VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2564: : The biggest failure

As analyzed by Samadhi, Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night rushed to the Australian server to help the Australian server regain the Kangaroo City, and then combined with the masters of these servers to kill them back to the Zhongfu to attack the White Bull City and other gangs occupied by the Zhongfu. There are many benefits. , Of course, the biggest advantage is that you don’t have to face Ye Luo and others directly to ensure your safety. After all, they may be killed in the face of [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], so they rushed there after a little thought. Australian service.

Soon, the players in the Assassin's House in the Australian server confirmed that they arrived at the Australian server and began to attack Kangaroo City, even they had already used the [Group Blessing Scroll].

"Tokyo Mythology, they really rushed to the Australian server to attack Kangaroo City, and before leaving, they used the [Group Blessing Scroll]." Bacchus Dukang said in a deep voice. When he said this, his brows frowned slightly: "Although there is only Dozens of players including Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night arrived at the Australian server, but their pressure on Kangaroo City will also increase greatly."

That’s right, the people of Bacchus Dukang quickly figured out that they used 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] before they left in Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, and then they took dozens of hundreds of players to the Australian server, and then left. More than 100 players with the [Group Blessing Scrolls] status attacked the Spirit Snake City with all their strength-the reason why more than 100 players with the [Group Blessing Scrolls] status attacked the Spirit Snake City naturally caused more damage to Ye Luo and the others. It would be a lot easier for them to return to attack White Bull City after they have broken Kangaroo City. What's more, in the Tokyo Mythology, only dozens of them rushing past are enough to destroy Kangaroo City in a short time.

The reason why Bacchus Dukang is slightly worried is that there are more than a hundred more servers in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], which will greatly increase their pressure, so even if Ye Luo is here to help them, they can’t bear it and can only use it again. Some methods, such as the use of one more [Group Blessing Scroll], such as letting the dual-professional players they bring with them to use their big moves to deal with-but this has fulfilled the wish of the Tokyo Mythology, after all, this also made Ye Luo With greater consumption.

"Uncle Bacchus, there should be only one [Group Blessing Scroll] left in your place, use it, or you will soon be unable to withstand it." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, without waiting for Bacchus Du Kang and others to reply, she continued : "Tokyo Mythology, they have a good calculation, but I am afraid that they will be disappointed. Even this time their biggest failure is to go to the Australian server to attack Kangaroo City."

Hearing that fireworks are easy to be cold, Bacchus Dukang did not hesitate to use the last [Group Blessing Scroll]. Hundreds of players in this state participated in the battle, and Ye Luo also displayed some powerful and large-scale skills. , It also suppressed the offensive of the major servers, at least in a short period of time will not worry that people from major servers will attack the city wall and kill them into the city wall.

"Why are they the biggest failure to do this?" Othello asked in confusion, "Couldn't they be unable to attack Kangaroo City at all? If this is the case, it would be good news. We are very likely to defend the two gangs. Stationed, it may even be held..."

"No, Kangaroo City will be breached." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Because only the players of the Australian server and other servers pose a greater threat to it, not to mention that dozens of masters waited for the dark night to rush over. Not surprisingly, they will be able to capture Kangaroo City."

"What, they can capture Kangaroo City?!" Hearing the words of the fireworks being easy to get cold, the sound of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little: "Then are we going to the Australian service to support us? We didn't mean to try to defend the two gangs. Station? Only by rushing over to support can we keep Kangaroo City."

"If Sister Feng, you rush over, then I am afraid that we may not even be able to hold the White Bull City." The firework is easy to cold to prevent the waves and the wind: "Because the major servers have thousands of pairs of professional masters who have not used their big moves. And they should also have some props and skills such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. If you are entangled by Tokyo Mythology in the Australian server, then we will definitely be unable to stop it.

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind silently, they naturally know how they can help defending the city by staying. Not only because they can intercept and kill a large number of players on the major servers, but most importantly, they can also deter the major players. Server players have reservations and do not dare to attack the city with all their strength-the major servers do not dare to attack the city with all their strength, then it will mean a longer delay, and the longer the delay, the greater the casualties of the major servers, and the consumption The bigger the fireworks are, the easier it will be for them to keep the White Bull City.

In addition, Ye Luo also has killer skills such as [Taizhi Dao] and [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole]. Breaking the waves and riding the wind also retains [Thunder God’s Fall], and these can greatly reverse the situation, so as long as they stay, they will be counted as major servers. Attacking them with full force can also be held, but it will be different if you leave, so the fireworks are easy to cold to stop them.

