VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1967: : Send troops in again

After killing all the dual professions of the Black Hawk Gang and other gangs, Ye Luo and the others began to chase and kill them. In a relatively short time, they cleared a large area of ​​the area. The next thing to do is to clean the battlefield. The task was completed by the assassins such as Midnight Book.

As for Ye Luo, Firework Yield and others, they did not immediately act on those BOSSs, but instead rode flying mounts to patrol the surroundings, sprinkle [fluorescent powder] while patrolling, or use group attack skills-they wanted to hide as much as possible Find out the surrounding assassins or players taking high-level stealth pills, so that they will be safer when dealing with BOSS next.

Of course, in addition to these, it is to continue to drive away Japanese players and keep them away from here, so that they don't worry about being approached by these people when playing BOSS.

"Feixue, you go offline to contact Sister Shi and ask her to arrange some people to enter the Japanese server." Yi Leng Suddenly issued an order: "Sister Shi, Misty Rain, Misty Rain Xiaoxiao and other dual professions come here, and bring some of them to fly. Skills and [Split Arrows] archers, green-flood summoners, and mammoth cavalry, the number is not too large, plus we are within 300 people."

"Sister Fireworks, now let Sister Shi and the others send someone over?!" June Feixue's voice increased a bit: "Didn't you say that we people have enough damage output? Why did Sister Shi and the others rush over? After we rushed over, our mobility was much weaker."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "In addition, Tokyo Mythology, they must have deployed heavy soldiers at the entrance of the secret path. Can Sister Shi and the others rush over directly?"

"Yes, the people in Tokyo Mythology can send them to help." Othello took the words: "Tokyo Mythology they can't help us, but they can help Sister Shi and the others. It would be troublesome."

"Sister Feng recorded the teleport point at the entrance of the secret path, she can directly teleport to help." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Although Ye Luo's [Transport] skill is on the CD, he is also there. The teleportation point is recorded, and his teleportation times should be 2 more times. If Tokyo Mythology is where they can go to war best, so we can continuously send troops to support them, so that they can defeat the heavy troops they deployed."

"That's also true. Uncle Ye Luo can send all the other people there. It's still no problem for them to deal with the Tokyo Myth." June Feixue said, and then thought of something, she continued: "But you have said that we are people before. The damage output is enough. It doesn’t make much sense to let Sister Shi and the others rush over. On the contrary, it might scare Tokyo Mythology that they don’t dare to come over again, and the mobility of so many people will be much worse."

"One time and another time." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she was confused when she saw the waves and wind and others. She explained: "Next we will kill the BOSS. If we kill Tokyo Myth like this, we can see that we are so confident. They will not come to harass us, and if we let Sister Shi and the others rush over to support, they will think that we are a little guilty, and they will be more likely to attack us next."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, Sister Shi and the others can also line up to attack the invisible assassins, just in case."

Mammoth cavalry, archers with flying skills and [Split Arrows], plus the Green Summoner, these units have powerful damage output and control capabilities. The most important thing is the ability of archers to attack from a distance. The combination of the system can almost easily take down all the small groups of assassins, and even greatly threaten the opponent's air power. After all, the mammoth cavalry is a unit that specializes in air power.

"As for the problem of poor mobility, it's okay." Seeing what June Feixue wanted to say, Ye Luodai explained: "Sister Shi and the others came here to lure Tokyo Mythology to take action. Of course, it can also improve our overall strength. After completing these, they will return. It is not too far away from the secret path. If we kill all of the Tokyo Mythology and them, then Shijie and the others can leave safely, and we can even defeat the heavy soldiers outside the secret path. ."

After a slight pause, Ye Luo continued: "As a result, our mobility is still very fast. Sister Shi and the others can continue to guard the country to prevent the Tokyo Myth from invading."

Seeing the fireworks Yi Leng nodded, June Feixue gave a smirk, and then went offline to notify Samadhi.

Samadhi is also a smart person. After June Feixue briefly talked about the situation, she understood it, and then immediately arranged manpower, and then she and Yi Xiao Hongchen led 2,300 people to the Japanese server through a secret path.

Ye Luo and the others were ready to support at any time after Feixue was off the assembly line in June. While preparing, they did not forget to clean up the surrounding assassins. They also found some invisible assassins and ninjas. Fate can also be imagined-one by one killed.

