VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1446: : Club formation

The second batch of monsters came under the siege. Although their level has not been improved, there are two very troublesome monsters. One is the monster that can throw stones for long-range attacks, and the other is the monster that can jump 30 meters. Diablo Jerboa, if these two monsters are allowed to rush into the camp, then Misty Pavilion players will definitely suffer heavy casualties, especially if the Diablo Jerboa rushes into the camp.

Seeing the introduction of those two monsters, June Feixue's expression became a little more solemn, and she said: "It is indeed the last gang trial task. It is very difficult. I am afraid that 70 to 80% of the gangs will not pass this first. The second batch of monsters."

"Others can't pass it doesn't mean that we can't pass." Othello said indifferently, and then changed his tone: "Isn't it just being able to throw stones and jump into the camp? It's nothing, it's just the kind we studied before. The formation can restrain the attack methods of these monsters."

"Yes, it can be checked." He smiled and said, then he looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks beauty, is it possible to try a new formation in this case? I have already told you the formation."

Although I am looking forward to using these monsters to test the formation, Yixiao Hongchen also knows how important the 7th level gang trial mission is, and after all, the formation has not experienced a big battle, so he has to ask for the opinion of the fireworks and easy cold because he told the formation. After passing her, her ability can naturally analyze whether that formation is suitable for the current situation.

"You can try." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

With the approval of the fireworks, Hongchen became excited with a smile, and then he gave orders to Othello and others.

Obtained by Yixiaohongchen's order, Othello and the others were excited, and then they led the team into action. For a while, the defensive formation formed before became a sharp knife under the leadership of Yixiaozuifeng and others, and then extended outwards and bloomed towards the petals. general.

Before the charge, the cavalry picked up the magician, summoner, priest and other professions, and then launched the charge.

At this time, the horror of the nightmare commanding the cavalry was revealed. The powerful impact tore the monsters apart. Of course, it was mainly because the monsters were scarce under everyone’s attack before, and the players carried by the cavalry at the time of the charge threw the machine hand at any time. . Ray suppressed those monsters.

After the charge is cutting, this is Yuanyi Xiaolou’s best cavalry tactics, but this time it’s a bit different, because there are more sharp knives this time, and after the charge, these sharp knives start to rotate, and slowly fight wildly as they rotate outward. , And after the original formation was expanded by 1 and 2 these knives were divided into countless teams, and then formed into a circle.

There are 10 players in each team, and these players have roughly the same occupational mix. 5 out of ten are cavalry, 2 magicians, 1 archer, 1 priest, 1 boxer, and of course, sometimes boxers and bows. The hand will be replaced by a summoner, and these summoners have a green scorpion hovering above their heads. This is the unique pet of the Misty Pavilion summoner.

That's right, the green dragon is a pet that was hit in the blue dragon stream. It was originally at the Quasi-God level, but after using the [Potential Pill] on it, it was upgraded to the Quasi-Ancient God level. The strength is extremely powerful, and this is also the Misty Pavilion Summoner. Sign pet.

Qing Jiao has control skills such as [Dragon Swing Tail] and [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens]. The latter is also a group control skill, and it also has the group attack skill [Changing Wind and Waves]. The damage output is quite strong, and it is in a 10-man team. Skills play the role of damage output and control.

In addition, the green dragon can also fly into the sky to attack, so it has a strong ability to deal with flying monsters.

Five cavalrymen form a circle to encircle the professions such as magician and archer, which are responsible for resisting monster attacks. The magician and archer are responsible for outputting, the priest is responsible for increasing the blood and state, and the summoner or boxer is responsible for controlling the target. Control ability.

Ordinary summoners naturally don't have many control skills, but the summoners of the Misty Pavilion are not ordinary summoners. The green waters they summon not only have strong control capabilities, but also have strong damage output capabilities.

A team has defense, output, treatment, and control. Such a team undoubtedly has a very strong survivability, and such a team can survive in the face of a powerful target, as long as it survives, it can hit damage output.

The 5 cavalry guards outside, like a five-petal plum blossom, and priests, magicians, etc. are undoubtedly the stamens. This formation was named plum blossom formation by the samādhi, which is a poetic and complementary name.

The team of 100,000 people spread out, forming a plum blossom formation. Each formation is not too far apart, and there are many gaps between them, and the monsters are undoubtedly divided between the gaps. At this time Profession such as magician and archer can attack as much as you like.

