VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2512: : Make arrangements

Invaded by elite masters from major servers, and invaded twice in a row, and the elite squad led by Dongfang Tiantian took heavy casualties when they were convinced. This caused the people of the major gangs to sigh in their hearts. After the actions of the major servers in the British and Russian servers, the people on the major servers were ready to move. Now they learned that the fireworks Yi Leng proposed to start the action, which made them excited and busy to attend the meeting. Everyone geared up and wanted to be sooner. start to act.

"Firework beauty, tell me, how do we act this time?!" Nangong Yunlong asked expectantly.

Next, the fireworks are easy to be cold and not private. They are directly prepared to sneak into the Japanese server and wait for a server to come to a "Weiwei Save Zhao" and then sneak into the Australian server. Taking advantage of the high consumption of Australian players, the plan to start and seize one of the gang resident Again.

Many people were surprised to hear that the most important thing is to start with the Australian server, but soon everyone agreed, and many people even thought that this goal was chosen well, because they had long looked down on the arrogance of the Australian server players. It's pleasing to the eye, and now it's better to finally do something about it.

"At the same time, sneaking into the Japanese server, Hanbok and US server, and then working on the Australian server, this requires a large number of manpower, because the game power of the server such as the Japanese server is very powerful, and the number of players sneaking into it is too small to'surround Wei and save Zhao'. Effect." Fengxingdao, and then he looked at everyone: "What's more, we will eventually capture a gang site, so we need many gangs to work together, and everyone can work together."

"This is natural." Everyone said in unison.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Du Kang nodded with satisfaction. Then he looked at the fireworks and said, "Fireworks girl, since everyone agrees, then the task of arranging manpower is left to you."

The fireworks are easy to be cold, she said directly: “Eastern Killing Heaven brought people from the Eastern family, the Nangong family, and the heroes of the Heavenly War into the hanbok. The people from the Heavenly Slaughter organization also accompanied them. The most important thing is that Huanongyue should go with him. It doesn’t need to be too much, a thousand people or several thousand people are enough, no one has any opinions."

Looking at the fireworks Yi Leng looked at himself, Dongfang Killing Tian said solemnly: "Naturally, there is no opinion."

Eastern Killing Sky has already stated its position, and Nangong Yunlong, Tiandi, and the Heavenly Killing Organization have also stated that they have no opinion. Their army is composed of 4 gangs, and there are many dual-professional masters, including many super masters, and they are also possessing nations. Super masters of the device, such as Eastern Killing of the Sky, Eastern Stars, Thousand Miles Riding Alone, Desert Lonely Smoke, etc., so many masters, plus thousands of other elite masters, even if the dark night and other elite masters are not in Hanbok There is a great opportunity to capture a gang resident, not to mention that they still have some [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scrolls] in their hands.

That’s right, although the major servers have used a lot of [group transfer scrolls] to sneak into the gang before, but almost never used the [cross-server*group transfer scrolls]. Using these to send a large number of elite masters can also cause hanbok in the past. A big threat.

Think about it, too, in the absence of the elite Hanbok masters in the dark night, Dongfang Jitian and others have a good chance to capture one of their gang sites, especially after using the [Cross Server*Group Teleport Scroll], let alone Hua Nong Yue You can also use [Space Portal] from time to time to send some players over.

Now that the gang resident of Hanbok can be captured, the elite masters such as Dark Night will naturally be restrained back, and the tactics of besieging Wei and saving Zhao will be completed.

After Eastern Killing Sky agreed, the firework continued to say: "The wine family, the Yeyu family, the Ouyang family, and the Yinian family dispatched elite masters to sneak into the Japanese service, and the two space players, Dragon Sakura and Slimy Hand, should have no problem following. Right."

Compared with the East Killing and the others, there are four top ten gangs in the Fine Wine Family. Although the former has a **** kill organization, it is not surprising that every army will have people from the Assassin's House. The strength of the gang is stronger.

However, because Eastern Killing Sky is stronger and has more national equipment, of course, the most important thing is that the strength of Japanese clothes is stronger than the current Hanbok, so everyone has nothing to do with these 4 big gangs forming a team. opinion.

"The last army is the Misty Pavilion, the Long Family, and Feng Xing. The target sneaks into the U.S. server to make trouble. It shouldn't be a problem." Fireworks Yi cold continued, and after she finished speaking, Long Teng Tianxia and others nodded repeatedly. There is no objection.

Although there are only three gangs of Miomi Pavilion, Long Family, and Fengxing in the last road, the strength of Miomi Pavilion is now topped by two or three of the top ten gangs, especially the power of elite masters, so they have 3 gangs of elite masters along their way. There will be no problem with the composition, and even this army is the strongest among the three.

