VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1787: : Successful seven turns

That’s right, it’s just a points match. Even the defeat will not have much impact on the wine family team led by Bacchus Dukang, so Ye Luo and the others don’t need to be merciful. Then they will be the strongest under the instructions of the fireworks and cold. The lineup is against the enemy.

Zhiyue was the first to appear. She met Jian Nanchun, and finally approached the target easily with three powerful summoned beasts. Jian Nanchun was a magician, and was close to the summoned beasts, and there was no suspense in the battle. , Miao Miao Ge took the lead to score a point.

The second one was Changhe Sunset, and his opponent was Yueyue to raise a glass. This battle was quite exciting. In the end, Yueyue toasted slightly and won by half, and the score came to a 1-1 draw, which also means The two teams will have a 5V5 duel.

Changhe Sunset was not unexpectedly defeated by the last invitation to the moon toast. After all, the latter is the best master built by the wine family. He is well equipped, and he has taken the lead to rise to level 280 and rank seven, against the 279 level Changhe. It is normal that the sunset will eventually win.

The third one is that fireworks are easy to be cold. Her opponent is green plum boiled wine. The latter is also a very strong person. The operation level is not bad with Changhe sunset and midnight books, but the equipment level of fireworks is too cold. Well, she has been flying a kite on the green plum boiled wine by taking advantage of her movement speed and super long siege distance. Coupled with the deceleration effect of the ice system, the green plum boiled wine can't catch up with the target at all. As a result, her life is consumed. The score is 2 to 1.

In the next 2V2, Po Lang Cheng Feng and Ye Luo teamed up to attack. Their opponents were Red Star Erguotou and Daughter Hong. Although Daughter Hong possessed powerful healing abilities and could impose [Resurrection Prophecy] on teammates, this still couldn’t change their defeat. fact.

Think about it, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng can easily entangle Red Star Erguotou, so that another person can easily catch up with Daughter Red and kill her, and the next battle will naturally be extremely easy.

After 2V2, Miao Mige took the lead with a big score of 4-1, followed by the most important 5V5, and there was almost no suspense in this battle, even if the fine wine family invited the moon to toast, the Sword Master who is very suitable for team battles. In this way, because the attack output of the mysterious pavilion was too high, inviting the moon to toast and the daughter red could not add up the blood.

Think about it, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng have strong damage output, and June Feixue’s group attack skills can also pose a great threat to everyone in the wine family, and fireworks are easy to get cold and sit on the heart of the piano. It can also make them quite troublesome, so there is almost no suspense in this 5V5.

After achieving a 5V5 victory, Yeluo won the final victory with a score of 8 to 1, and then continued to play against other teams.

There was no suspense in the next 5 games. Ye Luo and the others won easily. They are in a state of indomitable momentum. Depending on the situation, they can defeat any of the other 63 teams, of course, deliberately. The one that was given to the second team of the Misty Pavilion does not count.

Today’s team game ended and Ye Luo scored 18 points. What surprised them a little was that the second team of Ying Miao Ge actually completed today’s points game with a record of victory, which means that they scored 21 points, which is better than Ye Luo. They are also 3 points higher.

Ye Luo is naturally very satisfied with this result. After all, the chances of the ethereal second team being able to enter the team's top eight have improved.

Next, 100% of the players who have been upgraded to level 279 will find their instructors to do their job transfer tasks. After all, after completing so many points games, everyone has gained a lot of experience. There is still a good chance of reaching 100% of level 279. I believe that etc. They will have a qualitative leap in their strength after the transfer task, and the next game will be easier.

Ye Luo's level has also risen to 279 100%. After the 7 team matches, he took out the [Fiyue Jade Pei] and sent it to the far north, and then saw Hanyue, and the latter saw him in a good mood. Not bad, especially when seeing him on the verge of breaking through.

With a few casual words, Ye Luo explained his intentions, but Hanyue didn't say much, and directly gave him a job transfer task, and then he disappeared.

As usual, Ye Luo’s job transfer task is much more difficult than others. Fortunately, his equipment level has improved a lot, and after this period of tempering, his operational level has improved even further, so It was not too difficult to complete the task, and he also successfully awakened the Asura Dao, which also meant that he had successfully turned seven.

After the seventh rank, Ye Luo's soul crystal growth aptitude has grown considerably:

Reincarnation Soul (The Only)

Level: 7 levels

Qi and blood: +100000

Magic: +100000

Base attack: +40%

Base defense: +40%

Mana recovery speed: +180%

Qi and blood recovery speed: +180%

Growth qualification:

[Power]: 40 stars

[Agility]: 40 stars

[Physique]: 40 stars

[Intelligence]: 40 stars

In fact, if Ye Luo has only 33 stars in the four major attribute growth qualifications after the seventh turn under normal circumstances, but he was awarded 3 stars in the extreme challenge competition, and he captured the large burst bonus 2 stars in the Fallen Demon, plus completion [ Fire Dragon Cave]’s mission was rewarded with 2 stars, which is 7 stars more than the original, so it has the 40-star growth qualification.

