VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1933: : A word is a deal

Jianliu and others are players that Ye Luo and the others focused on training. These people have been in Miomi Pavilion for a long time, and they have a sense of belonging here, so they are not worried that they will be poached by other gang members. What's more, Miomi Pavilion is now in full swing, and the road will be more glorious in the future, leaving at this time is undoubtedly a very stupid move.

The things that we protect together and the brilliance created together will attract everyone’s desire to protect together, and no outsiders are allowed to destroy it. Many people in Miomi Pavilion regard this as their home, so they will not be deceived, such as the people of Yixiaolou, such as Amidst the rain, they all have the reason and desire to guard Miomi Pavilion.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Luo and others are not so worried that Yixiao Hongchen, Yanyu and other high-level leaders will betray them, but they are slightly worried that the people under them have other thoughts, and they undoubtedly want to make Yixiao Hongchen and Yanyu. Restrain the people under them.

After hearing a smile from Hongchen and Misty Rain, they were completely relieved, and then everyone continued to push the cup and change the cup, and the talk was pleasant.

This time, the celebration banquet of Miomi Pavilion was quite lively, but because of the need to participate in the PK in the arena, many people left in the afternoon, and they had their own special people to arrange these, so they didn’t have to brave the waves and ride the wind to worry about anything.

The guests were sent away one after another. Ye Luo and the others logged into the game one after another. Then they found that there were some new modes in the arena system, such as a mode that specifically restricted swordsmen to participate, such as a mode that only allowed assassins, and introduced everyone according to the system. I figured out why the arena system has these modes-to prepare for the future rankings of major occupations.

In the past, Zhiyue was always said to be the first summoner of the tribulation, but this is just what everyone said, and there is no official certification, but now the arena system has more of these modes, which is different. These modes are exclusively for players of the same profession. Compete against each other, and judge the top number based on the record. If the number one ranks, it is the veritable first swordsman of the heavens.

This system has undoubtedly attracted the attention of countless players, after all, they are also more enthusiastic about these titles-this is not just a question of titles, the most important thing is how many names a profession owes will have titles. These titles are Like Ye Luo and the others, they have the same title as the champion of the tournament.

After learning about these modes, she was excited about breaking the waves and riding the wind. She said: "Zhongyu has such a system. It seems that I can participate in more such arenas. The title of the first swordsman of the tribulation is very good. Windy."

"It's not so easy to become the number one swordsman of the tribulation. After all, there are some swordsmen in the game that can defeat you, such as Eastern Slaughter, such as Tokyo Mythology, and Ye Luo is also very strong." Samadhi poetry said, and then remembered There was a smile at the corner of her mouth: "There are too many swordsman masters among the players. It is difficult to win the first place. At least it is much harder than our boxers."

Although I didn’t want to admit it, Po Lang Chengfeng knew this was true. Then she looked at Ye Luo: “I can’t be the number one swordsman of the Tribulation, but Ye Luo can. No player can defeat him in the entire Tribulation game. , Let alone a swordsman alone."

"But Uncle Ye Luo's profession is not just a swordsman, he includes almost all professions, so how does he choose the challenge mode?" June Feixue asked curiously.

"Uh, this is really a problem. After all, he can't use the skills of archers and other professions in the arena of swordsman mode." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered to himself, while looking at the samaya and fireworks. , The meaning is self-evident.

"I feel that as long as Ye Luo holds a long sword in both hands, he is a swordsman, and a man with a magic wand in his hand is a magician, and so on." Samadhi Shi said, and then she shook her head: "It's very simple whether it is like this or not, wait. Let Ye Luo participate in those economic PKs to know, and there should be a system prompt at that time, so he knows how to do it."

"If it is true as Sister Shi said, then Brother Ye can switch to the assassin mode, swordsman mode, etc. to participate in the arena PK, so that he may become the first swordsman of the sky and the first assassin of the sky, if it is That would be too windy." Zhiyue was full of expectation.

"Although it may be the case, it is too troublesome. Don't forget that each mode of competitive PK can only be ranked after participating in 1000 games." Sitting on Qin's heart, seeing Zhiyue's stunned look, She smiled and said, "Yes, because we want to avoid the situation where the number of games is small and the winning rate is high. After all, if a player only participates in a certain mode of competitive PK and wins, the winning rate is 100%. This is a bit too careless. Therefore, the rankings can only be counted if the number of games in the game exceeds 1000. Ye Luo wants to participate in the assassin, swordsman, and magician is too troublesome, but it needs to participate in thousands of arena PK, so he don't want to do it. Other things."

