VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1786: : The request of fireworks

Strategic surrender, this does not have much impact on Ye Luo and their 10-member team, because they are confident to defeat all other teams, so that the best records of other teams will only be tied with them, according to the previous regulations. They need to try again, so Ye Luo and the others are confident to beat them again and win the first place. This has no effect on them, and the rewards they receive are still the most generous.

However, Ye Luo and their surrender will have an impact on the second team of the Mystic Pavilion. 3 more points will give them a higher chance of entering the top eight, and even say that it is nine times stable. In this way, the Mystic Pavilion will have 2 teams of 10 players entering the front. Eighth, this is the supreme glory, of course, it will also receive more generous rewards, and its strength will increase the most.

In addition, the result of a good start also made the morale of the second team of the Jianliu Mitange team soar, and their next game results will undoubtedly be better.

After the first game is over, you need to wait for a while before you can continue to the second game. After all, other teams did not directly admit defeat, so there is no free team to play against Ye Luo, but they are not in a hurry, and they did not waste time. Fighting monsters in the ancient battlefield, so that you can gain some experience and possibly reach the magic spar fragments and ancient battle suits.

1. After 20 minutes, another team finally ended the battle, and the system also reminded Ye Luo that they were ready, and the second round of the game officially started after 3 minutes.

"Uncle Ye Luo, it seems that you will be able to upgrade to level 280 soon. To be precise, you will be able to upgrade after the next few team games." June Feixue said while killing monsters: "After the seventh revolution. Your growth aptitude will be further improved, and the gap between you and other players will be greater. Of course, the most important thing is that you can learn new skills after awakening the Shura Dao or the Tenshin Dao, which may make your strength even stronger."

"I have analyzed before. The two weapons I will use next to awaken should be spears and axes. Not surprisingly, I will not switch to these two combat modes. I prefer the long sword. Tao doesn't have much influence on me either." Ye Luo said casually: "Of course, the improvement of attributes and qualifications after transfer can also improve my strength, and the next game will be easier."

"You don't need to be too pessimistic, maybe we will be able to find high-grade one-handed spears and battle axes in the future, so that you can also play the role of these two things." Black and white chess, without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: " At the worst, you can learn some passive skills. These passive skills can also increase your strength."

Knowing this, Ye Luo nodded, but didn't say anything.

"Ye Luo, if Hanyue asks you if you want to learn all the skills, you must choose yes." Suddenly, the firework who has been silent all the time said coldly. Although her tone was always indifferent, she was somewhat solemn: " Don't be stingy with the money, we are now not bad at learning the skills."

That’s right, in Ye Luo’s mind, learning the skills that can be learned from other professional instructors at Fireworks Yi Leng is of no use to him. After all, he did not intend to switch to the state of spears and battle axes at all, so expensive. Learning skills is too wasteful-Ye Luo's tuition fees for learning other professions' vocational skills in Hanyue are quite high, even several times higher.

"Yes, we must learn other vocational skills." Samadhi Shi took the stubborn words, she also instructed: "Because as Xiaoqi said, we may not be able to get a one-handed spear or battle axe in the future, and it is of high rank. , So it’s still very useful for you to learn more skills."

Only a high-level single-handed spear or battle axe can enable Ye Luo to exert his due combat power, and if it is a low-level one, then he will not switch between Shura Dao or Tianshen Dao, so samādhi poetry and Othello before Deliberately proposed to look for high-grade spears and battle axes.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the samādhi poem continued: "Even if you don’t switch between Asura and Celestial Paths, don’t forget that you still have the skill [Samsara Clone]. Clone can display the skills of various departments. If you don’t learn Berserker and Knight Profession skills, then your two clones will be abolished, and the effect of the [reincarnation clone] skill will be greatly reduced, so this skill alone is also worth learning. Don't forget that your skill will be terrifying in the late game. "

That’s right, as Ye Luo changed jobs more and more, [Reincarnation Clone] can separate more and more clones, and these clones can use ordinary professional skills, plus Ye Luo’s original attributes are very high. Powerful, learned skills can better reflect the power of [Reincarnation Clone].

Ye Luo is also a smart person and understands this. He nodded and said, "Well, I understand. I will learn all the professional skills by then."

"The ordinary skills of doing mathematics are not only the only benefits." Yi Leng continued. Seeing everyone showing a curious look, she continued: "Doing all the math skills can have a good relationship with Han Yue, so you can get it from her. The benefits are even more, such as getting powerful skills, such as getting powerful equipment and props."

