VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1702: : Waiting for attack

Country Z chooses the third large fortress as the target and then captures the surrounding small and medium fortresses. It will certainly arouse the vigilance and targeting of more countries, and even these countries will send some personnel to monitor and target. It's time for action-to sneak attack on the leveling locations and fortresses of these countries, mainly to kill their elite masters.

Killing all the elite masters of a country, even if only a part of them can be killed, will have a great impact on the strength of the country, making it incapable of attacking country Z, so that the next country Z will capture the large fortress. The pressure will be much lighter.

Eliminating threats in advance will make the next thing smoother and deter many countries from acting rashly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng have the power to threaten the elites of a country, especially after sitting on the heart of the piano, fireworks and other people also send to help-with spell immunity and invincibility. The two are called humanoid tanks, and they can carry out mass killings.

Thinking of this, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind became excited. For her, hunting some ‘Miscellaneous’ soldiers in the YD’s activity area is meaningless. Hunting elite masters from other countries is more challenging and more in line with her personality.

"Xiaoshu has already scattered all the assassins in the Misty Pavilion. Not to mention that the Fallen Demon Realm is also deployed in several key countries. If their people appear near the large fortress, we will launch a sneak attack." Ye Luo attacked. Several YD players said at the same time: "When the time comes, directly teleport over and kill the most people with thunder."

"Hey, I don't think we need to wait for people from other countries to take action. We can directly launch a sneak attack, which will be more effective." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said indifferently: "Maybe we can deter these countries from taking action after we take action. Then it will be easier for us to capture large fortresses."

"A sneak attack in other countries will undoubtedly irritate these countries completely, or force them to join forces against us. This is not very good." Ye Luo explained, and then changed his tone: "But if these countries do first But it’s different if we are forced to fight back. In this way, we are reasonable, and other countries will only think that we are retaliating against the sneak attacks of these countries. Psychologically, they are more receptive and will not think about joining forces. This is the case."

"There are still so many twists and turns in this." Po Lang Riding Wind's nose wrinkled slightly and couldn't help but muttered.

"The game between countries is originally a very complicated matter. Although we are determined to expel other countries from the devil's realm, we must proceed step by step. Not to mention the implementation of the tactics of vertical and horizontal cooperation, at least we must not force other countries prematurely. Together, we will be under great pressure.” Ye Luo explained.

"Uh, He Zong Lian Heng..." Po Lang Cheng Feng muttered the word, and for a long time she said: "A good profession is a term."

Listening to what she said, Ye Luo's mouth raised a smile, and he explained: "Simply put, it is a close attack at a distance, and the tactics of splitting or pulling together against different countries will make the battle with other countries a lot easier. Then it achieved the goal of unifying the world, which was the tactic used by Da Qin to unify the world."

"Oh, I will understand when I say that." Po Lang said, and then his tone changed: "But at the moment it seems that other countries are not worthy of us, and we can't."

"The close and distant attack is executed when our strength is not too big from that of the opponent. If our strength is very strong, this is not necessary." Ye Luo continued to explain, and then his tone changed: "Of course, don't let others. Combining countries early is also a tactic of unity. The combination of these countries will make us more troublesome, and it will be a lot easier to defeat each of them."

"Oh, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she laughed: "Anyway, this kind of thing is arranged by the fireworks. I am only responsible for executing the orders."

With a slight smile, Ye Luo did not struggle with this issue anymore, and continued to hunt while waiting for other countries to start operations.

"Ye Luo, what if people from other countries don't come to attack us?" Po Lang Chengfeng curiously asked, "If so, do we still attack them?"

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "What if they don't attack when we capture small and medium fortresses but when we capture large fortresses?"

"It just happens that they don't come to attack us. Then we can successfully capture all the small and medium fortresses and then the large fortresses." Ye Luo said lightly: "This is better. After we have captured all the small and medium forts, there will be all around. Our people, the small elite squad can't threaten us at all, because only the Green Flood Summoner Legion and the Nightmare Commander Cavalry can stop them."

"Oh, this is also true. Our people have the ability to stop them." Po Lang Chengfeng said with confidence.

