VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2569: : Retreat into the city

After Ye Luo and the others deterred the players with national equipment on the major servers, defending the city did not become much easier, because at this time, there are many dual-professional masters in the major servers who have performed ultimatums, and there are some The server used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and their siege effort was greatly increased for a while.

Not only that, the players of the major servers are not fools. They also know that Ye Luo and others are very powerful, so they deliberately avoid them. After all, Ye Luo and the others can only guard one wall, or even a section of the wall. A large number of players on the server can attack from other directions.

In this regard, Ye Luo and the others are also quite helpless, they can only kill the surrounding masters as much as possible to reduce the pressure of defending the city.

Of course, at this time, a large number of dual-professional masters on the major servers are performing big moves, and they also use a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and their consumption is also very large, which will also make Ye Luo and the others easy to defend White Bull City. Many, so their purpose of coming to Spirit Snake City and Curry City to support has also been achieved.

It is worth mentioning that because the fireworks used a [Group Blessing Scroll] before, coupled with a large number of dual-professional masters, the situation in White Bull City is quite optimistic. At present, the players in the fancy server still have more power. .

"Sister Feng, Ye Luo, if the major servers break through the walls of Curry City and Spirit Snake City, you will retreat into the city walls, defend near the heart of the city, and delay as much time as possible." The fireworks are easy to be cold on the team. Command in the channel.

Ye Luo is quite smart. He immediately understood the purpose of fireworks being easy to cold, and also instantly understood the benefits of defending near the heart of the city. As I said before, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng are not many, and they cannot defend too much. Place, but if it is near the heart of the city, it will be different. After all, the smaller the defensive range, the more players they can intercept, and even in the end they can intercept all the players around the heart of the city.

Of course, it’s okay even if you still can’t defend it. If it’s a big deal, delay some time. After all, many of the players on the major servers have used their big moves to resist the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. The longer they delay, the bigger these people are. The more likely the state of the move and the [Group Blessing Scroll] will end, so that their next threat to White Bull City will be much smaller.

"Of course, if things don't happen for you, you have to evacuate, and you must not be trapped there." Fireworks Yi Leng exhorted.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng said in unison.

"Sister Poetry, Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, wait for you to be responsible for sending the most powerful knights to defend near the heart of the city, with flying archers, green dragon summoners, and some priests to assist Ye Luo and Sister Feng to fight. "The fireworks Yi Leng continued to give orders: "As for the others, they can be removed, of course, after the city wall is breached."

"Hey, rest assured, we know how to do it." Dukang, the **** of wine, smiled, and a person as sophisticated as he naturally understood why the fireworks were arranged like this.

The battle is still going on, but the situation in Spirit Snake City and Curry City is a bit unsatisfactory. Yeluo, Po Lang and Riding the Wind are where they are, but at this time, people from major servers have rushed up to the other walls. Then some defensive equipment was destroyed, so the advantage of the middle service began to diminish, and they could only retreat step by step. Under the command of Bacchus Dukang, Samadhi Shi and others, they delayed as much as possible.

Because the battle circle is compressed, the players needed for defense are gradually reduced. Assassins and boxers who are not suitable for defense and defense will withdraw from the Snake City and Curry City in turn according to the orders of the Bacchus Du Kang. Slightly reduce casualties.

It is worth mentioning that almost all of the walls of Spirit Snake City and Curry City have been destroyed, which means that people from major servers cannot place mobile magic crystal cannons on the walls, which also slightly reduces the pressure on the players in the server.

Seeing the players of the major servers rushing into the Spirit Snake City and Curry City from other walls, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others can only retreat. After all, even if they can block the enemy outside the wall at this time, they cannot keep the spirit. Snake City and Curry City, fortunately, their defensive strength slightly increased as the defensive circle was reduced. In particular, Yeluo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind had more places they could'care', although they still couldn't stop each other. The offensive, but it also caused a lot of casualties. At the worst, it can delay the resettlement for some time.

It is worth mentioning that Du Kang, the **** of Bacchus, Samadhi, they ordered the master of formation to perform [Change Heaven and Earth] in the heart of the city and then create a high platform, but it is different from the long platform in the previous siege. This is a circular high platform. The people in the Chinese server have arranged a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons on it, and there are many arrow towers, catapults and magic crystal cannons around the heart of the city, which can cause a lot of trouble to the major servers, of course. It will create a very good output environment for Chinese server players.

