VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1783: : Both advance

In the analysis of samādhi poems, the Yinian family will spend a huge sum of money to prevent the gang’s decline and enter the top eight in the life-saving challenge, but it is very difficult for them to defeat two teams and enter the top eight with their strength. They also missed the top eight in the challenge, so they will be hit even harder. Not surprisingly, they will go downhill further and may even be squeezed out of the top ten gangs.

Ye Luo and the others are happy to hear about this. After all, the Yinian family is hostile to them, and a hostile gang has lost the title of the top ten gangs. The welfare is a good thing for them. At least the pressure will be less in the future. some.

In addition, the Yinian family has lost the title of the top ten gangs, so it is most likely to be replaced by the rising and rejuvenating Nangong family. The relationship between this gang and the Misty Pavilion is very good, and even the two sides have jointly built a tourist city to break the waves and ride the wind. They are naturally so happy.

The enemy's strength is weakening, while the allies' strength is increasing. This is a good thing for Miange. Thinking of this, it is no wonder that the people like Polangchengfeng will be delighted.

"Okay, the premise of all this is that we can eliminate the One Nian Family and the first team." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "Although the Yi Nian family is going downhill, it is also possible to say that the Yi Nian family is going downhill. So we can’t be careless."

Although she said so, the tone of the samādhi poem was very casual. It was obvious that she was not worried about whether she could defeat the Yinian family team, or that there was no suspense in her heart to defeat the Yinian family team.

"Hey, Yixiaohongchen and their second team have a great chance of defeating the first team of the Yinian family, let alone us." Po Lang Chengfeng was very casual, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, make tactics. , Eliminate them early, what shall we do next."

"Yue'er, I, and Sunset will each participate in a 1V1, Ye Luo and Feng will participate in a 2V2, and the next 5V5 will be Ye Luo, Feng, Feixue, me, and Qin. Let’s do that.” The fireworks are easy to cold. Indifferently, it was obvious that she didn't value Yi Nian Family Team very much.

Unlike Ye Luo and the others, who are relaxed and faintly excited, after seeing their opponents, the 10-member team of Yi Nian's family became dignified. They also knew that it was difficult to defeat the Mental Pavilion team with their current strength. After being eliminated, their mood became even worse.

Like the Samadhi, they speculated that the Yinian family is going downhill, and they are eager to show their strength through a tournament to reverse the situation, but they didn’t expect to meet the first team before entering the top eight of the team. They Her mood is the same as before Hua Nongyue saw Ye Luo.

Even so, it is impossible for them to admit defeat directly, they can only bite the bullet, and then the game will start after the formation of troops.

The facts are also as they said in the samādhi poems, the Yi-Nian family is going downhill. Although the strengths of the people who become gods and demons with one thought are very good, there are still some gaps with Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng, especially in equipment. And this gap made the fight not much suspense. Ye Luo and the others easily won a winning streak and then took the lead to score 5 points, so they advanced to the top 64, and then they can participate in the knockout.

Ye Luo and the others were not interested in participating in the next 5V5, and so did the others. Then everyone left the competition venue.

For the time being, Nian Chengma and others are depressed and they are planning to re-enter the top eight in future challenges, and that Ye Luo and the others will continue to do gang resident missions and find and kill high-ranking BOSS after they quit the competition venue.

As I said before, because Wushuang City was the first to be upgraded to Level 4, the number and difficulty of the missions refreshed by the king's city have increased a bit, and the flying mounts of Yeluo and Polangchengfeng are very high. Under these advantages, Yeluo and others The overall strength of the increase speed is slightly faster than other gangs.

Soon after, Yixiao Hongchen and others ended the final round of the team competition. The smiles on their faces knew that they had entered the top 64, and this also made Polangchengfeng breathe a sigh of relief. The team still has a certain chance of encountering strong teams such as the Long Family First Team, just as the Yinian Family First Team meets the Misty First Team.

If you think about it, if the misty second team is not lucky enough to meet the strong team such as the Longjia first team, then they will have a great chance of being eliminated, and they know that the second team has the strength to enter the top eight. Under circumstances, they will support them to participate in the challenge, but in this way, there will be no reward for entering the top eight in the points game, and it will cost a lot of money to register for the challenge.

However, the second team will not have these worries if they enter the top 64. Even if they lose to strong teams such as the Long Family in the next points match, it does not matter, because the last point in the points match is the total points, as long as the total points can Just enter the top eight, Ye Luo and the others are still very confident in the second team.

