VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1767: : Continue to play

The next day, everyone appeared on the sixth floor of the Fire Dragon Cavern on time and continued to kill the lava two-headed dragon. At this time, the number of monsters is not many. You should be able to kill all the mobs around 12 noon, and then you can deal with the final BOSS, I think that killing BOSS will burst good equipment and get rich rewards after completing system tasks. Everyone looks forward to it.

"Hehe, we will be able to complete the task today, and no accident will be a very good reward." June Feixue was full of expectation.

"Let's work hard, and strive to complete the task before participating in the team game in the afternoon." Breaking the waves and riding the wind are full of enthusiasm.

"Sister Feng, I'm afraid we can't complete the task before participating in the team competition." Samadhi shook her head, and saw that the waves and the wind puzzled her and explained: "Today is the third day of the competition, and the opponents we meet will It’s much stronger than yesterday. Two individual matches will take us some time without accident. Coupled with the strong strength of the lava two-headed dragon, it is dangerous to increase the killing force."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Although we can use large-scale power, large-scale skills, and combined skill group bombardment, it is best to leave these skills to the final boss, because the final boss will be very strong, and these skills can increase the kill. Its possibilities will at least make us a lot safer."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind knows the same, but she can't wait to delay the killing of the boss after the team competition is over. After all, click to kill the boss earlier to complete the task earlier, improve the strength earlier, and upgrade Wushuang City earlier.

That's right, Wushuang City is on the verge of upgrading at this time. You can upgrade it after completing this task without accident. The benefits of upgrading one or two hours earlier will be more, and the first possibility to upgrade to level 4 More sex, after all, most of the gang locations of other big gangs are about to be upgraded.

It was precisely because of this that she hesitated, after all, it was also important to maintain the title of Wushuang City's first upgrade.

"Don't worry, it will take some time for other gangs to upgrade their resident locations. Even if we take part in a team battle and then kill the boss, we will be the first to upgrade Wushuang City." Sitting on Qin Xin, I saw the careful thought of breaking the waves and riding the wind. , She smoked and comforted: "Furthermore, none of us knows how powerful the BOSS is. If we only kill most of its vitality before participating in a team game, wouldn't we give up halfway, if it is true, we will have to wait until tomorrow to kill BOSS."

Dealing with the final BOSS will definitely require Ye Luo and the others to perform their ultimatum, and even everyone can use their ultimatum. If only half of the BOSS's energy and blood can be knocked out at the beginning of the team match, the effect of their ultimatum will no longer exist after the game. If you want to kill the boss, you can only wait until tomorrow.

Knowing that this is not impossible, Breaking the Wave Riding the Wind nodded, she said: "Well, well, to be on the safe side, it is better to kill the BOSS after participating in the game, so that we can kill them with peace of mind and have a greater confidence. "

"Don't worry, it's just about participating in a team game. It won't take long to finish the game with our strongest lineup." June Feixue is confident, and she is still very confident about their strength. confident.

"Well, the strongest lineup, fight for 3 games of 1V1 and 1 game of 2V2 to end the battle, and we just give up the remaining 5V5 game. Anyway, we only need to get 5 points." Po Lang Chengfeng Zhen is the first, and then think of her. Can't help muttering: "I knew this way we would give up the game. This can save a lot of time, and with this time we can do a lot of things."

"Yes, we will participate in 63 team matches during the points match. Sister Ye Luofeng will also participate in 127 individual matches. It will cost a long time." Othello took the conversation, and she focused Nodded: "In this case, we learn from the Eastern family and just give up. After all, the challenge is only to challenge 2 teams or fight 2 people, and it is still the weakest 2 of the 16 people and the weakest of the 8 teams. For two teams, much less time is required."

"But the challenge fee is 10 times the registration fee, which is also a big expense. Although we are not short of money, we can't waste it." Sitting on Qin's heart, she continued: "That's right. , Players or teams who enter the top 16 of the individual and the top 8 of the team before the post-match challenge will receive very generous rewards, and the higher the points ranking, the more generous the rewards. This is a very good reward, and we cannot miss."

That’s right, players who enter the top 16 individual matches after the end of the points match and the top eight teams in the team match will receive rewards. The higher the points ranking, the more generous the rewards will be. Players who advance through the challenge match The team does not have such privileges.

"Well, for these rewards we have to continue to participate, not to mention the 10 times the registration fee is a lot of money." The waves murmured, and then continued to kill the monsters.

