Killing Heaven, they should be in the forefront." Ye Luo said as he attacked. Although he was guessing, his tone was quite sure: "Because if Tokyo Myth and Dark Night would not be in the forefront, they were afraid It is difficult for players on servers such as the Australian server to enter Kangaroo City and then to the heart of the city. At least they can't do this at this time."

"Well, that's right, Tokyo Mythology is indeed at the forefront. Even the super masters of other major servers are at the forefront. It is precisely because of this that Kangaroo City was breached so early." Some returned from Kangaroo City. The players who returned affirmed Ye Luo's guess.

"In that case, why are they not trapped by [Space Enchantment] in Tokyo Mythology?" Yaoyue asked with a toast in confusion.

"It's very simple, they let their Space Department players use [Space Portal] to teleport them away." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, seeing the waves and the wind wanting to say, a smile evoked his mouth: "Zhi So in Tokyo Mythology, they didn’t try their best to kill Dongfang Tiantian and they retreated because they were worried that people like us would rush to support us. Don’t forget that the space barrier was used by Hua Nongyue. He can use [Space Portal] to bring us. Teleport as much as possible, and you can even use a [Cross-Server*Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport a large number of Chinese server players."

Hearing this, the waves and the wind showed a sense of sorrow, and she already understood what the Tokyo Mythology they were worrying about.

Think about it, too, if the Tokyo Mythology they are trapped by [Space Enchantment], and then can’t stop Hua Nongyue from using [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and others, then I’m afraid they will steal the chicken. Eclipse of the rice-if Ye Luo and the others are all teleported over, then they will have a great chance to kill Tokyo Myth and others together, especially in the space barrier. Once so, Tokyo Myth, Dark Night Players who have a national device will explode the national device, which is a great loss for them, and it seems that this may happen completely at present.

That being the case, the Tokyo Mythology and the others would naturally not take such a risk, so as soon as they saw Hua Nong Yue launching [Space Enchantment], they gave orders for their Space Department players to use [Space Portal] to teleport them. go.

"Oh, it's a pity, if Tokyo Mythology they are really trapped, it will be fine." Polang Rongfeng said regretfully: "If that is the case, we can completely abandon the Spirit Snake City and rush to support them, because Tokyo Mythology and them Killing and then exploding their national weapon is totally worth it."

"Yes, even if White Bull City is broken, it's worth it, as long as the gang resident of our Chinese server is not captured." Bacchus Dukang took the stubborn words: "After all, the biggest threat to us at this time is Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others. , Exploding their national weapons can greatly weaken their strength, so even abandoning the gangs such as White Bull City is completely worth it, not to mention that once Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are trapped, the major servers are simply unable to break the White Bull City. "

In this regard, other people also regret it. Of course, they also know that if Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are really trapped and then killed, then the major servers will hardly have any chance to break the White Bull City. After all, fireworks are easy to cold and other guards. The players in White Bull City also retain a lot of assassins, and they can completely withstand the siege of major server players without the siege of the dark night and others, even if they do their best and use all the [Group Blessing Scrolls].

It's just that Tokyo Mythology and they are cleverly out of the envelope of [Space Enchantment], so this thing can only be done.

"Now Kangaroo City has been protected by [Space Enchantment]. Within 10 minutes, they were unable to attack Tokyo Mythology. I don't know if they will rush back to the printing service and then attack White Bull City." Sitting on Qin Xin said to herself. While talking to herself, she looked at Ye Luo and the others: "If they really rush to the Yinfu and besiege White Bull City, then Sister Feng and Ye Luo really need to support."

"Don't worry, the little hand is here. She is ready to use the [Space Portal] to transmit Ye Luo and Feng Sister at any time, and she won't give Tokyo Mythology a chance at all." Sanmai Shi vowed to be honest, and then her tone changed. : "What's more, Tokyo Mythology will not let Kangaroo City go so easily. After all, they will get rich rewards for occupying Kangaroo City."

"By the way, I just asked about it. Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night are still outside of Kangaroo City. Obviously they have a lot of ideas for Kangaroo City." Samadhi added a sentence, and her words also made everyone's look much more soothed .

"Couldn't they stay in the Australian server for more than 10 minutes in the Tokyo Mythology." Po Lang said that she couldn't help laughing. "If this is the case, I am afraid that we will have to deal with the major servers. Caused a lot of casualties and even repelled them, so even if they come back, they may not be too late."

"Haha, maybe this will happen, but once this happens, we will definitely be able to hold the White Bull City, and even the Spirit Snake City." Bacchus Du Kanglang laughed.

"In fact, the Tokyo Mythology didn’t have a very good way, because the [Space Enchantment] that Hua Nongyue used must have trapped many of their dual-professional masters who used their big moves and players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. Eastern Killing and the others will kill them all, then their power of siege will be greatly reduced. If the Tokyo Mythology and they rush back, maybe Eastern Killing will be able to defend Kangaroo City, especially if we have someone rushed over to support it." Poetry said: "In this way, their previous efforts are wasted, so they have a great chance not to rush to Yinfu, even if there are too many players."

"Of course, I think they would like to use this as an excuse in the dark night, so they can seize Kangaroo City in an open manner." Samadhi poetry added.

Regarding this, everyone was deeply convinced, and after thinking about it, they no longer worry about anything.

"However, it is estimated that Tokyo Mythology also wants to use players from other servers to consume us. After all, if some people on the major servers perform big moves or use [Group Blessing Scroll] during the period, then we must also consume some more methods." Longteng Sihai Shen said: "Don't forget that at this time, about 30% of the players on the major servers have not performed big moves, and they must have some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Once they attack madly, then we must use other methods. It has just fulfilled their intentions in Tokyo Mythology."

"Yes, Tokyo Mythology, they just used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and they haven't used the ultimate move yet, even some of them can perform 2 ultimate moves." Hero Sword took the stubbornly: "Not to mention they still have it. [Baqi Tianxiang] and other killers, if there are some [Group Blessing Scrolls] among them, and our consumption is a bit large, it is really difficult to resist them, even if we cause a lot to the major server players Casualties and attrition."

"What are you afraid of? Now we have a lot of killers, not only three or four [Group Blessing Scrolls], there are also two group combo skills and many combo skills. In addition, many of us still have big Trick, plus Ye Luo brother’s [Tai Chi Dao] and [Heavenly Tribulation * Black Hole] and Feng Feng’s [Thunder God’s Fall], hey, the people in front of these servers want to cause too much consumption to us. It's possible." Inviting Yue toasted indifferently: "Even if we only use half of the means, we can consume the players who are besieging us now, so we will still retain many means to deal with the Tokyo Mythology."

"By the way, Brother Long Teng also has the killer skill [Seven Stars Heaven], which is comparable to [Thunder God Heaven] and [Eight Qi Heaven]." Inviting Yue to toast and added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, thinking that their side had so many reservations, they no longer worried about this issue.

At this moment, a space system player of the US server is ready to approach and then cast [Space Enchantment], and at this time there are other space system players approaching again, breaking the waves and riding the wind, they know they can't delay anymore, because once they are blocked by other servers [Space Enchantment] It will be very troublesome to trap them, and in the best case, 10 minutes will be wasted, so they can only act in advance-let Yingyue raise a glass to show [Space Enchantment] The city of the Spirit Snake The heart is protected.

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