VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2000: : Give Changhe the sunset

[Demon Sword Murakami] is worthy of being a national weapon. The basic attributes alone are extremely powerful, and even the simple attack power is much higher than [Samsara Blade], not to mention that this weapon has more powerful additional features and additional skills. .

"Yes, the attack power of the saint-level [Blade of Reincarnation] only increased by 8,000 points, while the [Demon Blade Murata Masayuki] increased by 15,000 points, almost twice as high as [Blade of Reincarnation], not to mention other weapons. "Compared." The black and white moves, and then the tone changed: "However, the basic attributes are not comparable to the additional characteristics. The additional characteristics almost include all the characteristics that increase the damage output, and even make the target dizzy, and the ghostly disability that appears during ordinary attacks. Shadows can also greatly increase the damage output of the wearer. Not surprisingly, these can give an elite player the damage output of a super master."

"Yeah, that's right." Sitting on the heart of Qin, he took the stubbornly: "And this long knife also has a halo effect, which can prevent all friendly units within 100 meters of the wearer from being punished by the system when sneaking into other countries or servers. , Which means that our overall attributes will not be weakened by 10% in the future. This alone can greatly enhance the overall strength of our elite team."

That's right, after Ye Luo and others sneaked into the Japanese server, their overall attributes were weakened by 10%, which has a greater impact on their overall strength, but with [Demon Blade Village Zheng] it is different, they no longer bear this punishment , The overall strength is naturally much stronger than before.

"Not only that, the most powerful thing about this weapon is its additional skills." The calligraphy in the middle of the night, his tone was full of excitement: "[Soul Swallowing] Ah, this is an addition to the old sister's [murderous pearl] Killing can increase the attack power and murderous attribute damage. Tsk tsk, the attack power is increased by up to 100%, and 50,000 points of murderous attribute damage are added to the attack, which will greatly increase the damage output of the wearer."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Old sister, Big Brother Ye, plus the people equipped with [Demon Blade Village Masaru], the three of them will join forces to attack after they increase their attack power, even in the face of dozens of dual-professional masters who perform ultimatums. Not afraid."

"That's right, this national weapon can make us more unscrupulously kill and rampage in Japanese clothes." Po Lang Riding the wind nodded heavily, and then she looked at everyone: "But who are you going to use this national weapon for? Ye Luo and I don’t need it. After all, [Soul Swallow] can’t stack [Reincarnation*Soul Eater] skills, which is too wasteful for us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "There is another point that must be noted. Once a player equipped with a national weapon is killed, the national weapon will definitely burst. It is a pity that such a powerful equipment bursts, and this will also train us. A super powerful opponent, so players who do not have a strong life-saving ability should think about it."

Hearing this, everyone is silent, they naturally know how powerful players equipped with [Demon Blade Village Masaru] will be. If they are equipped with dual professional masters, they may be able to reach the level of Yeluo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. After being picked up by the enemy, it is also a great threat to them, so they need a very powerful person and equipment.

"I suggest to..." Changhe Sunset said, but was interrupted by the desert solitary smoke only halfway through.

Damo Guyan is most familiar with the sunset over the Changhe River, and naturally knows that he proposed to give [Demon Blade Village Zheng] to himself. After all, he is the most powerful person besides breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo, fireworks are easy to be cold, and nights except nights. It's just that he is not a member of Misty Pavilion and he can't have this powerful equipment, and the proposal of Long River Sunset will undoubtedly make it difficult for them to break the waves, so he will interrupt it.

"Since Ye Luo brother and Chengfeng beauty don't need it, then I feel the best equipment for the younger brother." Da Mo Guyan said solemnly: "Because the younger brother's operation is not bad, although his biggest shortcoming in this profession is insufficient defense. , But before he got an ancient saint-level breastplate, the breastplate has the passive skill [Giant Crocodile Iron Armor] and a 10-second invincible skill. As a result, his life-saving ability is greatly enhanced. ] It’s not a big problem."

The proposal of Guyan in the desert is quite pertinent. After all, Changhe Sunset is the most powerful swordsman in Misty Pavilion except Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, and his life-saving ability has also been improved with the chest armor of the ancient saint. For a big part, if you equip [Demon Sword Murata], his damage output will be very strong, and the damage output that can be played will also be very high.

"Well, this proposal is good." Ye Luo nodded faintly. He naturally knew what the lone smoke of the desert was for interrupting the sunset in the Long River, and he also knew that whether it was breaking the waves and riding the wind or the fireworks were easy to be cold, he would not be willing to put [Demon Blade] Cura Masa] Give Damo Guyan the'outsider'.

