At the beginning of the battle, unless they used the [Lei Ying Clone] and the [Clone], the body and the clone also used a lot of group attack skills, but they did not use the powerful and powerful [World Destroyer Thunder]. The range of skills, but the damage output is still not as good as Ye Luo who didn't use [Reincarnation Clone], which surprised her, but obviously June Feixue, Wednesday and others are very used to this.

"Ye Luo's equipment level is much better than you, and he has been rewarded with many attributes. The colorful unicorn is also nearly 2 levels higher than your purple electric holy dragon. The most important thing is that the Ye Luo archer can attack by one. , And the Magician Department can display various group attack skills, and even uninterrupted group attack skills, plus [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] additional group attack skills, his damage output is higher than yours, it is normal." Sitting on Qin Xin explained, and then his tone changed: "Ye Luo's attack power hasn't added up yet, otherwise it's not just you, I'm afraid that the total damage output of all of us except Sister Feng is not comparable to him."

If it was before, Ye Ye would not believe it unless she was certain, but at this time she had already seen the power of Ye Luo, so she agreed with the words of sitting on the piano heart.

"Xiaofei, your damage output is not as good as Uncle Ye Luo, let alone us." Wednesday said, and then changed his tone: "If I can get [Naruto Clone], there is still some hope, but this clone system The skills are too scarce, even if we Miomi Pavilion, only a few people have it."

"Yes, I don't know when I will have such a skill." June Feixue was expectantly authentic.

"I suddenly found something." Suddenly Zhiyue said, seeing everyone showing a curious look, she continued: "There are [Naruto Clone], [Dark Shadow Clone], [Ice Shadow Clone] and other clones in the Celestial Tribulation game. Skills, but the elder brother Jianxi is a dark fire archer. He is a fusion of the dark and fire types. He should be able to learn [Naruto Clone] and [Shadow Clone]. If you can really learn these two clone skills, this Doesn't it mean that he can have 10 clones at the same time, and these clones can perform some skills, then his damage output is not terrible."

Hearing that, June Feixue’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she murmured: “Yes, if it’s true, I’m afraid his damage output is higher than Xiao Fei’s, even if he and the clone only perform normal attacks. ."

"Then have you ever thought that if Ye Luo also learned skills such as [Naruto Clone]?" Sitting on Qin Xin while talking, she asked rhetorically. Seeing a lot of people showing a look of surprise and expectation, the corner of her mouth revealed a touch Smile: "Yes, as you think, Ye Luo's profession is very peculiar. It can exert all attribute damage, and can even learn the skills of [Lava Power] and [Xuanbing Power] from other departments, so he Of course, you can also learn all the clone skills such as [Naruto Clone]. If this is the case, then his damage output will be even more terrifying, I am afraid it is much higher than the sum of all the damage of us."

"Of course the premise is that we can acquire such skills." She added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they had no doubts about what sitting on the piano heart said, and Zhiyue even murmured: "If that's true, Brother Ye wouldn't be invincible!"

That's right, Ye Luo can learn the skills of various attributes, and naturally he can also learn the clone skills such as [Naruto Clone], and there are many such clone skills in the Heavenly Tribulation game, and there are already [Naruto Clone], [Wind Shadow Clone], [Dark Shadow Clone], [Dragon God Clone], [Thunder Shadow Clone], [Dragon Clone], etc. There are certainly [Ice Shadow Clone], [Earth Shadow Clone], etc., if Ye Luo has exhausted these skills and then displayed all the clone skills. The damage output is terrifying, perhaps even higher than the damage output of a team of hundreds of people.

Thinking of this, men and women, June Feixue and others are excited and looking forward to it.

"If that is the case, then Ye Luo would be too abnormal, but that seriously affects the balance of the game, so it is impossible to allow such things to happen." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, her voice was light but quite sure: "Maybe Sword Eleven can learn both [Naruto Clone] and [Shadow Clone] at the same time, but Ye Luo should not be able to learn similar clone skills anymore. Not surprisingly, it will prompt a conflict with [Reincarnation Clone]."

"Really?!" June Feixue's voice improved a bit, but she still believed in the analysis ability of fireworks' easy coldness. She was disappointed when she thought that Ye Luo might not be able to learn the clone skills such as [Naruto Clone]. Endless.