The 40-star growth aptitude, this number is probably not much better than that of many Nine Ranks dual professions, and Ye Luo at this time is no more than seven Ranks, and from this it can also be seen that the power of Samsara is the most important. The thing is that Ye Luo has won too many rewards before, which is not comparable to other players and professions.

Think about it, too, through various rewards to obtain 7-star rewards for all attributes, which will make his attribute a qualitative leap. After all, rewarding 7-star town qualifications at level 280 means that all attributes increase by 1960 points. It is equivalent to the attributes added by a powerful Saint-level equipment. Don't forget that these additional attribute points do not occupy the equipment bar. As a result, Ye Luo has too many advantages over other players and classes.

Seeing that his soul crystal growth aptitude is so high, Ye Luo secretly said that his strength can be increased by at least 20% in the seventh rank. As a result, he is more confident in the next martial arts competition, whether it is individual or team competition. .

After seeing the changes in the growth aptitude of the soul crystal, Ye Luo set his sights on the [Pupil of Reincarnation] because this skill has also advanced:

[Samsara pupil] (passive skill, level 7)

Skill introduction: The exclusive pupil technique for the Samsara and the Samsara Venerable can give the inheritor a strong insight.

Feature 1: It can detect monsters up to level 80 and players up to level 30.

Feature 2: Can detect stealth units that do not exceed their own level 60 and ordinary stealth capabilities. The detection range is 100 meters. There is a certain chance to detect special hidden occupations. The lower the target level, the greater the chance of being detected.

Feature 3: The pupil of reincarnation can perceive the weakness of the target, increase the chance of critical attack on the target by 40%, the critical attack damage is 350%, and it can be superimposed with the crit. The superimposed effect appears, and the damage is increased to 850%.

Feature 4: When killing the target, there is a one in ten thousand chance of permanently learning the skills mastered by the target, but only passive skills.

Feature 5: You can start a full-time trial when you encounter a transfer bottleneck, which is limited to Samsara and Samsara Venerables, but this feature becomes invalid after you have a professional mentor, and you can find a professional mentor to transfer.

After the upgrade, the [Samsara pupil] has become much stronger, and even the probability of learning the passive skills of the target by killing the target has become much higher. Although the probability of one in ten thousand is still very low, it is better than It was much better before, but copying a skill at random would greatly increase Ye Luo's overall strength.

That’s right, although the probability of [Pupil of Reincarnation] being able to replicate the skill is very low, so far Ye Luo has replicated [Reincarnation Change], [Strengthening Mountain Xi], [Reincarnation* Greed], [Magical Power] And other skills, and these skills have increased his strength by more than two or three, which is a great improvement.

In a word, the effect of [Samsara pupil] is quite extraordinary, and the probability of being able to copy passive skills is greatly increased [3Q中文www.xbshu.cn] will also allow him to copy more skills in the future, and his strength will naturally increase. Just around the corner.

In addition to these, [Reincarnation Clone] and [Reincarnation * Split Arrow] have also become stronger because of Ye Luo's seven successful turns, and these will also greatly enhance his strength.

Of course, what Ye Luo expects most is to learn new skills, and after awakening the Asura Dao, he can also learn the skills of this Dao-as they guessed in the samādhi, after awakening this Dao, Ye Luo can use the axe as Weapons, and he can also learn all the ordinary skills that ordinary berserkers can learn from professional instructors, but he has to pay enough fees before learning these.

Ye Luo was not stingy after receiving samādhi poems and the fireworks' easy cold instructions. When Hanyue asked, he bluntly said that he wanted to learn all the skills, and paid a lot of tuition, which made Hanyue pretty face appear. A thick smile, a teachable appearance.

Not to mention that Ye Luo has learned the basic skills of berserkers such as [Whirlwind] and [Swivel Throwing Axe], as well as the ordinary skills of magicians, assassins and other professions, and that he has learned two skills of Shura Dao, the first of which One is a passive skill:

[Sura Dao * Axe system enhancement] (Passive skills cannot be upgraded)

Skill introduction: Samsara has opened six channels, and the six exclusive weapons are different. The exclusive weapon of Asura is the battle axe. After awakening the ability of Asura, the basic damage of the axe by Samsara or Samsara will increase by 20%. Stacks with [Mastery of All Departments].

Skill limitation: Only berserker can trigger this feature.

Like other Dao, Ye Luo gained the enhanced characteristics of the axe system after the awakening of the Asura Dao. The base damage of using the axe increased by 20%. This effect is much higher than that of the ordinary berserkers. After all, the damage bonus of the ordinary berserkers is only 10%.

"Alas, the enhanced basic damage of the axe system is also very good. If combined with the Berserker's professional skills, it can also produce terrible damage, but I will rarely switch to this in the future, unless I obtain a high-rank one-handed battle axe. "Ye Luo sighed.

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