VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1792: : Defeating Dragon

After easily killing two Saint-level BOSS, 5 or 6 pieces of Saint-level equipment were exploded. Among them, there were 2 Saint-level weapons. These were needed for the advancement of [Blade of Reincarnation], and I found 2 pieces at once. The 3 pieces needed for this distance are only one piece away. I have to say that Ye Luo's luck is very good.

However, after seeing the two holy weapons, Ye Luo only had one holy spear, and the other dagger was left for the slender hand-assassin is a profession with dual daggers, and hidden professional players mostly only have one. Spirit weapon daggers, that is to say, high-level daggers are sought-after goods for assassins, especially holy daggers.

"Uncle Ye Luo, Brother Xiaoshu, they have reminded us that you now need a holy weapon to improve the level of the spirit weapon. How can you give me this dagger?" Slender Hand asked while playing with the dagger.

Since it was playing, the natural dagger had been equipped with a slender jade hand, and from this we could also see her love for this dagger.

"Assassins are dual-armed professions. Most hidden professional assassins have only one spiritual weapon dagger, so high-grade daggers are sought-after for assassins. Naturally, I can't grab you. After all, you found the BOSS." Ye Luo gave an excuse: "As for this long spear, although it is also needed by ordinary professions, it is a two-handed weapon. All hidden professional knights have spiritual weapon spears. I give priority to use it. After all, upgrade the level [Blade of Reincarnation] 】is very important to me."

"Since it's important, why give me the dagger?" The slender hand was even more puzzled.

"[Blade of Reincarnation] You still need to kill Saint-level BOSS to upgrade. There are still 8 missing. The remaining 8 BOSS should burst dual-wield weapons, such as longbows, magic wands, and spears. I want to be in the points match. , Before the end of the challenge, I can get enough upgraded Saint-level equipment." Ye Luo explained, and then he laughed: "For example, today we killed 2 BOSS, and then we will encounter some BOSS and explode. It won’t be a big problem to lose the equipment I need."

"That's true. Uncle Ye Luo's luck has always been good, and the BOSS that you killed will be more generous." The slender jade hand said, and at this time she still has several other equipment that the BOSS has burst.

Ye Luo only needs a holy spear, and the other equipment is handed over to the slender jade hand and the sword four. They will take the equipment back and distribute them to the players they need. Of course, the first and second teams participating in the tournament have priority. Get the right.

Of course, BOSS also burst out 2 or 3 pieces of Primordial God-level equipment, and Ye Luo also chose 2 pieces of equipment that are not good at attributes. After all, [Blade of Reincarnation] needs 30 Primordial God-level equipment to be upgraded. Equipped, this is also a relatively large workload for him.

It was early morning after killing the BOSS, and Ye Luo did not continue to kill monsters, but participated in the arena PK. After all, the monthly rewards of the arena are also very generous.

The next day, Breaking Waves and Chengfeng and others went online. They were excited after learning that Ye Luo had killed 2 bosses last night and exploded a lot of holy equipment, and then began to choose the equipment they could use, but they found nothing special. After the equipment that suits your attributes, the fireworks are easy to speak coldly, and give priority to these equipment to the people of the second team of the Misty Pavilion-the stronger the second team, the greater the chance of entering the top eight of the team.

"Sister Feng, isn't it just to give up all the equipment to Yixiao Hongchen, it's nothing, their strength increases, it is easier for them to enter the top eight." Seeing that the waves and the wind are a little depressed, the Samadhi poem comforted: "Talk about that again. The saint-level armguards are not mine attributes. It’s better to give them a smile and a smile. In the future, we will kill a lot of BOSS, and the points match and challenge will continue for a while, so you get the equipment that suits you. It’s also very important."

"I'm so stingy, I'm wondering why Ye Luo gave that dagger to the little hand." Po Lang Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "[Blade of Reincarnation] Upgrading requires 3 holy weapons and equipment. I got 2 pieces, why let one out."

Listening to the reason why Po Lang Chengfeng was angry, everyone was amused, Ye Luo had to explain to her again, and the explanation of Samadhi poetry and others made her understand.

"Ye Luo, you are too generous, and now you have to upgrade [Blade of Reincarnation] as the main thing. Don't let the equipment anymore." Although I understood it, Po Lang Chengfeng still couldn't help but "complain" Ye Luo.

"[Blade of Reincarnation] You still need to kill 8 holy bosses to be holy, and the chance of exploding two more holy weapons is not small, you don't have to worry too much." Ye Luo continued to kill monsters while being casual. typical.

The points match starts at 8 o'clock. Ye Luo and the others log in to the game at 7 o'clock, so there is a lot of time for killing monsters and doing various tasks.

As he was talking, there was another good news from Midnight Shu-he found a holy boss.

"See, Uncle Ye Luo's luck is very good, so soon we found 3 Saint-level BOSS, maybe he is lucky enough to burst 2 Saint-level weapons." June Feixue Dao, but without waiting for everyone to speak, she changed her words: "Of course, it would be better if I could use the fire-type holy equipment, so that my strength would be further improved."

