This time, Ye Luo killed 116 people, and the waves killed 67 people. The attack power has increased a lot. Although it has not been filled up, it can also cause terrible damage. If there is another hunting action. They can solve the goal more easily.

In addition to adding up their attack power, Ye Luo also gained some equipment, most of which were of the Primordial God-level, but there were also 1 or 2 pieces of the Holy-level. Although the Primordial God-level equipment was useless to them, they broke the equipment. The overall strength of the Japanese players has been weakened a lot. After all, the equipment they burst was the best equipped at the time, not to mention that this time there are still 1 or 2 pieces of Saint-level equipment.

"Although the only equipment we can use is the two holy-level equipment, which are so-so, but it can improve our strength more or less. The most important thing is that the equipment level of the opponent is greatly reduced. The gap is slowly widening." Othello laughed, and then her tone changed: "Unfortunately, there is no other player to support, otherwise we can kill more people and cause greater losses to them."

"It's better if we don't come to support the first sneak attack. Let's increase our attack power steadily." Ye Luo said lightly, and then he looked at everyone: "It's no surprise that Tokyo Shinhwa and others should already know us. When they appear here, they will send people to besiege, and the number of people will be large. If we are surrounded by groups, we will be very troublesome, so we must be alert."

"There is nothing to worry about. Not to mention that Sword Four is far away from here. I used the [Transport Pearl] to record a teleportation point where I came before, which means I can easily teleport away. You can lock me to teleport and use the [Space Portal] to leave. It's easy to get rid of the Tokyo myth and their encirclement." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "Even we can see them and leave after someone arrives, that's nothing. problem."

Yes, Ling Tian and the others appeared in this place, so there must be a large number of Japanese players coming to encircle and suppress, but Ye Luo and the others can easily get rid of the heavy encirclement, and they can even escape in front of the Tokyo myth, so they have nothing to worry about. .

"Sister Fireworks, wait for you to leave here. Jiansan and I will continue to move in this direction. As long as you appear in another place, the players who encircle us here will retreat, which means we are here very much. Safe." The book said in the middle of the night: "What's more, there are many forests and bushes here, which are most suitable for our assassins to hide. Let us continue to investigate here..."

"Under Mount Fuji and the cherry blossoms in full bloom are also smart people. They know that Ye Luo possesses the [Space Portal] skill, and they must know that we have left a man in other places to lock him and then teleport away, and they must also know that we will be here. Continue to keep people on one line." The firework is easy to be cold and interrupted the book in the middle of the night: "Because double lines are the safest way for us, so they will guard against this, and they will send someone to carpet if there is no accident. Search here, such as sending tens of thousands of magicians and cavalry to advance, so you can easily be found out if you hide here, even if we show up in another place, they will still leave people here to search for everything. One."

Although I don’t want to admit it, Midnight Shu also knows that this is a way to restrain their tactics, and for Tokyo Mythology they don’t send tens of thousands of players, and their country has tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of players. There is no shortage of those, so it would be dangerous to stay here.

"Yes, it's difficult for you to get past their advancing team, so let's go with us." Sitting on Qin Xin said softly: "Follow us to another location, and then you will move forward at the fastest speed. , After you have traveled a long distance, we will launch a sneak attack, so that they can't judge our specific location, and it will be impossible to surround us."

"Let's try it." Suddenly Jian San said: "If we can cross their carpet search, it will be the best. If we can't, it's okay. Anyway, the CD time of Brother Ye Luo's [Space Portal] is only 3 minutes, here we are. If there is a slight accident, you can teleport us away again. This is just another invincible skill."

As Kenzo said, if he and Midnight Shu can pass through the Japanese players’ carpet search, they will undoubtedly confuse the Tokyo Mythology and make them mistakenly believe that all the Chinese players have left here, so they will relax their vigilance and go to another place. Pursue Ye Luo and the others, and then they will lock the Midnight Book and others to kill a carbine, and there will undoubtedly be many players who can kill.

In addition, even if they were found in Jiansan and Midnight Book, they can use invincible means depending on the situation. Then Ye Luo can use [Space Portal] to teleport them away, so they will not be in any danger.

