VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2511: : Choose a good target

Fireworks Yibing decided that this time, not only wanted to capture his gang’s gang to gain benefits, but also wanted to use the tactics of "Encircle Wei and Save Zhao" to reduce the pressure on the Russian service and then defend the tank city. In this way, the major servers would also be held back in part of the battle. In the future, the pressure on the Chinese server will be relatively less, and if you continue to work on the Indian server, it will obviously not achieve this goal-because the Chinese server player has captured the White Bull City, the Indian server player will not participate in the fight against the Russian server Action, at this time, no matter how much you do to the Indian service, the pressure on the Russian service cannot be relieved.

After a little hesitation, Palang Rongfeng nodded: "Well, that's the same. Then which server should we choose to do?"

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, June Feixue couldn’t help but said: “Sister Fireworks, the shot at another gang station in the Indian server will not reduce the pressure on the Russian server, but it will not increase our pressure because they are all in the Indian server. The gang resident of, so we only need to meet the people who print one server on the line, and we have to act on the people of other servers. Even if we can capture the next gang resident, we will also face a large-scale siege of two server players at the same time. This will greatly increase our pressure."

"In fact, as long as we can capture the next gang resident, it's fine, but there is no need to hold it." Samadhi Shi said, seeing the doubts of everyone, she chuckled and explained: "Because as long as we can successfully capture a gang The resident will be rewarded with generous rewards. Don’t forget that Ye Luo captured the Lower White Bull City but got too many rewards. This can reduce the pressure on the Russian server and get very good rewards. It’s not necessarily true. You must take it for yourself."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she added: “Of course, it’s better to hold on if there is a chance, even if it’s just hold on for a few days. After all, we can get 1% of the tax on the target server every day.”

After hearing this, everyone understood what they wanted to say on the piano.

Think about it, right now, the Chinese server players don't necessarily have to occupy the gang resident of his server. As long as they can capture it, it is enough, because simply attacking it can get very rich rewards.

"I still think it's better to directly work on the Indian clothes." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered: "Because more of the attack and then occupying one of their gang sites can give us even greater benefits, not just the system rewards when we occupy the gang site. And there is a 1% daily tax."

"I said before, in order to look at the long-term view we need to reduce the pressure on servers such as the Russian server, so we will do a good job on servers other than the Indian server." Samadhi explained again, and then changed his tone: "Tell me every server. The number of national weapons in India is limited. Even if we occupy two gang sites in India, there are only a few national weapons available here, so it's better to go to other servers to try our luck."

"The prerequisite is that it can be held." Po Lang Chengfeng said in an unpleasant manner: "Before you did not say that facing the siege of two large-scale players on two servers at the same time with our current strength would be very difficult. Listening to you, I didn't even think Too much to occupy it."

"That's not necessarily true. Sister Shi also said before that if we can occupy it, we will naturally occupy it, and at present, it is not so easy for other servers to take back the gang resident from us." Yanyu Xiaoxiao said, slightly After a meal, she continued: "Besides, it seems that White Bull City will soon be upgraded to a level 4 county town. At that time, it will be easy for us to hold another gang resident."

"Yes, it's just sticking to it for 3 or 4 days. It's not a difficult thing." Samadhi said, and then changed his tone: "It's just that the occupation of the second place where he serves the gang can only be given to other gangs. , Because we are guarding two gangs at the same time in Miomi Pavilion, the pressure will be great, and it will also cause dissatisfaction with other gangs, then the gain is not worth the loss."

In this regard, Po Lang Chengfeng did not care too much. After all, she also knew that Miomi Pavilion’s strength was strong but also had its limits, so even if the Yinfu captured the second gang resident, it might not be able to defend it. She still needed to give up. Other gang stations.

"It's not a problem, it's good for everyone to divide together, so that the major gangs can unite with each other." Po Lang Chengfeng said nonchalantly.

"But wouldn't it be necessary to give the system rewards to other gangs when the gang is occupied?" June Feixue said, her tone was full of dismay: "Although there are no national weapons in the rewards, other rewards are also very good. Rich, other rewards besides ordinary skill books can greatly enhance a player's strength."

Think about it, after occupying White Bull City, in addition to rewards and skill books such as [Flying], Ye Luo also received rewards such as full attribute points, skill enhancements, and even [Space Teleport], which gave him a lot of strength. A big improvement, so they are naturally a little unwilling to give the rewards to other gang members.

