VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1464: : Provoking discord

Po Lang Chengfeng and others naturally believe that Ye Luo will not leak the video of PK with Longteng Tianxia, ​​not to mention the video of Po Lang Chengfeng and Dongfang star. In this way, it is possible that someone else leaked the video. It was to provoke the relationship between the Long Family and the Miao Miao Pavilion.

Most game masters love face, especially those at the level of Eastern Killing the Sky and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. Now that the video of Longteng Tianxia's defeat is leaked, this will undoubtedly make him very faceless, and it will also make him suspect that it is Ye. Luo leaked out, in order to humiliate him and make him famous, which would undoubtedly make him quite angry with Misty Pavilion, and the two gangs are likely to have conflicts because of this matter.

Also aware of the seriousness of this matter, Samadhi looked at June Feixue, and she said: "Feixue, end this copy task and check the network sources of these videos. It is best to find out who posted it. See if there is any conspiracy behind it."

"Okay, leave it to me, this is my specialty." June Feixue chuckled: "Don't look at the three IDs that posted this video, give me some time I can find out where they posted it, and Can analyze the connection."

I still trust June Feixue's ability in this area, and then think of something, Othello looked at Samadhi: "Sister Shi, please contact Long Teng Tianxia and explain to him that these videos are not ours."

With a look of embarrassment, he meditated for a while and said in samādhi, "He shouldn't be so stupid to use this kind of trick to instigate discord."

Naturally, he also noticed that the samādhi poem was hesitating, and Ye Luo said: "This matter was caused by me. Let me explain it to Brother Long Teng. This will also reflect our sincerity."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, thinking that Ye Luo could explain it to Long Teng the world better.

Next, Ye Luo contacted Longteng Tianxia, ​​and before he could speak, he asked directly: "Brother Ye Luo, have you found out who posted those videos? Obviously they are instigating discord."

Long Teng Tianxia did not have the frustration that he had imagined. Think about it. Although he lost to Ye Luo, everyone with a discerning eye knows that he is not as good as Ye Luo in equipment and not because of poor operation. It is so natural that there is no frustration. After all, in the game Victory is a common matter for soldiers, and it will be a good thing to win the next time you are equipped.

Ye Luo knew that he did not believe that he had leaked the video, but he still explained to him, and then said: "We also guessed that someone was instigating the discord, so we are investigating, but now We are doing a 250-level dungeon mission and can only check after the mission is over."

"These three videos are spreading, and the three gangs are instigated, the Misty Pavilion, the Long Family, and the Eastern Family. Those who want to insult should be acquaintances." Long Teng said, and then his tone changed: "Fei Xue is an expert in this area. , She should be able to find out soon after taking the shot, there will be those who look good at that time."

"This is natural." Ye Luo said lightly, but his tone was firm.

After that, Long Teng Tian Xia asked about the progress of the Miao Miao Pavilion mission and then quit the chat channel, and Ye Luo also began to concentrate on killing monsters to do the task. Of course, he did not forget to tell Po Lang Cheng Feng and others what Long Teng Tian Xia said.

"Tsk tsk, Long Teng Tianxia is a smart man, and he doesn't have the frustration of being defeated by Ye Luo. This is much more mature and stable than before." Othello admired, and then she looked at Samadhi: "Sister Shi, it's still you. understand him."

The pretty face blushed slightly, but she soon covered it up, and Samadhi said, "If he can't break even such a simple trick, then he is not qualified to be the leader of the Long Family, so let it be for others."

Seeing her like this, everyone no longer struggled with this issue, but continued to discuss the video while killing monsters.

"But who is behind us?" Zhiyue said curiously.

"It is obvious that it is not the three gangs that provoked the Long Family, the Eastern Family, and the Misty Pavilion. These three gangs were behind the scenes." Fireworks Yi cold suddenly said, and her tone was as indifferent as before: "The relationship between these three gangs is for the provocateur The good thing is that it’s not difficult to infer from this point. Of course, it’s a different story if it is those small gangs who are behind the scenes."

"There is nothing suspicious about Fengxing, the Wine Family, and the Nangong Family, because they are our allies. The stronger we are, the better for them." Black and white, and then the tone changed: "In addition, the House of Assassins will not do this. It’s the truth of the Assassin’s House, because they can just assassinate them directly because of something.”

"Yeah, that's right." June Feixue nodded: "In addition, the Commercial League is not a fighting gang, and the Commercial League has many free shops in our Wushuang City. If Wushuang City is breached, it will be a great loss for them. In addition, we have been cooperating very well recently. They hope we are getting stronger and stronger. This will be beneficial to them. As a result, there will be big gangs like Heroes of Heaven, One Nian Family, Ouyang Family, and Ye Yu Family."