"This is still the analysis of fireworks. Maybe it's not the case. After all, Ye Luo has already learned the power of lava and the power of black ice. It is very possible that he can learn the clone skills of various attributes." Po Lang Chengfeng said, It's just the fact that she is a little lacking in confidence.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Even if Ye Luo can't learn these clone skills, his damage output is still the number one in our or even the entire Celestial Tribulation game. At this point, no one can compare to him."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, but they didn't have any doubts about it.

"Okay, hurry up and kill all of these people. Not surprisingly, Japanese players should be gathering here." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and when she said these, she didn't forget to attack, and a few escaped under her attack. Players were slowed down or frozen, and then they all became ghosts under the sword.

As June Feixue said, this leveling team can't insist on being killed in 5 minutes. At this time, the large Japanese troops have not yet surrounded them. They can wait for the players who lie down to return to the city. The resurrection then bursts out the equipment-only the player will return to the city to resurrect the equipment. This is the same as the setting of killing to increase attack power.

"Oh, after killing someone, you have to guard the corpse to get the explosive equipment. This is too troublesome." June Feixue muttered, "Especially if you sneak into other countries to carry out hunting operations, after all, on someone else's territory, We may encounter a siege army at any time, and waiting in one place is too troublesome."

"There is no way, this setting is more reasonable. After all, the priest may still resurrect the slain, so that is not a real death. If that is the case, it is too unreasonable to burst the equipment." Black and white chess said. She changed her tone: "Even so, we can still get a lot of benefits. Isn't it just guarding the body for 5 minutes? It's not too difficult for us, especially after the attack power of Ye Luo and Sister Feng is combined, even We can beat the people who come by, so we kill more people."

"As far as I can see, there is no problem, because my attack power has begun to slowly increase." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was a little excited: "It will be easier when I add up the attack power of Ye Luo. It’s okay to explode or not explode the equipment, as long as you can drop them. Now it takes a long time to improve by 1 level. If you kill too many, their average level is much different from ours. If there is a level gap, then kill them. It's easier."

"We have all learned the skill of [Forced Deprivation]. Killing targets has a certain chance to blast their equipment. Equipment blasts and level drops will have a greater impact on their strength." Ye Luo said, then talked. One turn: "But the most important thing is that our hunting operations here will prevent Japanese players from leveling up and receiving missions. They will have hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players chase us, and they will follow us over time. The level gap will be greater, and so will the strength gap."

That's right, after learning [Forced Deprivation], killing the target has a certain chance of exploding equipment, even if it is bound. Although the probability is very low, it is better than not being able to explode, and Ye Luo and the others Since they want to sneak into other countries to carry out hunting operations, they will naturally learn this skill. After all, some equipment can be worth the money to learn skills.

"Well, that's right." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then asked what she thought of: "By the way, Ye Luo, how many people did you kill?"

"Attack power has just begun to increase. The previous battlefield was a bit chaotic. I don't know how many people were killed." Ye Luo shook his head and said after a slight pause. He continued: "But at least there are 8,90, so. It can also increase the attack power by 8, 90%, which is already a great improvement."

"Oh, that's a lot. I guess the people I killed are far less than you." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she laughed: "But [The Murder Pearl] only needs to kill 100 people to get the attack power. Fill it up, but your [Reincarnation*Soul Eater] needs 200. At this point, I have an advantage over you. Maybe I increase the attack power and murderous attribute damage more than you."

With a slight smile, Ye Luo didn't struggle with this issue either, but condescendingly watched the surroundings to prevent anyone from besieging him.

As time passed, the people lying on the corpse turned white light back to the nearest resurrection point because the time was up and no one was resurrected. Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng’s attack power was getting higher and higher, letting June fly. Xue and the others are slightly surprised that occasionally someone bursts out some equipment, and the grade is not bad, at least it is ancient god-level, most of them are ancient god-level, and even one or two holy-level The leveling players here are mostly elite masters, and the equipment level is naturally pretty good.

Soon all the players returned to the city to resurrect, and Ye Luo's attack power also increased by 116%, which means that he killed 116 players in this action, far more than he estimated before.

As for breaking the waves and riding the wind, she killed 67 people, which has nothing to do with her casting [Lei Ying Clone] and [World Destroying Thunder], although the players killed are far less than Ye Luo, but as she said [The Pearl of Murder ] Only need to kill 100 people to increase the attack power. Calculating her increased attack power is more than Ye Luo.

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