VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1966: : Continue to hunt down

After receiving the command of fireworks and easy cold, breaking the waves and riding the wind against the effects of spell immunity to meet those dual professional masters, [Sword Qi aspect], [Kuang thunder sword shadow] and other group attack skills were displayed, and the powerful attack power of those double Most of the professional masters have a high amount of damage floating above their heads, and some people are directly paralyzed-these dual professional masters have used invincible means when they battled the BOSS before, and some even displayed all the invincible skills. Therefore, they may be controlled when facing the waves and wind and others, especially when they face the fireworks, which are easy to be cold, and unless they are all night.

As the firework is easy to be cold, the wave breaking and wind riding with the spell immunity effect is not afraid of the more than 10 dual-professional masters. After all, it is difficult for these people to approach her and attack it, even in the powerful ones of her and Ye Luo. Under the attack, two or three dual-professionals were killed on the spot, and the vitality of other dual-professional masters was also rapidly decreasing.

Although there are occasionally some dual professions of magician and archer type that use magic bullets and energy arrows to attack the waves and ride the wind, but the number is not very large, and he can maintain his blood in a healthy state by virtue of his strong blood sucking ability, and even There is no need to use [Life Absorption] and let the priest sit on the Qin Xin to add blood.

Think about it, too, with the current attack power of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to strengthen the large blood-sucking ability, you can **** a lot of qi and blood with a single blow, and it is very easy to maintain the qi and blood in a healthy state.

Time passed in the fierce battle, 30 seconds finally passed, and the state of those dual-class ultimatums was mostly over. At this time, they could not withstand the attacks of the waves and wind, not to mention Ye Luo and Ye. Ye unless waiting for someone, so they were killed one by one.

There were also dual-professional masters who realized there was no way for Ye Luo and the others, and they couldn't even force them to perform big moves. In order to avoid being killed, they chose to flee, but they were targeted by Ye Ye unless and the fireworks easily cold— -An energy arrow containing thunder and ice attributes whizzed away, coupled with the occasional control skills that sit on the Qin Xin and Ye Luo, these people have no chance to escape.

Soon after breaking the waves and riding the wind, they killed all those dual-professional masters. Only after they died completely, they might burst out their equipment. I believe these dual-professional masters would burst with very good equipment.

Solved all the dual-professional masters, Ye Luo and the others did not give up. Seeing the Tokyo myth, they still did not intend to support them. They continued to chase and kill the players who fled, and thought that there was no threat, so they dared to continue chasing to the outside. Kill, and under their pursuit, many Frost Dragonhawk Summoners were killed, and of course there were many magicians, cavalry and other units.

Seeing that Ye Luo and the others didn’t mean to deal with the BOSS at all. Seeing that they continued to chase their people, Heilong Tianzhan and others were annoyed, but they were helpless. At this time, let their people continue to stay in the ancient battlefield waiting for opportunities. Obviously it's not realistic anymore, so they issued an order to let their people return to the city, and only in this way can the loss be minimized.

"Sister Fireworks, those dual-professional masters have been killed, and Tokyo Mythology they still have no intention of coming to support." June Feixue's voice sounded on the team channel, and her tone was full of excitement: "Hurry up and take us. Teleport it over, plus we can kill more of them, this will cause greater damage to the Japanese gaming power."

It’s safe now. The most important thing is that even if Tokyo Mythical leads all the dual-professional masters to come to Ye Luo, they are confident that they will kill them all, so even if you send all the people like June Feixue, it’s okay, maybe they can still lure. The Tokyo mythology they do it is more like breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Even if they don’t appear in the Tokyo Mythology, it’s okay. The addition of June Feixue and others will surely kill more people, which will cause even greater losses to Japanese players.

With this in mind, the firework is easy to be cold and no longer refuses, and Ye Luo also used the [Space Portal] to teleport June Feixue and the others, and even teleported the assassins such as the slender jade hand— The fireworks Yield cold ordered them to search for hidden assassins in the ancient battlefield, and find them all, so that they can face the BOSS more unscrupulously.

I have to say that the addition of June Feixue and others has greatly increased Ye Luo's damage output, and everyone can be divided into multiple ways to chase and kill in different directions, because everyone has flying mounts, so they have a great speed advantage. More Japanese players were killed under their pursuit.

Because 5 or 6 minutes have passed since the start, the players who were killed first have to return to the city to resurrect because the time to lie down is up. This also means that they have to drop 1 level. Fortunately, most of these players are not Ye Luo and others. Killed, they will not burst any equipment without the effect of [Forced Deprivation].

