VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2563: : Picking up soft persimmons

Seeing that after using the [Group Blessing Scroll] and the [Five Elements Grand Array], China Server easily contained its own offensive, and even had a faint tendency to cause greater casualties to its own side, and the major servers could only order more Many dual-professional masters perform their ultimate moves, or use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. After all, they don’t want their elite troops to lose too much. Otherwise, without the assistance of these players, it would be difficult for them to give gangs such as Bai Niu City to Take it down.

At a time, nearly half of the major servers have performed their utmost skills, and many servers have used the [Group Blessing Scroll]. In general, there are 2000 players on the major servers at this time, which is equivalent to the double careers that have performed the ultimate. Experts, on average, every gang site has 5,600 siege the city, which greatly increased the pressure on the server, especially the major servers focused on attacking Bai Niucheng.

However, everyone is not worried about this, not only because most of the people retain their utmost skills at this time, but also some [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Thor Deity], [Tai Chi Dao] and other assassin skills, props, and even just Exercising some powerful, large-scale skill coverage attacks can block the attacks of major servers, especially Bai Niucheng-at this time, a large number of Chinese server masters are concentrated in Bai Niucheng, and there are many masters with national weapons, especially Breaking the waves and riding the wind, the book in the middle of the night, and the sunset in the river are all players with full attack power. They have caused great casualties to the major servers.

The reason why the fireworks are easy to be cold and they don’t let June Feixue use their killer skills such as [Vulcan Domain] prematurely, because at this time, half of the major servers still have their utmost skills, especially the super masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa. Come here, if they consume too much at this time, they will be quite pressured to defend.

The fact is also true. After June Feixue and others used some great power, large-scale skills, and the magic crystal cannon’s [Laser Arrow Rain], it stopped the offensives of the major servers, especially breaking the waves and riding the wind. World Destroying Thunder] killed many masters around, so now it seems that they don’t need to use [Group Blessing Scroll] and other methods to withstand attacks from major servers.

However, the situation in the Spirit Snake City and Curry City is a bit worse, and the Spirit Snake City is slightly better. After all, Ye Luo has killed many players, including dual professional masters and air power, plus his arrival to deter Tokyo Mythology. Dare to come forward, so I can support it.

As for Curry City, the defensive power here is much weaker. Facing the siege of more than 500 players is comparable to the use of big moves. If they have no other means, they will soon attack the city wall. Once so, the Chinese server will be more With heavy casualties, even Curry City will soon be breached.

Samadhi naturally knows this, so she decisively ordered the use of a [Group Blessing Scroll], and also ordered everyone to use powerful and wide-ranging skills, including group combination skills, to cause casualties and even death to major servers as much as possible Consumption-Samadhi clearly knows that it is difficult for them to defend Curry City, but their main task is to consume all major servers as much as possible and then cause casualties to them. The more they consume the target, the more likely they are to keep White Bull City.

Use 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], and players from the major gangs can use various powerful and wide-ranging skills under her command. In addition, the Green Flood Summoner and many archers have increased their attacks, but they have also contained them. The offensive of the major server players.

Of course, this is only temporary. If the major servers continue to increase their attacks, the players stationed in Curry City will be overwhelmed, because the major servers still have thousands of professional masters who have not performed their big moves, and there must be [groups] Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items, but Samadhi and the others do not have too many remaining methods-think about it, Samadhi and their main task is to consume the major servers, the focus of Zhongfu is on the defense of Bai Niu City. At this time, there were not many dual-professional masters in Curry City, and they did not have much [Group Blessing Scroll]. At this time, they still had little remaining strength.

The Samadhi and the others do not have much reservations, but the major servers have reservations. It is impossible to defend Curry City in this way. They can only cause casualties and even consumption to the players of the major servers as much as possible. This is not difficult for Samadhi and them-at this time they have contained the offensive of the major servers, that is, the major servers have to continue to increase their attacks, such as using some [Group Blessing Scrolls], such as some people performing Big tricks and so on, and this can be considered to consume major servers.

"Sister Feng, the situation on our side is pretty good. You and Xiao Fei rushed to Curry City." Firework Yi Cold issued an order: "Try to lure the major servers to use more methods. The easier it is to defend on the sides."

