VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1913: : Every night unless

In the past, breaking the waves and riding the wind often attracted players into the Misty Pavilion, so after seeing the fireworks Yi Leng deliberately instructed to leave the ancient god-level [Plum Blossom Dart] and two other Thunder equipment, she understood that she wanted to attract Ye Ye unless, And these three pieces of equipment are the top-level existence in the current game, and the two pieces of mine equipment are exclusive to the Thunder Dragon Archer. I believe that using these can attract Ye Ye unless they join the Misty Pavilion.

In addition to these equipment and props, the BOSS also burst out some other props, such as what high-level gems are, and everyone distributes them according to their needs, which is quite harmonious.

Although killing this boss has 3 pieces of equipment currently unowned, the two pieces of ancient saint-level equipment given to Midnight Book and Fireworks Easily cold still greatly increase their strength. The least help everyone has obtained some high-level gems, Experience has increased a lot.

Next, everyone was ready to be busy waiting for the integrated arena system to officially open, but at this time Bacchus Dukang pulled Ye Luo and other celebrity list masters into a virtual space, and when they arrived, Dongfang Qitian, Most celebrity masters such as Longteng Tianxia have already arrived.

They were about to ask something, but at this time Ye Luo and the others saw a young girl about 18 or 9 years old. Her exquisite figure was outlined in a delicate leather armor. She had a nice face, red lips and white teeth. She was also a stunning beauty. What is distinctive is that her smart eyes, with wisps of essence flashing from time to time, demonstrate her somewhat stubborn character, and the long bow beside her body faintly means that the arrow is on the string at any time.

Ye Luo, Firework Yi Leng and others are smart people. Seeing a celebrity who is not on the celebrity list in this virtual space, and dressed as an archer, they quickly guessed the identity of the other party-Ye Ye Wu.

"It should be Ye Ye unless it's wrong. Uncle Bacchus and the others should be because of this girl who pulled us here." Although they were guessing, the tone of Othello was quite certain. After thinking of something, she frowned slightly. "Couldn't it be that Uncle Bacchus has recruited her into the fine wine family, right? He swore all our celebrity list masters over to sworn in sovereignty."

"If Uncle Bacchus has successfully recruited this person, he will naturally no longer worry about others being able to poach him away, and he will not summon everyone in such a high-profile manner. Such a high-profile manner is not the style of Uncle Bacchus. Samadhi shook her head, and then she smiled at the corner of her mouth: "I think it should be every night unless I ask Uncle Bacchus to recruit everyone. It seems that there will be a good show next."

"What is there to watch?" Zhiyue asked curiously: "What does it have to do with us?"

"It should have something to do with us." Samadhi said. Seeing that June Feixue and the others showed curiosity, she didn't sell it. "The purpose of summoning everyone in such a big way is naturally to challenge everyone. It is night. The fastest way to be famous at night."

"She wants to challenge us?!" June Feixue improved a few points, and then she laughed: "But what Sister Shi said is very reasonable, after all, if you don't come to challenge us, you don't need to call us all over, tusk, That’s how it is when I just started a dual career, unless it is really high-profile every night."

"This girl is very warlike." Ye Luo said lightly, and he took a look at the waves and the wind around him, that was self-evident.

"Hey, there is no stipulation that girls must be gentle, not to mention that being belligerent in the game is not a bad thing." Po Lang said with a smile, and then she hurriedly changed the subject: "It shouldn't be this night unless you want to challenge each other The big gang is famous and then consider which gang to join. For example, which gang can defeat her, she will join which gang. If this is the case, we really have to make an early shot, because there are so many celebrities who can beat her. At the very least, the East can defeat her by killing the sky and being anonymous."

"The nameless boss shouldn't make a move. After all, the Assassin's House never recruits players other than assassins." The book said in the middle of the night, and then his tone changed: "As for Dongfang Tiantian, it is a little troublesome, because he can really defeat Ye Unless Ye Ye, once he casts [Holy Beast Coming] Ye Ye unless there is no chance of winning."

Think about it, too, the most powerful Thunder Dragon archer is to fly a kite against the enemy by using movement speed and ultra-long range attacks. However, after the cast of [Holy Beast Coming], the various attributes of Dongdongfangtian Tiantian have been greatly enhanced, catching up with Yeye. Unless it is also a very simple matter, and an archer will undoubtedly be defeated once he is close by a melee professional, so Dongfang Tiantian can easily defeat it.

"What are you afraid of? Ye Luo is the champion of the individual competition in the tournament. Even if Ye Ye has to challenge Ye Luo first, she can easily defeat it with Ye Luo's strength." Othello is very casual and she is very good to Ye Luo. Full of confidence.

