VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1701: : Take action

According to the tactics developed by Fireworks Yicold to capture the small and medium-sized fortresses around the large fortress, everything went smoother than expected. The goal was even achieved in only 3 or 4 hours, but at this time, most of everyone’s big moves did not end the CD. In order to prevent them from taking the large fortress immediately, and at this time, the fireworks are easy to cold and put forward a suggestion-choose a large fortress as the target, capture the surrounding small and medium fortresses, and only capture the small and medium fortresses. Capture large fortresses.

That’s right, although it’s just right to capture two large fortresses with the current strength of country Z, it would be dangerous to capture a third large fortress. However, the plan for fireworks to be cold is to only capture small and medium fortresses around the large fortresses, and then see. Whether the situation has captured large fortresses.

With the current strength of country Z, it is not a problem to only capture small and medium fortresses without attacking large fortresses. Ye Luo and others can quickly withdraw from the siege and attack people who are harassing, so that there will be no too many casualties instead. It will cause great losses to other countries. After all, the damage output of Yeluo, Breaking Waves and Riding Wind is very high. With invincibility and spell immunity, they can kill and kill and no one can stop them.

The tactics of easy cold fireworks have many advantages. First, capturing a number of small and medium fortresses will give the Z side a greater advantage in the Fallen Demon. The more fortresses, the greater the advantage. This is something that countries have already verified. The rewards obtained will further strengthen the overall strength of the Z side.

In addition, all the small and medium fortresses around the large fortresses will be captured. Even if the large fortresses cannot be captured in the future, they can send troops here in time. Then, other countries will naturally not dare to easily capture those large fortresses. Surrounded by a group of country Z, I am afraid that no country has the confidence to complete the capture of large fortresses surrounded by players of country Z, even if several game powers join forces.

Other countries dare not to capture large fortresses, only country Z can, which means that those large fortresses are already in the bag of country Z, and after the large fortresses are captured, other countries have a smaller range of activities in the Fallen Demon Realm and are expelled. Going out is not a matter of time, and country Z's dominance of the fallen demon is just around the corner.

As to whether this will provoke other countries to join forces, that is not a question that needs to be considered, because at this time country Z has captured so many forts in the Fallen Demon Realm and has already aroused the vigilance and targeting of other countries. The alliance between countries M, H and other countries is the best proof. Since this is the case, there is no reason to worry. It is better to use this opportunity to work hard to expand your advantage in the fallen demon.

The advantage in the Fallen Demon Realm is getting bigger and bigger, so it will be more difficult for other countries to resist Country Z.

There is no shortage of smart people, and they soon wake up and prepare to act. Before the act, Feng Xing smiled: "Firework girl, is it still divided into two groups, choose two large fortresses as targets and then capture the surrounding small and medium-sized Where's the fort?"

In the hearts of Fengxing and others, Yeluo and Polangchengfeng have this strength after adding up their attack power to the Misty Pavilion, and the more fortresses captured, the better for the Z side. They naturally hope that this time Misty Pavilion will meet. Also choose a large fortress as the target.

"No, this time we will act with you." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, as if seeing the doubts of the **** of wine Du Kang and others, she explained: "As mentioned before, we choose the third large fortress as our goal. It may lead other countries to act. We are safer together and more efficient. If we can achieve our goal in a shorter period of time, we can choose another large fortress as our goal."

"I think time is not allowed. After all, it takes 4 hours for the soldiers to be divided into two places to capture all the small and medium fortresses around the large fortress, so we don't have much time to capture the large fortress. It will take a long time." Ouyang Feitian saw through the fireworks' easy cold thoughts.

"Well, that's right." The fireworks were easy to get cold and did not deny: "Because we have to capture at least 2 large fortresses today, it will take a long time, and it is not ruled out that players from other countries will cause trouble during the period, so We must leave more time. We will have plenty of time left after we act together to achieve our goals."

It was easy to accept the explanation of fireworks easy to cold, and there was no objection to her proposal, and everyone started to take action.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng and Brother Ye Luo will act with us?" Long Jieyu was quite expectant, and her words made many people listen.

Think about it, Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng’s damage output after killing people and adding their attack power is terrifying. Even the two of them can match 1, 20 powerful dual classes, and they will also make the capture of the fortress change. It's a lot easier, Long Jieyu naturally hope that these two people are in the team.