Although most of the Samadhi and the others are on the ancient battlefield, the secret trails can only be walked. It takes some time to get over, even if they just cross the border, but Ye Luo and the others are not in a hurry, or clear the battlefield, or deal with it. The mobs around, of course, what they care most about is what loot they have collected in Midnight Book.

"We have increased 7,8,000 points in national warfare points, which means that we have killed 7,8,000 people, plus the people killed by the BOSS. Japanese players also lost at least 15,000 people this time. They are all elite masters, and losing 1 level will still have a great impact on their strength." When it comes to these, Othello's pretty face is full of smiles.

"It's not just as simple as dropping a level. Some of them have lost their equipment. It's just that we have found hundreds of Primordial God-level equipment. Among them, there are 4 or 5 holy-level equipment. So the loss is even greater." Midnight Shu tweeted while continuing to pick up the spoils.

"Killing so many people, Tokyo Mythology, they should be extremely angry." Po Lang Chengfeng curiously said: "Next they should assemble a large army and then prepare to act on us, if this is the case, it will be our wish."

"Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, they will only take action when we deal with the boss." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then the conversation turned: "Of course, it is normal to gather forces to move closer to us now. Preparation for the shot."

"Hey, then let's take action on the BOSS after Xiaoshi and the others arrive. I think Tokyo Mythology will definitely take action against us." Po Lang Riding Wind was full of anticipation.

At this moment, the voice of the slender hand sounded on the team channel: "Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng, Tokyo Mythology, they are indeed sending troops to the ancient battlefield, and they are mainly engaged in the occupation of restraining air power such as the Ice Dragon Eagle Summoner."

Hearing this, a smile evoked at the corner of Polangchengfeng’s mouth, and she said: “It seems that they are really ready to do something on us, or prevent us from killing the BOSS. After all, if we let us kill all the BOSS and get a burst, our overall Strength, this is not what Tokyo Mythology wants to see."

"The main reason is that they don't want to see us being so arrogant. Even if they kill them, they still blatantly kill the BOSS." Othello laughed.

While chatting while waiting, 1 or 20 minutes passed quickly, and then the voice of Samadhi rang in the team channel: "Fireworks, Sister Feng, we are here, let Ye Luo send everyone over. This is our arrival. List, send the others over first."

Speaking of these, a list was passed, and while the list was passed, the samādhi poem continued: "Sister Feng, you can send it to help. There are many people guarding the secret passage here, and there are also a lot of restraining air power. We have some trouble coping with the arms."

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind didn’t say much, she directly used the skills on the [Transport Pearl] to teleport, and in the last 1 second of her teleportation, sitting on the Qin Xin gave her a [Spell Immunity] effect. In a short time, he can attack unscrupulously.

"Feixue, Wednesday, Moon, and Thursday, you also have teleport skills, teleport over to help." Firework Yi Cold issued an order: "If necessary, Moon and Thursday, you can directly use the big tricks and get some time for everyone. ."

Without waiting for Yue Yue to speak, she continued: "Flying Snow, Wednesday, if it is necessary to use combo skills, but if it can be saved, save it."

Saving the combination skills is naturally to deal with Tokyo Mythology and others. After all, [Meteor Fall (group)] This combination skill not only has extremely terrifying damage output, but also has a very powerful control ability, retaining this assassin for the situation. Will have a big impact.

I have to say that fireworks are easy to be cold and smart. Zhiyue and Thursday can perform 2 big moves. The most important thing is that they can add blood to themselves after using the big move. It is no exaggeration to say that they hardly have to worry about lack of blood in 5 minutes. In addition, they have powerful control capabilities, and they are determined to buy some time for everyone to do it. At this time, breaking the waves and riding the wind can attack unscrupulously, and her damage output can definitely give the interceptor Caused a lot of casualties.

Zhiyue and the others didn't say much, they directly locked the samādhi and transmitted it, and then they joined the battle.

"Ye Luo, if necessary, you can also use the teleport skills of [Transport Pearl] to teleport over, then use [Reincarnation Domain], [Cooling Reset] and then use teleport skills to lock us and teleport back, and then immediately attack the BOSS. While attacking, use the [Space Portal] to teleport everyone over." Firework Yi Leng looked at Ye Luo: "Especially after Tokyo Myth and others teleported over, you should know what to do."

"Yeah, I understand." Ye Luo nodded.

"Hey, I just need to send it by myself. People like them can't resist me. What's more, Yue'er and Thursday are already in front, so I can attack unscrupulously." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently.

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