"The heroes of Tianzhan have been fighting openly and secretly with Fengxing. If we provoke, we should also provoke our relationship with Fengxing. On the first day of the arena, Ye Luo defeated Fengxing Kyushu. This is a very good excuse to provoke, but they don’t have it, so He should not be a hero of the heavenly war." Samadhi Shi said.

"The Yinian family has no hatred with us. Although they have had some feasts with the Long family, they didn't fight too much. The situation on both sides is pretty good, so there is no such need." Black and white chess said, she sneered: "So there is nothing left. There are two gangs. The Ouyang Family and the Yeyu Family are probably the ghosts of these two gangs. I think it should be the Yeyu Family who did these. The woman Ye Yufei is the best at this."

"Yes, in all likelihood, the woman from Ye Yu Fei Fei is doing things behind her back. She wants to see us fight other gangs." June Feixue said angrily, and her words were also recognized by many people.

That’s right, in the hearts of everyone, Ye Yu Fei Fei is quite good at conspiracy and trickery, and quite ambitious, and if Ying Mi Pavilion fights against the Ye Yu family, it is a good opportunity to fight with the Long Family and the Eastern Family, so everyone thinks it is Ye Yu. Faey was doing things behind his back.

"But if the Ye Yu family wants to do something, shouldn't they provoke our relationship with Uncle Bacchus?" Changhe Sunset said in a puzzled manner, "Why did they provoke us and the Long family?"

"If you say you are a idiot, you are really a idiot. If you directly provoke our relationship with Uncle Bacchus or the Nangong family, it is too simple and clear. Idiots know that the Ye Yu family is behind the scenes. Ye Yu Fei Fei is not an idiot." Feixue said in June, and then his tone changed: "Besides, we have the strongest relationship with Uncle Bacchus. If there is such a video, Uncle Bacchus will definitely communicate with us, so Ye Yufei's strategy will not It's self-defeating."

"Yes, all China knows that we have the best relationship with the fine wine family. This relationship is not capable of instigating discord." Othello took over.

"Hmph, Ye Yu Fei Fei is really bold, I really thought we would not deal with them." Po Lang Chengfeng hummed coldly, she looked at June Feixue: "Wait, wait for our revenge next. We haven't launched a gang challenge since, so let's take them this time."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind made June Feixue and the others excited. They were gearing up to destroy the Ye Yu family, and even the elite players around them were excited.

"Sister Feng, don't be impulsive, I feel that this was not done by the Ye Yu family." Suddenly Ye Luo said, seeing the puzzled look of Po Lang Chengfeng and others, he continued: "Although Ye Yu Fei is very ambitious, she can Not a stupid person, so simple to instigate divorce is not her method. It should be someone else who instigates divorce."

"Yes, Ye Yu Feifei is a smart person. Maybe she can use a very simple reason to deal with the Nangong family, but she will never or dare to use such a simple means to deal with us." Samadhi Shi took the stubbornly and did not treat everyone. Expressing her own opinion, she continued: "Ye Yu Fei Fei is a courageous and thoughtful person. She wants to deal with a gang and will definitely investigate this gang clearly. I think she has long wanted to deal with us, so she should We know it well."

"It's because she really wants to deal with us and has no strength to deal with us, so she is conspiring behind her back." June Feixue said, her tone taken for granted.

"I said that Ye Yu Fei Fei must have investigated us, and naturally I also know Feixue's identity and abilities." Samadhi said, seeing June Feixue showing a sudden look, she nodded: "Yes, Ye Yu Feifei should know that it shouldn’t be difficult to find out the source of the video with your ability and then target specific people. In this case, how could she use this trick? Isn’t it easy to expose and then get revenge."

"Uh, this is true." June Feixue nodded, and then changed his tone: "So there is another person behind the scenes, Ouyang Family?"

"Well, the suspicion of the Ouyang family is the most." Samadhi nodded, and a smile was raised on her mouth: "The relationship between the Ouyang family and the Eastern family became very bad, especially after the Eastern family challenged and defeated it. In addition, the Long Family and Ouyang Family are located in the same secondary city, so it is normal to provoke the relationship between the Long Family and us."

"The most important thing is that Ouyang Feitian doesn't know Feixue's ability, otherwise he wouldn't do it, because it's too stupid." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing this, everyone agreed, and said in a cold voice: "If you wait for Feixue to find out that this is the Ouyang family behind the scenes, then don’t blame us for challenging them. Hey, I was challenged by the Eastern family and then Defeated, now defeated by us, I think Ouyang Feitian will regret doing such a thing."

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