VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1445: : The second batch of monsters

Although the career of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is very powerful, there are not many group attack skills. It is not as good as June Feixue and other magicians, and even less than Ye Luo, especially since she does not have the equipment to reduce the skill CD time, so she falls On the ground, with the splash effect of the long sword, the attack damage is higher, because a random sword is comparable to a group attack.

On the other side, Ye Luo also landed on the ground, except that he had a magic wand in his left hand and a long sword in his right hand. The long sword used ordinary attacks. The magic wand displayed group attack skills. The damage output was even more impressive, much higher than the waves and wind.

That's right, Ye Luo doesn't have many sword group attack skills, and flying all the time will consume a lot of magic, so it's better to fall to the ground. [Blade of Reincarnation] has better splashing effects than the two long swords that break the waves and ride the wind. Much higher.

Yeluo’s equipment level is better than that of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. With the addition of the title bonus of [Extreme Challenge Championship], he can easily resist the attacks of monsters, and he can naturally also. The high damage figures floated with the stick waving, and soon a monster died in his hands.

Level 285 purgatory monsters have high defense power, but the [Blade of Reincarnation] and Venerable Reincarnation’s [Power of Reincarnation] come with a lot of pure damage, and the additional attributes of [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] are higher, so Ye Luo always The damage of one sword and group attack skills is still very high.

When breaking the waves and riding the wind and they started their hands, June Feixue and others also rode dragons or fire phoenixes to meet those monster groups, even sitting on the piano heart, and June Feixue riding flying mounts to rush up. After the various group attack skills were displayed, a piece of terrifying damage figures floated, and monsters fell and turned into nothingness.

"Tsk tusk, the damage output of those of us is very high, and the level 285 monsters are not very strong." June Feixue said nonchalantly.

"There are not many players in a gang as strong as we are." The calligraphy in the middle of the night attacked the monster while talking.

Although he is an assassin, Venerable Windy hidden in the Book of Midnight also has the skills of a swordsman, and his equipment level is very good, so he can resist the attacks of monsters. The most important thing is that Venerable Windy hidden can display [Wind Array] Such group attack skills can cause a lot of damage while also slowing monsters.

"Hehe, that's true." June Feixue sneered, and then changed his tone: "But it's just such a monster that can't break the defenses of Sister Chess and their cavalry. Then our magicians, archers and other long-range The damage output of the profession can be reflected, covering so many monsters, the damage will be considerable."

"I hope so." Samadhi said lightly.

Soon after the monsters rushed in, but before they rushed, there was a burst of violent explosions. With the explosion, many monsters’ heads floated with 10,000 damage figures, and many of them were dizzy on the spot. The monsters behind The army rushed up, trampling and collision happened occasionally, and the formation of those monsters was greatly affected.

Obviously, this is the effect caused by the mechanism*, and when the Assassins went out to investigate in the middle of the night, a lot of mechanism* were buried at hand. These things can also help the players of the Misty Pavilion reduce some pressure.

Although there are organs* to take action, after all, there are a lot of monsters, like tides, and black and heavy, they ignore the organs*, successfully stepped past, and soon rushed to the front of the misty pavilion players.

Upon seeing this, Othello and others led the cavalry to greet them, and with their strong defense power and blood, they also resisted the attacks of those monsters. The most important thing is that the priests of the Misty Pavilion have a very good healing output. Under their increased blood Othello and others hardly worry about being killed by monsters.

Obtained a powerful professional suit, the mount was upgraded to the **** level, and the defensive power and offensive power of the cavalry of Misty Pavilion had a qualitative leap, even facing a level 285 monster.

Seeing that Othello and others could be completely resisted, everyone was a little relieved. At this time, long-range occupations such as magicians and archers also launched attacks. Countless group attack skills were displayed, and the damage figures floated all over the sky. Monsters were killed one after another.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, you lead the air force to focus on attacking those long-range occupations, don't let them get close to our cavalry camp." Firework Yi Leng issued an order in the team channel.

The reason why Othello and others can withstand the impact of these monsters is mainly because these monsters are mostly short-range attacks, and the monsters are quite large, so that each cavalry only faces 3 or 4 monster attacks, and the number is not Not much, so they can persist.

However, if many long-range monsters attack them again, the pressure will be much greater. It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to cold that they deliberately gave Ye Luo orders to deal with those long-range monsters.

