VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2554: : Focus on guarding two seats

You will get very good system rewards after occupying the gang resident of the other server, and you will get more benefits by keeping occupied. Not only can you get 1% of the server’s tax every day, but also doing gang resident tasks and going out to hunt monsters. The extra good rewards are also because these major gangs want to seize the residence of the other gangs, and the Ye Yu family naturally thinks that they can always occupy Kangaroo City.

It’s just that the analysis shows that it’s very good that the strength of the Chinese server can hold the two gang sites at this time. So Ye Yu Fei Fei and others in the Ye Yu family will naturally find ways to keep Kangaroo City, not to mention the previous Bacchus Dukang also said from In the long run, keeping Kangaroo City has more benefits, which gives them the qualification to protect Kangaroo City.

But as smart as the rain at night, Fei Fei knows that it is only an optimistic result to defend the two gangs. Whether it can be done is not yet known. If things are not consistent, then you need to abandon Kangaroo City and go all-out to protect White Bull City. Bao Bai Niucheng is as smart as night rain, and Fei Fei knows naturally.

Ye Yu Fei Fei knew that other members of the Bu-Wu Yu family did not necessarily know about it. For example, the dark clouds and the rain, Du Diao Han Jiang Xue, etc. were quite dissatisfied with it, but because Ye Yu Fei had already stated that they would not be able to speak up immediately.

Dark clouds and rain, they are not easy to speak, but other people have no such scruples. The setting sun sneered like blood: "Why do you have to abandon Kangaroo City and protect White Bull City with all your strength? It is difficult to achieve because White Bull City is occupied by Misty Pavilion. ?!"

It’s not easy to put forward a rebuttal before, but now I heard the blood of the setting sun take the lead in expressing his position, and he couldn’t bear to fish alone in the snow. Which one is which one."

"Hey, beauty of Misty Rain, how did you recruit him into Misty Rain and then give him a deputy leader?" Othello sneered. She ignored the blood-like liver-colored face of the setting sun and continued: "Fei Fei beauty has already expressed her position. Obviously she knows the benefits of defending White Bull with all her strength. She has no objection. Where did you come from [Pencil Novel www.qbxs.xyz] so many words."

Without waiting for the setting sun to speak like blood, she stared at him fiercely: "Especially you, if you can't do anything, you can deceive women. Isn't it bad to eat soft rice in a low-key manner? I just want to come out ashamed."

It is because the setting sun is like blood that Misty Rain split and then almost disappeared. If it weren’t for Miomi Pavilion, it would have disappeared now. Although Misty Rain’s development is much better than it was at the beginning, but for the betrayers Misty Rain, Misty Rain Xiaoxiao and other original Misty Rain The people in the Pavilion hated it deeply, but because of the overall situation, they did not deliberately demand revenge for the setting sun that had joined the Ouyang family, but some resentment in their hearts was certain.

Othello naturally knew this, and coupled with the setting sun's blood-like provocations twice, so she would naturally not give him face, public reprimand, even a trace of affection.

The so-called hitting people without hitting the face, cursing people without revealing the short, but Othello specifically "slaps the face" and "discloses the short", which makes the setting sun like blood and anger, but he also knows that Wanwan is not an opponent of Miomi Pavilion, plus Ouyang Feitian persuaded in private, so he didn't have an attack.

The blood of the setting sun could not be refuted because it was exposed and slapped in the face, but the dark clouds and rain did not have such scruples. He said coldly: "Brother Canyang is right. We just defend the city by our own ability. Why let us help you? Everyone invites foreign aid based on their own ability to see who can hold it and who can laugh..."

"Dark clouds." Ye Yu Feifei interrupted the dark clouds and turned the rain, her voice became a little bit cold, and this also made the dark clouds and the rain shut up.

Dark Clouds and Rain can be regarded as an extremely unruly person, but now he was stopped by Ye Yufei with a word, which shows how her means.

"The reason why you don't defend Kangaroo City but White Bull City is because White Bull City is more important." Bacchus Dukang said, his appearance can be regarded as a step for everyone: "Not only because White Bull City has been occupied. A lot of resources have been accumulated in the first and second days, and it is easier to upgrade to the 4th level of the royal city. The most important thing is that it is the gang resident of Yinfu. Because Yinfu borders us, and the number of players is the largest, so it is suppressed and restricted. Development is more beneficial to us in the long run. Otherwise, India will definitely pose a great threat to us in the future."

"Not bad." Fengxing also took over: "And Kangaroo City is for the Australian server, and the Australian server is not directly bordered by our Chinese server. The Australian server's people are less threatening to us. In addition, the number of Australian server players is not large. Even if they are not too threatening to us even if they grow up, it is better to guard the White Bull City comprehensively."

There is no shortage of smart people in the crowd. After listening to the words of Fengxing and Bacchus Du Kang, they all agreed, and they all nodded one after another.