"And if other countries lead a large army to attack, then we can postpone the capture of large fortresses. It is no problem to withdraw from the ranks of siege with our strength. After all, outputting the queen monster with our damage will not pose too much threat to us. "Ye Luo explained, and then changed his tone: "Next, we will be able to face up with the large forces of other countries, because the surrounding fortresses are ours. At this time, we can send troops to surround them. No surprises. It's easy to defeat them and kill them all, even if several countries join forces."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind to speak, he continued: "When we captured the large fortress, everyone’s big move was over. The same is true for combo skills. It is no exaggeration to say that we will be at the peak of the group combo skills. With a favorable geographical location, it is easy to defeat other countries and cause heavy losses."

"Yes, we definitely have this strength." Po Lang Chengfeng vowed and said.

"The situation in the Fallen Demon Territory is very beneficial to us, because the elites of countries such as M and H are absent. This also means that these countries will not be dispatched. Without these game powers, we will deal with other countries. The pressure is not great." Ye Luo said, he chuckled: "If other countries are surrounded by us and then hit hard, then their strength will be reduced a lot, one will change and the other will grow, and their threat to us will be much smaller in the future. "

Kill most of the elite players in a country, so that their people will not only drop 1 level, but also explode a lot of equipment. In this case, their overall strength will drop a lot, and the future threat to country Z will be small. Many, if things go on like this, it will be easier for Country Z to expel people from these countries from the Fallen Demon.

Ye Luo is right. Elite players from major game countries such as Country M do not move out. To be precise, there are no more elite players such as Dark Night. Only countries such as ELS will pose a much smaller threat to Country Z. It is difficult to say whether they will make a move. Teaming up is not necessarily an opponent of country Z, because as Ye Luo said, other countries will be at a great disadvantage under the fortress of country Z.

"That's true. Doesn't this mean that we must be able to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was expecting authentically.

"This is natural." Ye Luo said lightly. Although his voice was soft, there was an unquestionable smell. Then a smile was raised on the corner of his mouth, applauding: "This is the cleverness of fireworks. This kind of tactics can greatly Expand our advantages, and then step by step to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm."

"Yes, fireworks are too powerful." Po Lang Chengfeng said sincerely, she said to herself: "Fireworks have always been very smart, but at that time our Misty Pavilion was too weak, and under my stubbornness, we have never recruited male players. Even if her strategy is shocking, it is difficult for her to play any role. If I listen to her, I am afraid that our Misty Pavilion will have grown."

"At that time, you also had your own concerns, and this concern was not unreasonable." Hearing the guilt in the words of Po Lang Chengfeng, Ye Luo comforted: "For example, Yanyu Pavilion also recruited male players, and Yanyu Pavilion almost fell apart because of this. , So there was nothing wrong with what you did at the time."

Hearing Ye Luo's comfort, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, I felt much better, and then stopped talking, continuing to hunt while waiting for other countries to attack fireworks and others.

Because before the Z side captured the small and medium fortresses around the two large fortresses, other countries were quite wary of this. Although they did not stop them for various reasons, they also sent some people to monitor them, so it didn't take long for them to have it. Knowing the actions of the fireworks and others, this made them more worried.

Think about it too. At this time, the Z side has already captured two large fortresses. If they don’t stop them, it will be no surprise that those two large fortresses will also fall into the hands of Z. In this way, 10 large fortresses in the fallen devildom will be occupied by Z. For nearly half, this has given Country Z a great advantage in the Fallen Demon Realm.

But now the country Z wants to take a shot at the fifth large fortress. Seeing that its posture will solve the small and medium fortresses around this fortress, it will not stop there. If it is true that the country Z will occupy all the large fortresses in the Fallen Demon, then Other countries no longer have a foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm.

Thinking of this, countries are worried, but they also know that it is useless to attack rashly at this time. After all, they also know that the Z side is only capturing a medium-sized fortress and can withdraw from the state of siege at any time, so they are not opponents at all, unless with Other countries join forces.

After thinking of this, these countries began to take action, get in touch with other countries, and then wanted to form alliances with them to block China together, but it took some time, and during this time the fireworks were easy to get cold and they were not idle, not long after. Take down that medium fortress, and then they continue to capture other fortresses.

"Ye Luo, our people have already captured a medium-sized fortress, but other countries still don't have the intention of doing it. Maybe they won't harass us." Po Lang Chengfeng said with some impatientness.

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