VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1793: : Persuade Longteng

Sitting on Qin Xin explained why Longteng Tianxia's level is so low: Longteng Tianxia has to manage various affairs of the gang, which is ridden with mundane affairs and cannot be used to upgrade.

Think about it, even if Long Teng Tianxia is the number one master of the Long Family, he needs to make decisions about various things in the Long Family, and he even needs to do it himself. In this case, he naturally does not have much time to upgrade. It's no surprise that it's only level 278 now.

The reason why the samādhi poems are read by sitting on the piano heart is also very clear, because samādhi poetry was a member of the Long family before, and her position in the dragon family is like today’s fireworks, which is easy to be cold and sitting on the piano heart. Long Teng Tianxia hardly needs to worry about anything, so that he can use his whole heart to fight monsters and upgrade tasks, that is, after she leaves, enter the Misty Pavilion Dragon House will slowly go downhill.

The brows were slightly clustered. The Samadhi poem did not say anything, but quietly contacted Long Jieyu, asked about the situation of the Long family, prepared to give some suggestions based on the situation, and even prepared to remotely direct Long Jieyu and others to deal with some things. Relieve some pressure for Longtengtianxia.

Of course, Samadhi Shi had a very happy and relaxed life in the Misty Pavilion. She never thought about returning to Long's house.

Sitting on the piano and Othello, they mentioned the Long Family, and they deliberately mentioned that Long Teng Tianxia was caused by mundane things that caused the level to fall. Naturally, they wanted to let the Samadhi poetry hear, and then asked her to help the Long Family a little bit, not just because The Long Family is an ally of the Misty Pavilion. The most important thing is that the Long Family is a member of the national game power. The stronger the Long Family, the easier the pressure on the country in the future.

In addition, after all, Longteng Tianxia is at the same level as Longteng Tianxia and Ye Luo. The stronger he is to represent the country in future competitions, etc., the country’s performance will be better, and Ye Luo and Dongfang Jitian will be more powerful. Helper.

It is precisely because of this that the people who sit on the Qin Xin and others will say that, they want the Samadhi to help the Long Family, so that the Long Family will be stronger.

"Sister Shi, if you don't mean to return to the Long Family, please explain to Long Teng Tianxia." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "According to my observation, Long Teng Tianxia reserved the position of the Long Family's military division for you. After all, the Long Family is not without it. A managerial talent, but because of you, he did not delegate power to others."

The fireworks are easy to be cold, and they are very direct, and point out the problem in a straightforward manner.

Hearing that, the people such as Polangchengfeng, Othello and others showed nervousness. They all looked at samādhi, wanting to see what kind of decision she would make-after spending so long with samādhi, they naturally did not want her to leave. Miao Miao Pavilion, not to mention Miao Miao Pavilion is now in need of samādhi poems.

That’s right, samādhi poetry plays an important role in the misty pavilion. Although the strategy is that the fireworks are easy to be cold, she can also make up for the omissions, and the most important thing is that she is better at directing the team, and with the misty pavilion more and more The stronger her role becomes, the more important it becomes.

In the recent period of time, Samadhi poems and fireworks are all performing their duties, and they have made indelible contributions to the growth of the Misty Pavilion. Po Lang Chengfeng and others are also used to their combination, so naturally they don’t want such a combination to appear. What happened.

After listening to the words of fireworks, the samādhi decisively shook his head: "I never thought about leaving everyone, because I am very happy with everyone, whether it is when we are in trouble or now, I want to be with everyone ."

The words of the Samadhi poem made Po Lang Chengfeng and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time everyone heard her next sentence: "But I don't want to see the Long Family's decline, so I want to help them."

"Well, we also hope that you will help the Long Family. After all, their strength is good for us." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, but then she changed her words: "But you also know that what the fireworks said is very reasonable. You are not in that position. Shang Long Teng Tian Xia will always keep it for you. Even if you secretly help, there will be few things you can do. Long Teng Tian X still has a lot to do. He still can't level and do as easily as me and Ye Luo. task."

That’s right, there are fireworks, samādhi poems, and Qinxin to handle gang affairs in the Misty Pavilion. People such as Monday, Sword Fourteen, and Misty Rain also have a lot of management powers. It is their existence. Luo will have enough time to level up and do tasks without worrying about gang affairs, and it is precisely because of this that their level and equipment level are so high.

"Yes, you have to make up your mind quickly on this matter." Sitting on Qin Xin also expressed his opinion.

Samadhi is also a smart person, but she does not have the courage to break through the waves and wind. It takes some time to think about things and time, and consider the pros and cons.

However, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others had already obtained the guarantee from the samādhi poem to'not leave the misty pavilion', so they were not worried about this issue, and they did not entangle it anymore and gave her some time to consider.