Hearing that, everyone nodded. It is undoubtedly the wisest choice for Ye Yewu to challenge the strongest player, and the ranking of the individual competition in the tournament has proved that Ye Luo is the strongest existence in the heads-up, so take the lead in challenging. He is a normal thing.

"If Brother Ye defeated Ye Ye Chau, wouldn't she want to join our Misty Pavilion?!" At this point, Zhiyue began to get excited.

"I'm afraid things won't be that simple. Every night unless you can challenge more than one or two people." Samadhi Shi said, seeing Zhiyue and the others showing doubts, she explained: "If you just want to challenge the strongest master, then Unless Ye Ye can directly challenge Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing the sky, there is no need to summon everyone here, and since she summoned everyone, she naturally wants to challenge everyone."

"Hey, I want to challenge everyone. It's not that easy." Midnight Shuguai laughed. After saying this, he looked towards Ye Ye unless: "Even if she started the challenge from the bottom of the celebrity list, some people can beat it. She has no chance to challenge Big Brother Ye at all, and even I have no chance to take action. After all, there are still many assassins behind me who can defeat her."

Yes, the assassin is the nemesis of the archer, because after invisible, the assassin can approach the archer more easily, and once a long-range professional is close by the assassin, there is no chance of winning at all, even if it is a Thunder Dragon Archer. The book said that in the middle of the night.

"If it's an ordinary archer, I'm afraid it will be easier for a dual-professional archer assassin to defeat him, but unless Yeye is a Thunder Dragon archer who has learned [Raiking Clone], the ordinary assassin has no chance to approach him. "Ye Luo shook his head: "Because Yeye, unless it is possible to arrange 3 Raikage clones, and then use the clones and the body to attack all around, even if it is just a normal attack that does not lock the target, there is a great chance of stealing. The assassin of, let alone Ye Ye unless there are a lot of thunder system group attack skills, and Lei Ying clone can inherit some of the body skills."

Hearing this, the book in the middle of the night was silent, because he knew what Ye Luo said was true, and even if he was a little bit difficult to get close to Ye Ye unless, if he could not get close to her, he would naturally not be able to defeat it, and then he would become her living target. Being killed is just a matter of time.

"Don't worry about these, soon we will know what Ye Ye unless I want to do." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, unless Ye Ye spoke, she looked at the crowd and said quite directly: "Now there are many gangs recruiting me, and I will definitely join a gang. After all, the gang skills of a gang can greatly improve a player. Only in this way can my strength be reflected perfectly."

"Then which gang do you want to join?" Dongfang Star said indifferently, as clever as she roughly guessed what Ye Ye would do unless she was going to do something: "Could it be that you want to challenge all of us here, and which gang member can defeat you? Which gang to join?"

"Although I am very confident in my own strength, you are all first-class masters. I think that those present can beat my countless hands, and they should belong to different gangs, and this method is undoubtedly used. It's difficult to make a choice." Ye Ye Fu said, although she said that, she knew from her tone that she didn't think how many people could beat her.

"Since it's not this way, do you want to see which gang has better conditions to recruit you?" Ouyang Feitian asked tentatively, and he continued: "Then you come to my Ouyang family." , You can mention the conditions at will, and even I can give you the position of helper."

Ouyang Family’s gang leader, this position is so important, after all, Ouyang Family is also one of the top ten gangs, and unless Ye Ye can become the Ouyang Family’s gang leader, even if it is just a'puppet', he also has great rights, at least Ouyang Feitian is the It’s said by everyone’s face, so the power on the face is also great.

I have to say that Ouyang Feitian’s shot is very domineering, and it directly blocked the mouth of other gangs, because it is impossible for these people to offer more favorable conditions than him, and it is precisely when he heard these words Dongfang Tiantian, Feng Xing and others' faces became difficult to look.

"If Ye Ye is afraid that she won't call all of us here unless it is someone who cares about this, she can choose from one of us and continue to make conditions, I am afraid we will all agree to her request." Ye Yu Fei Fei said indifferently, and her remarks not only mocked Ouyang Feitian, but also regarded Ye Ye as an army, preventing her from joining the Ouyang family easily.

"That's right, since we are called here, and almost all the celebrity list masters, it is naturally a real chapter in strength." Dongfang Star said, she looked at Ye Ye unless: "I don't know unless the beauty is like this. ?"

"Yes, it's my honor to challenge all the masters." Every night said, she raised her eyebrows: "The condition for me to join a gang is very simple, that is, as long as three of you belong to the gang can defeat it. I then I will join which gang, without asking anything at all."

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