VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2568: : Deterrence

In June, Feixue and Misty Yiyun rushed to Kangaroo City to display the [Vulcan Domain] and [Gurly Wind Domain] undoubtedly causing a lot of trouble to servers such as the Australian server. If Tokyo Myth and Dark Night have no other means, they are afraid it will The Kangaroo City cannot be captured within minutes, but such a long time is enough for the middle server players such as Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind to cause greater casualties and consumption to the players of the server such as Yinfu, especially if there are any problems. Players with dual professions who used less ultimatums and the status of [Crowd Blessing Scroll] were killed. Once so, even if the Tokyo Mythology returns all of them, it will not be a threat to White Bull City.

Think about it, at this time, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and they still have 3 or 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands, and almost no one of their dual-professional masters has performed big moves, and Ye Luo retains the [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], [Tao Ji Dao] and other skills, and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also retains [Thunder God’s Skyfall] and other assassins. With these, even if the Tokyo Mythology they lead people to concentrate on besieging White Bull City, there will be no big problem.

"Yes, when Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night decided to go to the Australian server to support us, we must be able to defend White Bull City, because Kangaroo City's defensive strength is much stronger than they thought, and this means that they have to have great Casualties and consumption." Samadhi said, she chuckled softly: "If we are lucky, we may be able to kill the players with national weapons on the major servers and then obtain their national weapons, and even have the opportunity to capture one or two gang locations. ."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, especially when they heard the words "national equipment" and gang resident, and the most excited were the people like Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing. After all, they also knew that they had helped Miomi Pavilion this time. Very busy, if they have a chance to break through the gang resident of Yinfu or other servers, Miomi Pavilion is likely to send them along the way, so that they can obtain the gang resident of his server and obtain various benefits from it. They naturally think of these. Very excited.

Of course, these can't be said in the mouth for the time being, but it won't be a big surprise based on the fact that Fengxing and Bacchus Dukang understand that fireworks are easy to be cold and that they break the waves and ride the wind.

"Xiaoshu, you go to help Ye Luo, cooperate with him to harass and kill the players with national weapons on the major servers." Firework Yicold gave the order, not waiting for the book to speak in the middle of the night, she turned and looked at the sunset in Changhe: "Sunset, you go Meeting with Sister Feng and the others, the purpose is the same as Xiaoshu."

"Sister Qin, on Saturday, you will also go over and try your best to assist Ye Luo and Sister Feng." Yi Leng Yi Lu Yi added.

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of breaking the waves and riding the wind brightened, but as clever as sitting on the heart of the piano, he instantly understood the real purpose of the fireworks easy to cold. Obviously, the command such as fireworks easy to cold is to deter major servers from holding national weapons. People, keep them away from the battlefield, so this will further reduce the pressure to defend the city.

Think about it, too, players with national weapons are extremely powerful, and their threat is much greater than those dual-professional masters on major servers and players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status. If you can kill them all, even Just deterring them away can greatly reduce the pressure on defending the city.

Of course, if you are lucky enough to kill it, it’s even better. A national weapon can greatly enhance the strength of a player, and even a gang resident can be exchanged with it without losing too much, especially if they have almost none. What opportunity to hold the Spirit Snake City, Curry City.

"But after we left, White Bull City's defensive strength was much weaker. Can you defend it?" Shu Shu said in the middle of the night, but when he said this, he and Changhe Sunset and others decisively teleported to Curry City and Spirit Snake. Cheng, because he knows that fireworks are easy to be cold, since such arrangements must have had a countermeasure.

"Don't worry, we will use another [Group Blessing Scroll] and there will be no problem." Firework Yi said coldly.

Although the midnight book and Changhe Sunset with full attack power in the state of [Five Elements Grand Formation] are extremely powerful, it is still much worse than 100 players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. Greatly reduce the pressure on White Bull City, even more relaxed than when they were still in the middle of the night and the sunset.

"Sister Feng and Ye Luo, even though you are supposed to deter enemies with national weapons, you should also focus on killing opponents' masters. It is best to disrupt their formation, so as to reduce the pressure of defending the city as much as possible. "The firework is easy to be cold," she continued, and then she exhorted: "Of course the most important thing is to keep yourself safe."

"Understand." Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng said in unison.