The fact is also true. After 3 or 4 minutes, Ye Luo and the others finally retreated to the heart of the city, and then they attacked from the high platform, with many cavalry in front, archers and magicians attacking on the high platform, and a large number of green dragons called. The division summons the green dragon to control the surrounding targets, while the priest adds blood, increases the state and dispels the negative state for everyone. This is also a quite powerful defensive force-the players around the heart of the city are the Bacchus Du Kang, The elite selected by them in Samadhi, many of them are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and there are also many dual-class players. They are far from danger, but they can also cause greater trouble to the people of major servers.

"Sister Poetry, Uncle Bacchus, if the situation permits, you can let Long Ying and Inviting the Moon to perform [Space Enchantment] in the heart of the city." The firework's cold voice once again sounded in the team channel, don't wait for Samadhi. She opened her mouth, and continued: "But once you let them use this skill, you have to kill the foreign server players in the enchantment in the shortest time, and then teleport to White Bull City for support. It's just that you give up the spirit. Snake City, Curry City."

"Don't do this, now our defensive strength is very strong, enough to withstand the attacks of major server players, staying here can kill them more players, and at the worst, they will have more consumption." The **** Du Kang said in a deep voice: "After all, although [Space Enchantment] can delay the time for the Snake City and Curry City to be occupied, once we leave, we will give up, and the elite masters of the major servers, especially Players who perform big moves and hold the [Group Blessing Scroll] status will rush to White Bull City to support, so we will be under great pressure."

"Hey, it's been a long time. The remaining time for those dual-professional ultimatums is less than 1 minute. If you delay here for a while, they won’t have the ultimatum, so even if they rush to White Bull City, they won’t be right. We have caused too much trouble." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently.

"But those players who are in the [Group Blessing Scroll] status will last as much as 4 or 5 minutes. If we give up the Spirit Snake City and Curry City in advance, they will rush to Bai [新笔趣阁www.biqule.co] ] Bull City can still cause great trouble to us." Fengxing said in a deep voice: "So we'd better stay here to hold them down. For now, it’s still nothing to delay until their [Group Blessing Scroll] status disappears. questionable."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he changed his tone: "Of course, if the Tokyo Mythology has already breached Kangaroo City and rushed to White Bull City to attack the city, then we can just give up here and rush to support as the fireworks girl said."

Think about it, it’s been a while since the major servers were attacking the city. Although June Feixue and Misty Yiyun rushed to Kangaroo City to perform the [Vulcan Domain] and [Garious Wind Domain], they are not necessarily certain. Can block the siege of masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa. Once they have taken the Kangaroo City and rushed to the Indian suit to besiege White Bull City, then Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng must rush to support them-for example, only masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa can intercept Living in Yeluo and breaking the waves and riding the wind are the same. If Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night have used their ults and killer skills such as "Baqi Tianxiang" and other assassin skills, only Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and others can deter them, so Fengxing would say if Dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they began to besiege White Bull City so they must return to support.

"Well, well, you continue to defend first. If Tokyo Myth and Dark Night breaks Kangaroo City, then you will do what I say, or in Ye Luo, Feng sister's [Five Elements Array] or [Group Blessing Scroll] If you are about to disappear, you must withdraw." The firework said coldly, and then she did not forget to tell: "If the opponent has a space player to cast [Space Enchantment] to trap you, then you also have to withdraw as soon as possible."

"Hey, even if there are space players who use [Space Enchantment] to trap us, as long as Tokyo Myth and Dark Night do not rush over, we can easily kill all the players in the enchantment." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently. "It’s okay even if the Tokyo Mythology they rushed over. At that time, we and Ye Luo will be together, and then Ye Luo will use [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] to trap them, we use the ultimate move and then [Thunder God Fall], tusk, I believe that when the time comes, a limited number of people, such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, will be killed by us."

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "Maybe we still have a chance to kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Don’t forget that we have 6 players with full attack power. If we perform big moves and resist [Thunder God] The state of Heaven's Fall, even if Tokyo Mythology they used their big moves and resisted [Yaki Heavenly], they would be overwhelmed."

"But what if Tokyo Mythology, instead of besieging Spirit Snake City and Curry City, they come to besiege White Bull City?" Fireworks Yi Leng asked.

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