"Why did it take so long?" asked June Feixue, and then thought of something, her pretty face was full of smiles: "Couldn't you meet a relatively strong team? If so, it would be Good thing, because then you will have less pressure in the points match."

Eliminate a relatively strong team, so that a relatively weak team will enter the top 64. As a result, the ethereal second team will get more points in the next points match and have a greater confidence in entering the top eight. some.

"We met the team of the Assassin's House. This team is very strong, especially with a strong assassination ability, so it took some more time." Yixiao Hongchen explained, and when he said this, he smiled. , Obviously defeating the Assassin's House team made him feel quite good.

Think about it. Although the 10-member team of Assassin’s House is not suitable for team competitions, it is also a powerful gang anyway. I never thought of defeating them in the past, but now I did it. This is natural. Make him a little excited.

Hearing that, everyone's eyes lit up, and Othello was a little excited: "I defeated the Assassin's House team. This is pretty good. What is the score?"

Although it’s been analyzed before that the House of Assassins, which are all assassins, is not difficult to defeat, but when the House of Assassins has super assassins such as Wuming, Jingke Assassin, and Ten Steps, everyone is still a little worried. After all, if Wuming waits In 1V1, it is almost certain to win, and in 2V2, the illusory second team's advantage is not very big. If these are all lost, then they naturally have no chance of winning.

Think about it, too, with a smile, they will only have a greater chance of winning in 5V5 against the Assassin’s Home team, and the advantage in 1V1 and 2V2 is not big. If Wuming and others are desperate and only intend to win the first 4 games, then The odds of winning the second team are less than 50%.

But now that I heard that the second team defeated the first team of the Assassin's House, everyone often breathed a sigh of relief and wondered what the score was like.

"How did they line up?" Fireworks Yi Leng suddenly asked. Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "It's no accident that Wuming and Ten Steps shouldn't participate in the final 5V5, right? That's the only way for them. There will be some odds."

Although it is an inquiry, the tone of the fireworks is quite sure.

Think about it, fireworks are easy to be cold, but a smart person. She naturally knows that in 5V5, 5 assassins will match up with a 5-person team with a perfect professional match. There is no chance of winning at all, even if the five assassins are all unknown masters, because of the laughter. The assassins can't resist the crowd attack skill coverage attack at all, especially in the case of the Misty Second Team, Yixiao Hongchen, Sword Eleven, and Wednesday, the three fire-based professions with powerful damage output.

In addition, the existence of Sword Six and Saturday also allows the team to not worry about consumption. As a result, the 5V5 Assassin’s House has no chance of winning. After all, they don’t have 5 unnamed masters at all, and they can only win if they want to win. Relying on the first four games, the first four full victories can get 5 points and then win the final victory.

It is precisely with this in mind that fireworks are so sure that they are easy to cold.

"Anonymous, Ten Step One Kill and Jing Ke Assassin participated in 1V1, and Wuming and Ten Step One Kill participated in 2V2." Yan Yudao, she looked at Hong Chen with a smile: "3 games of 1V1 we lost 2 games, 2V2 we also Lost, fortunately, Hong Chen defeated Jing Ke and Ci Qin in 1V1. In addition, we won the last 5V5 game. With a total of 5 to 4, we narrowly won."

"Brother Hongchen is amazing. I actually won the singles against Jing Ke assassinating Qin. He is a master of assassins." Midnight Shu said with emotion. He is also a member of the Assassin's house, and he naturally knows how powerful Jing Ke assassinated Qin.

"My equipment level is better than Jing Ke Assassin Qin, plus we have the [Guardian Shield] gang skill, and even I have [Clone], if I can't defeat Jing Ke Assassin Qin, it would be too useless." Hong Chen said, he was not proud of defeating Jing Ke assassinating Qin.

"To win is to win, and the level of equipment is also part of the strength." Samadhi said, and then she chuckled, "Since the handsome Hongchen has won a 1V1, then in 2V2 you don't need to use the [Clone] assassin. , Because you know that 5V5 will definitely win."

"Naturally, because the nameless, ten moves, and other masters have participated in 2 games, so they can't participate in the next 5V5, so their 5-person team is much weaker than ours. Naturally, we don't need to use the killer. Yan Yu Xiaoxiao said, and then her tone changed: "Actually, even if our people use [Clone] in 2V2, they may not be able to defeat Wuming and Ten Moves, because the strength of Wuming is too powerful, our people There is almost nothing to fight back against them."

"Yes, Anonymous is too strong. I was killed without any chance of resisting him." He smiled and said, saying that he was very guilty: "Fortunately, the old battle won one person, otherwise we would really lose. Up."

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