Next, everyone continued to participate in the competition, and Ye Luo next met first-rate masters such as Ouyang Feitian, Yi Nian Cheng Shen, etc., and it took a lot of hands and feet to defeat them, but in the final round of the individual competition, he actually ran into Long Teng Tianxia. This made Ye Luo's look a little more solemn. Naturally, he was not worried about whether he could defeat him, but because he saw that his level was still 278, and he felt a little'unvictorious'.

Seeing Ye Luo, especially seeing that he had reached level 280 and then turned seven, Long Teng Tianxia's expression was a little dignified, even with some bitterness. At this time, Long Teng Tianxia also realized the drawbacks of his low level, and he was also natural. Knowing why his level is so low, and thinking that the shadow in his heart never meant to return to Long's house, his heart is even more bitter.

"Sister Shi is learning about your Long Family's situation, and I believe she wants to help you." Thinking about going to Ye Luo, I only found such comforting words: "But Sister Shi has already made a decision, she will not leave the Misty Pavilion, so You need to be mentally prepared, and listening to what Fireworks and Sister Feng say is that it’s not a good idea for your Long Family to keep the position of a military teacher. I don’t think Sister Shi wants to see this, so you have to make a decision early."

If the person facing him is someone else, Ye Luo would naturally not say this, but he has been with Long Teng Tianxia for a while, and even met several times in reality. The relationship is very good, and several discussions have allowed him. I felt sorry for him, so I couldn't help but say this.

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Longteng Tianxia was obviously overjoyed, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, the loss in his eyes lingered, but he was a person who could afford to put it down, he said: "Yeah, as long as Xiao Shi is happy, staying in the Misty Pavilion can make her happy, so what can I expect, and I deliberately kept that position for her good, but it also gave her invisibly pressure , Bondage, this is too unfair to her."

Obviously, Long Teng Tianxia who said this has already made a certain decision, and I believe that this decision will be beneficial to the future development of the Long Family.

"Thank you Brother Ye Luo for telling me." Long Teng Tianxia hugged his fists, and then he looked around: "But I can't accompany you to the fullest battle. After all, I am not your opponent at all. I am fighting with you in my current state. You are too disrespectful."

Having said this, Long Teng Tianxia directly chose to admit defeat, and Ye Luo won without a fight. Of course, this victory did not make him happy. Fortunately, his words helped Long Teng Tianxia make some decisions. , Long Family and Samadhi poems will be good.

At the end of the game, Ye Luo continued to kill monsters in the ancient battlefield, waiting for Samadhi, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind to find the holy boss.

Before the start of the team competition in the afternoon, June Feixue learned a piece of news: Long Teng Tianxia handed over many of the management powers of the Long Family to some people in the Long Family, and they have already arranged a place reserved for Samadhi. ——Obviously Ye Luo's words at noon made Longteng Tianxia's decision.

Long Teng Tian Xia's approach is completely free from Samadhi. This can be seen from her stretched face. Of course, I don't know what role Long Jieyu and Long Teng Tian Xia played in it during the period.

"Ye Luo, thank you." Before the team game, Samadhi specifically found Ye Luo and said this to him.

Ye Luo is also a smart person, and soon understood something, but didn't say anything, just nodded faintly, and then the points match started.

There was almost no suspense in the next 7 team points matches. Even if Ye Luo and the others met were Ouyang Family and Heroes of Heaven, they could easily defeat their opponents and win the final victory.

Because there was no chance to take action at all, Shushu simply stopped staying in the ring space in the middle of the night. He went out to look for the BOSS, but he also found a stronger BOSS. This is also a surprise.

The BOSS found in Midnight Book is a 340-level holy boss. Although it is not as strong as the final BOSS of the Fire Dragon Cavern, it is still difficult to kill it by one person, so Ye Luo sent the waves and the wind and others to the past. , So there is no problem at all.

Think about it, too, when Ye Luo and others were in the Fire Dragon Cavern, it was not too difficult to kill the final BOSS. Now their equipment level has improved a lot, and many of them have turned seven, and their strength has made a qualitative leap. In addition, this BOSS is not as powerful as the final BOSS of the Fire Dragon Cavern, so it is not a big problem to kill it.

The explosion rate of this BOSS is also quite good. Not only did it explode 2 pieces of Primordial God-level equipment, but most importantly, it exploded 5 pieces of Saint-level equipment, including a Saint-level longbow, because it is a dual-wield weapon, so You can give priority to Ye Luo, so that [Blade of Reincarnation] needs only one of the three holy weapons for upgrading, and this also makes him even more hopeful of upgrading.

In addition, the 2 Primordial God-level equipment also belonged to Ye Luo. Counting what he had obtained before, he still has 2,30 Primordial God-level equipment on his body at this time. [Blade of Reincarnation] The Primordial God-level needed for upgrading The equipment is almost the same.

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