"But if we don't rush to support, then Kangaroo City will be broken." Po Lang said in a deep voice: "Although Kangaroo City is occupied by the Yeyu family, how to keep Kangaroo City is a lot of benefits for us. , We can’t just give up like this."

"No way, we only have these strengths. It would be great to be able to defend one gang site. The probability of defending two is too low, especially after Tokyo Mythology brought people to the Australian service." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Then the tone changed: "If they do this then we will definitely be able to hold the White Bull City, and this will achieve our goal."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, this time we will cause greater losses to the major servers and further weaken their strength. Of course, we will grab a lot of loot and further improve our strength, and we will want to capture and defend in the future. The gang resident he serves will be easier, especially after White Bull City has been upgraded to Level 4 King City."

"The fireworks girl is right. At least if the wind girl and Ye Luo rush to the Australian server to support us, then we will definitely be unable to defend White Bull City, and even Kangaroo City will not be able to defend us. After all, we will defend White Bull City. There will be a lot of consumption." Bacchus Du Kang said solemnly: "Because once you leave, we will soon be unable to defend the Spirit Snake City. I believe that the same is true for Curry City. Then the people from the major servers can concentrate their efforts. We are going to attack White Bull City, and we will not be able to defend it even if we use all means."

She quickly realized this. Although she also wanted to keep Kangaroo City, she knew that it was more important to keep White Bull City. So she could only dispel the idea of ​​rushing to the Australian server to support her. The large server caused casualties.

"Sister Fireworks, why do you say that Tokyo Mythology and their going to the Australian server is the biggest failure of this operation?" Zhiyue asked this question again.

"Because if they don't go to the Australian server to support it, it is still possible to capture all of White Bull City, Spirit Snake City, and Curry City, but once they go to the Australian server to support, there will be almost no such opportunity." Samadhi said, maybe Knowing that Zhiyue and others must not understand why, she continued to explain: "The defense of Kangaroo City is very strong, even stronger than the average defensive strength of our three stations. Even if the Tokyo Mythology rushes over, they will definitely be able to break Kangaroo City. Larger consumption, at least it will take a long time, and during these times we can cause large casualties to the major servers, and even use them to perform big moves and even hit players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] Killed seven or eight, so even if the Tokyo Mythology came back, they would not pose too much of a threat to us."

Think about it, too, there are Yeyu Family, Ouyang Family, Oriental Family, Heavenly Killing Organization, and Yinian Family that guard Kangaroo City. These are four top ten gangs and one large gang, plus Eastern Killing Sky, Eastern Stars, and Moonlight Ting Zen and other super masters and masters with national equipment, and even they have a group combination skill, which is a very powerful defensive force. Even if they can't defend Kangaroo City, they can cause greater casualties and consumption of servers such as Australian servers. The worst can be delayed for a while-many of them have national weapons in Eastern Killing Sky, and Eastern Stars even have the [Five Poison Scepter]. The additional [Five Poison Miasma] of this national weapon can also be used against Australia. Servers and other server players cause a lot of trouble, and they can delay using these for a long time.

As Samadhi Shi said, Ye Yu Fei and the others can delay for a long period of time, and Ye Luo and the others must have killed a large number of masters of the major servers after such a long time. This will weaken the power of the major servers even more. Some, so it’s not so easy for Tokyo Mythology to come back and want to break the White Bull City. If Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and their super masters are there, they can entangle Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and so on. It is not easy for them to cause greater casualties to the major servers, but it is different now that they leave, they can almost unscrupulously attack and then cause greater casualties to major servers.

Think about it too. At this time, those who can intercept Ye Luo and Break the Wave and Ride the Wind are the super masters of Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night. Now that these super masters are not there, then Ye Luo and Break the Wave and Ride the Wind can naturally attack unscrupulously. This will undoubtedly cause great casualties to the major forces.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo and the others stepped up their attacks after they learned of the Tokyo Mythology, because they didn’t have to worry about being intercepted. In addition, the daughter Hong and others imposed [Spell Immunity] on them from time to time, plus [God Dance Step]. Invincible time of 1 second, they can easily shuttle in the enemy's formation. Various group attack skills and even ordinary attacks are displayed. Pieces of high damage numbers float up. Many players on major servers have been killed, including those who used big moves. And the players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll].

Because Ye Luo and the others are very mobile, coupled with Samadhi, Bacchus Dukang, they deliberately arranged some masters to assist them in intercepting the players who charged them, so that no player can entangle them and stop them from killing, as said before. general.

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