Hearing this, Ye Luo's eyes lit up. Looking back on the previous few job changes, he found that Hanyue's mood would be much better after he decided to use all the math skills, which would give him some additional benefits, such as [Beast God Manipulation] This skill, such as others.

"Well, Hanyue seems to be short of money. Although the tuition fee for her to teach me skills is very high, it turns out that they are all worthwhile and even worth the money." Ye Luo nodded: "Even when she is in a good mood, she will Some additional skills were taught to me, and that’s how [Beast God Manipulation] came about."

[Beast God Manipulation] The role of this skill is self-evident. It is precisely because of the existence of this skill that Miaoge has tamed so many Skeleton Nightmare beasts, and with these basic advantages, the advantage of Miaoge will grow. , Until today there is a faint tendency to become China's first gang.

Not only that, it is precisely because of the [Manipulation of the Beast God] that Ye Luo tamed so many high-grade flying mounts in the extreme challenge competition, and this also gave them a great advantage, and eventually won the double championship. It's not unrelated.

"So, you have to have a good relationship with Hanyue. What she says is what she says." June Feixue said, thinking of what she thought, she looked at Zhiyue: "Maybe you can receive a difficult task from Hanyue like Yue'er. Well, don’t forget that Hanyue exists at the same level as the Dragon God and Beast God. Eastern Killing Heaven has already received a difficult mission from the Dragon God, and Yue’er has also received a mission from the Beast God. I don’t believe you are there. They can't receive the task, but they exist at a level."

That’s right, Zhiyue received a difficult mission from the Beast God, not only obtained high-grade equipment items, but also obtained the [Sacred Beast Seal]. This special item made the defense of the Wushuang City of the Misty Pavilion soar. It's no exaggeration that the defense can be called the first of all the gangs.

Not only the Beast God, Eastern Killing Heaven also received a mission with a high degree of difficulty from the Dragon God, and after completing the mission, he and even the Eastern family also received very generous rewards.

It is precisely because of this that June Feixue and others have seen a huge ‘business opportunity’. After all, Hanyue is a master at the same level as the Beast God and Dragon God, and he can certainly receive similar tasks from her.

And if Ye Luozhen can receive such a task, he will definitely increase his strength, and even the people of the Misty Pavilion will also increase their strength. It is precisely the thought that these June Feixue and other talents will be so excited.

"Well, I understand." Ye Luo nodded again.

"Maybe Ye Luo can receive a very difficult task this time on the job transfer task, just like the task Yue'er received from the Beast God." Black and white chess said, her pretty face was full of expectation: "Completed After the mission, Ye Luo will definitely get very powerful skills or equipment items. Maybe there is still a chance to get a [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] component. If that is the case, his chances of winning the championship in the next competition will be even greater."

That’s right, completing tasks with a high degree of difficulty has a great opportunity to obtain high-level equipment or skills, and it is even possible to obtain components of [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], and each additional component will make Ye Luo’s strength a qualitative leap. It will naturally be easier in the next competition.

"Whether you can do this, you have to do the task to know." Ye Luo said lightly, he checked the time, and then continued: "The next thing we have to do is to complete the following 6 games and strive to pass with a record of victory."

When they said this, the system prompts that as soon as the preparation time is up, the next moment they arrived at the playing field, they couldn't help laughing after seeing who the opponent was.

"I met Uncle Bacchus in the second game. It seems that they are going to lose." Black and White Chess said, she looked at the opposite side: "Although the strength of the wine family is pretty good, there are not many super masters. The ones who can get it are also invited Yue toast, Jian Nanchun and Hongxing Erguotou, but they are obviously different from Ye Luo and Feng Sister, especially the difference in equipment, which means that there is no suspense in this battle, just don’t know Dionysus Uncle and they will directly admit defeat."

"Uncle Bacchus is a good-looking person, how could he directly admit defeat." Po Lang Rongfeng shook his head, and then changed his tone: "Besides, he will compare with us just to see how far away from us, this pair The improvement of their team strength is also beneficial."

"Yes, there is room for improvement if you know you are not enough." Samadhi nodded, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, how do we fight next, do you want to save them a little face?"

"No, use the strongest lineup to meet the enemy and end the battle at the fastest speed." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and her words were recognized by everyone. After all, it was just a points match, and there was no need to be merciful.

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