And what Feixue said in June was that Ye Luo had already locked the book in the middle of the night and transmitted it, and then he didn't say much, he launched the fiercest attack.

"Ye Luo, send players in the first and second teams who have not yet reached level 280 to absorb experience." Firework Yi indifferently asked, and the clever Ye Luo instantly understood her intentions and acted according to her instructions. stand up.

At this time, Ye Luo has already turned seven. The improvement of level 1 and 2 is not great for his improvement. However, if the players in the first or second team who have not yet reached the seventh turn are transferred to the past to absorb experience and then rise to level 280. The conditions for transfer are different, which will greatly enhance their strength, especially those of the ethereal second team, so they will have a greater chance of entering the top eight of the team.

I don’t know if Ye Luo’s luck has been used up almost yesterday. Although 3 pieces of holy-level equipment were destroyed this time, there are no holy-level weapons among them, and there is no equipment that he can use to update. , And only 1 piece of Primordial God-level equipment can be used as a sacrifice.

3 pieces of Saint-level equipment, Changhe Sunset has been assigned one, sitting on the piano center is assigned a necklace that increases the healing output. The Saint-level necklace is not only as simple as increasing the healing output, but also increases the attack power of sitting on the piano center. Less, so her damage output has also increased a lot, and her role in the 5V5 team battle is also greater.

Another saint-level equipment is a dark talisman, returned to Sword Eleven, so his damage output has also increased a lot. I believe that his damage output in the 5V5 game will cause more trouble to the enemy. some.

The next step was to participate in the individual competition. Ye Luo's first few opponents were not very strong and easily killed them, but what made him a little funny was that he encountered Misty Rain and Jian Liu, which inevitably got a little entangled.

However, they also knew that they would meet in the points match sooner or later, so Ye Luo and the others quickly became relieved. They also knew that they were not Ye Luo's opponents, so Jian Liu and Yanyu resolutely chose to admit defeat, which also saved Ye Luo a lot. time.

In the seven rounds of the match, Ye Luo continued to return to the ancient battlefield to kill monsters after defeating the green plum and boiled wine. Soon afterwards, the team channel sounded a surprise voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind. Only after June Feixue asked that she was so happy because of defeat. The world is over.

"What, Feng Sister actually defeated Longteng Tianxia?!" June Feixue was slightly surprised by the result, but she soon laughed: "This is a good thing, after Dongfang Jitian waited for the masters of the Dongfang family to not participate in the competition. The masters of the major gangs that can threaten Sister Feng are only a few people such as Longteng Tianxia and Da Mo Guyan. Longteng Tianxia is the best among them. Sister Feng can defeat him. Doesn't that mean you can also talk about others People defeat, so your points for entering the top 16 will be much higher."

The higher the points, the higher the ranking, and the more generous the rewards will be. It is no wonder that June Feixue is so happy after hearing that the waves and the wind defeated Longtengtianxia.

"Although Sister Feng is also very powerful, after all, Long Teng Tianxia is a master at the same level as Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian. Even Ye Luo may not be able to defeat him. How can Sister Feng..." Othello is puzzled. , And while speaking, she glanced at the samādhi, did not say anything further.

The brows frowned slightly, and Samadhi's expression became a little more serious, but she didn't say anything.

"Sister Feng, how many levels is Longteng Tianxia now? Isn't it seven turns?" Yi Leng said suddenly, although she was asking, her tone was quite determined.

Hearing this, Po Lang Riding the Wind smirked, and she said: "Yes, Longteng Tianxia is only level 278 now, there is still some way to go before the seventh revolution."

At this time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has already turned seven, and her operation level is not much worse than Longteng Tianxia. It is not surprising that she can defeat Longteng Tianxia with the advantages of rank and equipment, which means that she is somewhat invincible. , So she was a little embarrassed when she said this.

Hearing this, everyone was relieved, after all, the gap between Rank 7 and Rank 6 was still very large, and it was not surprising that Wave Breaking and Wind Riding had equal-order advantages to defeat Longteng World.

"No wonder, it turns out that Longteng Tianxia hasn't turned seven yet." Othello suddenly, and then she couldn't help muttering: "Longteng Tianxia is the number one master of the Long Family, why hasn't he reached level 280, turn seven, and his level is still So much difference?!"

Ye Luo's upgrade speed is slower than other dual professions because of his appointment as Venerable Samsara. However, he has already turned seven because of this. As the number one master of the dragon family, Longteng Tianxia is a profession that focuses on damage output. He was a career, he didn't actually have a turn seven, which naturally made the Othello and others puzzled.

"Long Teng Tianxia has to manage a lot of things, mundane matters are pressing on one's body, naturally can't be used wholeheartedly to upgrade." Sitting on the Qin Xindao, he glanced at the Samadhi poem, and there was some deep meaning in his eyes.

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