VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2553: : Countermeasures

The elite players of the printing service team and the major servers left White Bull City. From this point, Dongfang Star and others instantly judged that the major servers were ready to attack the city in 1 day, and they were afraid that they would attack White Bull City and Curry at the same time. After analyzing these four gang locations, the City, the Snake City, and the Kangaroo City, the expressions of the Eastern Stars and others became a little more serious, because they also realized the threat of the major servers to China Server.

Think about it, once this is the case, then the major servers have a great chance to grab some gang sites, and Ye Luo and the others have analyzed this before-at this time they may have the strength to defend one or two gang sites that seize his server. , But they are unable to defend more, which means that they will lose some of the 4 gang sites they captured, and this result is a bit difficult for everyone to accept. After all, they also know how difficult it is to capture these gang sites, of course the most important thing It is how generous rewards will be obtained if these gangs have been occupied.

"Not only that, the major servers will definitely take advantage of this time to mobilize more people to come over. They can mobilize a large number of players in 24 hours or even longer, hundreds or even tens of millions, and these people are enough to cause us a lot. It's a big threat." Samadhi Shi said solemnly.

There is no shortage of smart people. They naturally know how many players can be mobilized in more than a day with more than a dozen servers. I am afraid that hundreds of tens of millions are just conservative numbers. The most important thing is that most of these players are from major servers. Elite, many of them have flying power, and they unite the large forces of Australian and Indian servers and then under the dual-professional masters of Tokyo Mythology and other major servers to siege the city. They will certainly be able to cause a great threat in the service and take back some gangs.

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions became a little serious.

"Sister Shi, if this is the case, then what should we do?" asked June Feixue. When she said this, her brows frowned slightly: "The major servers have learned to be smart, and the large forces they transferred will separate. In this way, even if we form an elite squad, the number of hunters that can be hunted is very small, so it can't weaken the strength of the major servers at all, they can still pose a greater threat to us.

Without waiting for Samadhi to speak, she continued: "Even when the space department of the major servers will directly hide in the gangs of the Indian server and the Australian server, they will use the [Space Portal] to directly send the players who sneak into the Indian server and the Australian server. In the gang site, 24 hours is enough for them to send a large number of players. In this way, we can't cause any loss to it."

There are about 4 or 50 space system players owned by more than 10 servers, and the CD time of [Space Portal] is 3 minutes, but these space occupations can transmit more than 2 million elite players within 24 hours. Needless to say, the elite players of the major servers can also rush over by scattered around. It is very simple for hundreds of millions of players to reach the designated location in more than a day. So many players are enough to cause a lot to the players in the Chinese server. Threatened.

"There is no good way. I can only continue to use the elite squad to hunt down the people of the major servers as much as possible." Samadhi said, her tone became a little more solemn when she said this.

"Hey, we don't only have one elite team, we can form several or even dozens of them. This will cause a lot of losses to the major servers." Wuyun Huayu sneered: "At this time, the major servers have been determined. The dual-professional masters don’t want to fight us head-on, at least not within 24 hours. In this case, we can hunt the masters of the major servers unscrupulously, and the damage caused by this will increase by several times or even ten. Times."

"That's right." Qu Shui Liuzheng took the stubborn words: "For example, if you invite Brother Yue, each of them can lead an elite team to carry out hunting operations, anyway, the people from the major servers will not rush to our elite team. Even the people who do our work can rush to support in time, so there will be no problem."

If you think about it, since you don’t have to face the dual-professional masters and large forces of the major forces, you don’t have to count the super masters like Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind together. Even each of them can lead an elite team, just like Qu Shui Liu Zou said so.

"The power is too scattered, it will give the major servers a chance." The Dongfang star said solemnly, ignoring the disapproving look of Qu Shui Liuqi and others, she continued: "Now the masters of the major servers can't help but their elites. The squad is because our elite squad is extremely strong, but if they spread out, their strength will be weakened a lot. What's more, at that time, the eldest brothers no longer have their big moves and the state of [Thor God of Heaven], which poses little threat to major servers Many, especially the dual-professional masters of major servers, at this time he will concentrate his efforts to hunt down our elite squads, and even our people will not be saved when they rush over."