"That's true." Zhiyue nodded, and then thought of something, she chuckled: "Don't tell me, I will go to the Summoner mode arena to play, maybe I can get the title of the first summoner of the tribulation. , After all, the competition of summoners is much weaker than that of swordsmen."

Speaking of these Zhiyue, they left, and June Feixue, Midnight Book and others enthusiastically went to the arena PK, and even went to sit on the piano heart. For a time, everyone was left with Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo. .

"Why, don't you go to the arena PK?" Yanhui Yi asked indifferently, but her heart was not so peaceful when she was alone with Ye Luo.

"It seems that the title of the first swordsman of the tribulation is not very helpful to me. After all, I already have a better title." Ye Luo said casually: "If there are other rewards, it will be a different matter. Now It's better to go to the ancient battlefields to kill more monsters, so that we can break the border barriers and go to other countries to start hunting operations."

"Participating in the competitive PK of various professions is not just the reward of title. In addition, there are special equipment, props and skills for each major profession, and even when defeating their opponents, there is a certain opportunity to obtain professional equipment and skills. "The firework Yi Lengzhen shook her head slightly. Seeing Ye Luo's expectation, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Why, now you are a little interested?"

With a faint smile, Ye Luo did not answer directly, but looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "What about you, everyone has gone to the arena PK, why didn't you go? According to my guess, if you only talk about archers, you should be able to count. One."

The heart speeds up slightly. The firework is easy to be cold. I don’t want to say that I want to be alone with Ye Luo. She calmed down a little. She said indifferently: “Actually, my profession has no advantage over the night and night Thunder Dragon Archer, but My equipment level is better, and the rewards I have received before are better. If I lend the [Five Elements Ring] to Ye Ye, she should be more secure than me in winning the title of No. 1 Archer in the Tribulation."

After a little hesitation, Ye Luo nodded, and said: "That's true, but if you also have clones like [Naruto Clone] and [Wind Shadow Clone], it will be different, so your control ability will be gained. Infinitely strengthen, so even with the same equipment and attributes, you have a great chance to defeat Ye Ye unless."

In response to this, Fireworks was cold and noncommittal, and then she said lightly: "But I don't have such skills."

"Nothing now doesn't mean there won't be any in the future." Ye Luo said, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "With your position in the Misty Pavilion, if you get the ice clone skill, it will definitely be given to you, right, Didn’t you say that participating in the competitive PK of various professions is a chance to get rewards for this professional equipment and skills, maybe you can get one if you are lucky, so I feel that there are some benefits for you to participate in the arena."

"Why don't you give me such a skill?" Fireworks Yi Leng blurted out, and after speaking, she looked at Ye Luo expectantly.

Originally wanted to say that he was not an archer, but seeing the fireworks Yi Leng through the mask showed expectant eyes for the first time, Ye Luo swallowed those words and said, "Okay."

Being stared at by Ye Luo, her heart jumped suddenly, but Yi Leng Yi Leng was quite happy in her heart. Then, after thinking of something, she looked at Ye Luo: "Do you want to see what I look like?"

Suddenly hearing such words, Ye Luo would inevitably have a heartbeat, but he didn't lie, saying, "Yes."

Think about it, Ye Luo has known fireworks easy to cold for nearly a year, and even in the Heaven Tribulation game, the first thing he knows is fireworks easy to cold, but he has never seen her face, even in the misty station. The same is true after Ge Studio. He also has the curiosity of human beings, and naturally wants to see what fireworks are easy to cold look like.

"Okay, if you find me an ice clone skill, I'll let you see it, how about?" The firework blurted out easily, but she regretted it as soon as she said it, because she wanted to let Ye a long time ago. Luo looked at her face, because it represented a kind of recognition, and she might misunderstand Ye Luo when she said something like this, thinking that she had something else.

But soon the fireworks became cold and I found a reason to convince myself--maybe this was an excuse to show Ye Luo's face, but just to find an excuse. As for the conditions, it didn't matter.

"Well, good." Ye Luo didn't think too much, and decisively agreed.

Originally, I was a little worried that Ye Luo would be angry, so after saying those words, the heart of the fireworks was easy to be cold. Fortunately, she heard what Ye Luo said, especially when she saw Ye Luo almost Without any hesitation, she agreed, and her tone was a little bit of joy: "Okay, let's say it."

After saying these words, the fireworks easily cold turned into a white light and disappeared, and she left as if she fled.

"Well, a word is settled." Ye Luo said lightly, and after saying this, he also found the arena system, and then chose the entrance of the "Swordsman" to enter the arena.

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