VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1463: : Three videos

The new arena system is a little different from the previous one, and it is also the same in terms of points. The biggest change is that the loser will not reduce the points. In the previous defeat, the points will be reduced by 2 points. After all, the official arena can only participate in 10 games a day. , There is no need to worry that someone will use points, so there is no need to set points to be reduced for defeat.

Think about it. In the past, there was no limit on the number of games in the arena. You can participate once every 3 minutes, and the points can be exchanged for many things. If you do not set the defeat, the points will be reduced. I am afraid that some people will take advantage of this loophole. Participating in the arena missions, regardless of winning or losing, after all, as long as one more victory can add points, the points will not decrease.

However, if the defeat is reduced by 2 points, no one will be able to take advantage of this loophole anymore, because if the number of defeats is too many, the points will not increase and decrease, and many people will no longer use points.

It has been a day and a half since the reform of the arena, and many people have completed 20 games, because many people like to play arena games in the early morning, Dongfang Xiaotian, Longtengtianxia and others are like this.

If you win 20 games, it should be 60 points, but Dongfang Xiaotian and Longteng Tianxia only have 57 points, which means that they both lost a game.

Dongfang Xiaotian and Longteng Tianxia are all super masters. They are at the same level as Eastern Killing Heaven, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others, but these two were defeated in the arena, especially Long Teng Tianxia. It was big news for Yue Feixue and others, and they were naturally curious.

In the hearts of June Feixue and others, Longteng Tianxia is one of the three most powerful people in the Chinese game industry. There is not much chance of winning against him. I am afraid that only Dongfang Tiantian and Ye Luo have the chance to defeat him. Now that they learned that he was defeated, they were naturally curious.

"Could it be that Longteng Tianxia met Dongfang Killing the Sky?" Othello said to himself, and then his tone changed: "But who defeated Dongfang Xiaotian? Could it be Longteng Tianxia, ​​or Guyan in the desert?"

The masters of each gang will mostly avoid their own people when they participate in the arena. For example, when Ye Luo is matching, Changhe Sunset and others will not match, so that they can prevent their own people from meeting together, so they know Dongfang Xiaotian It was not defeated by Dongfang Tiantian, so that only a few people, such as Longtengtianxia and Damo Guyan, could defeat him.

"No, Dongfang Xiaotian is equipped with an ancient god-level suit. The overall strength is extremely tyrannical. People in the desert, Guyan, Yueyue, etc. have no chance to kill him." Samadhi poetry quickly made a judgment: "So Speaking of Long Teng Tianxia, ​​the opportunity is great, because he is also equipped with an ancient god-level suit, and it is still the most suitable fire suit for him."

"Well, it makes sense, Longteng Tianxia is very strong now. I don't have much chance of winning against him." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

"Well, I ran into Dongfang Xiaotian in the first arena in the early morning and defeated him 2-0." Ye Luo said, attacking the fallen tree elves around him.

"Haha, it turns out that you defeated Dongfang Xiaotian by Ye Luo, so it's no surprise." Othello couldn't help laughing: "Although Dongfang Xiaotian is very strong, although he is equipped with the ancient gods After the level suit, the strength is further strengthened, but Ye Luo still has no chance, because Ye Luo is slightly better than him in terms of operation, equipment level and skills, and it is normal to win against him."

"That's natural, Brother Ye is the best." Zhiyue Man worshipped authentically.

"Well, it seems that Uncle Ye Luo is indeed the most powerful at the moment, especially after he obtains the [Ring of Light], even if he is against Dongfang Tiantian, he has nearly 60% chance of winning." June Feixue is the first lighter. After thinking of something, she chuckled: "But the people of the Eastern family are really unlucky. Yesterday, Uncle Ye Luo defeated Dongfang Mietian, and Dongfang star was defeated by Sister Feng. Now Dongfang Xiaotian has also been defeated. Uncle Ye Luo defeated, the three of them will enter the top 10 with almost nothing. After all, many of them have won 20 consecutive victories in the arena."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, June Feixue thought of something again. She was full of doubts and said: "But who defeated Longteng Tianxia, ​​isn't it true that the East is killing the sky."

"It's not the Eastern Killing of the Sky, because the Eastern Killing of the Sky has only 30 points, which means that he has not participated in today's 10 arena matches, so naturally he is not the one who defeated Longtengtian." Othello noticed this, and then She said to herself, "Who defeated him in this way?"

"Sister Shi, your relationship with Long Teng Tianxia has eased a lot, why don't you ask him." June Feixue said suddenly, but her tone was slightly interesting.

Hearing this, Samadhi poetry's pretty face blushed, and she pretended to be Jiao: "You have to ask yourself."