The idea of ​​breaking the waves and riding the wind is very simple. She knows that the strength of Changhe Sunset is very good, especially recently under the guidance of Ye Luo, she has made considerable progress, and the ranks of super masters are just around the corner. The most important thing is his long left hand. The sword is just an ordinary weapon of the holy rank. It is best to give him [Demon Blade Village Masaru], especially after he is equipped with the ancient holy breastplate, so she also nodded and agreed with Da Mo Guyan Proposal.

As for the fireworks are easy to get cold, as Ye Luo thought, she would never let [Demon Blade Village Zheng] fall into the hands of the desert solitary smoke, and she also knew that Changhe Sunset was the most powerful swordsman besides Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind. , And gave him the best use of this equipment, so she also nodded: "Well, well, let's give it to the sunset."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Next, sister Qin, you priests need to deliberately take care of the sunset, because all the people in the game will know that he has [Demon Blade Village Masa], so he will become a target."

According to past experience, players with national equipment will be deliberately named by the system, and [Demon Blade Village Masaru] is the national equipment of the Japanese server. Once it is known that it falls into the hands of Changhe Sunset, then Tokyo Mythology and all Japanese players will no doubt deliberately For him, after all, this is a weapon of a country, and it is a great shame for them to fall into the hands of players of other countries.

Hearing this, sitting on Qin Xin, the pastors nodded one after another. They said they would focus on taking care of the sunset over the river.

Seeing the firework Yi Leng and looking at himself and Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng smiled: "Don't worry, let Ye Luo and I are here. The three of us can easily kill all the enemies around with our attack power. , Will not give them a chance to get close at all."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "Furthermore, Ye Luo has a [Space Portal]. After the sunset encounters danger, he will be teleported away as soon as possible, or we can teleport him directly to help, so there will be no problem. ."

Naturally, I also know what it means to kill three players to increase their attack power. What's more, Ye Luo can also use [Space Portal] to teleport the setting sun away, so the fireworks are easy to be cold and no longer worry about this.

"Next, we will kill some powerful BOSS and then burst some powerful equipment. At that time, we will give priority to the sunset." Sitting on Qin Xin said, and her words were echoed by everyone, after all, Changhe Sunset is ready. More powerful equipment will have stronger life-saving capabilities.

"Hey, [Demon Sword Murata] has 2 additional skills. In addition to [Soul Swallow], there is [Soul Suppression]. This skill can weaken the enemy's attributes. Tsk tsk, 10%, which can already greatly weaken the target. With the strength, if the sunset is nearby, it will be easier for us to kill." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she urged: "Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and get out. Now Ye Luo and I are in the heart of the Japanese suit. When encountering a lot of leveling points, let the sunset add up the attack power first, so that our actions will be smoother next."

While breaking the waves and riding the wind said this, Changhe Sunset took over [Demon Sword Murata Masayoshi] from Monday, and then equipped it, and as soon as he equipped it, a full server system prompt sounded, prompting [Demon Sword Murakura Masayoshi] ] In his hands, the players of the entire Heaven Tribulation game know that this expired is in his hands, as Yi Leng said, I am afraid that he will become a target.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others had known this situation a long time ago, and they had discussed the countermeasures before, so they were not too worried.

"Sister Feng, don't forget that in the early morning you will also trade the combination skills of [Group Blessing Scroll] and Wuyingquan to Sister Shi." Sitting on Qin Xin reminded, she smiled when she saw the waves and the wind curling her mouth. : "Don't worry, you can return to the country by directly teleporting to the secret path. After you hand over the things to Xiao Shi, you can return, and then Ye Luo can use [Space Portal] to teleport you over, so it won't waste much time. time."

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also knows the importance of handing the combo skill scroll of [Group Blessing] and Wuyingquan to Samadhi, and she also knows that it will not take long as she sits on the piano heart, so she nodded. Don't worry about this matter anymore.

Next, Ye Luo and Po Lang Ride the wind to take the long river sunset to find the leveling location of the day suit to kill people, while the fireworks are easy to cold and the others continue the previous thing-looking for high-rank BOSS while on the way, bursting down on the Titan Giant Crocodile After the [Demon Blade Murata], they became more interested in finding high-ranking bosses.

Not only fireworks and others are interested in finding high-ranking bosses, other players are also so after hearing the previous system prompts, and even they sent a large number of players to look for high-ranking bosses, especially after seeing the power of [Demon Blade Village Zheng] ——After the national weapon system is triggered, there will be a national weapon list on the system, [Demon Blade Village Masaru] is on the list, so that all players in the robbery game can see its attributes, and this also attracts everyone Want to get a national weapon.

Think about it, a national device can easily create a super master, and it is not just as simple as a super master. For example, the lower-grade national device [Demon Blade Village Zheng] can not only greatly increase the damage output of Changhe Sunset, but also make the surrounding The player's strength is greatly improved.

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