VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1934: : Comprehensive mode

Ye Luo chose the arena mode of the swordsman system because he wanted to verify whether the competitive PK of a certain profession can use other skills, and the swordsman is also his best profession. After all, he has the most sword skills. If there are professional skills restrictions, he is also the easiest to defeat opponents.

Ye Luo’s first opponent was an ordinary stealth professional swordsman, a single professional swordsman. This did not put any pressure on him, so he also had the opportunity to verify, and the first experiment he did was to move his left hand The long sword switched to an assassin, but immediately got a system prompt that weapons of other professions cannot be used in a special scene.

"It seems that the swordsman-type competitive PK is not allowed to use other professional weapons." Ye Luo said to himself: "Since you can't switch weapons, then naturally there is no opportunity to use the skills of other departments, just don't know the additional equipment. Can you use your skills? If you can’t use them, it’s troublesome."

"Of course, if you can't use [Reincarnation Clone], it will be even more troublesome. I have almost no chance of winning when I meet Dongfang Killing Heaven." Ye Luo added.

Think about it, too, if Ye Luo can’t cast [Reincarnation Clone], while Eastern Killing of the Sky and Tokyo Mythology can use [Dragon God Clone] and [Devil Dragon Clone], then he is undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage and wants to defeat them and gain The First Swordsman of the Tribulation is undoubtedly a foolish dream-the reason why Ye Luo defeated the East Killing Heaven [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] was very important, but the most important thing was [Reincarnation Clone].

When thinking about this, Ye Luo cast [Reincarnation Clone], but it was able to successfully perform it, but the clones except the swordsman type clone disappeared as a white light the first time they appeared, obviously in this space. Other professions are not allowed inside, even if it is a clone.

Seeing this situation, Ye Luo couldn't help but smile. He said: "There is only a swordsman clone, so my overall strength is at least reduced by half. The odds of winning against the Eastern Killing Sky and Tokyo Myth are less than half, and if you can use it Equipped with additional skills, then I have no chance of winning against the Eastern Killing Sky."

Although Ye Luo can use all the skills above the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] after he can use equipment additional skills, this will give him a great advantage, but unless all the components of the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] are gathered together and then trigger similar to [Holy Beast descending] skills, otherwise he has no chance of winning against the Eastern Killing Heaven who possesses [Holy Beast descending].

Think about it, the reason why Ye Luo was able to kill the phantom of the holy beast was because all the clones attacked in an invincible state, so that they could be killed in a short time, and if only 5 clones were left With the swordsman clone, then his damage output is reduced by at least half. It is undoubtedly a idiotic dream to kill the phantom of the holy beast, and it is impossible to defeat the Dongfang Tiantian next.

However, if you can’t use the additional skills of the equipment, Ye Luo has no chance of winning against Tokyo Mythology and Eastern Killing. Although Eastern Killing can’t use skills like [Holy Beast’s Fall], the problem is that they have clone skills. Ye Luo's [reincarnation clone] was almost abolished, so he still had no chance of winning.

Since you can’t defeat the East Killing Sky, Tokyo Mythology and others, it doesn’t make sense for Ye Luo to participate in the Swordsman Arena PK. When you meet East Killing Heaven and others, you will be defeated and humiliated. Not what he wanted to see.

When thinking about this, Ye Luo began to try to use additional equipment skills. He found that he could not use this skill. So his advantage was even smaller. Not only did he have no advantage against Eastern Killing, but even against Tokyo Mythology and any possessions. Players of the clone system have no advantage.

"This is troublesome. I can only use swordsman skills, and can't use additional equipment skills, so even if my equipment level is good, it is difficult to defeat Dongfang Tiantian, even as long as it has a similar [Feng Ying clone 】 Players have no chance of winning, so I participate in the swordsman competition PK, there is no point.” Ye Luo said to himself, and then changed his tone: “Not only that, the swordsman profession should be my strongest Profession, I can't even get the first place in this profession, so I don't have much chance in other departments, even if the competition in these professions is slightly less."

Think about it, the swordsman should be Ye Luo's most powerful profession. After all, the original reincarnation was the swordsman profession. Although they also have the skills of archers and assassins, the skills of these professions are only the most basic skills, even It's not as good as the skills of ordinary hidden occupations, let alone the skills of dual occupations, so if you want to use other professions to participate in the arena PK, there is almost no chance of getting the first place.