"Sister Shi is naturally not good for this kind of thing. After all, Long Teng Tianxia is also a face-saving person. It would be embarrassing if she asks." Othello understood the thoughts of Samadhi poetry, and then she sighed: "Oh, Who on earth defeated Longteng Tianxia? Could it be that Longteng Tianxia lost Jingzhou carelessly and capsized in the gutter?"

Hearing that, Ye Luo, who was killing monsters, looked slightly unnatural, but didn't say anything.

"Hey, my people communicated to me that there are now 3 videos in the game that are extremely popular, and they are all related to our lingering pavilion." Suddenly, June Feixue gave a soft voice, saying these things and let the waves ride the wind. People posted three links.

The three links are three videos. To be precise, they are the videos of the three arena PK. One of them is the competition between the waves and the wind and the Dongfang star. The other two are the arena PK where Ye Luo participated, and one of them is the Dongfang. Xiaotian's competition, and the opponent in the other game is Dragon World.

I have to say that these three videos are not without reason, because the PK in the video is the top battle in the game industry today, whether it is operation, awareness, equipment, skill level, etc. of the two parties participating in the PK are the most. first class.

Let me talk about the comparison between Eastern Stars and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. The former Demon Witch Sovereign is undoubtedly an extremely powerful profession in one-on-one. The deceleration, defense reduction, and attack reduction of [Devil Mist] are combined with various control and curse skills, even if they are powerful. It’s difficult to cope with the dual professions.

Perhaps in the first game of the game, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind relied on the advantage of [Thor Purification] to have a displacement skill that easily approached the Eastern Star and defeated it. However, the second game of Waves Riding the Wind could win the victory entirely by powerful tactics.

The other two videos are more exciting than the battle between Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Dongfang Xiaotian. Although the PK between Ye Luo and Dongfang Xiaotian ended with the upper hand, both of them showed strong operational skills to respond to consciousness. It is not an exaggeration to call the top combat.

If the battle between Ye Luo and Dongfang Xiaotian is the top PK, then the PK between Ye Luo and Longteng Tianxia is beyond the classic battle. The god-level operations of the two are breathtaking, and even the second place makes people want to make a case. The impulse to scream.

But what is surprising is that Ye Luo two people only rely on manipulation, and have never used skills at all, and they only competed once.

That's right, the Arena PK is a three-match two-win system, and at least two games must be played, but they only ended up after only one match, which can only show that one of the players chose to directly admit defeat.

Ye Luo and Long Teng Tianxia can be regarded as the top existences in China and even in the game industry, but one of them directly surrendered after only one game. This can be regarded as a highlight. It is no wonder that this video is The hottest of the three videos.

"Hey, it turns out that Ye Luo won Longteng Tianxia." Othello gave a soft voice, and then she was overjoyed: "Tsk tsk, now you can defeat Longteng Tianxia, ​​and I didn't expect the video to be released, this time. You are famous."

"And it's just the operation to win, this is amazing." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, since you defeated Longteng Tianxia, ​​why were we wondering who defeated Longteng Tianxia before? Didn’t you say that when?"

"Big Brother Long is a friend of ours. At this time, it is a bit unkind to say that I defeated him, so Big Brother Ye would naturally not say it." Changhe Sunset expressed his own opinions very rarely.

"Well, Big Brother Ye is still very particular about life." Midnight Shu took the stubbornness, and then changed his tone: "He didn't even announce that Dongfang Xiaotian was defeated by him. He only said it when we asked. Anyway, we It’s my own, and it’s nothing. But Big Brother Longteng’s identity is a bit special, and Big Brother Ye is hard to say..."

Speaking of these midnight books and glanced at the samādhi poem, the meaning is self-evident.

"Brother Long Teng and I are evenly matched, but I have the advantage in terms of equipment level, growth aptitude, etc., so I can get a little bit of the upper hand, which is considered to be invincible, so how embarrassed to say it." Ye Luo said, he He sighed: "Brother Long Teng is a real person. He knows that he can't compare to me in skill, and his operation is a bit inferior. He also knows that the comparison is meaningless, so he directly chose to admit defeat."

"Ye Luo, you don't care about my feelings. If you win, you win. Don't be embarrassed to say anything just because it is him." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice.

With a slight smile, Ye Luo didn't say anything. Just as Samadhi Shi said, he cared about her feelings, and because of this, he never told everyone that he defeated Longteng Tianxia.

"But now everyone knows about the PK this time, so..." Zhiyue frowned slightly. She looked at Ye Luo and the Samadhi poem, her pretty face was full of worry.

"Uncle Ye Luo is impossible to leak this video, it must have been leaked by someone else." June Feixue naturally understood what Zhiyue meant, she was quite sure and authentic, and then her tone changed: "But who will This video was leaked. Isn't this provoking our relationship with the Long family?"

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