VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1914: : Gift equipment

Unless Ye Ye is a young and frivolous girl, she bluntly said that as long as there are 3 players in a gang who can defeat her, she will join the gang without asking anything at all. This also shocked many people present, of course they were shocked. The reasons are not the same. Some people think that unless they say this, they don’t know the sky and the earth. Of course, some people think that the opportunity is here. They can send some masters to defeat it and then recruit into the gang without paying. The various conditions they solicit.

It is precisely because of this that many people in the gang are eager to try, they are ready to fight every night unless they fight.

"As long as one gang has 3 players who can defeat Ye Ye, unless they join the gang, is this condition too simple?" June Feixue looked at the crowd and saw many people nodding, she couldn't help but mutter: " This girl is really arrogant enough, I am afraid that Sister Feng was not so arrogant when she was her age."

"What are you talking about." Po Lang Riding the Wind glared at June Feixue, and then her voice was lowered a little bit: "I am not as arrogant as she is now."

However, she soon realized something. She looked at the fireworks and the samādhi poetry, etc.: "But to be honest, this little girl is really arrogant, let alone three people, I guess our gang has at least Five people can beat her. If you count the gang skills, you can beat her even more. I think at least hundreds of people can beat her."

Think about it too, unless Ye Ye didn’t join any gangs at all, she didn’t have a gang skill, and most of the 7th level gangs had 7 abilities, and the Misty Pavilion branch had 9 gang skills, and these skills can at least Increase the strength of a player by 40%, and use the gang skills to be able to defeat the night and night unless there are at least a hundred people, and there is no exaggeration in Po Lang Chengfeng.

"Since she raised this point, naturally it is not considered a gang skill, and there is a free mode in the arena system that can stipulate that the gang skill is invalid." Midnight calligraphy, and then he muttered: "If you use the advantage of the gang skill to defeat a small The girl is too shameless."

"Hey, unless Ye Ye should be 18 or 9 years old, you and Xue Er have a little'girl'. I really don't know where your courage comes from." Othello joked, and then he ignored the ridiculous Midnight Book, Liu Yue Feixue, she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng and others: "Sister Feng, we Miomi Pavilion can definitely find three people to defeat Ye Ye Chau, but it seems that other gangs also have this strength, especially the Eastern family. If this is the case, she will first Those gangs who challenged will have the advantage, so it will be difficult for us to recruit her to join our Misty Pavilion."

Hearing this, breaking the waves and riding the wind were silent, because she knew that Othello was true, and then she looked at the fireworks and Ye Luo, which was self-evident.

"It's simple, as long as we give the [Plum Blossom Dart] and the other two ancient Saint-level equipment we kept before to Ye Ye, nothing can beat her unless other gangs." Ye Luo said casually.

"Give those 3 pieces of equipment directly to Ye Ye unless?!" June Feixue's voice increased a bit: "Is this too cheap for her? Those 3 pieces of equipment are currently the best."

"It is because she is the best to give it to her. Otherwise, her equipment level is still very low. Isn't it still possible to be defeated by people from other gangs." Samadhi poem said, and a smile was drawn from the corner of her mouth: " I agree with Ye Luo’s proposal. I think Yeye will naturally have a certain level of confidence unless she dares to challenge her, that is to say, her equipment level is not bad, and if we get the 3 pieces of equipment given by us, her equipment level should be Not much worse than Fireworks and Sister Feng, coupled with her profession and skills such as [Lei Ying Clone], it is not easy for people from other gangs to defeat her. At least no other gang except us can have 3 players. Defeat them, so she will naturally join us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, even if Ye Ye was defeated and joined other gangs after obtaining our equipment, she would not deliberately be an enemy of us because of the equipment we gave her. A few pieces of equipment to solve the target of a super expert, I feel very worthwhile."

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood this. June Feixue nodded, and she chuckled: "This is a good idea. It's just that Uncle Bacchus and the others are afraid to get angry because Originally they had the opportunity to recruit Ye Ye unless they joined their gang, but now they are all mixed up by us."

"Yes, it is estimated that Uncle Bacchus and the others will be very depressed." Zhiyue chuckled, and then changed his tone: "But if Ye Ye can join us, then all of what we have done is completely worth it. Believe in Bacchus. The uncle will also understand our approach."