The formation of 5 cavalry is not very big, and this formation is very flexible, can avoid the stones, of course, more often the knights resist, but when the dark jersey comes, the boxer and the summoner will control it. , After all, they have a lot of control skills, so it is very effective to dissolve the dark jerky.

If you think about it, if you let the dark jerbo jump to the middle of the previous camp, then those crispy priests and magicians will undoubtedly suffer heavy casualties, and this formation can minimize the attack of priests and other professions. The cavalry can resist those monsters.

The gap between the plum blossom formations can cover a lot of group attack skills, so the damage output is also quite high, and the number of monsters is rapidly decreasing over time.

Seeing that the formation that Yixiao Hongchen was studying had such an effect, everyone was pleasantly surprised. There shouldn't be much problem in dealing with the second batch of monsters.

"This formation is suitable for a protracted battle, and the previous formation is better for the tough battle." Samadhi commented, and then changed his tone: "Of course, it would be better to use a plum blossom formation in this situation."

"Okay, although this formation is very good, but if there are more monsters, it will be very troublesome, especially the kind of jerbo." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was a little excited when she said this: "Ye Luo, let's kill those Jerking mouse and stone-slinger go, kill them all, so Xiaoqi and them will relax."

"It's a bit difficult for the two of us, but fortunately, there are not many such monsters. Kill one and one less." Ye Luo said, while talking about these, he specifically attacked the dark jerks and stone slings, with his strength in a short time. The inside also killed a lot.

After that, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others didn't say much, and tried to kill them. With the bursts of explosions, the number of monsters quickly decreased.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Shi, there are more and more monsters. They are too much to kill. Sister Chess and the others are under a lot of pressure. Would you like me to perform big moves?" June Feixue said with expectation: "Of course, if I can It’s better to use one or two combo skills. With so many monsters now, the effect of using combo skills is the best."

"It's not yet the time to perform the big move, because the last batch of monsters has not yet come. I suspect that the last batch of monsters will have flying monsters, and there will be a lot of them." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "And even if it is. You should also perform the ultimate move, but Ye Luo or Sister Feng, they both have 2 ultimate moves, which can last for 10 minutes, and there is nothing to do with one."

"Let Ye Luo and Sister Feng support, and don’t use big moves as much as possible, and don’t use [Ten Thousand Swords Return], because the last batch of monsters will come in 1 or 2 minutes. Land monsters and flying monsters It will be covered together. At this time, it is best to use large-scale and large-scale skills." Fireworks Yieldly gave the command: "In addition, air power should not be stingy with skills and traps. Thunder, regardless of level 1 or level 2, can be thrown out. ."

When talking about this, the firework Yield cold pointed out the most stressful place in the battlefield, and Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others also rushed to support, plus a lot of organ hands. Thunder thrown out, powerful damage output to those monsters. It has also been temporarily suppressed, and at least in a short period of time, it will not be a big threat to the artificiality of the Misty Pavilion.

Ten minutes later, the third batch of monsters finally arrived. Watching the monsters rushing like black clouds, and hearing the ugly crows, the expressions of everyone became a little serious.

"I'm going, the third batch of monsters are really flying monsters. Although the level is still 285, they are quasi-god-level bosses. This kind of monster is much stronger than purgatory-level monsters." Seeing the monster's attributes, break the waves. Chengfeng couldn't help but explode with a foul language.

"Yeah, with so many flying monsters, we don't have siege equipment at all. It's a bit difficult to kill all of them before our people are killed." Othello muttered.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? The number of these monsters is always limited. They are just quasi-god-level BOSS. Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng can shuttle among the monsters without being killed, even a few of us. As long as we are not killed, then There is always a moment to kill them all." June Feixue said indifferently.

That's right, in June Feixue's heart, Ye Luo and the others can stand up to the monster's attack without being killed, so they can continue to kill, so that there is always a moment to kill all the monsters.

"It seems to be so." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and then changed his tone: "What's more, we also have summoners. They all have green water scorpions. This is a pet of the quasi-ancient god-level boss, although the level is much lower than these crows. Yes, but the rank is higher, so it should be able to kill a lot of crows."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." The book's voice in the middle of the night sounded in the team channel, and he sighed: "Because I heard the dragon roar, it means there are monsters behind, and it should be a dragon-shaped monster. No, it's the Dragon Knight!"

"What, Dragon Knight?!" June Feixue was stunned, and then she hurriedly asked about what she thought of: "Little book, what level are these dragon knights, how many are there, and what are the attributes of the dragon?!"

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