Again, since he can’t get the first place, it’s meaningless for Ye Luo to participate in these arenas. When he is defeated by the individual champion of the tournament, it will be even more embarrassing-not only the person who lost him, but also The person who lost Miomi Pavilion, this is not what he wants to see.

The reason why Yeluo's Samsara Venerable is powerful is that he can switch to other professions, and the Samsara clone has inherited many skills of the body, and this profession is not very powerful if it is a single profession.

"It seems that I don't need to participate in this type of arena in the future." Ye Luo muttered to himself, and then his tone changed: "Fortunately, there is a formal arena PK. There shouldn't be any for me to win the first place with my strength. The problem, that’s not too shameful."

With this in mind, Ye Luo defeated his opponents with thunder and went out of the arena space, and then saw the waves and wind, fireworks, etc., and June Feixue was the first to ask if Ye Luo could choose another profession. , He didn't conceal it either, and explained in detail what happened in the arena space for a short time.

"What, [Reincarnation Clone] has only one clone?!" After hearing these words, the voice of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind increased a little, and her brows frowned slightly: "[Reincarnation Clone] has only one clone, doesn't it mean you Ye Luo? The strength of will be greatly weakened, and the odds of winning against Eastern Killing Sky and Tokyo Myth will be much lower, and even against me..."

"Well, yes, I don't have any advantage against you, and I can only win by relying on the level of equipment, but now I can't use the additional skills of the equipment, so my advantage is even smaller." Ye Luo said, he looked towards Everyone: "That is to say, I am not invincible in the arena PK of various professions, and it is difficult to be the first."

"Since you can't get the first place, doesn't it mean that there is no need to participate?" Othello asked, and then she said to herself: "Yes, there is no need to participate. After all, Ye Luo, you have a chance to meet Dongfang Tiantian. , Tokyo Mythology, if you are defeated by them, you will be depressed. It's better not to participate."

"Brother Ye doesn't participate in the arena PK of a big professional mode, wouldn't it be more disadvantaged?" Zhiyue couldn't help complaining.

"It's nothing, after all, Ye Luo can still participate in the official arena 10 times a day. It is not a problem to get the first place with his strength, so he can get a very rich reward." Sitting on Qin Xin comforted.

"That's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

"No, Ye Luo can also participate in the competitive PK in the comprehensive mode. Any profession can participate in this mode, but you also need to participate in 1,000 games to count the data." The fireworks suddenly became cold and saw Ye Luo and others' eyes bright. When she got up, she continued: "There is such a mode, and the first person in this mode is called the first person of the sky. This title is more popular than the first swordsman of the sky."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "It's just that the rewards for players who participate in this mode are from different departments, not necessarily their own."

"There is such a pattern?!" June Feixue was a little surprised, and when she said this, she found this pattern in the competitive system, and then her voice improved a bit: "Tsk, there is such a thing. Mode, Uncle Ye Luo is most suitable for this mode. The first person of the heavenly Tribulation is really much more exciting than your first swordsman."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "As for the rewards, it may be of major professions. Anyway, Uncle Ye Luo can't use it for us. This will greatly enhance our strength."

While the fireworks Yi Leng said this, Ye Luo also found a comprehensive mode of competitive PK, and then he smiled at the corner of his mouth: "There is actually such a mode, I think many people will participate in this mode."

"Of course, after all, the title of the first person in the robbery is louder." Black and white chess said, and then she said to herself: "But how can there be such a pattern, this is very interesting."

"It's very simple. That's because the profession in the Heaven Tribulation game is not necessarily one of the nine major professions, but may also be a combination of multiple professions." Samadhi said, she looked at Ye Luo and others: "Ye Luo Needless to say, he covers almost all the professions. Let’s just talk about the small book. He is a fusion of the Storm Assassin and the Storm Swordsman. Only if he participates in the assassin or swordsman's competitive PK, he can only use the swordsman system or Assassin’s skills are obviously not fair to him. However, the competitive PK with the integrated mode is different. Everyone can participate and display all skills. Everyone has their own skills, so relative. It's fairer too."

Everyone also agreed with the explanation of the samādhi poems. They nodded together, and Ye Luo and Midnight Shu also said that they would participate in the competitive PK in the comprehensive mode.

Then everyone did not say much, choosing the most suitable mode to participate in competitive PK, and then they can show their strength here.

What makes Ye Luo a little surprised is that in the competitive PK of the comprehensive mode, not only can he use any professional skills, but he can also use additional equipment skills, which means that he can use the skills above the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], so he is confident Anyone can win, including Eastern Killing and Tokyo Mythology.

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