VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2508: : Take down Tank City

If you think about it, the people in Yinfu such as Wucai Shenniu will certainly not be angry that Bainiucheng will be robbed. Then they will come to besiege from time to time, and even come to harass the worst. This requires masters such as Yeluo and Po Lang Riding Wind. Deal with them, after all, these people are still very strong, especially the colorful sacred cows and colorful demon foxes with national weapons.

He pondered for a moment, and said: "Well, that's the same. Now we need us too. Then we will go to the British server after they are defeated, so that the sun will not set Long Ying and the others will take some time."

Soon after, Samadhi and the players who were on the Qin Xin arranged the Miomi Pavilion to temporarily join other gangs to help them upgrade their gang’s residence and returned, and they also brought some other good news, such as other gangs also began to take action, such as The gang helped by Miomi Pavilion welcomed the arrival of Miomi Pavilion players.

At this moment, as soon as the system prompt sounded, it was the Polar Silver Wolf who had captured the tank city, a gang site in the German service. After hearing this system prompt, many players in the Catastrophe game were shocked, because they Unexpectedly, the Russian server now has the strength to capture other gangs.

"Hey, the Polar Silver Wolf actually captured a gang resident in Defu. It seems that their strength is stronger than we thought." Yan Yu Xiaoxiao said in surprise.

"It's not necessarily that the Russian server is extremely strong. It is probably because the players in the German server are very consumed by us." Othello said casually: "Don't forget that we killed a lot when we besieged Flying Tiger City. Among the masters of the German service, there are many double-professional masters and the masters with the [Group Blessing Scroll], and in order to take down the Flying Tiger City, almost all the [Group Blessing Scroll] was used up, which undoubtedly gave the Russian service a lot Opportunity, especially this time the Russian server teamed up with Feifu and Central Asia. It is understandable that it can capture a gang station in the German clothing."

"Well, yes, I can only say that the Russian server has picked up a big deal, but I don't know if they can hold it." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she said to herself: "But the Russian server's strength is also very good. At the very least, the number of players and the number of national devices owned is more than that of the German server. If the people from other servers don’t help, then the German server has no chance to defend Tank City."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "I really hope that the Russian server can hold the tank city, because this will cause a lot of losses to the German server, and it will contain a large number of German players in the future. This will more or less ease us. , After all, Deutsche Services also joined forces with servers such as the US and Japanese servers to besiege us."

If you think about it, if the Russian service can hold the tank city, then the people in the German service will definitely fight it and take it back. This will make the German service have a greater loss, and if they can’t grab the tank city then they will They will be restrained by the people of the Russian server. When the time comes, the people of the German server will not dare to act rashly, because if they join other servers to sneak into the middle server, they will have the opportunity to be taken advantage of by the Russian server because of the tank city as a springboard. The Russian server can mobilize more players, so it is undoubtedly a lot easier and easier to capture the other gangs of the German server, so the German server will naturally be unable to participate in the siege of the server by other servers.

The German server can be regarded as a strong game server. They can more or less cause some pressure on the Chinese server. If they are restrained by the Russian server, then the pressure on the Chinese server will naturally be greatly reduced. This will affect Ye Luo and others as well as the entire Chinese server. It’s good news for players who serve.

"It shouldn’t be too much of a problem for the Russian and German servers to defend the tank city." He sat on Qin’s heart, and then changed his tone: "But I’m afraid that other servers will also participate. After all, other servers I also know that future operations require German service. At this time, the major servers may send some experts to help. Once this happens, the Russian service will definitely not be able to defend Tank City."

"Hey, what are you afraid of, if people from other servers dare to help in German servers, then we will go too." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed strangely: "But we don't have to explicitly help Russian servers. Players on major servers join forces to attack. When we were in Tank City, we waited for the opportunity to take action, tsk, specifically select those players who have national weapons to do it. Once we can grab some national weapons, we will make a lot of money, and we can also let the Russian server hold the tank city, which is very beneficial to us. of."

"That's right." Xiao Hongchen took the stubborn words: "Germany served twice in a row to sneak into our server to besiege our gang site, and people from other major servers also participated. Even if we attacked behind them, it was just revenge, anyway. Liangzi has already settled, and we don’t have to worry that doing so will further offend them."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Fireworks Yi said coldly, ignoring the disapproval of breaking the waves and riding the wind, and continued: "Our people did not leave a teleportation point in the German clothes, and wanted to rush over to catch a praying mantis. The cicada oriole has no chance at all behind."

"This shouldn't be a problem, because we can sneak into the German clothes now..." Black and white chess, but was interrupted by sitting on the piano.

