VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2507: : Upgrade as soon as possible

In the gang resident mission of White Bull City, there are hunting and killing of Indian clothing players, which surprised the people like Po Lang Chengfeng and others. After all, for them, they can kill the Indian clothing players and obtain the completion of the gang resident mission. So after learning about this, the players who had already rushed out of White Bull City before learning about this have turned back to pick up the task, but only some of the gang resident tasks hunted down the players, and the difficulty coefficient was higher than that of Ye Luo before. A little worse.

Even so, they also took up the task with great excitement and enthusiastically hunted down the Indian players. Of course, some players took on other tasks, such as dealing with a certain BOSS, such as participating in **** tasks.

As for Ye Luo, he directly locked a teleportation point 10 kilometers away from White Bull City before, and then went stealthily towards the direction of White Bull City. At this time, there were many Indian players outside of White Bull City, Ye Luo could block them by approaching Bai Niucheng from a distance, so it became much easier and easier to hunt them anymore.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo quickly found a team of hundreds of Indian server players, and then he did not hesitate to launch a sneak attack on it. For a time, the Indian server players suffered countless deaths and injuries. It seems that Ye Luo wants to hunt. It won’t take long to kill 1,000 Indian players and complete the mission. Although Ye Luo’s ultimate state and [Thunder God’s Fall] status have ended at this time, his attack power is still full, and those harassing Bai Niu Most of the players in the city's printing service are ordinary players, and it is easy to kill them with his strength.

Soon the battle ended. This time, Ye Luo killed 3,400 players, and when he was about to find the next target, Breaking Wave and Riding the Wind sent him for help-Breaking Waves and Riding Wind found a team of tens of thousands of players. Even though most of these players are ordinary players, she has trouble dealing with it, so she asked Ye Luo for support. Of course, besides Ye Luo, the fireworks and June Feixue also participated.

After Ye Luo and the others participated in the action, things became much simpler. The situation showed a one-sided trend. The number of murders of Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng was also increasing rapidly. Ye Luo completed the mission within a few minutes. At the same time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also completed the task, but there were still many Indian players around at this time, so they did not immediately return to hand in the task, but continued to kill.

While Ye Luo and the others started their operations, elite masters from other gangs also came to White Bull City and took over the gang resident mission. Of course, many people went out to hunt and harass White Bull City. Caused more casualties.

Perhaps it was realized that it would not make any sense to continue to harass White Bull City like this. In addition, more and more players were killed over time, so the Indian server players also retreated, especially when they saw the colorful God Bull and other Indian servers. When the masters didn't come to support at all, this had an impact on the reputation of Wucai Shenniu in Yinfu.

The Indian server players have retreated, and even after a large number of Assassin’s homes and the assassins of the Heavenly Killing organization, there are not many Indian server players tens of kilometers around, and this also makes it much easier for the Chinese server players to complete the gang resident mission. This can be seen from the fact that more and more players complete tasks.

After Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others handed in the task, the various resources in White Bull City increased significantly. At the current rate, it only takes a few days to upgrade White Bull City to Level 4 King City. Needless to say, as time goes by, more and more Chinese server players will be sent to Bai Niucheng-killing monsters and doing tasks in the printing server will get extra rewards, especially the chance of killing high-level BOSS to obtain national equipment. Hey, in this case, there will naturally be a lot of middle-server players teleporting to Bai Niu City, and the more players there are, the more the gang resident missions will naturally be.

After completing the first mission, Ye Luo refreshed a batch of missions. He took another mission again, but this time the mission was only of the SS level, and it was not hunting down the players of the printing suit, but to rush to it. Kill a high-grade BOSS in one place.

Although this place is a little farther away from White Bull City, Ye Luo left teleportation points in many places when he sneaked into the Indian server. In addition, he has a colorful unicorn, so it won’t take long to reach the destination. , The most important thing is that almost no players dare to stop him on the way, which also makes his task easier and easier.

Although it is a high-ranking BOSS, it is only Primordial Saint-level. Although Yeluo has no big moves at this time, he has full offensive power. In addition, his level and equipment level are now much higher than before, so Hunting the boss is still very easy.

"Tsk tusk, we are very efficient in completing tasks. If we continue this way, we will be able to upgrade White Bull City to Level 4 in less than a week, so we don't have to worry about Indian players coming to besiege for a long time." Xue Xiao said: "What's more, as time goes by, more and more players will come to White Bull City to do quests and upgrade monsters."