"Of course, it would be better if we could defend White Bull City and Kangaroo City at the same time, because it would further limit the power of the major server coalition forces, and it would be better for us in the long run." Feng Xing added.

At this time, the setting sun was like blood and the dark clouds turned to rain. They naturally understood these, but they still refused to accept it, whispering something, it was nothing more than ‘everyone defend by their ability’.

"Since you are dissatisfied, then you can defend according to your ability. Whoever wants to defend Kangaroo City, and who is willing to stay in White Bull City is also very welcome." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and when she said this, her eyes fell. On Ouyang Feiri: "Don’t let anyone say that we are taking advantage of you."

The reason why the fireworks is easy to be cold is not only because the strength of Miomi Pavilion is very strong. At this time, the top two or three big gangs are more powerful. The most important thing is Miomi Pavilion and the Long Family, the Fine Wine Family, Fengxing, The relationship between the Assassin’s House and the Nangong family is very good, even if the relationship between the heroes of the sky war and them is much better because of the lonely smoke in the desert and the setting sun in the river, the overall strength of these gangs accounts for most of the power of the game. Even more, fully defending the White Bull City has a great opportunity to defend, at least it is easier to defend than the Ye Yu family.

Although they said that they were able to defend by their own ability, but they knew that even if they won the Ouyang family, the Yinian family, the Eastern family, and the gods, they would not necessarily be able to defend Kangaroo City. At the very least, the strength of their side is much weaker than that of the Misty Pavilion, not to mention that because of many things, the relationship between the Eastern Family and the Ouyang Family and the Yi Nian Family is not very good, and they might not work together.

However, Ye Yu Fei Fei did not worry too much about whether they could hold Kangaroo City, because they still have some advantages-Kangaroo City is the gang resident of the Australian server, and the number of Australian server players is not too much, even though the major gangs It will not be too much to mobilize some elite forces. After all, it is more important for the major servers to regain the occupied gang sites such as White Bull City, so they will concentrate on attacking here.

Think about it, the Indian server has been preempted by 3 gang sites, and there is also the most powerful gang in the Chinese server-Miomi Pavilion's troops are fully defending. In this case, the major servers will naturally place the siege center on the Indian server. The strength of the Australian service will be much weaker, so if the Ye Yu family can draw in many helpers, they will have a great chance of defending Kangaroo City. It is precisely this in mind, so Yan Yu Fei did not worry, and then she started Thinking about how to persuade the Ouyang Family, Yi Nian Family and other gangs to help them defend the city.

Of course, as smart as the rain, Fei Fei also knows that if the Misty Pavilion can't hold White Bull City, Spirit Snake City, and Curry City, then they will definitely not be able to hold Kangaroo City because after they snatched back the gangs such as White Bull City. The people at the server will definitely do something about Kangaroo City, and it will happen sooner or later, so they can't keep it at all.

"Sister Fireworks is right. Let's concentrate our two forces to defend the city. If we can defend Kangaroo City, we can't defend it. In short, we must defend White Bull City, or we will be in danger." Ye Yufei Fei Said with a chuckle, and her words eased everyone's previous embarrassment easily.

I have to say that Ye Yu Fei Fei is quite clever. One sentence relieved all kinds of embarrassment. Of course, she also expressed her own thoughts from it. Not surprisingly, the Ouyang Family, Yi Nian Family and other gangs will try their best to help them, even because of Dongfang The aristocratic family has a very poor relationship with Miomi Pavilion and they will also help defend Kangaroo City, so they will have a great chance to defend Kangaroo City.

And Ye Yu Feifei deliberately said these words not only to the fireworks Yi Leng, but to Ouyang Feitian and others, so that it will be easier to persuade them to help defend Kangaroo City and even ease the Ouyang Family The contradiction of the Eastern family.

Others don’t know Ye Yu Fei Fei’s careful thinking, but they are as smart as fireworks and cold, and Samadhi poetry has long understood it, but they didn’t care about it, and they didn’t even worry about whether they could hold Curry City and Spirit Snake City because they knew it before. It is very difficult to defend two gang sites at the same time. It needs to upgrade Bai Niucheng to the 4th level of the city. Anyway, tomorrow will be rewarded by the system for occupying the gang site. Misty Pavilion has already received very good rewards. , It is not too important to be able to hold the Spirit Snake City and Curry City.

Of course, they will not abandon the Spirit Snake City and Curry City so easily, because using the Spirit Snake City and Curry City they can also cause greater casualties to the major servers, and at the worst, they can consume a lot of killers from the major servers. So they want to defend White Bull City easily.

"Well, well, let's do this, focusing on defending White Bull City and Kangaroo City." Bacchus Dukang said, while looking at everyone: "But we can't give up Spirit Snake City and Curry City so easily. After all, using the advantage of the gang's location can greatly consume the people of the major servers, and even kill a lot of them. This can also greatly increase our chances of defending White Bull City and Kangaroo City."

Regarding this, everyone did not have any objections, they all agreed to it, and then they began to think about which gang station to choose to settle in.

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