"The fireworks also said before. We must always guard against another attack by the players of the Indian server. We can't leave rashly at this time." Sitting on the piano, he said solemnly: "Not to mention sneaking into the German server and leaving a large number of teleport points in the German server. It’s a waste of time. It’s not necessarily possible to spend one or two days. After all, German clothing is still very big."

"But we just need to arrange some teleportation points around the tank city. It shouldn't take long." Jian eleven was quite puzzled. Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Because Big Brother Ye Luo will be there. The teleportation point is left in the place where he has mastered [Space Teleport]. If the colorful sacred cows come to attack White Bull City, then let them return. It shouldn’t take long.”

"Tank City is located at the border between German and Russian servers. Not to mention that we are separated from German and Central Asian servers. Even if we border and rush over, it will take a long time, even if Ye Luo rides a colorful unicorn. Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "In addition, if the people in the other servers did not act on the German clothing but joined forces with the Indian clothing to deal with Bai Niucheng, Ye Luo and the others sneaked into the German clothing. It’s difficult to send it back in a short period of time. Maybe the White Bull City is already dangerous when they come back, so you can’t take this risk. At least you have to wait for the White Bull City to reach level 4."

Think about it, if Ye Luo sneaked into the German service and then rushed to the tank city, if the masters of the colorful sacred cow and other Indian clothing teamed up with the elite masters of other servers to besiege White Bull City, then they would only need to teleport several times. Although Ye Luo learned [Space Teleportation], this skill also has a CD time of 10 minutes. Ye Luo may not be able to teleport back in a short time, and even if he and Polangriding the wind delay for 10 minutes, it may be the colorful gods. It is also possible that White Bull City has already been taken.

Hearing this, everyone was silent, because they had also thought of this, and for a while they were speechless.

"Not only that, the colorful sacred cows can also pretend to be, is it possible that every time they harass, Ye Luo, Feng Sister and the others will return?" Fireworks Yi Cold asked: "This is afraid that it will make Feng Sister and the others overwhelmed , Even if you can’t do well on both sides, it’s better to concentrate on one side.”

The so-called one side of the fireworks is naturally to upgrade White Bull City to Level 4 in the shortest time, and once this happens, it is difficult for the players of the printing service and the masters of other servers to conquer it, even if Ye It was the same for Luo and Po Lang and Riding the Wind to return without turning back to support. At that time, they would naturally be able to sneak into the British and German servers unscrupulously to do things.

"Yes." Sitting on Qin Xinzhen, lightly click: "So we are still focusing on upgrading White Bull City. Let the Russian server deal with the German server and other servers. The Russian server may not necessarily be friendly to us. Both of them are fighting, no matter which side suffers heavy casualties and then reduces the strength greatly, it is good for us."

Hearing this, everyone nodded. They no longer entangled in this matter, including breaking the waves and riding the wind. Then they continued to do gang resident tasks, such as the fireworks are easy to cold, sitting on the piano said that the most important task now is to make White Bull City was upgraded to Level 4 King City.

As time goes by, Ye Luo and the others have done more and more gang resident missions. It is worth mentioning that when Ye Luo killed a Primordial Saint-level BOSS for the second time, a [Group Blessing Scroll] burst. This is also the only scroll currently owned by the Chinese server players, which more or less makes the Chinese server players more confident. Of course, Ye Luo believes that they will have more and more scrolls and other killer features over time.

The fact is also true, because doing quests and killing monsters in Yinfu will get some extra rewards. After Ye Luo, Dongfang Tiantian and Longteng Tianxia have also successively won [Group Blessing Scroll] or [Group Transmission Scroll], which also makes Zhongfu has more and more hole cards.

In addition to obtaining scrolls, some of the players who did the missions also obtained high-level equipment and even energy stones, and this also allowed more players in the middle server to flood into the Indian server through the white bull city, which more or less accelerated the white bull The construction speed of the city resident—Most players who enter White Bull City will easily take over the gang resident mission. Even if only some of them can complete the task, it can greatly speed up the construction of White Bull City. At present, it does not take a week. It can be upgraded.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, most of the day passed.

"Hey, doesn't it mean that killing the BOSS of other servers has more chances to burst the national weapon?" After hunting 3 or 4 Primordial Saint-level BOSS, breaking the waves and riding the wind, he said: "I've been hunted. 4 bosses, and Ye Luo killed a lot of them, even more than me. Why didn’t we break the national weapon?!"

"The system just says that the probability will increase, but the probability is still very low. It is estimated that the chance of killing the Sage-level Boss can explode the Chinese weapon is less than one in ten thousand." Sanmai Shi laughed: "How many heads did you kill? Ah, it's normal not to be able to explode the Chinese weapon."

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