VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1999: : The National Instruments comes out

[Group Blessing Scroll], [Copy Scroll] and 2 combo skill scrolls, but these are very rich harvests for Ye Luo and the others, but they still want to know what the following equipment is like, after all, the ancient sage The equipment that the bosses of the first class burst is likely to be of the ancient sage, and this equipment can greatly enhance their strength.

The first piece of equipment picked up on August was a heavy armor breastplate. What surprised everyone was that this breastplate was of the ancient sage level, and its attributes were very powerful. It was no different from Ye Luo’s [Armor of Reincarnation], and because This skill is added with the passive skill [Giant Crocodile Iron Armor] to make the defense more powerful.

The Breastplate of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is only Saint Grade. It stands to reason that this piece of equipment is the best for her. After all, she is now in a state of full attack power almost all the time. If there is one more powerful breastplate, she can even better. Unscrupulously charged into the battle, and she was also looking forward to such a breastplate, but what made her depressed was that this breastplate stipulates that only male players can be equipped, and this also means that the breastplate has no chance with her.

After a brief discussion, everyone was going to give this breastplate to Damo Guyan, but he refused on the grounds that he had already asked for a copy of the [Copy Scroll], and then the breastplate returned to Changhe Sunset, after all, he is this Except for Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, and the most powerful swordsman in the desert.

Seeing Changhe sunset and wanted to refuse, the firework Yi was cold and gave a reason-Qinglian Jianxian has a very strong damage output ability, but the defense power is much worse. If Changhe sunset is equipped with an ancient holy chest Armor, and with the addition of the [Giant Crocodile Iron Armor] equipment that reduces physical damage, his life-saving ability will be greatly increased, and he can charge forward unscrupulously, and his damage output ability can also be perfectly reflected.

Hearing that, Changhe Sunset didn't say anything any more, he had the breastplate under his hand, and his defensive power increased by one or two grades, as the firework Yi Leng said, he could also rush into the enemy's formation and start killing.

The second piece of equipment picked up on August is still of the Ancient Sage. This piece of equipment is a heavy armor helmet, but because of the increased damage of the dark attribute, it belongs to Ye Luo. After all, he is the only one of the dark type and can Players equipped with heavy armor equipment, and after equipped with this helmet, his overall attributes have once again improved a little, and then he can rush into the enemy line unscrupulously.

The third equipment is a ring, ancient saint-level, and this ring has a very peculiar feature added to the player's sword and magician skills. This is undoubtedly the exclusive equipment of both magic and martial arts, and the desert is isolated. Demon and Wu Divine Envoy is the profession of both Demon and Wu Xiu, this equipment can give him a perfect effect.

This ring can greatly increase his own attributes and even damage output, so Da Mo Guyan did not reject it, and accepted this ring.

In fact, there is still one player in the team who has both sword and magician systems. That is Ye Luo. However, Ye Luo's sword skills and magician skills are not as good as those of Da Mo Guyan. After all, the latter is'professional'. Mowu double cultivation, and he was just a branch of the magician, and the magician skills he learned were the most basic.

"Hey, this should be a ***." After seeing the influence of the reflection of the last piece of equipment picked up on Monday, June Feixue was slightly surprised, and then she couldn't help muttering: "This is in the Japanese service. Some fighters’ exclusive weapons, none of us seem to be able to equip them."

"Let’s see what it is, let’s talk about it. We have a career as a swordsman in the Misty Pavilion, and we may be able to use it." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then changed his tone: "In addition, *** is also called a sword, which is also Japan The so-called'kendo', if this long sword has good attributes, it can be equipped."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then all looked towards August.

"Oh my god, the attack power of this knife is too terrifying, how can it be higher than the attack power of Uncle Ye Luo's [Blade of Reincarnation]?!" Monday eight exclaimed, his tone was full of surprise.

"Uncle Ye Luo's [Blade of Reincarnation] is only saint-level, this knife should be ancient saint-level, it doesn't matter if it is one level higher." June Feixue said casually.

"No, even the attack power of the ancient saint-level weapons is not necessarily higher than the [Blade of Reincarnation]. After all, Ye Luo's long sword is a spiritual weapon, and it is also an exclusive weapon of the Venerable Reincarnation, more powerful than ordinary spiritual weapons. "Othello shook her head, and then she looked at Monday, the meaning was self-evident.

"Uh, this, this is the national weapon?!" On August, she ignored the Othello, and after seeing something clearly, her tone trembled, which shows how excited she was.

"What, the national weapon?!" Ye Luo was taken aback after hearing this word, but after seeing the surprises of Po Lang Chengfeng and others, he also realized that this weapon must be extraordinary: "Guo Qi It should be amazing."

"Of course it's amazing. It's a symbol of a country. Naturally, it is much stronger than ordinary equipment." Po Lang Chengfeng explained, and she hurriedly urged: "Little Eight, hurry up and send the equipment illustration to We, this should be the first national weapon in the entire Celestial Tribulation game. Hey, I didn’t expect it to be exposed by us. It seems that this time we are lucky.

