VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1766: : Reasons for the abandonment

The first team and the second team of the Oriental Family, led by Dongfang Killing Tian, ​​suddenly gave up the team competition, and even the elite masters of the Oriental Family chose to abandon the individual competition. This made the game industry confused and speculated why they did it, including The same goes for everyone in the Misty Pavilion.

Because they know that the challenge cost of the team competition is very high, Samadhi Shi and others know that Dongfang Jitian and others will not give up the game for no reason. It is very likely that this will be the case when they receive a task with a relatively high degree of difficulty, and this also means that soon After that, the strength of the elite masters of the Eastern family will be greatly improved, and everyone is a little worried after thinking of these.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind don’t care much. After all, they have also received the task with the highest degree of difficulty, and they have already gained a lot of benefits. Coupled with the advantages accumulated in the Fallen Demon Realm before, she believes that their strength is stronger than the East Killing Heaven. , Even if the match can easily defeat it.

"Yes, we are not only better than them in terms of equipment level, but also have many advantages in class. Thunder Dragon Swordsman, Samsara Venerable, and Beast God Venerable are currently the only professions. There are not so many unique hidden professions in the Eastern family. "Othello took the conversation, and then looked at the fireworks to get cold: "Not to mention that the fireworks can also develop targeted tactics. Our chances of winning will be great."

"In addition to these advantages, we also have the advantage of Qin sister." Suddenly Ye Luo said, seeing everyone showing a sudden look after doubts, he nodded: "Yes, Qin sister's healing output is not sacred. And she also has strong damage output and control capabilities. We will have a greater advantage in the 5V5 battle, and as long as 5V5 wins, we will almost certainly win the team game."

That's right, the team game can be won by only 5 points, and 5V5 can be won by 4 points, as long as the other 3 1V1 or 2V2 wins can be won, it is still very easy for Ye Luo and the others.

Think about it, as long as 5V5 wins, then Yeluo, Polangchengfeng or Fireworks Yicold will participate in a 1V1 game respectively, then at least they can win 1 game, so they will win the team game.

According to past experience, there will be priests in the 5V5 team competition. After all, the priest applies the [resurrection prophecy] to the players and resurrects the killed players will give the team an advantage. At this time, the role of the priest is stronger than 2 combat players. Therefore, the Eastern Family will definitely send a pastor to participate in 5V5.

The most powerful pastor of the Eastern family is Dongfang Mingmu, which means she will definitely participate in the 5V5 team competition, and her profession is the same as the sacred sacrifice on Saturday and August. This profession is almost the most powerful healing profession.

The reason is almost because there is a profession that is stronger than that, that is, the nine-pin piano immortal sitting on the heart of the piano.

Of course, if it is the same equipment level, the healing output of sitting on the heart of the piano is not much different from that of the sacred sacrifice, or even slightly weaker, but the level of equipment sitting on the heart of the piano is very good, plus the completion of various difficult tasks before Her growth aptitude has improved a lot, and she has rewarded some powerful skills, which makes her healing output stronger than that of the sacred priest.

The profession of Qin Xian Jiu Pin can not only provide strong healing output for the team, but also provide relatively strong damage output and control, especially control. This is the advantage of sitting on the Qin Xin over the Oriental Bright Eyes, and it is also the first of the ethereal pavilion. The advantage of the team over the first team of the Eastern Family.

Think about it, the healing output of sitting on the piano heart is not worse than Dongfang Mingmu, but the damage output and control ability are much stronger. This will naturally give Ye Luo and the others an advantage in 5V5, and the chance of winning will naturally be. Much bigger.

"That's right, we had a lot of credit for defeating Sister Qin from the Eastern Family in the first competition. This time we can still defeat them." June Feixue smiled.

"Well, the first team of the Eastern Family chose to abandon the competition, and as long as they can beat the two teams in the challenge, they will be promoted, so it seems that they won't meet us at all." Suddenly Zhiyue said, seeing everyone showing their clarity. , She continued: "If it is a point match, we will definitely be able to run into them. If we win the championship and runner-up before representing the country, we will also run into them, but it seems that as long as there are eight teams playing on behalf of the country, we may meet them. Not on them."

That's right, as long as you can defeat two teams in the challenge, you can replace them. There is no need to challenge other teams. In order to retain the killer, the first team of the Oriental Family will naturally pick up the weaker team to challenge, so naturally there is no chance to match. Ye Luo and the others, because there was no accident, the Mental Pavilion team had the highest points.