"By the way, there will be 128 individuals and 64 teams in the elimination rounds. Each player and team will have to play against other players and teams. That is to say, individuals have to participate in 127 games and teams have to participate in 63 games. How many days to prepare for the multi-match?" Othello asked curiously.

"10 days." Samadhi said, seeing the stunned look of Othello and others, she continued: "That is to say, individuals who enter the top 128 participate in at least 13 games a day, and the team who enters the top 64 must participate in 7 games a day. Competition, this is high intensity competition."

"Ah, doesn't this mean that we will participate in 20 games every day?!" June Feixueqiao's face was full of stunned expression, she turned to look at the fireworks, who are easy to cold, break the waves and ride the wind, etc.: "This is too wasteful. Time is up, let's give up and take part in the challenge directly."

Of course, June Feixue is just joking, she is still a little reluctant to pass the rewards after the points match.

"So many games in a day are really hard, so in order to reduce the pressure on the players, the system has changed the rules of the points game, and changed the three-game two-win system to a tie-breaker, which will save a lot of time." Samadhi said, see In June, Feixue and others showed a pleasant surprise, and she continued: "Yes, this can save at least half of the time. Anyway, individuals who enter the top 128 and the team who enter the top 64 must fight each other. The strength can be reflected by points. Come out, it's not much different from the real strength."

"A tiebreaker, hey, this will make the game a lot easier." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at everyone: "In that case, let's continue to participate in the competition. Besides, the reward after the points match should be paid. Yes, we can't let it go."

Obviously, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind most value the rewards obtained after the points match, because it is not surprising that they can play first in the team match, which means that their rewards are the most generous, not to mention the individual matches, which is also good. reward.

Now that Polangchengfeng made a decision, everyone no longer said much, and they all agreed.

Soon after, another round of individual knockouts began. After the first two days of the game, the remaining players are still good. At least the players Ye Luo encountered are level 271 hidden occupations, but such opponents still treat him. It doesn't create any threat, and it doesn't take long to solve the opponent.

After Ye Luo returned to the Fire Dragon Cavern, breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks were easy to be cold, and others had ended the game a long time ago. Obviously, the opponents they met were weaker. After all, Ye Luo killed the enemy with the highest efficiency. He can take the lead to kill the target.

In this round of the game, not all people have advanced. At least, she did not beat her opponent on a single-professional Sunday. After all, she is only a single-professional priest, and it is difficult to defeat a player of the same level as her.

Of course, Sunday did not care, after all, she did not have any chance to be in the top 128, and even if it was in the top 128, it would not be a good thing, because it will take a lot of time in the next points match. The important thing is that she hasn't had a chance to enter the top sixteen, and she won't be rewarded if she can't enter the top sixteen. That is to say, it doesn't make much sense for her to participate in the competition.

Next, everyone chatted while fighting monsters, and most of what they were talking about were things in the game.

"Did the elite masters of the Eastern family, such as Feixue and Dongfang Kill Tian, ​​participate in the individual competition?" Yi Leng Yi Lu asked suddenly.

Although I wondered why the fireworks Yi Leng asked this, June Feixue did not hide it. She shook her head and said, "No, it seems that they disliked the points match will take too much time, so they not only gave up the team match but also gave up. In individual competitions, they were very smart and gave up from the beginning."

"Eastern Killing Sky should also know that there will be rewards after the points match, and those who advance through the challenge will not be rewarded. If it weren't for something too important, they would not give up suddenly, which means they took one. Tasks with high difficulty coefficients are more likely." Samadhi Shi explained on her behalf, and then her tone changed: "But it is good for us if they do not participate in the competition. First, they will not get rewards, but we can get rewards. , One goes down and the other goes up, even if the tasks they receive are a little harder than ours, the improvement in strength does not necessarily make us bigger."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, their non-participation in the competition means that we will have more players in the top 16 of the individual, and the chances of the ethereal second team in the top eight of the team have improved a lot, so after the points match The more rewards we get, the better news for us."

"Well, that's right." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

"What were the reactions of other gangs after they learned that the people from the Eastern family had given up the game?" Yi Leng continued to ask: "Did they also give up the game? Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing could find out what news?"

"There is not much reaction either. Most of the people continue to compete. It seems that they are reluctant to be rewarded after the points match." June Feixue said: "As for the uncle Bacchus, they have no news. It's pretty good."

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