The fireworks are easy to be cold. They also know the benefits if they can cross the carpet search, and they also know that Jiansan is true, so after a little thought, they agreed to this tactic, and they did not leave immediately to confuse the opponent Ye Luo. , Ready to teleport away after seeing the arrival of Japanese players.

Let's not talk about Ye Luo's arrangement here, and we will go back to the time before they launched the sneak attack.

At the ancient battlefield bordering the Japanese server and the Chinese server, masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Mt.Fuji were watching the situation of the ancient battlefield while killing the surrounding mobs. At this time, they still thought Ye Luo and the others would cross the ancient battlefield. They are also well prepared here, the next thing to do is to wait for Ye Luo and the others to appear.

"Hey, it's been so long, how come our people still haven't noticed Ye Luo Zhiqiu's whereabouts?" Hei Long Tianzhan said in a puzzled manner, "The most important thing is that none of them has been so long. After being killed, is it possible for them to avoid those super high-level monsters?"

"Could it be that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind used the [Group Strong Concealment Art]?" Susano Shinto, but he shook his head as soon as he finished speaking, "It shouldn't. After all, this skill doesn't last long, and if There is still a big chance of being detected and attacked by monsters whose level is too different. Therefore, they should not use such skills to cross the ancient battlefield. As for ordinary stealth methods, it is even more impossible. After all, these methods cannot It’s too stupid to walk across the ancient battlefield by riding."

"Perhaps Po Lang Chengfeng and others have found a secret place and hid. They are going to let Ye Luo Zhiqiu send them to a safe place after rushing to a safe place." Sakura said in full bloom, but she shook her soon. Shaking his head: "That's not right. After all, the colorful unicorn is so big that it can be seen from a long distance, and we have sent many assassins to see in the ancient battlefield invisibly, and even sent many magicians to perform group skills at intervals. It is impossible to pass us silently."

"It may be that Ye Luo Zhiqiu knows that we are prepared here and they deliberately did not rush over right away but hide somewhere. They are spending time with us, for example, they have entered the arena system, etc., after all, the arena system It has been integrated and can be accessed from all servers." Ichito Taro said casually.

Nodded, Mt. Fuji said, "The woman who is easy to get cold with fireworks is scheming, maybe this is the case, but we don’t have to worry too much. After all, we are fully prepared and they cannot be silent. Passing through the ancient battlefield and then going deep into our hinterland."

I'm still very satisfied with my defensive arrangements, so everyone nodded and didn't worry about this problem anymore.

While talking about this, the communication devices of Tokyo Shinhwa and others sounded one after another, and their expressions became difficult to look after they were connected. The God of Susa was even more astonished. He looked at everyone: "Ye Luozhi Qiu and the others have actually penetrated into our hinterland, and they have begun a sneak attack on the members of the Black Hawk Gang. How is this possible? How can they get there over our defense?!"

Not only was Susano God puzzled, so were others.

"Will Ye Luo know that Qiu really passed our blockade without knowing it, and then rushed to the hinterland of our country, and then sent the waves and the wind and others to the past?!" Sakura was quite questioning, and then shook it. Shaking his head: "Impossible, because our blockade here is almost impenetrable. He can't pass quietly. After all, we have sent so many magicians and cavalry to form a battle formation to continuously use group attack skills. In this case If he wants to pass, he will be discovered."

The Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji did not answer, but their expressions became a little ugly, and when they thought of a certain possibility, their expressions became more solemn, and Mount Fuji said: "We are sure that they did not pass through the ancient battlefield. In this way, it can only be passed from other places, which means that in addition to the ancient battlefield, there are other places that can pass through the border and then rush to other countries."

"That's right." Tokyo Shinhwa nodded, and he looked at everyone: "So we have to figure this out so that no one will pass through those places in the future. Sakura, you send some flying cavalry to investigate both sides along the ancient battlefield. I suspect they are Come in from the edge of the ancient battlefield."

"Boss, these are no longer important now. Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others have already attacked the Black Hawk Gang's leveling location. What we have to do now is to rush over as soon as possible and then take them down." Heilong Tianzhan said anxiously. .

"Yeah, it seems to be meaningless to figure this out now. Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others have already arrived in the hinterland of our country. What we have to do now is to get them out and then kill them and drive them out of us. Country." Susano God urged impatiently.

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