VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1782: : One thought, one team

Before entering the points match, he was intercepted by Ye Luo and stopped, which made Hua Nongyue very sad, and the shadow of Ye Luo in his heart was even greater.

Since yesterday’s 2 1V1 games, Hua Nongyue has known that he still has a big gap with Ye Luo. He has no chance of winning at all, so he has a retreat, because he knows that if he is defeated again, he will be a shadow in his heart. It will become a lingering nightmare, so he decided to admit defeat before the game started.

That's right, Hua Nongyue chose to admit defeat, so Ye Luo won without a fight, and he also successfully entered the top 128, and can participate in the next points match.

"I admit defeat directly, this is..." Seeing Hua Nongyue disappearing in the ring, Ye Luo couldn't react for a while, but after confirming it, he couldn't help laughing: "But this is also a revenge for Xiao Yu. Let him stop at the top 128, so he can't participate in the next points match, even if he participates in the challenge and then can defeat two people, he won't be rewarded, not to mention his strength is difficult to enter the top sixteen."

That’s right, the top 16 will be selected after the individual points competition is over, and these people are undoubtedly the most powerful masters in the Chinese game industry. Among them, there are many masters at the level of Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Inviting the Moon to Raise a Cup, and Long Teng Tianxia. , And Hua Nongyue has some gaps with these people in terms of occupation and operation even after taking a dual career. The chance of relying on the challenge to defeat two people and enter the top 16 is very slim.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't stay for too long. After he quit the field, he continued to look for high-level BOSS to kill.

Soon after, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others returned from the game. They couldn’t help but laugh when they learned that Ye Luo had defeated Hua Nongyue again. They even avenged Ye Luo to help Misty Rain, and Othello even teased Ye. Luo created an indelible shadow on Hua Nongyue's mind, and her words made everyone amused.

Next, everyone counted the number of players who entered the top 128, and found that in the last round of Misty Pavilion, 2 people were eliminated, which also means that 19 people entered the top 128.

A gang actually has 19 people in the top 128, accounting for almost 15%, which is much more than other gangs, and this also shows the power of the Misty Pavilion. It is also called the first gang in China, and statistics show As a result, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were very excited, because this kind of achievement was not even achieved by the Eastern aristocratic family in the original heyday, but the misty pavilion has achieved it. This undoubtedly proves that the misty pavilion is stronger than the eastern aristocratic family in the heyday, let alone Say now.

Not only Ye Luo and the others counted the results, but many professionals in the game also counted them. After the announcement of the list of the top 128 for each gang and the number of people in the game, the entire game world was boiling. Countless players realized the power of Misty Pavilion. Especially compared to the Eastern family, which has no one in the top 128, this seems to be the sharpest contrast.

That’s right, Dongfang Jitian and others not only gave up team competitions, but also gave up individual competitions. That is to say, no one from the Dongfang family made the top 128. Compared with the mysterious pavilion, there were 19 people in the top 128, which undoubtedly became the top 128. There is a sharp contrast, and this has become a thing that the game industry talks about. For a while, the Misty Pavilion is in the limelight, and it has stabilized and stabilized the Eastern family, and the demand for the Misty Pavilion to become the country's first gang is even higher.

"We have 19 people from the Misty Pavilion in the top 128, which is 6 more than the second-ranked Ye Yu family. Tsk tsk, this is a dazzling record." Othello was very excited after watching the list of major gangs. Truth: "And we have also created the best results in these years. We are quite famous. If we participate in some national wars casually now, becoming the first gang will be a matter of course."

According to the perception of the game industry, it is unlikely that a new first gang will be elected without the baptism of the national war, so Othello will say this, and her words also make everyone look forward to the early arrival of the national war. You can become the country's first gang, and this is what the people like Po Lang Cheng Feng dream of.

"It will take some time for the gang war to start. At least we have to wait after the martial arts competition." Samadhi said, and then her tone changed: "However, our previous achievements are too brilliant. If we can win the martial arts competition again, it will be better. It’s not impossible for us to become China’s No. 1 gang ahead of schedule, especially if we can win the team championship."

Hearing that, everyone’s eyes lit up, and they were excited about breaking the waves and riding the wind: “Champion of the tournament, hey, we don’t have no chance at the moment. Ye Luo has a great chance to win the championship in a single game, but we have a chance in a team game. It seems to be bigger. The title of China's first gang has fallen on our ethereal pavilion. If this is the case, it would be great. Our many years of dreams have come true."