"In fact, even if we don't give it to Ye Ye unless these equipment Bacchus uncles and their gangs, no three players can defeat Ye Ye Wu, unless Ye Ye Wu's operating skills are extremely poor." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed. : "But I don't believe that a player who can complete the SSS+ Difficulty Tribulation mission is extremely poor in operation, so except for the two gangs of the Eastern Family and the Yeyu Family, there is almost no chance to defeat her. "

"Yes, we analyzed it before. We want to use the assassin to target Ye Ye unless it's not working at all." Samadhi took the stubbornness, and she laughed: "Uncle Bacchus, they are also smart people, so naturally they know this. Unless Ye Ye is recruited by the Ye Yu family and the Eastern family, it would be better for her to join our Misty Pavilion. At least we are hard-core allies and will not stab them in the back."

"Well, that's right." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then she looked at everyone: "Since this is the case, I agree with Ye Luo's proposal, I will give these pieces of equipment directly to Ye Ye unless, but how do I give it to her, I Seeing that she is also an arrogant person, I am afraid that she will not easily accept our gifts, but instead let her misunderstand that we want to buy her with this, it is not good, it will be self-defeating."

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that Sister Feng could actually think of this level, or that Sister Feng is the same type of person as her?" Samadhi joked. Before breaking the waves and getting angry, she changed her tone: "It's also possible to deal with such a person. It's simple, just use the radical method, but we also have people who are suitable to come forward in Miomi Pavilion, such as Ye Luo. Compared with you already know how to do it, it's just that it offends people, not just Dongfang Tiantian, etc. Those who want to recruit Ye Yewu will even offend Ye Yewu."

In the second half of the sentence, the samādhi poem was addressed to Ye Luo, and the meaning is self-evident.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, and Ye Luo said, "Understood, let me go for this wicked person. I don't mind beating and beating the newcomer to let her know that there is someone outside the world."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "As for offending Dongfang Jitian and others, we have already offended, and we are not afraid to offend again."

"It seems that Ye Luo, you are very good at doing such things." Samadhi teased, and then she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng [新笔趣阁www.biqule.vip]: "Sister Feng, give those equipment to Ye Luo, Then we waited for a good show, I think the next thing will be very exciting."

She still trusts Ye Luo’s abilities. The most important thing is to break the waves and ride the wind. She is also very curious about what Ye Luo will do, so she directly put the ancient god-level [Plum Blossom Dart] and 2 ancient holy-level thunder attribute equipment The trade was given to Ye Luo, and she said while trading her: "[Plum Blossom Darts] I won’t say anything. The other two Thunder-type equipment have a shoe, but this equipment has increased a lot of movement speed. It would be great to challenge the masters of the major gangs. Next, even if I want to defeat her, there will be some difficulty. Only Ye Luo can steadily defeat her."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, if she doesn't have a skill similar to [God Dance Step], my chance of defeating her is at least 80% IQ."

"I can also win her." Suddenly, the fireworks said easily. Seeing everyone's doubts, she didn't hide it, and continued: "Because my attack range is farther than her, and my moving speed should not be faster. She is slow, she can't catch up with me."

Everyone is smart, and they soon understood the meaning of fireworks being easy to cold, and then they had no doubt that she could easily defeat Ye Ye unless.

"If I'm lucky, I will have a chance to defeat her." He vowed to everyone in the middle of the night: "Because my moving speed is not slower than hers, and I still have a lot of control skills, as long as I can get close to her, Then she must die."

Midnight Book is a wind type assassin, and an assassin from the fusion of dual wind types. It moves much faster than an archer, even if it is a Thunder Dragon archer, and he can approach the target after being invisible, with his ability to approach There are still some possibilities for the target, and as long as he is close to the target and then uses the control skills of the wind class to control all the Raikage clones and Yeyewu, it will be easy to kill them.

"In that case, at least two of us can beat her, and the chances of Sister Feng and Xiaoshu defeating her are more than 50 or 60%, so it is not a big problem to get three people together." Black and white chess said, and then thought. What, her eyes lit up: "By the way, it seems that Yue'er also has a great chance to be defeated, because other professions in Arena PK are not allowed to fly, but Yue'er's summoned beasts can fly, Golden Winged Eagle King. He Black Dragon King’s flying speed is much faster than the player’s speed. The most important thing is that they also have many control skills. They can control 3 Raiking clones and then deal with Ye Ye unless, tsk tsk, it’s not too difficult to kill them later. ."

"Yue'er has a chance, so naturally there will be a chance on Thursday, because the strength of the two of them is almost the same." Othello added.

"Yes, I said before that there are at least 5 people in Miomi Pavilion who can defeat her, even if she gets the equipment we give away, we have at least 3 people who can defeat her." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

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