"Because the previous hunting operations and the current Assassin’s Home and the Assassin Operation of the Heavenly Kill Organization will kill and drive away most of the Indian players lurking near White Bull City, and our people can send support at any time. The task is naturally much easier, especially when the colorful sacred cows did not stop them.” Sitting on Qin's heart, she changed her tone: "but it won’t be easy tomorrow, because the colorful sacred cows and their seals The ultimatum of the service master has been restored. Maybe those of us are not afraid of them, but other players may be blocked or even killed by them, so it will be more troublesome to complete the task."

The facts are just as what sitting on Qin Xin said, it is precisely because the double-professional masters such as Wucai Shenniu have no big moves, and there are no assassin items and skills such as [Group Blessing Scroll], so they did not come to harass. Intercept Ling Tian and the others, because they knew that it would be difficult to intercept them successfully, and they even faced the danger of being killed by masters such as Ye Luo. This was not what they wanted to see.

However, once he has a big move, he will naturally be more courageous. Even if he does not come to besiege White Bull City, he will harass and intercept the players who go out to do missions in the Chinese server. This will definitely cause greater troubles and even casualties to the Chinese server players, especially It was the colorful sacred cows who formed an elite team and started guerrilla warfare.

"Well, yes, tomorrow will be a lot of trouble." June Feixue said, and then changed his tone: "But there is nothing to worry about. I will play with them tomorrow. Once I can entangle them, I will kill them. That can cause a lot of trouble to them, and it would be better if they could kill the colorful sacred cow, the colorful demon fox and others, so that they could explode the national weapon in their hands."

In this regard, everyone is not worried, because they are very confident in their own strength.

"Sister Qin, Sister Shi, next we will arrange for some people to settle in Feiye City and other level 3 county cities, and let them help those county cities upgrade to level 4 king cities as soon as possible." The firework's easy cold voice sounded in the team channel: " In addition, I urge other gangs to let them act in accordance with the previous agreement and upgrade all the level 3 counties to level 4 as soon as possible."

Not surprisingly, the national war in the future will become more and more fierce. It is necessary to upgrade all the level 3 counties to level 4 as soon as possible. After all, the pressure on the server will be less-facing the cooperation of so many servers at the same time. Attack, the pressure of the Chinese server is very high.

That's right, the China server is still able to cope with the joint siege of major servers, but as time goes by, everyone's level and equipment level will be further improved, plus more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other equipment items with killer features will be hoarded Or siege equipment. At that time, it was not so easy for the Chinese server to face the siege of the major servers. After all, the role of the level 3 county city at that time was very small.

Knowing that these things are very important, they sat on Qin Xin and Samadhi nodded, and then they went to arrange this with Monday, Jian XIV and others. Of course, they did not forget to urge other gangs in accordance with the instructions of Fireworks Yi Leng. Act according to the agreement-Samadhi, they are quite smart, let the **** of wine Du Kang, Feng Xing come forward, after all, they are the most prestigious in the game world, it will be much easier for them to come forward and solve the problem.

"Fireworks, when will we sneak into the British server?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked expectantly while doing the task.

"Wait, the most important thing at the moment is to completely destroy the printing service, at least not let them prevent our people from doing the gang resident mission." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and felt the disappointment of breaking the waves and riding the wind, her tone One turn: "And we can sneak into the Indian server after White Bull City is upgraded to Level 4 King City. Before that, you and Ye Luo can take some people to sneak into the British server to get familiar with their situation."

That’s right, Bai Niu City is only a level 3 county city that needs to be guarded by a large number of middle-server players. This will hold back a large number of mid-server combat power, so they are eager to upgrade it to a level 4 royal city so they can free up more troops. Going to do other things, such as sneaking into the British server and other servers to carry out retaliatory actions and so on.

She was disappointed to hear the first half of breaking the waves and riding the wind. Even if she heard that White Bull City needs to be upgraded to Level 4 in order to act, she was disappointed, but she was excited when she heard that she and Ye Luo could lead some people to act first. , Of course, I also know the intention of the arrangement of fireworks easy to cold-the so-called familiarity with the British server is to allow Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others to leave more teleport points in the British server, so that they will be transmitted to the British server in the future and attack their gang station. It will be a lot easier.

Thinking of this, Breaking the waves and riding the wind looked forward to it, and then she asked again: "Then Ye Luo and I can start the action now?"

"It's better not, because the printing service still needs you. After all, the strength of the colorful **** cows is still very good, especially after the CD of their big move." Firework Yi Leng shook his head.

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