"It's very good. The Japanese national weapon was blown down by us, and it will be a great shame for them afterwards." Othello laughed, and she urged her to publish the illustration of this long sword on August. When I came out, I looked forward to other people.

At this moment, a series of system prompts sounded:


System reminder (all servers): Congratulations on getting the Japanese national weapon-[Demon Blade Village Masaru] on August. The national device system is officially opened. Killing high-grade BOSS will have a certain chance to burst the national weapon. Players equipped with the national device will be unexpected In view of the fact that the national machine system was triggered on August, the system specially rewarded her with a 3 star increase in all attribute growth qualifications, a lucky value of 3 points, a vocational skill book, 100,000 prestige points, and 100,000 military merit points, which are encouraged.

The system prompt sounded 10 times in a row, resounding through all servers, and almost all players in the entire Tribulation game knew about it, and this also caused an uproar in the Tribulation game.

"Triggered the national equipment system?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was stunned, and then she smiled: "But Xiao Ba has good luck. Now you are well-known in the world, and you have received such generous rewards, not to mention growth. The qualification is increased by 3 stars, and the luck value is increased by 3 points. This vocational skill book alone can greatly enhance your strength."

After hearing the system prompt, on Monday, she was also stunned, but after hearing that there were so many rewards behind, she smiled, and she was lucky.

"Sure enough, it is a Japanese national weapon, [Demon Sword Murakami], this is a powerful weapon, and the national weapon will have special attributes. The attributes of this long sword should be very powerful." Sitting on Qin Xin said, and Having said this, she looked towards Monday, which was self-evident.

On August, I tried to control my emotions, and then posted an equipment illustration:

[Demon Blade Village Masaru] (Swords * Ancient Saint Grade-Lower Grade National Instruments)

Physical attack: 15000-15000

Strength: +3600

Constitution: +3600

Agility: +3600

Intelligence: +3600

Additional features: Make the wearer attack an additional 10,000 points of damage. This damage is pure damage, ignoring defense, and limited to ordinary attacks.

Additional feature: Make the wearer have a 25% chance to cause a 5 times critical strike to the target. When a critical strike is triggered, it ignores any evasion and only allows normal attacks.

Additional feature: Makes the wearer splash all the hostile targets within 10 meters behind it and 120 degree fan-shaped surface when attacking the hostile target, and the splash damage increases to 60%. This feature is limited to normal attacks.

Additional features: 30% increase in attack speed of the wearer, 15% chance to trigger 5 combo effects, limited to normal attacks, and can be superimposed with other equipment and skill effects.

Additional feature: Make the wearer ignore the target's 35% defense when attacking. This feature is limited to normal attacks.

Additional features: Increase the damage effect of the wearer's spell attack by 35% and the range by 10%.

Additional feature: When attacking, there is a 15% chance that the target will be stunned for 1 second. This feature cannot be superimposed and is limited to normal attacks. After triggering once, the next trigger will take 5 seconds, and the stunned target’s defense power will be temporarily cleared. Zero, return to wakefulness and return to normal.

Additional features: There is a 15% chance that there will be 8 ghost ghosts when attacking. The ghost ghosts can actively attack the hostile target within 25 meters. Each ghost ghost can cause 10,000 damage to the target with each attack. The damage is Pure damage, ignoring defense, ghost shadows exist for 3 seconds, this feature is limited to normal attacks.

Additional feature: Allows the wearer and all friendly units within 100 meters to not be punished by the system when sneaking into other servers.

Attack interval: 2 seconds

Additional skills: [Soul Devour]

Additional skills: [Soul suppression]

Long-lasting equipment: it can automatically recover energy from heaven and earth

Additional feature: The weapon cannot be damaged, and it will burst once the wearer dies.

Level required: None, both sword and sword players can equip it.

[Soul Swallow] (passive skill): The wearer can absorb the soul of the target when killing the target. The attack power of the wearer is increased by 1% for each soul drawn, and 10000 points of murder damage are added to the attack. The upper limit of the soul that can be drawn is 100 Yes, this skill cannot be superimposed with other skills, props and additional skills.

[Soul Suppression] (Passive Skill): The overall attributes of all hostile targets within 100 meters of the wearer are weakened by 10%, which is invalid for monsters of the BOSS level.

"Uh, this, this is a national weapon?!" After seeing the attributes of [Demon Blade Village Masaru], June Feixue was stunned: "This attack power and additional basic attributes are too terrifying, as expected, it is better than Uncle Ye Luo's. [Blade of Reincarnation] Strong, and much stronger. After equipped with such a weapon, any player who is not too weak can become a super master. It is indeed a national weapon, and it is only a low-grade national weapon, if it is a middle-grade national weapon Or maybe the top-grade ones are even stronger!"

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