Needless to say, they took action by breaking the waves and riding the wind. The air power of the Misty Pavilion was the strongest in China. At this time, their combat power was also reflected, attracting and killing many long-range attack monsters. Their pressure on chess is much relieved.

Cavalry resists the charge of monsters, priests increase blood, magicians and other long-range professions attack freely, and mobile airpower such as breaking waves and riding wind will support weak defensive forces under the command of fireworks and others. His job, but also successfully persisted.

Time passed slowly in the group of resisting monsters, and the time of 7 or 8 minutes seemed to have passed more than half a century.

"It's not difficult, we can easily resist it." After so long, the monster's attack was still easily resisted, and Othello was nonchalant.

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense to be like this all the time, it's almost 10 minutes passed, when is it big?" June Feixue said quite dissatisfied.

"This is a 7th-level gang trial mission. How can it be so easy to end." Samadhi poetry said, and then changed his tone: "But it's just such an attack that I can't help us. Even the top ten gangs can survive. There should be more powerful monsters coming next."

"There should be." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "I feel that there should be a change when the mission officially started 10 minutes. This time the change should bring us a lot of trouble."

"What, there is a second batch of monsters?!" Zhiyue's voice increased a little, and her tone was a little worried: "The first batch of monsters are already level 285 purgatory monsters, isn't the second batch more troublesome? It shouldn't be a level 290 or level 300 monster, if it is really that way, it will be difficult for us to resist it."

"Since there are the first batch and the second batch, doesn't it mean that there is a third batch or more?" June Feixue took over: "At least there will be three batches. It's a bit troublesome now. Must be able to withstand it."

"After all, this is the 7th level gang trial mission, and the last gang trial mission. The difficulty is naturally unusual." Samadhi explained, and then changed his tone: "But it should not be a level 300 monster, or even the next second. The monsters of the first batch and the third batch will not be upgraded, but there will be some changes in monster types, such as higher ranks, such as flying monsters."

"Then we should try our best to attack and kill these monsters earlier, so that it will be easier to deal with the second batch and the third batch." Black and White asked in the team channel: "Then can we use it? The mechanism hand mine is mine, hehe, this time the mechanism hand mine is level 2, and its damage and range are much stronger than the normal mechanism hand mine."

After the extreme challenge competition, the Misty Pavilion has other gains. Life players have also obtained a lot of crafting blueprints, such as the level 2 mechanism hand. Thunder. Although this mechanism product is not as powerful as the mechanism, it is much stronger than the level 1. .

For this gang trial mission, they prepared a lot for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. They not only carried a lot of organs*, but also carried a lot of level 2 organ grenades. These things must be necessary for them to complete the gang trial mission. Very helpful.

"Well, increase your attack and destroy these monsters as quickly as possible." Firework Yi said coldly.

Hearing the command of the fireworks to be easy to cold, everyone cheered up, especially the cavalry and the air power in the air. For a time, the organ hand thunder threw out, a violent explosion sounded, and a piece of damage number floated.

Perhaps the damage of Level 2 mechanism hand Thunder is not too high, but this kind of thing can still cause considerable damage in places with dense monsters, which also greatly speeds up the death of monsters.

Soon after 10 minutes of the mission, as the firework Yi Leng said, another group of monsters rushed over at this time, but Ye Luo and the others were slightly relieved that these monsters were similar to the previous ones, and they were also level 285. Monsters, but there is a monster that can throw stones, similar to a catapult.

The attack distance of this kind of monster is a bit far, and the attack power of the stone is a bit strong.

"It's just that, there is nothing wrong with that, we can easily survive it." Seeing the second batch of monsters, June Feixue was quite indifferent.

As soon as the voice fell, a new type of monster suddenly appeared where she could see. This monster did not rush, but jumped, like a kangaroo. It was these monsters that shocked the waves and rides the wind. They could jump 2,30 meters away, and their expressions became more solemn after seeing this monster.

"Worse, this is a dark jerboa. This monster can jump 30 meters and trample on a single target." Soon the voice of the book sounded in the team channel in the middle of the night: "That means they can skip ours. The cavalry attacked our magicians and archers. This monster has the skill of "Sweeping a Thousand Armies". It has a large attack range and high damage. If you let them rush in, it will be troublesome."

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