"Yes, after all, there are many dual-professional masters in major servers. We can still handle them in the state of defending the city, but we don't have any advantage if we are in the wild." Ye Yufei took the conversation and waited for Qu Shui Liuqi and others She opened her mouth and continued: "Also, even if our people rush to support us, if there are too many people on the other side and some of them have performed big moves, do our people need to use big moves to deal with it?"

Seeing Qu Shui Liuzhang and others silently, she continued: "Although some of us still have big moves, but the number is far less than the people on the major servers. The most important thing is to see us use their big moves. People can withdraw. Don’t forget that they have a lot of space for players. It’s not worthwhile to waste some big moves in order to hunt down some people."

Think about it, there are more than 2,000 dual-professional masters in major servers. Even if only 30% of the players retain the ultimate, there are 5,600 people with the ultimate. This number can far exceed that of the Chinese server. The most important thing is as Ye Yufei said. In this matter, the people of the major servers have the initiative to choose to retreat. It is indeed very unwise to use big moves in order to hunt down some elite players.

"That's right." Samadhi said in a deep voice: "It's no surprise that the major servers tomorrow will attack the city with all their strength. If someone performs a big move during the period, then tomorrow will not be able to catch up with the CD before the end of the war. Then we will deal with the major servers. It will be more difficult."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "What's more, this can hardly prevent the major servers from mobilizing elite players to rush to the Indian server and the Australian server. After all, only space players can mobilize more than 200 elite players. This is not too late. For the players of the Indian and Australian servers, this does not have much impact on the overall situation."

Although they didn't want to admit it, Qu Shui Liuqi and the others also found that, as the Samadhi and others said, their expressions were slightly solemn for a time, and they were even worried about how to defend the city tomorrow, and Long Jieyu and others directly asked how to do it.

"This is the end of the matter. Naturally, what we have to do is to take precautions and use defensive equipment and the large number of players in our middle server who consume the major servers." Samadhi said: "The extent to which it can be consumed is to what extent, once found If you can’t defend, you must give up decisively, and then focus on defending one or two gang sites, because it is impossible to defend four gang sites at the same time with our strength, but there is no problem at all if we want to defend two or even just one."

"Well, that's the only way to do this." The Dongfang star said in a deep voice, while she said that she looked at Ye Yufeifei and others for a hundred years: "It depends on what rewards we will receive tomorrow after we occupy the Kangaroo City and other three gang sites. , If the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained is large, then it is fine for us to defend two gang sites, otherwise we can only focus on defending one."

"Of course, if our people get some other assassin tools, it will not have no chance to hold more gang sites." Dongfang Star added.

"The focus is on defending two gang sites. Which two should be defended?" The dark cloud turned the rain and said, she glanced at the players in Misty Pavilion, such as the fireworks and easy cold: "Should we not focus on defense of Bai Niu City, Spirit Snake City or Curry City."

Wuyunhuayu belongs to the Yeyu family. Now Yeyu Feifei of the Yeyu family has occupied Kangaroo City. He naturally wants to keep Kangaroo City. After all, it will bring a lot of benefits to the Yeyu family, not just taxes. There are various other benefits, so in this matter he and everyone in the Ye Yu family are playing Xiao Jiujiu.

"If it is better to defend Kangaroo City and White Bull City in the long run, because this will have the best suppression effect on Australian and printed clothes, it also means that the containment effect on major servers is better." Bacchus Du Kang said , And then his tone changed, he continued: "However, it is better to defend White Bull City and Curry City or Spirit Snake City in terms of difficulty, because then we only need to face the full attack of the Australian and Indian teams. , It's easier to defend, what do you think?"

I have to say that what Dukang, the **** of wine said, is very clear and fair.

"Of course we will guard Kangaroo City and White Bull City. We have to look at things in the long term." Wuyun Huayu blurted out, and his words were echoed by many Yeyu family players, even the Ouyang family and the Yinian family. Also expressed support for this.

"Old kid Du Kang also said before. Although it is better to guard White Bull City and Kangaroo City in the long term, it is only possible to guard it." Fengxing said in a deep voice, then he swept towards the dark clouds and the rain and the others, finally looking at them. Falling on Ye Yu Fei Fei: "Once we can't defend, then we have to focus on defending White Bull City, Fei Fei, you should know why you chose this way."

The brows were slightly frowned, and she was a person who could afford to let it go. She said, "Uncle Fengxing, I know this naturally, and I agree to do this."

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