Because the Midnight Book, Long River Sunset and others kill people to increase muscle attack power or possess national weapons, plus the powerful and wide-ranging skills of Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind have caused very good casualties on the major servers, so even if they are large The server has more dual-professional masters to perform ultimatums and some servers have used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and it does not pose too much threat to White Bull City. Even under the suppression of many green dragon summoners and flying archers, they still have plenty of power. , So breaking the waves and riding the wind, every night, unless you can free your hands to support Curry City.

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind, night and night, unless they didn't say much, they rushed directly to Curry City, and then followed the instructions of the samādhi to the place with the strongest siege force, and then they did not say much, and the two of them worked together. [World Destroying Kuang Lei], it killed many targets in an instant, especially those air powers with the longest siege time. This also slightly eased the pressure on Samadhi and the others. The major servers wanted to capture Curry City. Need to use more means, but this is exactly what the Chinese server players want to see.

"Fireworks, if you let Sister Feng and Xiaofei go to Curry City to support you, I'm afraid you don't just want to make the major servers more expensive." Sitting on Qin Xin, he added blood, increased status or dispelled negative status to everyone: " The most important thing is to deter those in Tokyo Mythology not to rush to Curry City. After all, the presence of Sister Feng also means that Ye Luo and we can rush to support them at any time. This can more or less deter Tokyo Mythology and them, at least it can delay more. Time, and the longer the delay, the greater the consumption of major servers."

After Ye Luo appeared, Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and the others did not brazenly attack the city. They were a little hesitant. Maybe they would go to Curry City to pinch the'soft persimmon', but the waves and the wind and the night can be more or less deterrent unless they rush over. About them, after all, as sitting on Qin Xin said, Ye Luo and the others may also rush to support at any time.

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi responded indifferently, but at this moment she had other thoughts in her mind.

While talking, suddenly daughter Hong's voice sounded in the team channel: "Hey, what about the people in Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night? How did they disappear? Did they go to Curry City or White Bull City?!"

Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night are the super masters on the world rankings. They are also the most threatening to defend the city. Therefore, Dukang and Fengxing, the gods of Bacchus, deliberately sent some people to stare at their every move, and the first to find them disappeared in the daughter red In time, she told the news to everyone in China Server.

"They didn't show up in Curry City, and there is no one of them here." Samadhi quickly responded, and then her brows frowned slightly: "Weird, they are unlikely to go to White Bull City at this time in Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night. Because Bai Niucheng has the strongest defensive strength, it is Feixue and the others who have continuous damage skills such as [Vulcan Domain], especially Ye Luo and Sister Feng can return to support at any time."

Think about it, since Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night chose to attack the Snake City before, they naturally wanted to pinch the'soft persimmon', and at the same time, let other players consume the defensive power of Bai Niu City. In this case, they are unlikely to go directly. Attack the White Bull City.

"They didn't come to White Bull City." A dozen seconds later, White Bull City also gave a response, and this response made everyone wonder-Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, they did not actually do it. This is a huge waste of resources, of course. It is also the best situation for Zhongfu.

"It's no accident that they should have gone to the Australian server." Fireworks said coldly. Although she was guessing, her tone was quite determined: "It seems that they really want other players to consume us and concentrate on us. But their choice might even make them all lose."

"What, they went to the Australian server?!" Hearing the analysis of the fireworks and the coldness, he was stunned: "This is not possible. Japanese clothes and Hanboks are attacking Bainiucheng and other gangs occupied by us in Indian clothes. It should have been something they had discussed long ago. Why did they suddenly arrive at the Australian server?"

"As Fireworks said, they want other players to consume us, and they temporarily pick up a soft persimmon to pinch it." Samadhi Shi explained on her behalf. Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she changed her tone: "Of course, their thoughts are down. It’s also very good, because not only other masters can cause great consumption to us, if they join forces with emperor hymns and other masters to break through Kangaroo City, they will be able to gather more masters to deal with us, so there will be more chances Niucheng and other gangs that were captured by us are taken back, and of course the losses caused to us are greater."

Think about it, too, there are several server masters who help in the Australian server. If they capture Kangaroo City, they will naturally be able to rush to Yinfu to help. At this time, the major servers will concentrate their efforts on attacking the gangs such as Bainiu City. Players in the middle server such as Shang Yeluo have a greater consumption, they will more easily regain all the gang resident occupied by the middle server, and can cause casualties to the middle server players as much as possible.

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