"National warfare requires major gangs to unite with foreign enemies. The increase in the strength of other gang players will also make us a lot less pressure, not to mention that it can give the major gangs a lot of favor." Samadhi chuckles, and then the tone is one. Transfer: "In addition, of course we can also choose the gangs to cooperate with. For example, we can give the rewards to Uncle Bacchus, and give them such a big favor and ask them for help in the future. It will be a lot smoother."

Knowing that national warfare requires everyone to work together, June Feixue murmured, but she didn't bother with this question anymore. Then she asked: "Sister Fireworks, which server should we work on next? , Japanese or Hanbok?"

"Australian server." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Seeing the stunned look of June Feixue and others, she continued: "Because the strength of the Australian server is weaker among these servers, our people are grabbing theirs. After the gang is stationed, there is the best chance to keep it occupied, and the benefits will be the greatest."

As I said before, if you have a chance to keep the gang resident you grabbed, it’s the best. After all, you will not only get 1% tax per day, but you will also get good rewards for doing gang resident tasks and hunting bosses out. These can greatly enhance the game power of the Chinese server.

It is precisely because of this that it is undoubtedly the best choice to choose a target with a slightly weaker overall strength. At present, the Australian server is relatively weak among the major servers, at least better than Hanbok, Japanese server, and US server. Weak, especially after Emperor Kuangge was snatched from [Sword of Wind].

"Hey, let's do it on the Australian server. This server is the most arrogant. It has been targeting us since the beginning of the extreme challenge. So far we have not dealt with them properly." Polang Chengfeng Road, she is quite arrogant about the goal she chose. satisfaction.

"But didn't we say that we should reduce the pressure on Russian servers as much as possible? Didn't we choose a relatively weak server..." Black and white chess said, and her words were echoed by everyone, and they were all puzzled.

"We have other actions before we take action on the Australian server." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she continued: "Before the players on the German server can attack the tank city, we have to send several elite teams to sneak into the day server. , Hanbok and US clothes..."

"Hey, this is what you said before to save Zhao from Weiwei." Although Po Lang Chengfeng said, although she was guessing, her tone was quite certain: "This tactic is very good. Japanese, Hanbo, and US servers are almost all major servers. Among the three most powerful, our people sneaking into their servers will definitely force their people to return. Once this happens, the pressure on the Russian server will naturally be much less. Maybe he can really defend Tank City."

"Well, that's right." Samadhi nodded, and she continued after a short pause: "Not only that, because the major leagues also have servers in the British, French, Canadian, and Australian servers. The overall strength of these servers is also Very strong, at least there is a chance for the people who team up with the German server to take back the tank city, at least they will fight it, so that the players on the Australian server will have greater consumption and even casualties. Then we will fight the Australian server It’s easier to capture the gang’s resident with your hands."

"That's right, that's right, let us in Hanbok, Japanese and U.S. servers persist until the capture of Tank City is about to separate the results, and then we will sneak into the Australian server and work on it. At that time, the Australian server and other servers will be overwhelmed. Now, not only will we be able to capture a gang site in the Australian server, but the Russian server will also be able to keep Tank City. This is a great loss to the dozen or so servers that have teamed up.” June Feixue hurriedly said. .

"The most important thing is that the initiative of the matter is in our hands, we can retreat or enter." Sitting on the piano heart said warmly.

"Okay, that's it." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then thought of something she looked at the fireworks and easily cold: "But this is a big plan and requires the cooperation of people from other gangs. After all, only our staff from Misty Pavilion sneak into the day service. , Hanbok and U.S. servers can pose little threat to it. Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night may not return to support them."

"This is natural." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "This time we need all the gangs of China Service to participate, or to let a large number of elite masters of China Service participate in the battle, because we have to give up a gang station and report to the major The enemy of the server siege, I think people in the major gangs are very happy to participate."

"Hey, that's right, this time we sneaked into the Australian server to take revenge. I think people from the major gangs are happy to participate." Po Lang Chengfeng said with confidence, and then she urged: "Since we have chosen the goal of our hands-on, And the general tactics have been worked out. The next step is to discuss with Uncle Bacchus and the others and then ask for their support. Fireworks, please tell Uncle Bacchus and them quickly."

Hearing that, fireworks are easy to get cold and I didn’t say much. I directly contacted Fengxing and Bacchus Dukang, and the two of them didn’t say much. They directly convened a meeting with the heads of major gangs and celebrities on the China Service Celebrity List. Said that after learning that they were going to work on other servers, the people in the major gangs were all excited. They quickly came to the virtual space that Fengxing they invited, and they were gearing up one by one, wishing to start their actions sooner.

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