"In addition, the Assassin's House sent some assassins to follow in three groups and were responsible for the investigation." The fireworks said coldly, as she said, she looked at Wuming.

"Well, no problem." Wuming said lightly.

"Sister Fireworks, do we have to do a lot of Australian clothes? But we have dived into Japanese clothes, Hanbok and American clothes separately. Everyone is so scattered, it may take a long time to enter the Australian clothes. It will be time to gather together. Isn’t it?” Long Jieyu was quite puzzled, not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: “And did you send some people into the Australian server to set up a teleportation point? After all, there are very few of us in this place.”

"When the battle between the Russian and German servers is about to come to an end, we will work on the Australian server. I will arrange the staff in the Australian server in advance." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, without waiting for Long Jieyu to say anything, she continued: "I The person who arranges will hold some [Cross-Server*Group Teleportation Scrolls], because the number of our army is about a thousand or even thousands of people, so the scrolls we have are enough."

"As for the teleportation point, Ye Luo left a teleportation point in the Australian server long ago, and the place where he left the teleportation point is not far from a level 3 county town in the Australian server." Firework Yi Leng added.

Yes, although the Chinese server players did not enter the Australian server in large numbers, Ye Luo has sneaked into the Australian server. When he was doing the cross-server task, he was transferred to the Australian server and stayed there for a long time. He left some teleportation points, although the number is far less than that in the US, Japanese, and Indian servers, but it is enough, especially there is a level 3 county city around the place where he left the teleportation points.

Hearing what Firework Yi Leng said, and reminiscing that her work has always been dripping, and everyone no longer worried about anything. Then they counted the number of people involved in the operation according to the requirements of Firework Yi Leng. After all, the IDs of these people were determined in Australia. Only those who are serving can use the [Cross Server*Group Teleport Scroll] to send everyone to the Australian server.

"Fireworks. Although the strength of the Australian server is weaker than that of the Japanese server, Hanbok and the US server, it is also a game by a large margin. There are many players on the server. Can we use only such a small amount of manpower to capture their gang location?" The worry is authentic. Of course, he pulled the fireworks and others into a separate chat channel, otherwise his "frustrated" words will definitely affect everyone's morale.

"Military strength is expensive and not expensive. Only 12,000 people are enough. Especially after Feng Sister and the others have filled up their attack power, even Feixue, Dongfang Star, and Evian can solve the problem by jointly using the additional skills of the Chinese weapon. Most of the problems." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "What's more, most of the masters of the Australian server will consume a lot of money. Our people can easily enter the relay of their gang station and destroy their teleportation array. There are not many players who can participate in the battle, and millions of players are already the limit."

Think about it, this time Ye Luo and the others attacked suddenly. Not surprisingly, they have already filled up their attack power in the US server and Japanese server operations, and after being transferred to the Australian server, he can perform [Crazy Thunder Charge] Rushing into the relay of the target resident and destroying the teleportation array of the resident, so that there are not too many Australian players who can reach the target gang resident to support in time. The million people mentioned by the fireworks are definitely the limit.

If other people heard that 1 to 2 million people were used to deal with millions of players, they would definitely think this was an act of pebble hitting a rock, but Feng Xing did not worry about this problem at all, because they were all elite masters who acted in pairs. It’s absolutely no problem, like Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and other super masters have their own power to kill the opponent's tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of strength-Ye Luo and the others display a variety of powerful, large-scale skills. It is easy to kill a large number of enemies.

"Well, yes, we are a sneak attack, and the emperor's hymns should all be consumed by the time, and they will not even have time to return to support. In this case, it is very easy for us to capture their gang camp with such a few people. "Bacchus Dukang vowed to be honest, and then he laughed: "Maybe after killing the emperor's hymns and them, we still have room to attack another gang site, so the damage to them will be greater."

He pondered a little, and said: "If everything goes well, it is indeed possible, but it will be a little troublesome to defend."

Shaking his head, Fengxing continued: "Follow him, let's grab it first. Anyway, you will get a very good reward for seizing the gang station that he serves, and those can greatly enhance our strength."

Thinking of this, Feng Xing and Bacchus Dukang no longer worry about these problems, and even some look forward to it, especially after confirming that Miomi Pavilion no longer occupies a gang resident from the fireworks Yiyan, after all, they still have the opportunity to occupy a gang resident. , And the benefits will be many.

Next, Feng Xing and others retreated and arranged tomorrow's affairs, and Ye Luo and them also started to act separately.

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