When they were talking about this, they also rushed over in the middle of the night book and the sunset of the river. With the help of thousands of cups of not drunk, nameless and other people, they brazenly rushed to the players with national weapons, and attacked while rushing. Under the damage output, a lot of high damage numbers floated, and many players in the foreign service were killed, especially Ye Luo used the [Wind Thunder Ice Array] in the crowd. This continuous skill not only killed many players, but also beat Disorganized the formation of major servers.

Ye Luo, Midnight Book, and Thousand Cups of Not Drunk are the main forces of a group. The three of them are full of attack power, and are in the state of [spell immunity], plus they are resistant to [Five Elements] or [Group Blessing Scroll], their damage output is extremely high at this time. Together with the 3 people and the control and assistance of the people sitting on the piano, they can almost charge and kill in a short time.

As for breaking the waves and riding the wind, breaking the waves and riding the wind, the sunset of the river and the nameless are also full of attack power, although Saturday’s control ability and healing ability are much worse than sitting on the piano heart, not staying overnight unless, Nangong Yunlong, Qianli Solo riders are also in the team. There are 4 thunder-type occupations at once. All kinds of thunder-type skills are displayed at a time. The control and damage output are even stronger than Ye Luo and the others, so even if they rush into the enemy group There is no big problem.

At this time, Ye Luo and the others will not be stingy with their skills. Some group attack skills with a short CD time have been displayed, but they have also killed many people. The most important thing is that these skills have won some opportunities for Ye Luo and others, such as those Players with national equipment have the opportunity to do something, everyone cooperates, if the enemy is not paying attention, he will be caught and then killed.

It is precisely because Ye Luo and the others have extremely high damage output, so the fireworks are easy to be cold and will let them work together.

However, those players who have national weapons are all masters. The most important thing is that they don’t dare to rush forward when they see Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. They keep a certain distance from them and are always vigilant. Then, seeing Ye Luo and the others rushed straight forward, they decisively chose to let the Space Department class send them away, so Ye Luo and the others could only turn to the next target.

However, at this time, other players with national equipment were also mentally prepared. They were sent away when they saw Ye Luo and they arrived, so they had no chance at all-those players with national equipment were also smart. People, also know that facing Ye Luo and others deliberately chasing them there is almost no chance, so they will not bite the bullet, leaving directly is the best choice.

Of course, the departure of these masters also greatly reduced the pressure on defending the city. The most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others attacked more unscrupulously without these masters, so that they caused more casualties on the major servers-think about it. , At this time, the players that can threaten Ye Luo and them among the major servers are those players who have national weapons. Once they all'escape', then other players will naturally be less threatened, and Ye Luo and the others can naturally be killed. More players.

The fact is also true. After seeing the target withdraw, Ye Luo and the others turned to attack those players who used big moves and were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and even after they were not too threatened, they dispersed and killed the players like this. It's more.

"It's a pity, those players with national weapons have learned to be smart, and they evacuated as soon as they saw us come." Po Lang Chengfeng said in a bad mood, and then his tone changed: "If I knew it, I would use [Kuang Lei Sprint ], we didn’t really leave one or two players with national equipment, so we made a lot of money."

"The people on the major servers are already vigilant. Even if you use [Kuang Lei Sprint] or [Remnant Shadows], you will not have any chance. After all, [Kuang Lei Sprint] also needs some time to accumulate energy. Within time, I am afraid that those people will use their invincible skills and then start to flee. If they are prepared, you will have little chance to catch them." Samadhi said, and then she explained with a smile: "Fireworks let you stay. These displacement skills are naturally aimed at targeting and deterring the Tokyo Mythology, so the effect of keeping them is better."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also a smart person. Naturally, she also knows that even if she uses the "Thunder Sprint", it is difficult to catch the target and kill it. Moreover, she also knows that it is better to keep these skills against the Tokyo Mythology. So she didn't worry about these anymore.

"At this time, the players holding the national equipment have already withdrawn, and will not return in a short time, so our pressure will be much lighter. Taking the opportunity to kill some of them, maybe there is a real chance to defend the Spirit Snake City or Curry City. "Bacchus Dukang is quite exciting and authentic.

"No, we hardly have any chance, because they will take further action soon." Samadhi shook his head: "Don't forget that half of them have double professional masters who haven't performed their big moves, and they will definitely keep it. With some [Group Blessing Scrolls], then they will use these methods."

As soon as the voice fell, among the players who attacked the Snake City and Curry City, many dual-professional masters did their utmost, and some server players used the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Once strengthened, it is even much stronger than the previous players with national weapons.

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