However, the players who were killed later did not have such good luck. Some of them not only dropped the level but also lost their equipment. This made their strength even more compromised. The most important thing was that so many people faced Ye Luo. The others still had such consequences, which made them quite hit, their morale was quite low, and even many people couldn't help but ask Tokyo Mythology why they didn't support it in the first time. After all, there were not many players who could clearly know the situation at the time.

However, I have to say that the cherry blossoms and the foot of Mount Fuji have a very good position in the Japanese game industry, and they are military-level figures in Japanese games. After listening to their simple analysis, many people understand that they will no longer blame Tokyo Shinhwa and others. , Instead blamed the Black Hawk Gang and other gangs who rushed out, otherwise they would have the opportunity to kill Ye Luo and others.

Although I saw that all the people like June Feixue were teleported, the more than 20 dual-professional masters of the Black Dragon Gang and other gangs were all killed. The most important thing is that most of the Ice Dragonhawk Summoners were scattered and killed. In this case, the Tokyo Mythology, they did not have the confidence to kill Ye Luo and others—the [Heaven and Earth Cage] item and [Group Teleport Scroll] after all, there is only one. If Ye Luo cannot be killed, then they want to get this. The props are difficult, and it is even more impossible for them to kill Ye Luo.

If you think about it, even if the Tokyo Mythology is sent over and then use the [Heaven and Earth Cage] to block the need to send all dual classes and other elite masters come to surround Ye Luo and others, it is difficult to achieve the goal, because Ye Luo and others can use it. Big moves and speed advantages deal with them. They can kill a lot of people before the world cage shrinks. After all, Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riding Wind have already filled up their attack power. They can almost run wild if they use their big moves. Taking advantage of their numerous advantages can cause a lot of trouble to the people of Tokyo Mythology, and even kill some dual-professional masters.

At this time, Tokyo Mythology still has 7 or 80 dual-professional masters. Even if these dual-professional masters use all their utmost skills, Tokyo Mythology knows that Ye Luo and the others also possess multiple combo skills and something like [Wan Jianguizong]. Powerful and wide-ranging skills, they can't bear to face these skills.

Even after the appearance of the Tokyo mythology, Ye Luo and Xiaolang Ride the wind can directly rush into their camp with the [spell immunity] or invincible state, and then use various group attack skills and control skills to cover the attack, but they are very unbearable. ——Tokyo Myth They knew that Ye Luo had many invincible methods, far more than them, so it was no problem for him to rush into their camp to force all their invincible methods.

If the people on your side have no invincible means, then people like fireworks are easy to be cold, desert lonely smoke, etc. can show off, and all kinds of combo skills will be displayed. At that time, they will be overwhelmed by Tokyo Mythology. Not surprisingly, many people will be Killing, including those players except for dual careers, and even they will all be killed.

If too many people on one's side are killed, then there are not many players who can finally besie Ye Luo. It is almost impossible to kill him. If he cannot be killed, then this action is meaningless— -Ye Luo can still use the [Space Portal] to send the people who have crossed the border barriers to the Japanese server hinterland. Without the equipment and props such as the [Heaven and Earth Cage], it is undoubtedly difficult for Tokyo Shinhwa and others to think about it.

It is precisely because there is no certainty to kill Ye Luo, so Tokyo Mythology and the others did not act rashly. They can only watch Ye Luo and the others kill and kill them. You can imagine how depressed they are.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tokyo Mythology is still waiting for the opportunity-they still believe that Ye Luo will do something to those BOSS, and they can take this opportunity to do it.

Not to mention the Tokyo Mythology and their plans, let alone Ye Luo and the others continue to hunt down, and under their pursuit, more and more Japanese players were killed. Of course, more of them returned to the city. There were not many players in the ancient battlefield for a time. .

"Hey, these people have returned to the city. It seems that they also know that we will continue to hunt them down and kill them all." Seeing so many people returning to the city, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind couldn't help sighing.

"It's better for them to return to the city, which means that they didn't plan to do it when we deal with the boss." Black and white chess said, her tone was full of excitement: "Tsk tsk, that's 18 BOSS, the worst grade. They are all quasi-sage-level bosses. Killing all of them will definitely increase our overall strength. Tokyo Mythology will not support us to kill all the bosses more securely. After our overall strength is greatly improved It’s easier to deal with them anymore."

"That's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

"Purge the remnant enemies, search the battlefield, and kill all the invisible assassins as much as possible." Fireworks Yi Leng issued an order: "Little book, wait for you to lead our people to clean the battlefield. Be careful, Tokyo Mythology, they may lock in at any time. The invisible assassin teleported over."

"Don't worry, there is a sign that they have sent it over. These time is enough for us to react and move closer to you." Midnight Shu said indifferently.

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