I said before that Miao Mi Ge became the first gang to break the waves and ride the wind and their dreams. Now that there is a chance to achieve it, and it is a great opportunity, she is naturally very excited.

"For now, there is a good chance." Samadhi said, without waiting for everyone to speak, her tone changed: "Of course we have to continue to cheer, and strive to represent the country when we are playing for the country. Fortunately, we can get some more high-level equipment, so we have a better chance of winning."

"The assassins led by Ye Luo, Feng Sister, and Xiaoshu have already gone out to find BOSS. At this point, our people have many advantages. It is not a problem to find some BOSS and then obtain some high-level equipment." Black and white chess road, and then she Look to everyone: "Moreover, most of us are at level 278 and level 9, and the fireworks have already been tuned at level 280. There is no problem for the remaining people to upgrade to level 1 and level 2 in more than 10 days. By then, we will all be 7 There is no problem at all in representing the country."

That’s right, although it’s difficult to upgrade to level 1 after reaching more than 270, especially for dual careers, it’s not a problem to upgrade to level 1 or 2 in more than 10 days. That is to say, everyone after the points match They can rise to level 280 and then turn seven. At that time, their overall strength will have a qualitative leap, and the chance of winning the championship will undoubtedly improve.

Next, everyone continues to get busy, or do quests to upgrade the level, or go out to find BOSS to obtain high-level equipment and props.

At 2 pm, everyone participated in the final round of team competition on time. As long as they can win this round of competition, they can enter the top 64 and then participate in the next points competition.

But after Ye Luo and the others could not help but laugh after seeing who their opponents were, Othello even more bluntly said that they were lucky, and the second team had a better chance of entering the top eight-this time they met the first member of the Yinian family. team.

That’s right, Ye Luo and the others met the first team of the Yinian family. The 10-member team of this gang is pretty good. Even if the current ethereal second team is against them, it’s only five to five. It is eliminated directly, so the chance of the second team entering the top eight is undoubtedly greatly improved.

Not only that, the Yinian family and the Ouyang family teamed up to deal with the matter of the Miange Pavilion. They didn't forget that even if the Yinian family had already paid for the war, it could not change the reality of the hostility between the two sides.

It is precisely because of this that they will be so excited after seeing who their opponent is in Othello, because in the eyes of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, they will defeat it and then eliminate it without any problem.

"It's okay to defeat the first team of the Yinian family with our strength. This is the final round of the knockout round. If you beat it, you will be eliminated." June Feixue said with anticipation: "The pressure of the second team after eliminating it. They are much smaller, and only the Long Family, Ouyang Family, Yeyu Family, Heroes of Heaven, Fine Wine Family, and Fengxing First Team can defeat them. It is still unknown whether the second team can enter. The chance of eight has improved a lot."

"Well, it looks like this at the moment." Sitting on Qin Xinzheng, she lightly chuckled, "The Yi Nian family is going downhill after compensating us. It is now defeated by us. I don't know if they can take it. A fund to save the life challenge."

"The challenge fee is 10 times the entry fee. This is a huge amount of money. Even if the family can take it out, I am afraid they are not willing to do so." Othello took the remark: "Because they don't have much chance of winning. Isn’t it a waste of money to advance through the challenge?"

"No, I think the Yinian family will definitely put out a sum of money to participate in the challenge." Samadhi shook his head, seeing the doubts of everyone, he continued: "No matter what, the Yinian family is also one of the top ten gangs. Going downhill, it is precisely because of this that they need to show their strength urgently. It is a good opportunity to participate in the tournament and then enter the top eight. Only in this way can they stabilize their military spirit, otherwise their players will lose a lot. Soon they lost their qualifications for the top ten gangs and were replaced by the Nangong family. This is not what people like to become a **** see, so they will definitely register for the challenge."

The analysis of the samādhi poem was quite recognized, everyone nodded, and June Feixue said: "Even if they save their lives to participate in the challenge, they may not be able to defeat the two teams with their strength. Don't forget to enter the points match. Eight’s team will also be rewarded by the system, which means that Jian Liu’s overall strength will increase, so it’s even more difficult for the Yi Nian family team to defeat them."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "What's more, we will find and kill a lot of BOSS in the past 10 days, and Jianliu will also obtain some high-level equipment. At this point, we have a big advantage over the Yinian family. ."

"That's right." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her mouth evoked a playful smile: "That is to say, even if the Yi Nian family spends a lot of money on the registration fee, it will not be able to enter the top eight of the team. This The blow to them will be even greater, and then their family will go downhill even more, and the rising Nangong family will be able to replace it soon."

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