It is worth mentioning that the rule of the challenge is to challenge the team with the lowest points first, and then the team with the highest points. With the strength of the Eastern Family, as long as the troops go to the Misty Pavilion, the odds of winning will be more than 70%, which means they are very It is possible that only two teams can be challenged to become the top eight teams and then represent the country.

"That's true, the Eastern star is a smart person. She naturally knows that we will have a lot of killers against us, so she will naturally not challenge us after being promoted." Othello took the stubbornness, and then changed her tone: "The next thing is We have played against other countries, and our chances of confronting the Eastern family are not great."

"Hey, that's right, maybe other countries..." Speaking of this, breaking the waves and riding the wind shook his head: "Forget it, I still hope they can beat the teams of other countries, and then we'd better defeat them in the finals, so we The country can win the championship and runner-up."

Everyone was amused by the YY who broke the waves and rides the wind, but they also hope it is so. After all, the Oriental Family is a Chinese team anyway.

"So it’s good news for us to say that the first team of the Eastern Family will give up the game directly?" He said in the middle of the night, he looked at everyone: "Because we won’t be against them in the points match, which will save a lot of trouble. , No accident, we can definitely play with the first score, and this will also make us more famous."

"The most important thing is that they will save a lot of time if they don't match up. We can do tasks or things with this time, and this can also improve our strength." Midnight Book added.

"Their retiring will be a mixed blessing for us, and there will be even more disadvantages." Samadhi shook her head, seeing Midnight Shu and others wondering, she continued: "The benefits are just like the little book you said we will omit. A lot of trouble, save a lot of time, and the second team will have a better chance of entering the top 8 in the points match, even if it is only temporarily entering the top 8, it can prove the strength of our ethereal pavilion."

If the first team of the Eastern Family does not participate in the competition, the chances of the second team getting into the top eight will naturally be much greater. At the end of the points match, two teams of the misty court have entered the top eight, which also proves the strength of the misty court, even if the next The challenge of the Eastern Family will give the second team a lot of opportunities to be replaced.

Hearing that, everyone nodded and said, "Well, yes, it is better than not being able to enter the top eight. This is also considered a benefit, but what is the disadvantage?"

"The disadvantage of course is that we don't know the strength of the Dongfang Family's first team, so we can't specify targeted tactics. After all, we still have a chance to meet in the future official games." Samadhi said, seeing everyone nodding, she Continue: "But Eastern Killing and the others can analyze our strength through our matches with other teams, so that they can develop tactics against us, which is a disadvantage."

"Except for the first team of the Eastern Family, it is not so easy for the other gang teams to force us to use the assassin." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently.

"Sister Feng, don't underestimate the teams of other gangs, after all, they also have a lot of masters." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, "For example, the Ouyang Family, the Long Family, and the Yeyu Family. These gangs have some powerful masters to deal with them. We also have to use some powerful tricks."

Although I don't want to admit it, but Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also knows that Ye Luo said it is likely to happen.

"Although the first team of the Eastern Family will also take action in the challenge, they are facing the relatively weak two of the eight teams, so they can advance without using any killer skills. This is their advantage." Added a sentence.

"Oh, that's true." Po Lang said in a deep voice, and then she shook her head: "Forget it, it's not a big deal, anyway, the Eastern Family will have to meet with teams from other countries, and we will know when that happens. What is their strength."

I also know that, and I also know that it's useless to worry about these things, so I don't worry about these things anymore.

"Sister Shi, you said before that the Eastern Aristocratic Family might retire strategically. What do you say?" Suddenly June Feixue thought of this, and she was quite curious.

"There are also some possibilities. For example, they deliberately didn't participate in the competition mainly because they wanted to figure out our strength and avoid collisions with us in advance, so that they would have a better understanding of us." Samadhi said, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: " Of course, it is also possible that they want to concentrate on improving their strength, so they will have a much better chance of winning when they encounter us in the future."

"I feel that they don't want to run into us early." Po Lang Rongfeng took the conversation, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Because they know the odds of winning against us in the points match are not high. If they are defeated, they will be ashamed, so first complete the task to improve their strength. It is estimated that they think the tasks they receive can greatly improve their strength, and the benefits of our tasks are not as great as they are.

"Well, it's possible, and I think it's a bit bigger." Black and white chess said, she couldn't help laughing.

Then everyone chatted while killing monsters, and at 11:30 in the evening, the women such as Breaking Waves and Chengfeng were off the assembly line on time, and Ye Luo, as usual, refining pills, participating in arena PK, etc., was also methodical.

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