"Sister Feng and they have other tasks." Firework Yi said coldly.

Hearing that, everyone was disappointed, but they also knew that breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo must go out hunting, this can also pose a great threat to other countries, so they will also ease the pressure to capture the fort. a lot of.

"Fireworks girl, since you are acting with us, then the command will be left to you." Bacchus Dukang said, he acted as the shopkeeper.

Think about it, everyone has seen the ability to command fireworks that are easy to cold, and they are quite recognized for her unresolved deployment. The pressure and loss of her commanding everyone will be much less, which will also make everyone's actions more smooth. .

The fireworks were easy to get cold and were not polite. They directly took over the command, and then issued the order immediately: "Please also send the elite assassins of the gang to ambush near the large fortress of our choice. I think some people will come. Harass us, the latter will monitor us."

Everyone is smart. Naturally, they know that their capture of the small and medium fortresses around the third large fortress will arouse the vigilance of other countries. It is not surprising that those countries send some elite masters to harass and monitor. At this time, it is natural to send assassins to hide first. Not a small opportunity to intercept and assassinate them.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the firework is easy to be cold and continue: "You should have some players with teleportation skills around you. If necessary, send people to support it, mainly killing."

In this regard, everyone has no objection, because it is not difficult for them to kill people to weaken the strength of the enemy, and the equipment that bursts can also strengthen themselves. One trades and the other, and they will easily deal with players from other countries in the future. a lot of.

Think about it. The harassment and surveillance sent by other countries are all elite masters. The level of equipment will be very good. Killing them will have the opportunity to burst high-level equipment. It is known that killing is much more efficient than killing monsters and capturing fortresses. Naturally so happy.

Of course, after intercepting and killing the elites of various countries, they will not have any pressure to capture large fortresses, and the next action will be smoother.

"Understand, let's go ahead." Fengxing took the lead to obey the order, and the others followed suit.

"Next, I would like to ask you all to order the Ace Legion to stand by at any time, just in case." Fireworks Yi Leng continued to give the order, but after saying this, he said nothing, and led a group of elite legions to the target at the fastest speed. Rush away.

Soon after the fireworks Yicold and the people from other gangs, they did not say much. They chose a medium-sized fortress to launch an attack. For a time, many masters swarmed, and they pushed forward at the fastest speed, and it would not take too long. Capture this medium fortress.

The reason why the medium-sized fortresses were captured as soon as they came up is naturally because players from other countries have long realized the intention of country Z. At this time, the capture of small fortresses has no deceptive effect. It is better to capture the medium-sized fortresses before those countries react. After all, the role of a medium fortress is much more important than a single small fortress.

The fine wine family and other gangs were originally able to easily capture the medium-sized fortresses. Now many elite masters of the Misty Pavilion have joined the ranks of the fortresses. This makes it easier to capture the medium-sized fortresses. Of course, everyone is also thinking about how to break the waves and ride the wind. Ye Luo and Ye Luo also teleported over, afraid that it only takes half the time to capture the medium fortress.

At this time, Yeluo and Polangchengfeng hunted in the active area of ​​YD, killing people to increase their attack power. This is not difficult for them, even if the average strength of YD players has improved a lot, and the fact is that In this way, they soon refilled their attack power, which can last a long time.

"Ye Luo, since the fireworks won't let us participate in the capture of the fortress, what shall we do next?" Po Lang Chengfeng looked forward to it, because before she came, the fireworks Yi Leng had already asked her to obey Ye Luo's command. There is no objection.

"The fireworks said let us sneak attack and dare to harass our country. Now our people have just begun to attack the city, and other countries have not responded, which means we need to wait." Ye Luo said lightly, and then said in a tone. Turn: "Sister Feng, if there are people from the country doing something, then we don't have to be polite. We will mainly kill their elite masters. When the time comes, Fireworks and Sister Qin will come to help."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also a smart person. She quickly understood the purpose of the arrangement of the fireworks and easy cold. She chuckled: "Hey, yes, people from other countries dare to do it to us, so don't blame us for being rude to them, now Other countries have monster spawning locations or fortresses in the Fallen Demon. We will harass them at that time. Although we don’t want to use big moves, it’s okay to kill some elite masters with our current damage output, not to mention Jinxin. I will also rush over to help, so there will be no problem."

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